Chapter 154 Yu Xiaogang was deceived and became lame!


Hearing Gu Junlin's words, Yu Xiaogang was stunned.

Let’s talk step by step?
Is this taking him somewhere else for punishment?

its not right!
If His Majesty the Prince wants to punish me, he can do it here.

There’s no need to go to the trouble of going somewhere else to do the punishment.

Could it be that His Majesty the Prince no longer blames me, but actually has something to discuss?

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang was ecstatic.

He agreed immediately, "It all depends on His Majesty the Prince's orders!"


Gu Junlin nodded, and then walked ahead with Tang Yuehua minding his own business.

Seeing this, Yu Xiaogang had no choice but to follow him honestly.

Not long after, everyone arrived at Yuexuan.

Gu Junlin did not take Yu Xiaogang to the top floor, but sat down in the living room on this floor.

The top floor was his and Tang Yuehua's private area, so naturally he would not bring an outsider like Yu Xiaogang up there.

Gu Junlin pointed to the chair in front of him and said to Yu Xiaogang: "Sit."

Yu Xiaogang accepted the order and sat obediently opposite Gu Junlin.

"I wonder what your Majesty the Prince's orders are?"

Quite interesting!

Seeing Yu Xiaogang's respectful attitude, Gu Junlin couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he didn't mince words and said directly, "You know Dean Liu of Lanba Academy, right?"

"Two dragons?"

Yu Xiaogang was slightly startled, wondering why Gu Junlin asked this.

"Yes, it's Liu Erlong. Do you know her?"

After saying that, Gu Junlin looked at Yu Xiaogang with a half-smile.

"You just offended me, please think about it carefully before speaking."

When he saw Gu Junlin's eyes, Yu Xiaogang instantly shuddered.

Thinking of Prince Xuexing's terrifying identity, Yu Xiaogang didn't dare to hide it at all.

I have to be honest.

"We know her. She and I are very good friends."

"Oh? How good is it?"

After listening to what Yu Xiaogang said, Gu Junlin couldn't help but have a playful smile on his face.

Yu Xiaogang answered honestly, "Very good! The kind who can give his life for the other person!"

Gu Junlin nodded and continued to ask: "In that case, if it can be good for her, are you willing to pay some price for her?"

"Of course I am willing!"

Yu Xiaogang said directly without thinking.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang's attitude, Gu Junlin was slightly stunned.

Unexpectedly, this guy was really sad for Liu Erlong.

That's fine, the more concerned I am, the better I can carry out the next plan.

Thinking of this, Gu Junlin couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Then he thought for a moment, and then asked knowingly: "Liu Erlong is a member of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family. Do you know this?"

Yu Xiaogang was slightly taken aback.

Of course he knows!
Not only is Liu Erlong a member of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, he is too!
But then I thought about it, what is the identity of His Majesty the Prince?
If you want to investigate a person's origins, isn't it easy to do so?

But he was a little confused. Why did Gu Junlin bring this up?
But since it was brought up, it wouldn't be a good idea if he didn't answer.He could only nod his head honestly, "I know, but why does His Majesty ask this?"

Gu Junlin nodded and began to make up a story again.

He sighed softly, with an actor-level worry on his face.

"That's it. After my investigation, I learned that Dean Liu Erlong is an abandoned son who was expelled from his family!"

"In addition, she also has a cousin who was also an abandoned son expelled from the family!"

"Did you know? Her original intention of establishing Lanba Academy was to gain recognition from her family!"

"And according to the reliable information I got, her real reason is to hope that her cousin can return to the family!"

"After all, she is already an Eight-Hand Soul Douluo and has been very successful. She doesn't need the family's approval at all!"

Having said this, Gu Junlin paused for a moment, then turned to look at Yu Xiaogang, and said solemnly: "You know, I am a person who loves others more."

I know shit!
Yu Xiaogang wanted to complain!
This is my first time to see you. I don’t know if you hurt others!

But His Majesty the Prince has a distinguished status, so he did not dare to refute, so he had to listen obediently.

Gu Junlin naturally noticed the change in Yu Xiaogang's expression, but he did not expose it and just kept talking to himself.

"Because I feel sorry for this woman who dares to fight against injustice, I am ready to help her, and I have even thought of a way!"

"It's just that Dean Liu's temper is too strong and she doesn't want to accept my help!"

"So, I invited you here today mainly because I want you to help me persuade Dean Liu so that she can accept my help!"

"After all, it's too hard for her as a woman to fight outside for her cousin!"

After saying that, Gu Junlin looked at Yu Xiaogang again and said solemnly: "Are you willing to help me?"

Yu Xiaogang: "."

You have said so, do I dare to say no?

Besides, he was indeed moved when he heard Gu Junlin's analysis.

My cousin seems to really be doing my best!

If that's the case, then why don't I help her?

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang turned to look at Gu Junlin and asked, "I wonder how His Majesty the Prince can help Erlong?"

"It's easy!"

"The fastest and most effective way to increase your reputation in Douluo Continent is to participate in the continent-wide senior soul master competition!"

"And as Dean Liu, as the dean of Lanba Academy, as long as she can cultivate a team that is the champion of the continent's advanced soul master competition, then I believe that her reputation will reach its peak and she will gain the support of her family!"

At this point, Gu Junlin paused, and then told the story to Liu Erlong again.

"The thing is like this, the Tiandou royal family has always had an unwritten rule in their struggle for the throne!"

"That is, no matter how many princes compete for the throne, the royal family will give certain compensation to the loser!"

"And in our generation, there are only two princes in total, so the compensation given to me is relatively generous!"

"One of them is to provide certain resources to support my family!"

"I believe that with the resources provided by the royal family, we can easily build a team that can win the continental senior soul master competition championship!"

After speaking, Gu Junlin lifted the water on the table and took a sip.

After making up so many stories, his mouth was really dry.

Opposite, after hearing Gu Junlin's words, Yu Xiaogang was completely stunned!
He looked at Gu Junlin blankly and asked in a trembling voice: "I wonder what His Majesty the Prince means by family?"

In fact, Yu Xiaogang had already guessed what Gu Junlin meant.

But he still couldn't believe it.

So he could only ask solemnly.

"It's very simple, as long as you help persuade Dean Liu to marry me!"

"Then I will have a way to convince the royal family to allocate resources to Dean Liu!"

"At that time, using the royal family's resources, we can easily help Dean Liu create a championship team!"

(End of this chapter)

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