Chapter 108 Xiao Wu's mother!

After everything was over, Gu Junlin stood up and turned to look at Bibi Dong.

"Dong'er, let's go, go back."


Bibi Dong nodded, came to Gu Junlin's side, held his hand, and walked towards the periphery of the Star Dou Forest together.

But just two steps away, Gu Junlin stopped suddenly.

"Brother Junlin, what's the matter?" Bibidong looked at Gu Junlin with a puzzled face.

Gu Junlin didn't answer, but just smiled coldly.

Then, he shot violently in one direction.

In the next second, he came to a towering giant tree and punched out.

Suddenly, sawdust splashed everywhere.

The towering giant tree trembled, and then burst from the middle.

In the next second, a woman in a white dress appeared in the eyes of Gu Junlin and Bibidong.

The woman is about 20 years old, without any makeup on her delicate face, she looks like a beautiful woman next door.

She has a delicate oval face, bright eyes under her eyebrows, and waterfall-like black hair hanging from the back of her head to her buttocks.

The woman has a pair of bright eyes, but for some reason, the original bright eyes are full of deep resentment.

"10-year soft bone rabbit?"

From the very first moment she saw the woman, Bibi Dong discovered her identity.

After the soul beast turns into a human being, it needs to be cultivated to the seventh ring soul sage to completely cover up one's aura and become a real human being.

But before reaching the Soul Sage of the Seven Rings, in the eyes of human Titled Douluo, it was impossible to hide his identity.

At this moment, Bibi Dong has been promoted to the realm of the title of Nine Rings, so she can naturally see the transformed soul beast.

The woman in front of her obviously hadn't cultivated to the Seven Rings Soul Sage, so Bibi Dong could easily see through her identity.

"That's right, it's a soul beast."

On the side, Gu Junlin nodded in agreement.

If he guessed correctly, the woman in front of him was Xiao Wu's mother.

As for the name, he didn't know.

Because it was not mentioned in the original book.

On the opposite side, Bibi Dong looked at the woman with a fierce look in her eyes.

Then he turned to Gu Junlin and said, "Brother Junlin, do you want it?"

As she spoke, she gestured to wipe her throat!
Eat marrow to know the taste.

After absorbing the spirit rings of the two forest kings, Bibi Dong was completely obsessed with this feeling of soaring strength.

So from the first moment when she saw the woman again, she couldn't wait to kill him.

Then absorb the opponent's soul ring and soul bone to improve your own cultivation!

Hearing Bibi Dong's words, Gu Junlin was taken aback for a moment.

Then he turned his head and looked at the other side dumbfounded.

Good guy, Dong'er became cruel, even worse than himself.

But it was rare to meet a high-quality woman, so he naturally didn't want to just let her turn into Dong'er's soul ring.

So Gu Junlin blinked at Bibi Dong, trying to reverse her thinking of being like a king of hell.

"Dong'er, isn't it a pity to kill such a beautiful woman like a flower like a jade?"

"It's not a pity, I absorbed her soul ring, which can improve my strength a lot."

Bibi Dong turned her head to look at Gu Junlin, and smiled sweetly, "If you can use your life to provide me with the last bit of light and heat, it can be regarded as making the best use of everything."

Gu Junlin immediately smiled wryly.

Makes sense!

However, Gu Junlin really wanted to have many children with this woman.

But he couldn't tell Bibi Dongming.

He could only insinuate and said: "Dong'er, tell me, does such a beautiful woman have other greater uses?"

Bibi Dong tilted her head, a puzzled look flashed in her eyes, "What use can be greater than providing me with strength?"

Seeing that Bibi Dong hadn't reacted yet, Gu Junlin could only continue to speak tactfully.

"I remember you and Huang'er Yin'er said before that you want me to have more children and revitalize the Wuhun Palace..."

"Having a baby, I can't do it alone, you have something to do, Huang'er and Yin'er are too busy..."

"So, Dong'er understands..."

"That's right!" Hearing Gu Junlin's words, Bibi Dong finally came to her senses, and slammed her forehead, muttering to herself.

"I almost forgot, Brother Junlin, your descendants will all have the effect of doubling their cultivation speed..."

"Many lives, brother Junlin, you must live more!"

After muttering, she turned her head, looked at the woman in the white skirt, and said coldly: "I'll give you a chance to marry my brother Junlin, and I will spare you!"

Gu Junlin: "..."

Bibi Dong's sudden and fierce words left Gu Junlin speechless.

He was already considered an autocratic bandit, why did Dong'er lose his way when Dong'er opened his mouth?
No, Dong'er's robbery must be stopped.

"Dong'er, you can't be so domineering when facing women, especially beautiful ones!"

"What if you hurt the beauty's heart?"

Gu Junlin followed good guidance, hoping to persuade Dong'er to be kind.

Bibi Dong was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head to look at Gu Junlin, her eyes filled with contempt.

You didn't treat me like this on Hell Road back then!

Compared with Gu Junlin, her methods are already relatively soft.

But Gu Junlin had already spoken, and she could only follow the other party's opinion.

So he spread his arms and asked aloud: "Brother Junlin, what do you think should be done?"

"It's easy to handle."

Gu Junlin smiled slightly, turned to look at the woman in the white skirt, and spoke calmly.

"Knock out, carry it back."

Bibi Dong: "..."

Now it was Bibi Dong's turn to be speechless.

Still the original recipe, still the familiar taste.

At this second, Bibi Dong seemed to see what happened to him on Hell Road back then.

It's really... good fortune tricks people.

On the opposite side, seeing Gu Junlin and Bibi Dong talking about her like no one else, the anger on the woman's face couldn't stop overflowing.

These two people, not only killed her two favorite younger brothers, but also insulted herself.

How can she bear this?
Suddenly, a boundless hatred rose from her eyes.

"You devil, I would rather die than marry you!"

"It's not up to you!"

Bibi Dong snorted coldly, then her figure flashed slightly and disappeared in place.

The next second, she came to the woman in the white skirt and slashed her neck with a knife.

How strong is Bibi Dong?
Twin martial souls, two 10-year-old soul rings, two 10-year-old soul bones, and their cultivation level is as high as 95.

And the woman in the white skirt is just a six-ring soul emperor.

How could it be possible to stop Bibi Dong.

Without any accident, the delicate body of the woman in the white skirt trembled slightly, and then fainted on the spot.

Bibi Dong clapped her hands in satisfaction, then stepped forward to lift the other party up, then turned to look at Gu Junlin, her eyes seemed to be asking for credit.

As her man, Gu Junlin of course understood what she meant, so he quickly gave her a thumbs up.

"Good job!"

(End of this chapter)

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