Chapter 103: Sky Blue Bull Python!

On the opposite side, hearing Gu Junlin's unceremonious words, Titan Giant Ape became angry.

As the king of the Star Dou Great Forest, it has never suffered such humiliation.

But feeling Gu Junlin's terrifying aura, there was a trace of solemnity in the eyes of the giant ape.

Facing Gu Junlin, it dared not relax a bit!
Two huge arms patted his chest, and the giant ape titan moved.

The king of the forest is the king of the forest, and the speed at which he erupts in an instant is completely out of proportion to his huge body.

Gu Junlin clearly felt that when the titan ape pounced on him, everything around him became dignified.

"Gravity control field?"

My body felt as heavy as if it had been filled with lead.

Domain, this is the power of domain.

Gu Junlin immediately recognized that this was not a skill, but the power of the domain.

His guess was also very correct.

As the king of the forest, the field of gravity control is one of the abilities mastered by the titan great ape.

Among the countless kinds of soul beasts, there are no more than ten kinds of soul beasts that can truly master the power of the domain.

And among these ten kinds of soul beasts, there are very few that can cultivate domains.

The gravity control domain of the titan great ape is different from ordinary gravity skills.

In this field, it can freely control the gravity changes in any place, not necessarily increasing, it may also decrease sharply.

However, after Gu Junlin discovered that this was the power of the domain, not only did he not panic at all, he even showed a slight smile.

"Tips for carving insects!"

After all, Gu Junlin's body suddenly disappeared, and then strangely appeared on top of the titan great ape.

Then he stomped his powerful right leg, and the powerful gravity field was instantly broken.

Then, the right leg continued unabated, and it suddenly stepped on the huge body of the titan great ape.

The right leg, which didn't seem to have much strength, seemed to be of great weight, and it easily stomped the titan great ape to the ground, making a deafening roar.

Severely wounded!
With an understatement, Gu Junlin directly smashed the most powerful hole card of Titan Giant Ape.

And under this leg, the Titan Giant Ape was directly and seriously injured.

Big pots of blood spat out from his giant mouth, easily staining the surrounding ground red.


Gu Junlin chuckled, and wanted to know about the Titan Giant Ape.

At this moment, however, a mutation arose.


Countless water splashes turned into dazzling and strange lights, instantly flooding the space where Gu Junlin was, making the air suddenly humid.

A huge bull's head with a diameter of more than four meters suddenly emerged from the water, with blue scales and an extremely huge body soaring into the sky.

The huge monster with the head of a bull and the body of a snake opened its mouth, and a blue light spewed out.

"Human, you are too much."

Niu Shou uttered words, his cold eyes were like sharp swords, and he looked at the people on the bank.

Everything around suddenly turned into a blue world, including Gu Junlin and Bibi Dong.

Everyone present felt that their bodies became sluggish in an instant, slowing down by at least 30.00%.

Fields, fields again.

Bibi Dong's expression changed slightly at this time.

It was also the first time they had seen this monster with the head of a bull and the body of a snake, but judging from its momentum and its eloquence.

The strength is even higher than that of the Titan Giant Ape. This piece of blue light should be similar to the existence of the slow domain.

Just like the Titan Giant Ape's Gravity Control Domain, within the scope of the domain, the monster in front of him must be able to control different slowing effects.

What came out of the water was the forest emperor and the true master of the Star Dou Forest, the Sky Blue Bull Python.

The field of slowness is its strongest trump card.

As the master of this big forest, how could he not know the goals of these people in front of him?

The giant ape titan let out a monstrous roar, and its powerful hind limbs helped its body bounce up instantly.

What does it look like when a mountain suddenly flies up?
It could not be more appropriate to describe the current Titan Giant Ape.

Although its body is huge, under the effect of the gravity control domain, it jumps towards this side as if it were as light as nothing.

Seeing the big brother appear, even if it was a seriously injured body, it resisted the discomfort and got up.

Only by joining hands with the eldest brother can we have a chance to escape today.

next moment.

The two forest kings looked at each other, and immediately rushed forward to surround Gu Junlin.

The two kings of the forest are singled out, and they are both only around level 95.

But if they work together, their strength can reach level 98 or above in an instant.

After all, the two forest kings are the world's top 10-year-old soul beasts.

And after living together for so many years, whether it is tacit understanding or cooperation, they have reached a very high level.

The rich practical experience made the thinking of the two kings of the forest extremely clear.

Confronting head-on one-on-one, it is obviously impossible for them to defeat the terrifying human powerhouse in front of them.

Seeing the two forest kings encircling him, Gu Junlin didn't respond.

Instead, he sneered and said calmly: "Just right, it's ready!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Junlin stopped talking.

I saw his body flash suddenly, and then flew into the sky in an instant.

With a strong soul power lighting up, Gu Junlin summoned the main body.

Immediately, a giant python over 50 meters appeared in the core of Star Dou Forest.

And as the ten Great Sun Emperor Pythons revealed their true bodies, the soul power of the entire Star Dou Great Forest seemed to be drawn, and began to frantically gather towards the core.

The majestic energy radiated from the huge python body, shaking the entire space.

A sweeping aura rushed out, suppressing the entire Star Dou Forest.

The countless soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest all involuntarily prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling in front of this aura that could tear apart the sky.

After summoning the main body, Gu Junlin flicked the python's tail lightly.

Suddenly, a powerful force emerged spontaneously.

Afterwards, he looked at the giant ape titan and the blue bull python fiercely.

A strong killing intent burst out of his eyes.

"Soul beast?!"

When he saw Gu Junlin's body clearly, the Azure Bull Python was stunned.

Such a powerful enemy turned out to be a soul beast like them?

Then, a look of fear emerged from its eyes.

Gu Junlin's body is too huge.

Even the Azure Bull Python, which is more than 20 meters long, looks like a younger brother with no hair yet in front of him.

Whether it is the size of the body or the terror of the breath, it is far superior to the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

The eyes of the two forest kings began to show horror.

They knew that the python in front of them could easily kill them!

"Senior, we are all of the same kind, why do we need to kill them all?"

"Who is the same as you?"

The Ten Great Sun Emperor Python snorted coldly, then opened its huge python's mouth, and spit out words that made the two forest kings terrified.

"Stop struggling, death is your only belonging!"

"Catch them without a fight, and I'll let you guys die quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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