Chapter 184 Nationally Famous
This time, he easily got 100 and helped others, which made Han Xin feel very good, although he only rewarded [-] DP points.

Today is already October [-]th, and the [-]th is about to face the peak period for tourists to return, and it will take more than ten hours to drive from Zhenshen City to Beichang City, and it is already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and it is too late to go back .

So Han Xin was going to take Zhao Linshan to play here for two days, and only went home on the [-]th.

After returning home, Han Xin had half a month's worth of videos, and now he felt no pressure.

But after only one day of rest, Han Xin received a call from Huo Gang.

"What, Team Huo, is there another case?" Han Xin asked curiously.

"Mr. Han, this time is really amazing." Huo Gang's tone sounded a little nervous.

"Hey, don't be fooled, what other serious cases can you have?" Han Xin smiled.

"Listen to me, do you know about the recent murder on Kibb Island?" Huo Gang asked.

"Could it be..." Han Xin raised his eyebrows, looking a little surprised.

"That's right, it's the diplomats from our embassy who are looking for your help this time!" Huo Gang said nervously and proudly.

This case is still very famous, and it has been reported everywhere on the Internet recently.

The case happened a week ago when a family of three went to Kibb Island for vacation during the National Day holiday.As a result, on the morning of October 10, when the hotel's cleaning staff entered, they found three people dead in the room.

The 19-year-old daughter Wu Shi died in the bathtub due to suffocation and was not sexually assaulted; the 43-year-old mother Li Li died in bed due to repeated blunt force blows to the head; and the [-]-year-old father Wu Changjun Died at the door from blood loss from a stab wound to the neck.

Judging from Wu Changjun's death action, it seems that he wanted to crawl outside for help before he died.

The belongings of the three were not lost, but Wu Changjun's mobile phone was trampled.

The reason why this case is famous is that it has nothing to do with the deceased, but because of the investigation results of the Kibb Island police.

The local police concluded that the murderer was the father.

The motive for committing the crime was that Wu Shi's mobile phone contained photos of her dating a certain boy, some of which were quite large in size.

After Wu Changjun learned that his daughter had done such an act, he lost control and tried to drown Wu Shi in the bathtub; his wife Li Li tried her best to stop her and wrestled with Wu Changjun, and was eventually beaten to death by Wu Changjun.

However, during the beating, Wu Changjun was also stabbed in the neck by Li Li's hairpin. After drowning his daughter, he found that he had lost too much blood. He tried to call for help but failed.

In fact, everyone knew that something was wrong, not to mention that the father was murdered because of his daughter's early love, the result of the investigation itself was very strange.

Because from the results, it is the conflicts caused by these three people themselves, leaving the local relationship clean: neither is it because of the poor local law and order, nor is it because of the vicious criminals in the local area, but the problem of the tourists themselves.

This result minimized the negative impact of this case on tourism on Kibb Island, so it is very suspicious.

In fact, Han Xin had suspected it when he saw the news, but he didn't know the details of the scene, so he could only doubt it.

Unexpectedly, this case actually fell into his hands now.

But for the families of the victims, it is of course impossible to accept this result.

In the eyes of the family members, Wu Changjun's family of three is usually very harmonious and happy, and Wu Changjun's colleagues also said that he has a gentle and cheerful personality, and he does not seem like a person who would do such a thing at all.

Therefore, the embassy naturally asked to re-investigate the case.

Since it has no jurisdiction abroad, the embassy can only ask to send someone to "assist" the local police in the investigation.

And Han Xin was selected to re-investigate the case, and a first secretary of the embassy was in charge of assisting him.

The good news is that it is visa-free to go to Kibb Island, and Han Xin only needs to apply for a passport to go there.

"What's the matter, where are you going to play this time?" Zhao Linshan hugged his waist from behind.

"Kibu Island." Han Xin put down his phone and said, Zhao Linshan was surprised: "Isn't that a foreign country?!"

"Yes." Han Xin squeezed her buttocks: "Get ready to apply for a passport."

With the help of the embassy, ​​Han Xin and Zhao Linshan got their passports the next day, and then flew to Kibb Island.

"My God, even the embassy asked you for help." Zhao Linshan was still muttering on the plane, "My husband is too good, and now he is a well-known detective."

"It's just a lot of pressure." Han Xin sighed and said: This time, we may face some unexpected difficulties.

The local police on Kibb Island must be very satisfied with the results of the investigation. They certainly do not want any surprises, otherwise tourists will question the local security issues, and their tourism industry will be affected.

"Oh, don't be so depressed." Zhao Linshan pinched his face and said, "This time the case is solved, I will reward you with three silk stockings, and you can choose the color. How is it? Are you motivated?"

"Keep your voice down, I heard you." Han Xin pinched her ears and frowned, "But I'm really motivated."

"Come on, my wife will help you too." Zhao Linshan clenched her fists and smiled.

"I really admire you for always being so positive." Han Xin put his arms around her shoulders and leaned against her head.

This time, after all, it was the embassy's request for help. Han Xin upgraded the "Basic Deduction Method" to LV4, and gained the ability "Lines of Logic". Objects are connected by a line.

For example, when a flight attendant came over with a cart, Han Xin could see some water stains on her cuffs, which were attached to a bottle of drink in the cart.

With this ability, the case should be solved faster.Now he has 400DP left, just in case.

After a seven-hour flight, Han Xin arrived at the airport on Kibb Island at four o'clock that afternoon. At this time, the first secretary who contacted him was already waiting for him in the waiting room.

This secretary is a spirited young man, about the same age as Han Xin, with a neat suit and glasses, a very elegant person.The moment he saw Han Xin, he smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand: "Hi, I am the first secretary of the embassy, ​​and I am responsible for assisting you in investigating this case. My name is Wang Youzhi, and you can call me Xiao Wang." .”

"Hello." Han Xin shook hands with him, and then asked curiously, "Is there anything to be happy about?"

"No, I'm just a little excited to see you with my own eyes." Wang Youzhi shook his head quickly, "I'm your fan. In fact, I asked the ambassador to ask you for help. I've watched all of your videos, regardless of ability. There is no dispute about character."

"You're being polite." Han Xin said modestly, "The family members of the victim should have arrived, right? There may be some questions to ask them later. There are also files and surveillance videos. The local police should have shown you these things, right? "

"Yes, we have already settled down the family members. As for the pictures and monitoring of the scene, the local police also handed over to us. We confirmed that no fourth person entered the room at that time." Wang Youzhi said seriously.

"Okay, anyway, let me take a look." Han Xin said, pulling Zhao Linshan over: "This is my wife and assistant, Zhao Linshan, she will be responsible for recording the video for me. If there is anything that cannot be filmed, you can follow her Say."

"Okay." Wang Youzhi nodded.

On the way to the embassy, ​​Han Xin checked the local police files and monitoring routes for clues.

According to the surveillance video, apart from the cleaning staff, no one else entered or exited Wu Changjun's family's room that day.

At 38:22 in the afternoon, mother Li Li and daughter Wu Shi returned to the room first, and at [-]:[-], Wu Changjun returned to the room.After that, no one came in or out of their room until the cleaner came in to clean it the next day.

However, there are a lot of jumps in the monitoring screen, suddenly jumping for several hours.

"This is a new type of surveillance. It will only start recording when there is a moving object to save storage space." Zhao Linshan explained, "But it may also be deleted by someone, and this cannot be distinguished."

If the surveillance video was really tampered with, the police on Kibb Island would not admit it. Instead of wasting time on this, it is better to look for loopholes in other ways.

So Han Xin checked the file again, carefully checked every trace of the scene, and then shook his head helplessly and sighed: "This is difficult."

"Could it be what the Kibu Island police said?" Wang Youzhi frowned.

"That's not true." Han Xin shook his head: "Only this file is... rough."

This file is strongly misleading. The footprints of three people were found at the scene, so the local police judged that no outsiders entered or left.

Then according to the autopsy report of the three, the local police concluded that Wu Changjun died of excessive blood loss caused by a wound on his neck, Li Li died of a blunt instrument blow to the back of the head, and Wu Shi died of suffocation after being pushed into a bathtub.

As for what the murder weapon was, it was only the inference of the local police.

For example, the blunt object that hit the back of Li Li's head was indeed a desk lamp in the room, but Wu Changjun's fingerprints were not found on the desk lamp, and Wu Changjun was not wearing gloves. This obviously does not make sense.

The explanation given by the local police is that Wu Changjun left soap bubbles on his hands when he drowned his daughter, so no fingerprints were left on the desk lamp.

This statement is also far-fetched: Can you really hold a lamp with soap bubbles in your hands?Let alone murder.

In addition, the local police deduced that the sharp weapon used to stab Wu Changjun was Li Li's "hairpin", because Li Li was wearing a hairpin when she entered the house, but no bloody hairpin was found at the scene.

"How should I put it?" Han Xin frowned: "From the scene, there are actually many reasonable explanations, and the local police chose the one that is most beneficial to them, and then forced the evidence to fit this possibility."

"It makes sense..." Wang Youzhi murmured, "Then what do you think the truth is?"

"Let's go to the scene and have a look." Han Xin replied.

(End of this chapter)

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