Chapter 135 The Game of Psychology
According to the content of the chat with Guan Wenqing, it can be found that Guan Wenqing's happiest days were when he was in school.So Han Xin put him into a hypnotic state, relying on the scene in the school.

Of course, Han Xin also found that the reason why Guan Wenqing was mixed with bad people was not because he liked to watch others suffer, but because the bad people welcomed him very much.They don't think he can't do anything well, as long as he pays for them when he goes out to play.

This is the earliest sign of a desire for approval.

As Guan Wenqing's expression gradually relaxed, Han Xin also began to prepare psychological hints.

"There is no distinction between good and evil in ability, just like what was said in your favorite anime? There is no good or evil in the ship itself. If it hangs the seagull flag, it is a navy ship, and if it hangs a skull flag, it is a pirate ship." Han Xin Started to make psychological hints to Guan Wenqing.

But the hint here is different from what he has done before, because Guan Wenqing has already been hinted once, and Han Xin has to add a new hint after breaking the hint given to him by "Moriarty".

Psychological suggestion is like instilling a point of view in people. For example, the traditional and feudal ideas that some people have been instilled since childhood are a kind of psychological suggestion.The longer and more often the suggestion is made, the more entrenched the concept becomes.

This is a psychological game with Guan Wenqing's brain as the battlefield, and Han Xin wants to take control of this battlefield.

"But... what is the right way to use the ability to deceive?" Guan Wenqing asked in confusion, and then suddenly said: "I'm going to deceive Xiaozi and those foreigners! Don't deceive the compatriots in my own country!"

Han Xin frowned immediately: This guy's psychological suggestion is very deep, and it has been acting for too long, and he has formed a fixed thinking. It is too difficult to completely remove this suggestion.

It's like someone who has accepted the idea that "men just want to make money outside, and women just want to take care of their children at home" since they were young. It is difficult to change this idea after he grows up.

"No, what I mean is that you can use your talent in the right place, where you don't break the law." Han Xin explained patiently, "Your talent is not just about deception. You can come up with those routines, which shows that you You are very smart, even if you do other things, you will definitely be able to make achievements."

But at this time, Guan Wenqing frowned, looking very confused: "But, since I was a child, I can't do anything well. I can only lie to people. What else can I do? I, I..."

Speaking of this, Guan Wenqing's eyelids fluttered, as if he was about to open his eyes.

Broken, the brain is alerted.Han Xin's heartbeat accelerated instantly.

For Guan Wenqing, the idea of ​​"my talent is deception" is almost ingrained. For him, it is the same concept as "you have to eat when you are hungry".

Suddenly telling him "your talent is not a fraud" is tantamount to telling the other party "you won't die if you don't eat". Waking up from light hypnosis.

"Calm down, take a deep breath." Han Xin quickly interrupted Guan Wenqing's thoughts, "Now, let's go back to the lawn outside the school. You can hear the music class singing and the Chinese class reading aloud from the classroom. You are lying alone Here on the lawn, no one has noticed you, you feel more and more sleepy, and plan to take a nap here..."

As Guan Wenqing fell back into a shallow hypnotic state, Han Xin also breathed a sigh of relief: he was going to change his mind.

People's thoughts are very delicate and unique things. When planted hints affect too deeply, tell him directly that the theory is wrong, and it is often difficult for the people who are hinted to accept it.

So now Han Xin follows the other party's hints, covering the new ones on the basis of the old psychological hints.

"Then, let's assume that your talent is 'fraud', so can't fraud be used in the right way?" Han Xin asked with a gentle smile, "Guns are tools for killing people, but giving them to soldiers can defend the country, isn't that true? Is it used in the right way?"

"However, how to use the talent of deception on the right path?" Guan Wenqing asked this core question.

Han Xin thought for a while: Now is the critical moment, and his next behavior may be a bit desperate.

If it succeeds, it will help Guan Wenqing reverse the stubborn thoughts in his mind, thereby making him wake up; if it fails, then Guan Wenqing will be alert and wake up from hypnosis.

And once Guan Wenqing became wary of him, it would be difficult to hypnotize him again, and it would take a long time to regain his trust before hypnotizing him again.

So, it could be a big gamble.

Han Xin's heartbeat quickened: what should I do?Do you want to gamble on Guan Wenqing's future?

After thinking about it, Han Xin made up his mind to give it a try. After all, this matter is not without redemption.

Even if he fails, he still has a chance to gain Guan Wenqing's trust in the future. Anyway, Guan Wenqing will also serve his sentence in prison during this period.

So, Han Xin tentatively asked: "How about helping the police fight against fraud? You can join the police's anti-fraud department to help the police identify the scammers' fraudulent methods and raise everyone's awareness of fraud. What do you think?"

"I feel..." Guan Wenqing seemed a little moved, "It looks pretty good."

"Right? You are so good at deception. You can use this talent to help others." Han Xin immediately strikes while the iron is hot, "Aren't those deception routines child's play in front of you? You must be able to see them through and help them be deceived." people to recover their losses. In this way, everyone will recognize your talent and what you have done, and what you have done is legal and reasonable.”

"Hmm! I've seen many people's deception routines, and there are actually many loopholes! I will be able to see through them easily!" Guan Wenqing opened his eyes and nodded excitedly, "Yeah, why didn't I expect that I can help others counter fraud Ah! Oh, my brain, why can't I turn around. You are more clever."

It's done!Han Xinchang breathed a sigh of relief: "It's like this. Sometimes people just can't turn around, but once they turn around, life will suddenly become clear. No matter what kind of talent, it can always be used in the right place."

"Yes!" Guan Wenqing said sternly, "I will definitely reform and try to do the right thing."

"I will introduce you to the anti-fraud department of the police, so that you can atone for your crime and get yourself a reduced sentence." Han Xin suddenly felt a strong sense of fatigue, "Now do you understand? What kind of person do you want to be, It's up to you."

Guan Wenqing nodded and said with a smile: "Thank you for waking me up, I will definitely change my past and live up to your expectations!"

Han Xin reminded seriously: "The most important thing is to apologize to everyone you have harmed before, did you hear me?"

Guan Wenqing continued to nod: "I heard it!"

Han Xin looked at the person in front of him with complicated emotions: on the one hand, he was furious when he thought of the people Guan Wenqing had hurt in the past and the sarcasm and ridicule after cheating those girls.

But on the other hand, Han Xin sympathized with Guan Wenqing's experience. He was mentally abused by his parents since he was a child, and he also met a guide who led him to the abyss.

If Guan Wenqing had met him back then, his life would have been completely different.

"The law in our country always tends to give people a second chance, seize it well, and live in the sun in the future. You don't need your parents' approval." Han Xin said one last sentence and left the interrogation room.

Guan Wenqing bowed to him in the interrogation room to thank him.

The criminal police outside were dumbfounded at this moment. They didn't understand what happened in the interrogation room. Why did Han Xin chat with the other party, and the suspect reformed and cleansed his mind?Is this talk therapy?

It is also difficult for Han Xin to explain "psychological hints" to the local police, because theoretically it is against the rules.

So he greeted the local police and left the Jinpan City Public Security Bureau straight away.

In fact, this is the first confrontation between Han Xin and this "Moriarty".

However, this duel was unfolding in Guan Wenqing's mind.

Although in the eyes of others, it seems that he chatted with the prisoner calmly, but in fact it was a game between Han Xin and "Moriarty"'s psychological ability.

This process was not easy, Han Xin had to tread on thin ice and deal with it carefully.

And this also made him realize just how powerful this "Moriarty" is.

Maybe only in terms of "psychology", he is on par with the other party, and may even be inferior to the other party.

"We have to continue to solve the case and upgrade our ability as soon as possible." Han Xin said to himself.

Next, he went to buy some local specialties and returned to the RV.

"Shanshan, I bought alkaline persimmons." Han Xin called out from under the car, "Open the door for me, I don't have time."

The moment the door opened, seeing Zhao Linshan's delighted face, he immediately felt a lot lighter.

"Hey, let me try this famous alkaline persimmon and how delicious it is!" Zhao Linshan said happily after helping him take the things in her hands, and then she hurriedly washed one. Alkaline persimmon, took a big bite.

"Mmm! It's delicious! It's so sweet!" Zhao Linshan was intoxicated, and then handed it to Han Xin: "Try it!"

Han Xin took a bite, and it was really juicy and sweet: "It's only 26 yuan for such a big bag. Let's take it home and give it to our parents and Team Huo to taste. Hurry up and put it in the fresh-keeping layer of the refrigerator."

"It's definitely delicious to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes..." Zhao Linshan murmured, and put the tomatoes in the refrigerator.

So far, this mission is over. Han Xin has captured the leader of this scam group, and then the customer service of Xuefeng platform will cooperate with the police to catch the rest of them.

However, this mission found a "Moriarty" for no reason.

"Moriarty" picked people who were talented in crime, and he was responsible for some difficult cases.

So in the end the meeting between the two of them was inevitable, just like Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty.

(End of this chapter)

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