Chapter 129
From Su Huilin's past experience, the reason why she chose women like Lin Shuang who accept unspoken rules for work is because she thinks that such people should not have a boyfriend or husband, at least not a boyfriend who cares about Lin Shuang so much .

So if her hatred hadn't been so blind and twisted that she ignored the truth, she wouldn't have been caught either.

At this point, the case can be considered closed, after which it is the lawyer's job.

It was past twelve o'clock after recording the statement for Su Huimin, and everyone could finally get off work with peace of mind.

"How is it? Teacher Han, let's have a snack to celebrate?" Huo Gang pointed behind him and smiled. Although he looked tired, he was in a good mood. After all, he caught Su Huilin before she committed another crime. .

"I'm a little hungry." Han Xin said, turning to Zhao Linshan, "Shanshan, what do you think?"

"I've been hungry for a long time." Zhao Linshan smiled, "Let's have a drink with Team Huo and the others!"

"You just know how to drink..." Han Xin poked her forehead angrily.

But Huo Gang also readily agreed: "Okay, let's have a few drinks, anyway, I'm off work. I treat you!"

"Good guy, Team Huo treats you! The iron tree is blooming!" Hu Chen said in surprise.

"You all know my income, and I still have to repay the mortgage. My wife asked me to buy a house in the school district. The pressure on repayment is not small." Huo Gang spread his hands helplessly, "Let's go have a barbecue."

So, everyone sat down at a barbecue stand that was still lively, ordered a lot of skewers, and ordered a dozen beers.

Huo Gang drank half a bottle of beer in one breath, and then sighed: "This time, we actually saved some people's lives. For the first time in so many years, I feel that being a criminal policeman is really fucking A meaningful thing!"

"When your daughter grows up, tell her about your heroic deeds." Lu Wenbo patted him on the shoulder and joked.

"She grew up all at once." Huo Gang said, suddenly worried, "and I will miss all her parent-teacher meetings."

Immediately, Huo Gang smiled and said: "Hey, don't mention those unhappy things. Come, celebrate!"

"You should show your wife the picture of the victim's family thanking you." Han Xin took a sip of his beer and said, "The relationship between you and her will improve, at least she won't say that you are inferior to someone else's father."

"I didn't say that I have a bad relationship with her." Huo Gang said with some embarrassment.

"Your clothes are wrinkled, and you should add a little fabric softener when you wash them." Han Xin pointed to Huo Gang's T-shirt and said, "So I speculate that you washed your clothes by yourself, probably because your wife gave you embarrassment at home." Look."

"Now I know how those prisoners are feeling." Huo Gang smiled dryly, and then took a sip of beer.

"Sorry, occupational disease." Han Xin smiled wryly, "In fact, because of this, many people dare not deal with me, and only a careless girl like my family Shanshan doesn't dislike me."

"What's so disgusting about such a loving man?" Zhao Linshan smiled sweetly, holding his arm.

"I also like Teacher Han very much." Wei Bin said with a smile, "Like Dui Huo said, it makes me feel that being a criminal police officer is very meaningful."

"And me too." Hu Chen smiled happily.

"Everything is in this glass of wine." Lu Wenbo clinked glasses with Han Xin, and then drank it down.

After eating this supper, everyone went back to rest.

"Ah, it's so refreshing, the case is solved, and my stomach is full." Zhao Linshan threw herself on the bed happily.

"Go take a bath." Han Xinchang said with a sigh of relief, "I want to organize my thoughts."

This time the case was so difficult that he felt very difficult. I am afraid that if he hadn't come, these cases would eventually become unsolved cases.

Fortunately, Su Huilin picked the wrong target. Otherwise, she would also follow the previous process to dispose of the corpses this time. Maybe no one would find her murder, let alone find those corpses.

These modus operandi and meticulous handling of details are definitely something that people with high IQs can do.

And Su Huilin is cunning and cold-blooded, but Han Xin thinks she is not so smart.

People who come up with these ideas don't make this kind of mistake in picking targets.This gave Han Xin the feeling that the knowledge taught by the teacher to the students did not apply it vividly, but just copied it mechanically.

It feels like someone told Su Huilin how to choose targets, how to commit crimes, and how to deal with the aftermath. For example, that person taught Su Huilin that she should choose a woman who used the same unspoken rules as her target, but Su Huilin just followed suit mechanically.

Maybe she felt in her heart that Lin Shuang's indecent video was fake, but her thought was "Aren't they all the same?" It was this rote tactic that got her arrested.

"Aren't you going to wash together?" Zhao Linshan wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him on the cheek, and pulled his thoughts back to reality.

"I'm not sure..." Han Xin raised his eyebrows, "What will I do."

"It's okay, I didn't eat sausage at the barbecue tonight anyway." Zhao Linshan blinked mischievously, and dragged him to the bathroom, "Let's go, I'm going to bed after washing, it's so late."

For a moment, Han Xin still cared about the people behind Su Huilin, but faced with the temptation of his fiancée, he immediately dismissed this idea: he must be thinking too much, don't be so suspicious, skepticism will only make the case Form infinite nesting dolls.

If it is suspected that Su Huilin has an expert to guide her, then could this expert be trained by another expert?If you really want to doubt it like this, it will be endless.

The next morning, Han Xin, Huo Gang and others came to the Public Security Bureau.

There was quite a lot of activity at the door right now, most of them were family members who came to claim the corpses hidden in the cement, and of course there were also the parents of the victim Lin Shuang and her boyfriend Chen Siqi.

"Officer, thank you for helping Qiqi catch her killer." Chen Siqi bowed to Huo Gang, his eyes were still swollen.

"This is our duty." Huo Gang said, turned to Lin Shuang's parents, and sighed: "The three of you are sorry."

"We just want the person who killed our daughter to be brought to justice," Lin Shuang's parents cried.

"We will definitely work hard." Wei Bin nodded vigorously.

Coincidentally, at this time, several local criminal police escorted Su Huilin out of the Public Security Bureau, preparing to send her to the detention center, and then wait for the court trial.

Lin Shuang's parents stared at Su Huilin, as if they wanted to eat her alive.

But Su Huilin looked indifferent, without guilt, she didn't even look at Lin Shuang's parents, her eyes stayed on Han Xin all the time.

When passing in front of him, Su Huilin laughed softly: "All this will not end. There is light in this world and there will be darkness. The stronger the light, the darker the shadow will be... There will be Moriarty when there is Sherlock Holmes .”

"Then do you know that Holmes defeated Moriarty in the end?" Han Xin asked with a sneer.

"Then do you know that Holmes and Moriarty died together in the original ending?" Su Huilin sneered.

After saying this, Su Huilin threw a look of indifference and disdain at Han Xin, and was escorted into the car by the criminal police.

"Ms. Han, what did she tell you just now?" Hu Chen asked suspiciously.

"I suspect, just suspect, that she has an accomplice who instructed her to do these cases." Han Xin frowned.

"Really?" Lu Wenbo asked in astonishment, "You mean those modus operandi and the methods of disposing of corpses were all taught to her by others? That, that...are we?"

"It's just a guess." Han Xin said with a quick smile, "You know it too, detective, isn't it just random guessing?"

After thinking twice, Han Xin still decided not to bring this matter to the table.

There is not much evidence to support this kind of speculation, and there is no need for it to cause trouble for everyone. Brainless skepticism is not advisable, and it will only make the case never end, whether it is in reality or in their brains.

Before going back, Han Xin and Chen Siqi came to Lin Shuang's tombstone alone.

"When I think of the torture she suffered before she died, my heart hurts so much..." Chen Siqi cried, his eyes were swollen until there was only a crack left.

"Essentially, it was your love that helped the police catch the murderer." Han Xin said, squatting down in front of Lin Shuang's tombstone, and put the white chrysanthemum in his hand in front of her photo, which showed Lin Shuang smiling Sweet: "Let us remember those beautiful memories, remember her smile, the living will live after all."

But even though Han Xin said so, he didn't think so in his heart, because he couldn't let go.

The girl in the photo has done nothing wrong. She lives and works hard, is very filial to her parents and is very kind to her boyfriend. She has not hurt anyone, but what has she gained?He was envied, spread rumors, suffered inhuman torture, and finally left this world in despair.

If there really is a world after death, how unwilling would she be?Can she really rest in peace?

"Thank you, I know you solved this case." Chen Siqi bowed to him, "You are amazing."

"What's so powerful? It's so powerful to transfer the life of a bad person to a good person." Han Xin laughed at himself, then shook hands with Chen Siqi: "Take care."

However, before he left the cemetery, Han Xin received a call from Bai Xiaofeng.

"Ashin, it doesn't seem too good." Bai Xiaofeng's tone was dignified but not nervous, so Han Xin knew that this "not so good" should have nothing to do with their company.

Sure enough, Bai Xiaofeng then explained: "It seems that a large number of scammers pretending to be our platform's customer service have appeared on the Internet recently. Do you have any impression of this method?"

Han Xin immediately thought of Yi Zhaowen, who called himself his "fan".

"Our after-sales service caught one. He said he added a group, and the leader of the group did so." Bai Xiaofeng added.

For some reason, what Bai Xiaofeng said was related to this case, which suddenly made Han Xin feel terrified when he thought about it.

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(End of this chapter)

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