Chapter 109 Tracks
Since Wei Zhicong's flight will arrive in the afternoon, Han Xin has to make some guesses with what he has now.At present, only Wei Lan's trajectory map and a small amount of surveillance video can be used as clues.

Han Xin looked at the trajectory map first, and from the places Wei Lan has been to, it is still very normal. Restaurants, clothing stores, and scenic spots are just normal places to play here.

Based on these trajectories alone, it is really impossible to judge whether she came here purely for tourism or to satisfy her last wish.

"What do you think?" Li Zijing asked tentatively.

"I think," Han Xin mused, "we have to visit these stores."

"Just right, it's almost time for dinner." Zhao Linshan took his arm and said with a smile, "Let's go have lunch. When her father arrives in the afternoon, I'll ask her father about her situation."

After inquiring about it personally, Han Xin discovered one thing: not to mention the purpose of Wei Lan's coming here, but the restaurant she picked is indeed very delicious.And it's not the kind of Internet celebrity shop that is copied in batches, but a shop opened by the locals themselves, hidden in a corner of a certain street.

"Isn't this cross-bridge rice noodle really delicious? The soup base is so unique and delicious!" Zhao Linshan didn't forget to explain a few words while talking about her noodles.

"It's really delicious, this taste is too special..." Han Xin couldn't help sighing.

The two detectives also looked very surprised, obviously they didn't know this place either.

Zhao Linshan pressed on the phone for a while, and said happily: "Look, Ah Xin, Laobai, the gourmet UP owner with tens of millions of fans on station D, has visited this restaurant. The soup base of this restaurant is made of chicken broth with chicken, pork belly, squid, mullet, and ham. The most important thing is that their soup is cooked with hot limestone!"

"I don't understand those things, I just think it's delicious." Han Xin shrugged, drank the last bit of soup, and then sighed contentedly, "Okay, let's go and see the other shops she's been to."

Next, Han Xin took Zhao Linshan and the two criminal policemen to other stores that Wei Lan had visited.

After tasting the local flower cakes, roasted milk fans, and bean skin cakes, Han Xin was satisfied.

"Well, Mr. Han, he is still in a hurry to find a girl, isn't it good for us to do this?" Li Zijing asked hesitantly.

"Yes, if you want to taste these local delicacies, we can bring you here after the case is over." Ke Yu echoed.

"I'm just investigating the case." Han Xin ate half of the flower cake that Zhao Linshan handed over, "Come on, let's test you. After visiting these shops, what conclusions did you draw?"

Li Zijing and Ke Yu exchanged glances with each other, and then Ke Yu tentatively asked, "Are... all delicious?"

"Right?" Han Xin nodded with a smile, "And what do these stores have in common?"

"They are all well-known but remote stores in the local area." Li Zijing added.

"That's right, apart from the first store, none of the following stores have even been visited by Internet celebrities, and even the two locals don't know about it. What does this mean?" Han Xin guided the two of them patiently.

"She has a local friend to guide her!" Ke Yu suddenly realized.

Han Xin smiled and nodded: "Exactly."

Li Zijing was also eager to express herself: "Could it be this local who took her away?"

"It's unlikely." Han Xin shook his head. "If this 'local' is really here, then he won't just tell her which restaurants are delicious, but will take her there himself. It is very likely that this person is her netizen."

Thinking of this, Han Xin suddenly murmured in his heart: Could it be that guy "Mo Lan"?
But after thinking about it, he felt that it was impossible. Mo Lan was still anxious and anxious to add him as a friend.

"However, that local person is very likely to know where she went after that." Han Xin added, "Maybe you can communicate with the operator to see if you can get her address book list and chat records?"

"Okay, we will communicate with the higher authorities, but... it may take a long time." Ke Yu nodded.

"As expected of a network detective, it's so powerful, I just came here and made a breakthrough!" Li Zijing said excitedly.

"Thank you." Han Xin smiled modestly, and then looked at the time: "Wei Zhicong is almost here, let's meet him at the place where Wei Lan last appeared."

Next, they came to the door of "Xiaonan Clothing Store", waiting to meet Wei Zhicong.

Three days ago, Wei Lan came here to buy a white beret and put it on, then left the store, walked along the road, turned left and disappeared into the last camera, and never appeared again.

Soon, Wei Zhicong appeared at the corner ahead.His real age should be in his 50s, but he looks to be in his 60s, with a thin figure, gray hair, a thin face, and sunken eye sockets.

"I believe she didn't commit suicide." Han Xin whispered to Li Zijing and Ke Yu, "A father who is so worried about his daughter's disappearance, even if he forces Wei Lan to marry, Wei Lan will not commit suicide because of it. Children can feel the love of their parents, even if there is a conflict, she will understand it in her heart."

At this time, Wei Zhicong also came from the other side of the street, and shook Han Xin's hand: "Mr. Han, please."

"I will try my best." Han Xin nodded vigorously, "Then, let's rule out the possibility of Wei Lan's suicide first. Because if she committed suicide, she would probably commit suicide by throwing herself into the lake. The Zhenhu Lake is too large to find her body. So we only need to consider the direction of the result, and then confirm the truth through the method of elimination."

"Yes." Ke Yu replied, "Then what should we do next?"

"Can I see the chat records between you and Wei Lan? All of them." Han Xin turned to Wei Zhicong and asked.

"Of course..." Wei Zhicong unlocked the phone and put it in his hand.

Han Xin quickly glanced at the chat records of Wei Zhicong and Wei Lan, and then speculated about the situation at that time and Wei Lan's character.

The next step is to substitute Wei Lan's character and speculate on her route.

"You just follow me, don't disturb me, don't worry about what I say, until I stop." Han Xin greeted the people behind him, and then walked along the route that Wei Lan left under surveillance.

They followed the street and turned right onto the main road.

"She didn't stop the car, but walked, indicating that the destination is not far away, within 10 minutes..." Han Xin muttered to himself.

But not long after walking, a large lake appeared in front of him.

Han Xin knew that the police's deduction was correct, and the destination could only be this lake.

Looking at this desolate lakeshore, a question popped up in his mind: If she didn't intend to commit suicide, then what is the purpose of coming here?
(End of this chapter)

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