The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 923 The old Chinese medicine doctor in the courtyard (Part 4)

Chapter 923 The old Chinese medicine doctor in the courtyard (Part )
After taking Li Huaide to the Madian Village Headquarters, Li Shengli made a phone call before starting to write a draft.

After the draft was written, the legal affairs and economists of Longyue International also arrived at Madianji.

Li Shengli explained the general idea and then started smoking with Li Huaide.

"Director, I have Moutai in my hand, so I'm not in a hurry to sell it."

As soon as Li Shengli said this, Li Huaide became clear. When it comes to the price of Moutai, it has also been rising all the way, from eight yuan to thirty-five yuan, and when he broke through the barrier, it suddenly rose to one hundred and fourteen yuan.

Li Huaide made an estimate and found that the Maotai in his hand had a premium of at least four to five million.

"Sheng Li, you have caused a lot of trouble with Maotai over the years.

I'm afraid the winery's annual output may not be as much as what you have in your warehouse.

Still doing it?
Besides, you don’t drink that wine either…”

After so many years, Li Huaide not only bought wine from the winery, but also fired porcelain in Jingdezhen, and asked the ministry to produce special gift wine for the steel rolling mill.

Let alone two billion, five billion is enough!

Isn't it the Motor City?

After living in Madianji for a month, Li Shengli felt a little bored. It was the same when he moved to Taipingzhuang and Wali.

How can we establish rules without losing a group of people to death?

Just two years ago, the car factories on the two islands were spared for nothing. Let's make a big splash, as long as the land and real estate prices fall to normal levels.

Both those who support the market and those who oppose it all agree with Li Huaide's argument.

“Our kind of speculation is better than those speculating on loans.

This time the main thing is to set rules for the market.

When you submit the report on this matter, tell Lao Du.

Now that Li Huaide's statement is out, this problem has been solved.

At least we don’t owe the bank any money, right?

If you give Xie Fei a hand, your benefits will be inevitable in the future.

For individuals and private companies in the market, the risk of buying and selling is slightly smaller. If public entities are involved, as long as the facts are there, the relevant person in charge will be held criminally responsible.

In the land transfer contract after the demarcation, there are also legal provisions that specifically limit the development time and listing time.

Drawing a line is a matter of course.

If the market wants to develop healthily, this type of speculation must be eliminated.

Li Huaide's explanation only received a sneer from Li Shengli.

Li Shengli's wine cellar is also regularly inspected by winery technicians. Although there is loss every year, compared with the premium, this loss is not considered loss.

According to laws and contracts, these unfinished jobs will always have to wait for decades.

“They are the ones who are being slaughtered.

I estimate that the matter in Echeng will probably work out. Don't go to Eucheng and let Xie Fei take charge of the depot in Eucheng.

As for those who died, it was the price of disobeying market rules..."

If you don't keep your head down and work hard, and take the factory's living money to speculate, this time a group of people will be killed.

If the deadline is exceeded, you can extend it as long as possible. After the extension, you still can't save yourself, and you have to go through the recycling process with the goods in the warehouse.

This kind of recycling doesn't care about your investment or debt. If you want to demolish it, you can demolish it. If you don't want to, even the surface buildings above will be recycled.

As soon as these relevant laws and regulations were promulgated, speculation in the market began to decrease significantly, and some public-sector companies were also banned.

This is a desperate plan. As long as the wallet company makes a deal, the value of the case will be enough for shooting. Who will not be afraid of letting go?
Li Shengli felt very comfortable with this feeling of being able to fiddle with the wind and rain behind the scenes.

Li Huaide's report at the beginning and end of the year also catered to many people's thoughts.

Until I receive your retirement.

Now it seems that Li Shengli's vision is really good. If nothing else, just the premium of ordinary wine, Li Huaide estimates that it must be at least several hundred million or more than a billion.

We will continue to harvest as long as they dare to produce.

Give all the unfinished work more than half a year to save themselves. If they fail to save themselves, then just recycle them.

Li Huaide couldn't help but shudder when he heard the butchery of capital and industry in Li Shengli's words. He was trying to harvest everyone!
"Shengli, there is a lot of investment from public entities!"

Because of the sales of three cars, a considerable amount of Maotai is collected by Li Huaide in supply and marketing cooperative systems in various places every year.

Li Huaide left with the written report, and soon used the turning head in his hand to stir up a ripple in the market.

It was even worse when he arrived at the other hospital on the mountain. He picked up the medical book and turned on the record player. Most of the time, he was in trance listening to the Peking Opera on the record.

But since returning from Ochaki, it may be that the boring days have passed for a long time, or it may be that I am getting older.

As long as Xie Fei is there and the stick invests one billion, we will invest two billion.

Since the development of the market, both private and public companies have done a lot of unfinished work.

And we have more factories and enterprises attached to it, 200,000 people, which is far from enough..."

We have money and time, so we can wait until we bring them down before taking action.

From the autumn of 1986 to the beginning of 1991, the nearly five years of medical assistance seemed to have exhausted Li Shengli's peace of mind.

In April or May, Li Shengli put on a flimsy coat and went to the courtyard at the foot of the mountain.

The car stopped, listening to the hustle and bustle of the city, and the uncontrollable calmness on the mountain suddenly returned to Li Shengli.

After smelling the familiar smell in his nose, Li Shengli also knew the whole story. In the nursing home in Ochaki, he was isolated from the world of mortals.

After all, he is a member of the mortal world. After being away for a long time, he will inevitably miss him in his heart, but this kind of missing is invisible. When he reaches a relatively closed place on the mountain, he will feel anxious in his heart.

As soon as Li Shengli got out of the car, he met Si Zhu, who had a long back, small eyes, a gray suit, a red tie, and shiny leather shoes. He looked at the cuffs of his suit and the shiny silk trademark. This was the 1990s that he was familiar with. .


Man, you, the big boss, are really a rare visitor. I haven’t seen you for at least five years!

In our business, we can’t just smash the dishes without paying any dividends!

If you continue like this, you only invest money in it without receiving any dividends, and in a few years, I will become your buddy..."

Just as the eldest son of the Li family in Silly Zhu's eyes has not changed for more than ten or twenty years, Silly Zhu in Li Shengli's eyes has also remained unchanged.

This guy already looked old, but now he's prosperous, has an aura of wealth, and is a little fatter. He still looks like a bird like before...

“Didn’t my mother and the clinic get all the food and supplies from you?
After all these years, please don’t tell me that your grandson will never eat steamed buns or pickles. "

Li Shengli also had some considerations when using silly pillars. At the very least, the Li family's father and mother ate ready-made food every day, so there was no risk of someone doing something dirty, right?

Although Si Zhu is not among the good people, he is still a serious street person, and there is nothing wrong with his loyalty.

Li Shengli invested money to open a restaurant for him. If he didn't do anything else, Silly Zhu would not dare to treat the Li family badly.

"You are really a great man.

If you spend a few million dollars, Mr. Tan's restaurant will open eighteen large and small restaurants in the city. Our restaurants, no matter how big or small, are restaurants, not restaurants.

Although business has been difficult in the past two years, the restaurant is booming!
What kind of land are we in, the Four-Nine City!

At the root of the imperial city, at the feet of the emperor, and the most beautiful place, our smallest restaurants are all opened in courtyards with three entrances.

The largest restaurant, according to your instructions, has a restaurant in the front and a courtyard in the back. There are nearly a hundred courtyards, large and small.

Not to mention how many tables our restaurant has, there are more than 300 parking spaces for us in that restaurant alone.

The smallest of the eighteen restaurants, there are two rounds a day, noon and evening, with a guaranteed revenue of 300,000 yuan.

Today, Tan's Restaurant is a serious catering enterprise in the city.

When it comes to restaurants in the city, we may not be qualified to rank them first, but when it comes to ranking second, no one is dissatisfied. "

Listening to Silly Zhu's bragging, Li Shengli also looked at the suit he was wearing. It was still a serious Pierre Cardin suit.

Li Shengli didn't care as much about the dividends from Tan's Restaurant as he did about Silly Zhu's outfit.

The legal affairs and economists who helped Li Huaide draft the report were actually Li Shengli's exclusive team.

The number of people is probably around a thousand or so, including not only professional lawyers and economists, but also accountants and various technical personnel.

Madianji, Taipingzhuang, correspondence schools, and some scattered investments, these are the people who are watching.

In addition to looking after the house, these people are also the senior economic and legal advisers behind Mr. Du.

Most of the people inside are from Hong Kong, the island and the United States, and are elites in their respective industries.

When it comes to giving advice to Father Du, Li Shengli also has requirements for them. Being objective is the first priority.

Whoever commits trouble should get out. After they get out, someone will naturally take care of them.

Therefore, the investment dividends from Tan's Restaurant were sunk and used for expansion. As Sha Zhu said, it was really an economic means, used to dilute the Sha Zhu elements.

This kind of thing is discussed in business, and before the dividends sink to the bottom, Lang Yue will also explain this situation to Si Zhu, whether you want money or a share, this is also a conspiracy.

The dividends from Tan's Restaurant are small money and a trivial matter. For Li Shengli, reminiscing about the past is more important.

"Brother Zhu, First Master..."

When it comes to the elderly in the hospital, Li Shengli can only hesitate to speak. He has not seen him for many years and is afraid of asking about thirteen o'clock.

"I'll keep it!
Your physique is pretty good, but thanks to your apprentice Qian Cheng, otherwise the old man would not have been able to pass the life-and-death test the year before last.

It's just that the aunt is gone, and the old man is a little lonely.

However, the first brother was pretty good, but the second and third children in the courtyard were not doing well.

The two sons of the second son's family were tricked by Xu Damao the year before last. During the storm, the gold bars and silver coins collected by the second son's family were thrown away together with their family fortune.

Those two brats even sold the second son’s house. If I hadn’t helped them, they would have died on the street.

The same is true for the third child. There is a clear distinction between children and parents.

However, Yan Laokou has a pension and can control his money. Apart from the fact that his children are not around, his life is pretty good.

The best person in the courtyard is Sister Qin. During the assessment a few years ago, she quit.

I don't know where I got the money to open a shop in Xiushui, and I was making money every day.

In 1987 or 1988, I found a little man who barged in the door upside down. I heard there were several courtyards in the city! "

After hearing the plight of each family in the courtyard, Li Shengli could smell the smoke and smoke of the world of mortals, which was good!
"Brother Zhu, you are already the big boss, but you are still in charge of the canteen here?"

At this point in time, Shazhu was able to come to the courtyard mostly because he went to the cafeteria.

Although Mr. Yue and others are no longer in charge of the Shengli Clinic today, Qian Cheng and the famous old Chinese medicine doctor from the mountain are still there.

The wards of the clinic are still reserved for people from the northwest. In recent years, the rehabilitation work in the northwest has been uninterrupted for the clinic.

"Actually, I came to the cafeteria to wait for you.

Over the past year and a half, whenever I have time, I have to come and take a look.

My brother-in-law, the man of my sister He Yuyu, is now promoted to deputy bureau in the branch.

My abilities are limited and I can only go so far.

With these remaining ones, why don't we find someone capable?

This is not our hospital, you are the most capable, my cat is here, just waiting to beg you! "

After listening to Sha Zhu's request, Li Shengli frowned and relaxed again. What Sha Zhu said was quite good, and it was considered a smooth thing.

"Brother Zhu, you'd better go find the factory director this time.

Just say what I said, let him push you if you can. If it weren't for that piece of material, it would be useless for you to beg me.

Maybe as soon as I saw that kid was misbehaving, I just handled it for him.

That's the thing. After your uncle has discussed it, go to Li Huaide. He can handle it.

But if your brother-in-law’s bottom is not clean and he goes to Li Huaide’s side, he won’t be doing anything, but he will be punished!
If something really happens to your brother-in-law, according to me, it’s better to surrender.

If he is still a capable person, Li Huaide will push him now, and when he can push him in the future, I will push him again.

Got it!

I'll take care of this, so just move my luggage and let's each get what we need..."

After agreeing to Si Zhu and warning Si Zhu, Li Shengli figured it out the moment he frowned.

It's inevitable that people are wise, if you really can help, he will really help, but it's the same as what he said.

Whether Si Zhu's brother-in-law is good or not is a critical issue, because the review from above may be just a formality. When Li Huaide takes over, many things may not be hidden.

Silly Zhu's brother-in-law is really unclean. If they don't ask Li Huaide for help, Li Shengli will pretend to be invisible.

If you go to ask Li Huaide for help when something is wrong, the result will not be a push, but a step down.

With a brother-in-law like Silly Zhu, there is no need for a man named He Yuyu to cause trouble.

"Then let's make it a deal. If he is really unclean, you don't need to deal with him, so I'll do it."

After taking Li Shengli's words, Shazhu didn't hesitate. He rolled up the sleeves of his suit and helped Li Shengli unload his luggage.


Or you have the foresight. This furniture is nowhere to be found in the world today.

The furniture in the restaurant is still leftover from your side!

If I had your vision, I wouldn’t have to cook for half my life..."

After entering the house and taking a glance at the furniture that was not conspicuous before in the Li family, Silly Zhu now has a wider perspective.

I'm afraid that the daily revenue of a Tan's restaurant is not as valuable as the furniture of Li Shengli's family.

As for the junk goods in the trust store, they are not even worth a thousand and eighty today. Nowadays, only the really good things have a good market...

(End of this chapter)

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