The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 918 Giant’s Shoulders (Part )

Chapter 918 Giant’s Shoulders (Part )

"That's a pity..."

Li Shengli's choice was also very wise in Anton's opinion.

Moscow will never know about the transactions on the Black Sea coast.

Anton has such confidence, but now is not the time for warehousing from Poland.

Anton helped to make the connection, but he was also helpless. Many times, after falling into the quagmire, he had to join in the misfortune to survive.

"Don't you know whether it's regrettable or not?

Rather than pursuing warehousing, I prefer technology.

When I came back this time, I brought several technicians from China.

Contact the shipyard and bring over some more detailed drawings to show your sincerity. The money will eventually be spent, right? "

Hearing that Li Shengli's ambition remained unchanged, Anton remained expressionless. Compared with those special elites in Moscow, the medical expert in front of him was undoubtedly wiser.

During this time, Anton was also using the beautiful sword given by Li Shengli to rush for his transfer.

The collapse of people's hearts is both top-down and bottom-up.

Nowadays, the people below have basically lost their hearts. Anton has never seen such a callous scene since he joined the army.

There may be people in Moscow who are still working hard, but for Anton, it's all in vain.

As Li Shengli said, only by cleaning out the three million special layers can the current situation be changed.

And this is obviously impossible.

“Isn’t it good to fly?

Tomac Airport has a complete set of drawings of the White Swan, as well as maintenance and operation instructions.

The engineers at Tomak Airport didn’t offer a high price, just $100,000!

They have even prepared for you the detailed production processes of various commonly used parts manufacturers. "

Li Shengli became interested when he heard the news that Anton had brought the white swan.

"I'll give them two hundred thousand dollars. Can they take my people to visit the White Swan?"

Li Shengli pushed further, and as Anton expected, he nodded and said:
"Add another half a million dollars, which is the cost I am responsible for when I am transferred here.

In this way, you can even train your own pilot at Tomac Airport! "

Looking at Anton with firm eyes, Li Shengli shook his head. Growing up in this era is undoubtedly sad for Anton.

Anton's giant was about to fall, but Li Shengli led a group of people to stand on the giant's shoulders. How much scenery he could see depended on his ability.

"make a deal!
I'll give you half a million dollars in cash and an account worth five million dollars.

Cash will be hard currency in the future. To travel for yourself, it would be better to spend more money on your books. You can give them one million or two million.

if you can……

Just forget it, so as not to get you into trouble. "

Anton said that the detailed drawing of Tomak Airport is definitely not the most detailed drawing.

"Tupolev's detailed drawings, detailed parameters, and experimental data?
It's best to bring failed experimental data, right?

Although this is a bit difficult, it is not too difficult.

I can give it a try..."

In addition to family members, most of the people Li Shengli brought back were technicians, and Anton could also recognize them at a glance.

There are some things that Anton didn't say. His home is in Pripya, which is the main reason why he came here to take charge.

The reason why his belief collapsed was because Cherno was not an accident, but man-made...

“Try it and you won’t have to.

Anton, friends like you are not easy to find, and I don’t want to take big risks on my own.

If you wait a little longer, many things will become easier to do..."

If you want to stand on the shoulders of giants, you can't do it while the giants are still alive. Only the moment when the giants fall is the time to really go up and see the scenery.

For Anton, there may be no risk in contacting Tupolev in normal times, but now is not a time without risk.

Tupolev's white swan drawing may be several tons, or it may be dozens of tons, or even hundreds of tons.

That was not a flimsy piece of paper. What Li Shengli wanted was to eat it neatly and wipe it clean, not to squeeze out toothpaste-like technical drawings.

If there are any deficiencies in the drawings and parameters, and you want to make up for them, there will be no place for you to stand on the shoulders of giants.

Just like that, two days later, a truckload of top-secret blueprints both in the north and at home, along with a flight pressurized suit, were sent to the sanatorium.

According to Anton, the handling of the incident at Tomac Airport was also decisive. A fire in the technical room would inevitably leak top-secret documents. The engineers there also videotaped the fire at the scene.

The rest of the matter is very simple. Tupolev has ready-made maintenance drawings, and a set of them are sent as they are. The existence of this set of drawings at the sanatorium is reasonable.

"Professor Li, where does this come from?"

On the night when the drawings arrived, there were only workers Chen, another worker Wu, Li Shengli and Zhang Ying in the warehouse.

Top-secret information is top-secret information. Even if they are engineers of the same level, only Workers Chen and Wu are qualified to view the aircraft information.

Because domestic aircraft use more Soviet-style technology, these two people did not need any translations when looking at the drawings.

After reading the original box, Mr. Chen could confirm that it was a complete set of aircraft repair and maintenance drawings without even looking at the contents of the drawings in the box.

Outside the box, there are labels for each assembly. If you can't understand these, it's just a matter of Chen's skill.

"No matter where it comes from, let me ask you, according to these drawings and parameters, can we produce the original white swan early?"

In Li Shengli's impression, Liu Ye could always use it, let alone White Swan.

The next war between major powers will take two forms. One is a technological war relying on high technology.

The other is a decisive nuclear war.

No matter how advanced the technology is, it is of no use as long as it cannot stop Mr. Liu and the White Swan.

If the White Swan is equipped with a big bomb like Big Ivan, it doesn't take much, just one blast and everyone will kneel down.

In fact, this is also the most helpless choice. Liu Ye's strategic deterrence is ultimately not enough for Lao America.

As long as there are two or three White Swans, then things are basically in order. The advantages of the White Swan's long range and fast penetration speed cannot be solved. The only thing left is friction.

Self-made, let alone ten years, within twenty years, we have to talk about it.

Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian are involved in too many things. In the future, the dispute over energy and minerals after the north is forced to surrender will inevitably put the country at the forefront.

Li Shengli's idea was simple and straightforward, but it would not be possible to lose a white swan.

Many times, those who ride horses and sedan chairs are always afraid of going barefoot, right?

"It's hard!
This is just a maintenance drawing. If we want to fully understand the technology inside, we need constant experimentation.

If there are corresponding experimental data and technical parameters, it will not be easy for us.

The establishment of a complete industrial system will probably take decades. "

Looking at the drawings in front of him, Chen Gong also let out a heavy sigh.

At this time, you cannot mention overtaking in corners.

Not to mention anything else, I am afraid that an engine turbine blade puts parameters, data, physical objects, materials, and mechanical equipment all in front of you. Making a new one based on the drawings probably wouldn't be possible in a year and a half.

This thing is similar to the worker responsible for pouring molten steel in a steel factory. Some old masters can do it without leaking a drop of water for decades.

If it were the apprentice who had been carefully trained by this old master, the result would probably not be the same.

To achieve every detail, I am afraid that even if a master has to teach you step by step for several years, and a group of local people follow you, you may not be able to learn it.

The details of manufacturing technology will not be reflected in technical parameters and experimental data.

This is a reflection of basic manufacturing capabilities. It does not mean that you can learn it just by putting the technology, materials, processes, and equipment in front of you.

The same machine may have zero error when used by others, but if you learn it, you may not have any error in ten years.

This is the reason why it is impossible to overtake in a corner in the field of basic technology. People do it on a daily basis, but if you don’t have this foundation, it will be extremely difficult to do it.

"What's wrong?

Do you still have to ask me to move the entire Tupolev line to the country for you?
I don’t have this ability, and even if I did, it wouldn’t go smoothly.

Doing this will trigger a war..."

After Li Shengli finished speaking, Chen Gong lowered his head in shame.

Mr. Ma participated in the discussion of the White Swan wind tunnel experiment more than 20 years ago. More than 20 years later, their large aircraft is not only a long way off.

Moreover, the drawing of the white swan placed in front of me was difficult to understand at the moment.

After thinking about it, Chen Gong clenched his fist tightly.

"It's done!
Don't bother!
If there is a flight back to China in the next two days, you should go back with the materials.

At the same time, find a base to build a new batch of Soviet-style villas and expert apartment buildings.

How many people can be accommodated?

Three to four hundred units, ten per unit, equals three to four thousand people.

Based on the number of 10,000 people, all supporting facilities must be complete.

We don’t have much time. Within one or two years, these houses must be put into use.

You should go over the corresponding ancillary industries when you go back. After that, form a written report and send someone to send it to me on a transport plane.


It can only be the transport plane that Ochaki flew over. Don’t let this negligence ruin the big thing..."

Chen Gong's embarrassment was Li Shengli's purpose.

As Li Shengli said to Anton, in the future he can still return technicians after he has mastered these technologies.

Even if Ma Lao and Chen Gong can imitate White Swan, reverse export is not a problem. After all, Lao America needs enemies.


Professor Li, can this be shipped directly back to China?


Even though it is just a set of maintenance drawings, for the aircraft manufacturing industry, it is definitely a top secret among top secrets.

When Chen Gong and the others took these back, they might not be able to create a white swan, but if such drawings were given to Lao Mei, the result would be uncertain.

“I’ve brought it all, what if I don’t take it back?
It's not safe for people to come and go in the nursing home.

If someone ends up in a nursing home, I will be in trouble too.

Remember, read it as soon as possible after you go back.

In addition to Tupolev, Antonov and Sukhoi are our targets.

I don’t know much about technical things. We’ve all been busy lately, so you can go back and make a list of the technologies we need.

I am also trying to see if I can let the three design bureaus and other design bureaus come up with a technical list.

It is impossible to eat it all.

All I can do is try my best. If you don’t have any drawing parameters, I will find someone for you.

Remember, when you report to the superiors, you must make it clear how much these people are paid. It may cost more than 100,000 US dollars, so you must be mentally prepared..."

Although the figures mentioned by Li Shengli were scary, to Chen Gong, such expenses were only one percent of others' investment, or even less.

There have been negotiations to introduce aircraft in the early stage. The price of a Su-27 is almost million U.S. dollars, which is also unaffordable.

Unlike other countries, the domestic territory is too large. If we really want to equip enough fighter jets, it will cost at least tens of billions of dollars.

Buying and producing are not the same concepts. If we were to produce such an aircraft, a few billion dollars would probably be enough.

Just like 152 artillery shells, one in the international arms market costs tens of thousands, but when it comes to the artillery shell factory, the cost is about yuan.

If Chen Gong had a province behind him, then between buying and building, he would choose to buy, but the reality is not like this.

Without manufacturing capabilities, simply purchasing is obviously unrealistic.

"You must pay attention to your safety!"

Looking at the medical transfer in front of him, he was both impressed and worried.

Naturally, I admire Li Shengli's ability, not just White Swan's maintenance drawings.

Judging from the classification level, Li Shengli was right. The loss of such a drawing would be enough to trigger a war.

This is also what worries Chen Gong. The KGB is not a vegetarian either.

Li Shengli's actions of ripping off people's roots and digging into their ancestral graves, and killing them immediately without any hesitation.

The Professor Li in front of me came here this time with his wife.

After taking a deep look at Li Shengli, Chen Gong felt that he was trying to confuse the intelligence personnel here.

"What are you talking about in frustration?

Let's just do our own thing.

After bringing this set of drawings back, I don’t need to tell you the classification, right?
Except for the two of you, anyone who comes into contact with this blueprint must be placed under residential surveillance in place within three years, and are not allowed to come into contact with any unrelated persons.

This is also a basic requirement, don’t make it difficult for me.

If there is a rebellion, I will not tell you about the national laws. I will find him if he goes to the ends of the earth, tear his whole family into pieces bit by bit, and send them back to the country.

According to the old saying, this is torn into pieces. When I send it back, I will also attach a video tape of the shredding process, just in time to educate you on confidentiality.

Just like the drawings in front of you, what I said is also true, and you have to write it in the report. "

Standing on the shoulders of giants is not an easy task.

During this period, Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian also lost manpower in the north and Eastern Europe.

The combination of technical team and security personnel is not unimpeded in today's north.

The entire team had disappeared, with the largest team having a hundred or so people.

Fortunately, Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian have rich experience in doing things, and these pathfinding teams are all people from the United States and Western Europe.

Before coming in, I didn’t know who the proprietor was or the specific purpose.

The risk of eating the only two giants is everywhere and all the time...

(End of this chapter)

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