The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 915: Intense (Part )

Chapter 915: Intense (Part )

"Dad, when will the technical team here be ready for the trip?"

Pressing down the evil fire in his stomach that was aroused by Director Lao Shizi Wang, Li Shengli calmed down for a while before speaking slowly.

There are only a few people in the north, and now their plan is no longer feasible.

The market must exist, otherwise it will be difficult to cope with population pressure.

Today's population does not need to grow, and the pressure will soon be passed on to the plan.

There is no market to enrich the product categories, and there is no market to provide jobs. It is not difficult to see the end of the road.

In this regard, it is hard for Li Shengli to suggest anything. That is the gaming field for the big guys.

Today's Father Du is not qualified to speak alone.

"Are you sure you want to send such a large technical team there?
You require too many people. Once these people are lost in the next changes, it will also be a heavy blow to our technology field. "

Eating the poor households in the north is also a technical job for Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian.

Because the people living in the north are poor people, there are not many technicians in the United States who can use them.

There is no way to rely on technology, except for jobs in the field of cutting-edge technology.

As Mr. Chen just said on the plane, a large plane requires the cooperation of three to four hundred units.

After trying all the advanced techniques, but neglecting the basic techniques, and going through them all over again, I'm afraid it would take ten years as a time unit.

“Dad, we can’t use American scientists to help us search for technology, right?

If you're not afraid of leaking secrets, we'll have no problem.

In this way, we can use more manpower, from the United States, Western Europe, and the island. This is not a big problem. "

Hearing the answer from the wise son-in-law, Father Du was so angry that he sneered.

Asking scientists from the United States to help search for technology here will make this business ridiculous.

“You deal with the matter at hand as quickly as possible, and we organize the technical team as quickly as possible.

Is one week enough? "

Hearing Father Du's time limit, Li Shengli only had a wry smile on his face.

"Dad, I'll try my best!

But things like that just now should not appear in the technical team. I'm afraid they can go out and not come back!

Dad, there is no problem on my side.

During this week, I will try not to show up..."

After hearing the reply from the wise son-in-law, Father Du felt a little at ease.

“The things you brought back are all stored in the hangar over there.

Even Mr. Lu and others can't enter the base on the mountain. It's really yours!

Who are you guarding against? "

With a helpless slander, Father Du didn't want to have a deep conversation with his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli now. Who knows what sarcastic words he might have come out of his mouth?

Nowadays, the nerves of all parties are a little tense, fearing that spoilers like Li Shengli will disrupt the situation. Once the situation is messed up, it will be difficult to deal with here.

Of course, Li Shengli would not say who he was guarding against. Father Du, Father Lu, and Old Deng were all on his guard.

He is not in the country, and even Lao Deng cannot have access to all the fruits of returning to his roots on the mountain.

Just like what Director Wang did at the airport just now, with just two words, he would dare to erase all your efforts.

If Li Shengli asked him to change his leather shoes and put on straw sandals, stop eating meat and eat bran and grass roots, and hand over the money he saved, he would probably have to use vehement words again.

As the old saying goes, don't encourage others to do good without their suffering. If it were in Ochaki, Li Shengli would have thrown him into the Black Sea without hesitation, making him a smelly black sludge at the bottom of the sea.

"Dad, you still have to abide by objective laws when doing things..."

Although the answer of the wise son-in-law Li Shengli was objective, Father Du was naturally dissatisfied. In many cases, promoting style is not an empty talk.

Now it seems that it is impossible to gain my daughter's benefits in vain.

To put it bluntly, my daughter Du Juan's money now belongs to the American side, so it is quite troublesome to deal with it.

As mentioned before, the wise son-in-law Li Shengli is very good at taking advantage of the situation.

After the meeting between Weng and his son-in-law, Mr. Lu and Lao Deng were waiting there outside the airport.

"Sheng Li, Acupuncture Bronze Man, Mr. Yue has already told me.

I'm a little itchy. Why don't you open one and take a look? "

After greeting Director Du who left in a hurry, Mr. Lu stopped Li Shengli, his old friend.

The Tiansheng Bronze Man is also a milestone in the history of the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

Since the Song Dynasty, there has never been such an exquisite acupuncture bronze figure. If the Tiansheng bronze figure can be spread in an orderly manner, in Mr. Lu's opinion, the acupuncture techniques of traditional Chinese medicine can be improved to a higher level.

"Mr. Lu, the stuff has arrived. It's not too late to go home and take a look.

There is something I want to say at the beginning: there are 20,200 acupuncture bronze figures in total.

Not a single body is allowed to be exported.

If you want to give it away as a gift, it's not impossible.

A bronze figure costs 100 million U.S. dollars. This is the design cost.

The manufacturing cost is also 100 million U.S. dollars. If someone wants to give it away, if two of them come up with 400 million U.S. dollars, I have no objection.

As for the people below deliberately damaging the bronze statue, I don’t need to tell you the consequences..."

Li Shengli didn't know the cost of the acupuncture bronze figure, nor did the factory that made the bronze figure.

Because many materials and metals are prepared in the north plan.

Don't underestimate the acupuncture bronze figure, which is as tall as one person. It is also made by the cooperation of dozens of units.

Li Shengli said that the design cost was US$100 million, but that was not empty talk.

Like the previous acupuncture bronze men, Li Shengli did not use an electronic acupuncture system in order to ensure the service life of the bronze men.

Maozi's electronic system was too crude. After the needle was inserted, the electronic system reacted. This technology would have to wait thirty years before it could be put into use on the bronze man.


Then hurry up and get lucky...

Are these 22,000 acupuncture bronze figures found in every Chinese medicine hospital? "

When it comes to the number of bronze men, it is necessary to mention distribution.

Mr. Lu didn't care how much the 20,200 bronze figures were worth. What he cared about was whether the Chinese medicine practitioners below could benefit from it.

"Mr. Lu, we are not playing house here, we need a bowl of water to keep things balanced.

There were two hundred bronze figures on the plane, one hundred for the correspondence school, two for Yue Lao, and the remaining ninety-eight were evenly distributed among the various schools, with no share from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

All acupuncture bronze figures will only be teaching aids in schools and will not become furnishings in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals.

In addition, I also asked the factory there to design small and medium-sized acupuncture bronze figures. The medium-sized bronze figures are just like the large ones, while the small ones can only be used to identify acupoints and veins.

This time there is no medium-sized bronze man on Mr. Yue's side. In the future, medium-sized bronze man will be used as a reward for Chinese medicine practitioners, but it will be difficult to obtain it.

These are just remarks. You have always been in the Chinese medicine school and the barefoot doctor, so you haven't encountered any problems, right? "

Of course Li Shengli would take advantage of the north, except for the adult-sized acupuncture bronze man.

He also customized a batch of additional smaller versions, but it's hard to say how many can be cast.

Although Maozi's manufacturing ability is strong, it would take more than a year to cast 20,000 acupuncture bronze figures. It is difficult to say how many medium-sized bronze figures can be cast in the remaining time.

Li Shengli mentioned the troubles in the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, but Mr. Lu was hesitant to speak.

The ministry suffered a huge loss from Li Shengli in the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Now that the limelight has changed, some people want to take revenge for the original crime.

But they underestimated Li Shengli's methods. Now the Chinese medicine hospitals and clinics below have exposed more than one million Chinese medicine practitioners and barefoot doctors.

The ministry wanted it, so Mr. Lu directly gave him a month’s salary slip, 100 million!
Add in the subsidy funds for traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and traditional Chinese medicine clinics, which amounts to several billion a year, which immediately makes the ministry prohibitive.

As for the industry that the ministry wants to support these people, Li Shengli also has a back-up, and a contract signed by the superiors was produced.

Not to mention the countless industries below, the traditional Chinese medicine base on the mountain is now worth US$500 million based on compound interest calculations.

These industries all require cash settlement. It is not difficult to take these away. What is difficult is where to get tens of billions of funds.

Li Shengli's actual investment may only be a billion, but with the development of the market, the combined market value of these industries is now tens of billions.

Taking it back sounds simple, but in practice, it is impossible unless you take it back by force.

Seeing that Mr. Lu didn't speak, Li Shengli naturally knew the difficulty, so he continued:

"Mr. Lu, those nonsense things in the ministry have nothing to do with us.

Recently, there was a sum of money in Hong Kong City, which was enough to spend.

In the next two years, I will have to wrap up the Cherno matter, and you will suffer a lot.

All barefoot doctors must be taken into account, and local Miao, Zhuang, Mongolian, and Tibetan doctors can also be given appropriate support.

In a word, we don’t care what the market is like, we only care about our previous plans.

Barefoot doctors have made contributions. Regardless of whether they practice medicine in the future, we must provide them with protection.

Our attitude is also clear on one thing: funds are only used to expand in rural areas and have nothing to do with cities.

When it comes to the city, our funds are only invested in Chinese medicine hospitals..."

Li Shengli, who is in Ochaki, sees many things more clearly than Mr. Lu.

The cold winter in the market is only temporary, and the market in the future will still be the market.

At a time when all businesses are stagnant, it is also the last opportunity.

The investment at this time is only a few hundred thousand, but as long as it is managed well, it will be several million in two or three years.

Although it is difficult for these small factories and workshops rooted in towns and rural areas to make breakthroughs in scale, they are better in the long run.

Coupled with the overall planning at the township and county levels and the control of the external market, as long as these small factories and workshops develop, they will become a long-term source of wealth.

In recent years, the market has also developed greatly, just like the antitrust in the EU today.

The number of color TVs exported here has increased from tens of thousands to millions.

Some TV manufacturers in Europe and the United States have to cut prices by 30% to maintain their own market.

This kind of maintenance is futile in Li Shengli's view. As long as things are mass-produced domestically, the cost will only get lower and lower.

In the TV market, Europe and the United States do not have any advantage.

Along with Du Jiaoyang's harvesting operations on the island, a full set of more advanced color TV production technologies are also being introduced in full swing.

With the technology that Baidu has gained on the island, in the field of electronic manufacturing, the market here will only press forward step by step, making European and American manufacturers disarm.

The patent system on the island is also very different from that in the world. Just like Nobel Prize winner Nakamura, who invented the blue LED light, the reward he received from the company was only 20,000 yen.

On the island, social animals are really social animals, and the rules are very strict.

To put it bluntly, the patent belongs to the island, but the profits belong to the capital.

Du Jiaoyang's introduction of technology in the country is not like a good person, and the patent points he deserves will not be less.

It's just that the patent fees will not flow back to the island, but directly to Zou Jin's research institute near the pass.

The blue LED mentioned earlier is the end of Li Shengli's medical equipment technology.

Zou Jin has already started filing patent applications internationally for LED displays and LCD displays.

These two are just small nodes that cut off the technology tree on the European and American islands. Now Zou Jin has to apply for thousands of patent projects a year.

Many of these results are experiments that are being studied in Europe, the United States and on the island, but no conclusions have been reached.

By directly applying for patents based on results and physical objects, not to mention two display screens, Zou Jin can destroy the European and American patent systems during the next blockade.

If you don't respect my patents, none of your patents will be respected.

While major foreign manufacturers and institutions are still deeply involved in rear projection, Zou Jin has already taken shortcuts in the display field and overtaken corners in advance.

The market is too big, just like the small-screen color TVs currently exported from China to Europe and the United States.

As the market develops, the influence of Du Jiaoyang Capital will become weaker and weaker. If we don't take advantage of the cold winter to quickly implement some of our previous plans, we will lose the opportunity.

The benefits of opening a market are also obvious. It only took ten years for foreign exchange to go from several billion to today's small hundreds of billions.

And the domestic gross value is also increasing exponentially. Those who maintain plans will eventually be defeated by market demand. This is a demand based on population and is an irreversible trend.

Nowadays, the domestic population is also the basis for the market to survive this cold winter. If foreign trade is not doing well, wages will be raised to stimulate domestic demand.

Today it is no longer a big market of one billion people, but a big market of 1.1 billion people.

A slight increase in domestic demand is enough for domestic companies to pass the test. What is bad in the market today is not demand, but regulation.


Shengli, let’s go to the mountain and have a good talk..."

According to Li Shengli, Mr. Lu has been doing what he has been doing, but in the recent period, the old man has been criticized a lot.

Many people not only want traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, but also want the research results on the mountain.

The diagnosis Li Shengli gave in the correspondence school is now widely circulated in the circle.

It is suitable for many people to see the efficacy without watching advertisements.

The life-extending methods of traditional Chinese medicine are not spread among small circles.

There is also an uproar circulating below. The reason is probably clear to Mr. Lu. It is nothing more than a sensationalist trick, most likely done by Li Shengli.

This kind of sensationalism is also the best advertising method for the traditional Chinese medicine hospitals below.

In terms of treatment and surgery, Chinese medicine may not be able to compare with Western medicine, but there are countless ways that Chinese medicine can help people feel the great benefits of their bodies in a short period of time...

(End of this chapter)

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