The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 913: Intensive Work (Part )

Chapter 913: Intensive Work (Part )

Hearing his brother-in-law Li Shengli say that he should refer to the rules in the wind and rain, Wang Qianjin understood the rules of the game here now.

Wang Qianjin should not be too familiar with the rules of wind and rain.

This rule is actually very simple. The big shots in the past have no say. Whoever has the real power has the final say.

To put it bluntly, sometimes, a small person who holds the keys to a warehouse is better than the big people above who give orders.

"Your grandson, why didn't you say this earlier?"

Wang Qianjin's question left Li Shengli speechless. In many cases, he had to go with the flow.

"It's useless to tell you earlier.

At that time, they had not yet implemented dual exchange rates, and Du Jiaoyang and the others had not freed up their funds.

Now they are sniping at the ruble in the foreign exchange market and are making good gains.

Today's ruble-to-US dollar exchange rate has risen from 0.6 to a few points.

Unlike the Plaza Accord of 1985, where the U.S. dollar depreciated, Maozi's planned market has a fixed share.

There is only so much currency in circulation and there will not be large-scale issuance.

A two or three times difference in the exchange rate means that Mao Zi's assets have shrunk significantly.

They rely on gold and oil to stabilize their currencies. Next, it is time for the financiers of the United States and the United States to take action on gold.

The business here is huge.

The plunge in international gold prices is an inevitable step in the economic war between Laos and the United States against Maozi.

When two tigers fight, we gain.

Just like when we harvested the island, we made a lot of paper wealth on the island, and this time we just exchanged it for spot gold.

If they dare to let the price of gold plunge, we dare to support two companies with one hand. We will first deliver the physical gold from the international market, and then buy the gold at a high price to provide them with ammunition.

Now that we have seen the opportunity, we must make the biggest fortune.

It's just that making this fortune requires corresponding strength as a guarantee.

Lao Mei and Mao Zi can never deal with each other.

Before, many people could barely maintain their lives, but now it is no longer easy to maintain them.

Anton is a front-line spy, and Mao Zi has many retired spies and agents.

We have money, but they have a grudge against the United States. We provide money and they sacrifice their lives, which just helps us make a fortune..."

Whether it is harvesting or licking corpses, it will be risky for Du Jiaoyang, Niu Bijian, and even Wang Qianjin.

In front of the gun, Qian never had the chance to stand up and speak.

Li Shengli's plan here is the same as that on the island. It is nothing more than to be a troublemaker during the harvest season and hit both sides.

"Grandson, this Taoist practice is so profound that I don't really understand it.

Just tell me what to do? "

Shaking the drawings in his hand, Wang Qianjin felt a little confused, but he also knew that there would be a big scene next.

"Simple, just like before, make friends with the powerful people here.

When the time comes, I will introduce you to a truly powerful person.

Are we businessmen? We always have to please both sides..."

Li Shengli couldn't explain the details, so the operation would naturally be done by Du Jiaoyang's professional staff.

All he has to do is point out some key nodes.

After that, let Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian make friends with powerful people on both sides at the same time.

In the world of capital, whoever has more money, whoever can stay rich without dying, is the boss...

Wang Qianjin continued to fool around with Mao Zi, and Du Lao returned without success.

When changing planes, Father Du took out a personal medal of courage that he received on Li Shengli's behalf. This is the highest reward for medical staff and the last medal here.

It's just that Father Du felt that his son-in-law was not qualified to wear this medal, so he just let Li Shengli take a look at it and took it back to China.

Just like what the wise son-in-law said, what Father Du brought back from this trip was only disappointment and hesitation. The collapse of such a huge empire was very close...

After Du Lao returned to China, Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian also came to the Black Sea coast again, and the pace of many things was about to speed up.

After Du Jiaoyang landed, he directly found Anton and talked about their relationship.

As Li Shengli thought, even if they are agents, most people have to run for a living.

Anton is also helpless about this. Now is the time for each of them to survive, and their positions are becoming increasingly unstable.

The huge system has begun to fall apart.

Unlike other pure people, Anton has a deep understanding of the situation and is a smart person among smart people. It's a pity that his position is not good.

Although on the Black Sea coast, Anton could be the temporary person in charge, in Moscow, he was just a nobody.

He doesn't have the ability to protect the country. All he can do is protect a group of people.

Li Shengli did not shy away from Anton in many things, and he also made certain things clear.

The United States wants to see the North fall into disrepair, while Li Shengli, while harvesting and licking corpses, the most important thing is to continue cooperation.

Compared with the financiers in the United States, Li Shengli is more concerned about the future relationship between the two parties.

Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian's capital, if they want to gain a foothold in the United States, it is not enough to have more money and more people.

When the bear falls, it will leave behind a huge legacy, and the weapons and ammunition among them are the best talismans for capital.

If these legacies are used properly, they will influence the ups and downs of the energy market.

For Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian, the life and death of Lao America, Europe, America, or Africa has nothing to do with them. They have only one root, and that is the country.

As long as they hide back home in case of trouble, they will be absolutely safe. To put it mildly, as long as they inherit Mao Xiong's big bomb in West Asia, it will be enough to protect themselves.

With this starting point, the international market, no matter which specialized market it is, has little to do with whether it is chaotic or not.

As long as you can continue to make money and as long as you can ensure your own safety, there is no place where you cannot cause chaos except within the country.

Another point is that the trouble may have something to do with them, but it must not be caused by them.

In this way, the capital of Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian not only requires warehouses all over Europe and Africa, but also an agent like Anton.

For a person like Anton who bears the hatred of destroying his country, no matter what he does, it is reasonable.

After Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian landed, Li Shengli briefly met them, and they went to Europe and Africa to continue developing local political and business relations.

The most important one is to ensure the smooth flow of the Turkish Strait.

Secondly, we need to get a piece of land in Africa where we can really have the final say. After all, the legacy of the woolly bear is too thorny, and it still needs a safe place to store it.

Li Shengli did not let the two of them interfere in the acquisition of this land. The best person to take over was Anton, a high-ranking KGB official.

On the shore of the Black Sea, the autumn air was crisp and clear. Li Shengli and Anton were sitting on the trestle of the pier of the nursing home.

Looking at the undulating Black Sea, Li Shengli said:
“My friend Anton, have you or have you thought about it?
Eastern Europe is already in danger, and collapse is imminent.

If you don't make a choice, the deterrent power of the Eastern Bloc will be gone.

I'll show you the way.

My purpose has been made very clear to you. We must forcibly inherit your inheritance.

This can also be regarded as a protection of the successor's strength. After we take over and benefit, this group of people can still come back in the future.

But in the hands of the United States, it will not be so easy for you to come back.

You have fallen, but your people remain.

Special layers, things like this that shouldn't exist, are the root cause of your collapse.

If you can cleanse the three million special layers, the empire can still continue.

But it's a pity that you and I are also members of the special class.

Instead of hesitating, it’s better to look to the future.

Your collapse is due to yourselves, but the promoters of this are not good birds either.

We support you in letting the United States fall into dire straits. How great is this? "

This is not the first time Li Shengli has told Anton.

Many questions and many steps may require analysis for others, but for Anton, there is no need. Just listen to him and it will become clear.

As Li Shengli said, the collapse of Eastern Europe is just the beginning, and his country has already been on the verge of collapse.

After his loving father, the Hearst and Bolsheviks, and now the Goslings, have developed what Li Shengli calls special qualities.

Three million special tiers was Li Shengli's conservative statement. For Anton, this number would be even higher.

When he is a loving father, his control over all countries is also absolute.

Just like the 156 Project that Li Shengli often said, his loving father never thought of providing all basic industries to the country.

Those were 156 projects that Hexcel exported in order to win over.

Now that Li Shengli wants to forcibly inherit the empire's legacy, Anton definitely doesn't want to accept it.

But the result still had to be accepted. Just like what Li Shengli said, he was nostalgic for old feelings.

Although not many experts who participated in the 156 Project are left now, Li Shengli was still generous and did not let them go through the suffering before the collapse.

Of course, this is conditional. Li Shengli’s goal is nothing more than technology.

The warships of the Red Navy and the Far East Navy are now within the scope of trading, and Anton doesn't know what other items cannot be traded.

Big bombs and the like, for countries that have them, that's all.

If you really want to use a big bomb to destroy a country, you can only think about it. The biggest deterrent of a big bomb is that it can wipe out the political leaders of various countries.

Isn’t it possible that the island where there were two stars is still living happily?
"Mr. Li, this is still difficult for me to accept psychologically.

According to what you said, when I dream back at midnight, I always want to cry for our country, but when I want to cry, I can't cry.

You're all right, but we need to take another look.

I have already arranged the personnel needed for security.

Loyalty and reliability are far away from them. How to use it is your own business.

Perhaps from now on, their only loyal target will be the beautiful green sword.

We have also started the immigration plan you mentioned. Thank you for your financial assistance.

In the future, we will try our best not to be enemies with your forces..."

Li Shengli wants to devour Eastern Europe's strategic reserves, and Anton has no objection.

But he wanted to devour the elite garrison and form a new mercenary army, and Anton could not agree to it.

Until the moment the empire collapses, Anton does not want to be accused of treason.

As for the land in Africa, in Anton's view, tens of thousands of elite mercenaries are not needed to acquire land in that kind of country.

Looking at the blindly confident Anton, Li Shengli shook his head.

When it comes to fighting wars and technological wars, Maozi is not as good as the United States.

In ground wars, let alone at home, North Korea can give them a drink.

If Mao Zi were to go to the southwest to fight with the monkeys, they wouldn't be able to hold on even in five years, let alone ten years.

As a special forces unit, Mao Zi also got the spotlight. If he really faced off against Ding Yong's spy battalion, his chances of winning would be slim.

Not to mention that the army, which has now lost its soul, went to Africa to gain land. Now it seems that Niu Bijian can only find another way.

"An enemy?
Anton, you overestimate yourselves.

If you can really become our enemy, your empire will not be on the verge of collapse.

Defeat before fighting, and if you really fight, it will be doomed to a disastrous defeat.

Leaving a way for you is just to distract the old beauty.

Don't overestimate yourself, or you will die without a complete body.

It's up to you to choose the path you want. We can barely be considered friends, so I treat you with all my heart.

During this period, I may have to go back to China..."

Hearing that Li Shengli was returning to China, Anton's usually calm face became more anxious.

As for being defeated before a fight or not being an opponent, Anton didn't take it to heart. Strength is something that can be played out, not spoken out.

"Mr. Li, is it so fast?"

The failure of the foreign exchange market made Anton see the failure of the so-called integration.

The special layer that Li Shengli was talking about has now lost its head. With such a foolish move, defeat is doomed.

"Not so fast. Mr. Yue, who came with me, is too old and may be in some danger this winter.

I want to send him back to China in the autumn. The Black Sea is not conducive to Mr. Yue’s recuperation..."

After the death of Mr. Liu from Madianji, Mr. Pu in the south became increasingly poor.

Li Shengli estimated that his treatment would still take a year or two.

As Li Shengli said, the Black Sea coast is not conducive to Mr. Yue's recuperation.

Now Mr. Yue is the only remaining great doctor who can still perform diagnosis and treatment.

Mr. Pu gradually loses his ability to take care of things. Now when it comes to medical skills, it really depends on Mr. Deng on the mountain.

"Then come back as soon as possible. The situation in your country may not be very favorable to you.

I will send a telegram to urge you every once in a while..."

The bleak situation is not only for the north. The island is in a miserable state, and the market on the American side is also in the throes of transformation.

The north is in danger, and the country is also experiencing a cold winter.

Today's international markets are interconnected. Both big and small countries are in recession, and it is difficult for the domestic market to survive alone.

After Li Shengli took over the diagnosis and treatment of radiation sickness on his own, Mr. Lu returned to China not long after staying here. He still had the heavy responsibility of the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

As for Mr. Yue, he was supposed to return home in the spring half a year ago, but there was an acupuncture man hanging, so he postponed it until now.

Maozi's industrial capabilities are not in vain. According to the current industrial processing technology, the precision-manufactured acupuncture bronze figures and bone-setting bronze skeletons have fully met the expectations of Mr. Yue and Li Shengli.

Fighter Design Institute, Battleship Design Institute, being an acupuncture bronze man is still easy...

(End of this chapter)

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