The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 911: Wealth and Power (Part )

Chapter 911: Wealth and Power (Part )

According to the situation analysis given by my daughter Du Juan, Wall Street also has a bottom line for harvesting on the island.

But with the addition of two troublemakers, daughters Du Juan and Niu Bijian, only two of them became rich during the harvesting process.

The island is miserable, and it takes ten or several decades to calculate it. The control that many companies have lost will be difficult to regain in their lifetime.

The Wall Street capital that participated in the harvest also ended in a disastrous victory. If Niu Bijian had not made concessions, they would also have suffered a disastrous defeat.

This is still the result of the mediation between the old and American political and business forces. According to Niu Bijian's idea, they will also eat up this batch of Wall Street capital.

As for old America, Niu Bijian has become a man of the hour. The so-called replacement of old people with a new generation, according to his daughter Du Juan, is just a drop in the bucket of benefits.

For their daughters Du Juan and Niu Bijian, money has become a figure on their books.

According to what my daughter said, the two of them had tens of billions of dollars just for the extra money they couldn't spend and didn't dare to spend.

My daughter Dujuan has moved these funds to Hong Kong City and is preparing to enter the domestic market in a big way.

This money, for their daughters Du Juan and Niu Bijian, is also an asset that they can give up at will.

Once it enters the country, according to the analysis of economic experts from Dujuan, this amount of money will increase exponentially within twenty years.

According to the wise son-in-law Li Shengli, this is the dividend of the times.

Dujuan's situation analysis also gave a thorough explanation of the pros and cons of entering this capital into the country.

Investing in the physical industry will not only bring huge returns, but the surplus on their books that they cannot spend will eventually flow back to the other side of the ocean in a reasonable and legal way.

Another option is to invest in basic industries. For this type of investment, the return on capital is far less than expected.

But it can slowly grasp the lifeblood of the market. In addition to finance, no matter how high-end the industry is, it ultimately depends on basic industries.

A very simple thing, just like in the north now, if Dujuan's capital controls the food, the capital will not care whether you are hungry or not, they will only care about their own profits.

The returns at this time are beyond those of investing in real estate, because food is priceless during times of famine.

This is absolutely not allowed in China.

The most unfriendly thing about capital is that Dujuan invests this capital in infrastructure construction.

But there is also an expected problem, just like the Shenzhen-Dalian Expressway that is about to be completed.

If the charges are based on the number of cars in the United States and the island, the investment cost will be recovered in a few years.

If we look at the current domestic car ownership, we may not be able to recoup the cost in a hundred years.

Letting go of the right of way was not without its consequences in the late Qing Dynasty.

If the agreed charging period exceeds current expectations, the cost may fall on the development of the market.

According to Du Juan's analysis, thirty years would be enough to increase this amount of money several times.

Twenty years is too risky for investment. In business, for this type of investment, according to Du Juan, you have to estimate Niu Bijian's side.

Now these two are completely out of control. The old saying that wealth brings great power is particularly heartbreaking at this moment.

Some people even said stupid things to get Du Jiaoyang to contribute the funds.

For Mr. Du, such demands may be even more costly in the future.

With tens of billions of dollars, can’t we buy some privileges?

But once it is sold, no one can tell what will happen.

Those who do not ask for anything in return, just make contributions, are afraid that they really cannot see the nature of capital.

These tens of billions are just part of the surplus that the two of them cannot and dare not spend. A larger sum of money is still raging in the United States!
After having contributed tens of billions, what conditions will be imposed if the remaining funds come in?

Du Juan can make a contribution, and asking Niu Bijian to make a contribution is just a joke. This is not as good as a virtuous son-in-law asking for help from outside. At least it is a kind of self-reliance.

The funds in his daughter's hands now must be needed, but how to get it, Father Du has no idea.

This time I came to see my virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli. In addition to admonitions, I came here to seek advice.

But he never thought that after the island, the economy in the north would also take a strange turn.

A warship like Kirov can become a means of self-living, which is a bit scary for Mr. Du.

He didn't dare to think about how to deal with such a situation in China.

“I can’t make the decision on this matter, I need to go back and report.

From this point of view, I am afraid that my trip will be in vain.

If it's true as you said, it's hard to get back here.

Once a person's heart is broken, it is impossible to put it back together again.

Dujuan Capital now has three investment directions: industry, basic industries, and infrastructure.

What are your thoughts here?
Don't tell me that you also lost control of Niu Bijian..."

Looking at the virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli, who was standing solemnly with his back straight and his back straight, Father Du deliberately asked him to sit down.

But I still feel that the virtuous son-in-law is more eye-catching when he is standing. Once he sits down, this guy looks docile, and it is easy to mislead others about him.

"A joint venture, a joint venture with a public manufacturer.

Dad, in many places public factories are probably losing money nine times out of ten, right?
The market has had an impact on them, and it is up to the market to smooth out the losses.

Otherwise, if it continues, it will be a huge amount of money and dozens of big projects every year.

If I buy a factory in the future, can I sell the price of the steel rolling mill and the tertiary food factory?
The answer is definitely no, because no one is selling it.

Now the capital in the hands of Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian is that they were taken advantage of.

According to the price of the tertiary products of the steel rolling mill, we will jointly establish a joint venture with the factory. After that, wherever the joint venture is held, infrastructure construction will be invested.

As for basic industries, it is best not to let foreign investment intervene, as the risks are too great.

Of course, this is a commercial cooperation, and in terms of infrastructure construction, a minimum capital guarantee must be achieved.

At the same time, we will continue to promote the improvement of salary levels in these joint venture factories.

When the eight-fold wage system becomes the default rule in the market, many things become easier.

But before investing, you and many people still need to give a serious explanation.

Without this statement, this fund would not dare to enter the country..."

What Li Shengli said was the same as what Lou's company did near the pass, except that some people proposed it and some objected.

Father Du undoubtedly agrees with this investment method, but as the wise son-in-law said, there is really a lack of a serious explanation nowadays.

Wang Jiazi has stayed here for a long time in the name of discussing projects. Although domestic projects have been continuing, his stay lacks an explanation.

This time, unlike the last time when my son-in-law slipped to Hong Kong City, he just needed someone to show his support when he came back from Hong Kong City.

This matter involves not only the virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli, daughter Du Juan, and Wang Jiazi, but also thousands of people.

Without an accurate statement, it is difficult to say whether the market will continue to move forward.

The clues before the storm began to appear again.

The good son-in-law lives in the north and refuses to go back. This may not have anything to do with the domestic situation.

"Although what you are doing here is business, no matter what, some domestic actions still need to be continued.

Some time ago, a man named Ma Shengli established a papermaking enterprise group.

It was a good idea, but unfortunately, it ended up being a mess. If you can't win that victory, take over this victory and see if you can achieve victory.

His goal is to build 100 paper mills. If you and your wife are rich and powerful, the scale can be larger. I think as long as it is losing money, whether it is a large or small factory, you can take over it.

This time can be used as a pilot. If it is done well, I will naturally give you an explanation..."

Hearing Father Du's request, Li Shengli also had a wry smile on his face. This business was really not easy to accept.

The focus of paper mills is not on profits in the first place. Environmental protection is the first priority. Don't ask why, it involves the purity of the first pot of gold. If you don't do this, you will have too many troubles in the future.

"Dad, it's not impossible to take over the paper mill, but there are conditions!"

Father Du frowned when he heard that the good son-in-law wanted conditions. He did this pilot just to get the actual results and argue with some people.

If conditions are added, it becomes less convincing.

"You understand what I mean, but why do you need to add additional conditions?
How can I get an explanation from you after adding conditions? "

Hearing that Father Du had misunderstood, Li Shengli shook his hand and said:
“Dad, maybe many people don’t understand my conditions.

But if capital wants to enter the paper industry, this condition is a necessary prerequisite.

The condition I want is environmental protection.

The sewage from paper mills is extremely polluted.

Abroad, the requirements for wastewater discharge from paper mills are very high.

The conditions I want are environmentally friendly, but still relevant to the market.

We can’t take environmental protection measures and others can’t, right?
I don’t want any reason for this. Either we accept them all, or we don’t accept any of them.

Even if we take over part of it, other companies must follow our lead.

If the environmental protection conditions are not met, whether it is a factory with 100 people or a factory with 10,000 people, it must be shut down immediately once found.

After the assessment, if there are no conditions for implementing environmental protection measures, the factory will be dismantled directly, and if there are conditions, rectification will be carried out.

After our environmental protection line is started, if we find that other paper mills are discharging pollutants wantonly, the value of the environmental protection line will be the case value. We will kill them if we can, and we will kill those who cannot kill them by force.

Without this condition and this line, we will not accept any paper-making enterprise, just like we do not touch the steel industry.

The pollution is too great to explain to future generations.

If no one follows this line after our investment enters the papermaking industry, our equipment will be scrapped on the spot and our investment will be withdrawn.

We will never leave anyone with any excuse.

Dad, you have to understand our difficulties.

For private paper mills that have no environmental protection measures, we cannot invest in this industry unless we arrest and kill them. This is also our bottom line. "

Hearing Xian Xian's bottom line, Father Du was also in trouble.

It's a good thing, but it's just too overbearing.

Although some people in China have raised environmental protection issues, now is really not the time to dwell on environmental protection.

The market is about to fall apart. Things like environmental protection and long-term issues can really only be postponed a little bit.

“It’s not good to talk too much, and it’s not good to do too much.

Things will go well if they are slow, you have to give me time..."

Father Du has no right to agree to this, so he can only let his daughter and son-in-law enter the game first.

For Mr. Du, the issue of environmental protection does need to be put behind the market debate, and they also need arguments on their side.

“Dad, this can’t happen!

The bottom line is the bottom line and there is no possibility of changing it.

In addition to taking over the paper industry, we will also optimize the provenance of paper raw materials.

Straw in rural areas is only one, and accumulated fertilizer or biological fertilizer is the second.

Third, we can carry out large-scale afforestation in rural areas and barren mountains and wastelands.

The papermaking industry is quite consistent with the Yaoshan contracting we are doing.

As long as you nod your head, we can create the best paper industry cycle in the world.

And the price is only two words: 'environmental protection'!
If we fail to meet the conditions I mentioned, we can only give up investing in this industry.

We have done this, even if all the tens of billions in the sun are invested in the paper industry, we will have no regrets.

Environmental protection must be an iron rule..."

Listening to the pie drawn by the wise son-in-law, Mr. Du also knew that once he nodded, "environmental protection" would immediately turn into a bottomless pit.

The reason is simple. Whether it is the chemical industry or the steel industry, it has a huge impact on the environment.

Once this is done, environmental protection will become a rigid target.

Using the paper industry as an argument is also the proper meaning of the question.

To fill this bottomless pit, only massive capital investment can be done.

Whether it is worth it for the paper industry to affect other industries still needs to be carefully considered.

In the long run, this is naturally a good thing.

But many of the immediate things are unresolved. Putting aside the immediate things and focusing on the future, according to the wise son-in-law, as an old saying goes, is to stop eating because of choking.

"If we do as you say, the word 'environmental protection' will become an iron law in all walks of life in the future.

Since you mentioned the iron law, it is obvious that legislation is needed to guarantee it.

Victory, can this really solve the crisis before us? "

For Mr. Du, after seeing the collapse of the island and hearing about the difficulties in the north, he was not optimistic about the domestic situation.

"Dad, these are not things that can be equated.

There are some things that you have to do even if the sky strikes you, otherwise you will be struck by lightning in the future.

The experience given to us by dual-track and barrier-breaking is nothing more than two words: "control".

It is doomed that the plan cannot keep up with the development of the market.

Some industries must be planned, and this is certain for us.

There is nothing wrong with some industries having to have a market.

As Du Pengzhang said, our path is different from others.

Without a long-term view, problems will be left to the future.

Regardless of whether people will be able to solve it in the future, problems such as 'environmental protection' will leave shortcomings.

It will take generations to recover.

The foggy city of Gui Lao, the light fog on the island, and dioxin are all the ways forward that we can see.

If you don’t avoid it after seeing it, do you think this is right or wrong..."

(End of this chapter)

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