The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 905: Breakthrough (Part )

Chapter 905: Breakthrough (Part )

"Will there be a shortage of food here?"

Wang Yu was a little frightened when she expressed her guess unconfidently.

Maozi has also encountered difficulties, and it is in the land where she is now established.

“Maybe not in the city, but there is a shortage of supplies below.

City people don’t go into the forest to hunt bears or deer.

Only when the supply is insufficient, the people below will hunt them all regardless of size.

The price of meat here is not high. Maybe what they are short of is not meat, but other products.

It is precisely because of the price of meat that the people below need to hunt more meat and furs in exchange for what they really need.

Maozi's light industry has always been weak.

We assume that they have now encountered the shortcomings of light industrial products. Many light industrial products require higher efforts to obtain.

The Imperial Cemetery, a rotten battle with no beginning or end.

Today's man-made disaster in Cherno cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

Nowadays, there are not many areas where Maozi can obtain foreign exchange. Oil from the Far East and food from the Black Sea Plain are undoubtedly very important.

Oil doesn't matter. If it's lacking, it just raises oil prices and drives less.

But food is different. Without food, you will starve.

According to the information provided by Du Jiaoyang's people, the four major grain merchants in the United States have sent many white gloves to purchase grain at high prices along the Black Sea coast to supply Western Europe.

Although there will be reserves of food, for those who are willing to run in the belly of a girl, no matter how sweet bread or ribs are, they are not as sweet as green and beautiful knives. Isn’t it hard currency..."

Listening to Li Shengli's only half of the cycle, Wang Yu's face gradually became heavy.

She not only learned these economic knowledge, but also practiced it seriously.

"Li Shengli, finish the cycle you haven't finished. Do I need to write a report on this, or should I report directly back to China?"

At this time, Wang Yu also knew that what Li Shengli just said was superficial and not a joke to change the subject.

Compared with previous years, the man in front of him was becoming increasingly difficult to see through.

Before, Wang Yu mostly admired and respected Lee Seung-ri, and due to the influence of hormones, she had unrealistic ideas about him.

Looking at this man now, he is as black and deep as the black sea in front of him.

And as the power he controls grows, the information asymmetry between the two becomes more and more obvious.

Many people can see the whole thing not because they are smart or profound, but because they have different information.

Just like Wang Yu herself, she has a very good overall view compared to some colleagues stationed abroad. After all, she spends more time in retreat in the office.

You, a housewife, don’t know this cycle?

If there is less food, we need to eat more meat. If there is not enough meat, we need to eat more vegetables. If there is not enough food, we have to eat something else.

If you don’t have enough to eat in summer, you have to eat more ice cream and drink more soda.

If you don't have enough to eat in winter, you need as much firewood and coal as you need, and you need to wear more clothes when you go out.

When you are hungry, you can also watch more TV or listen to the radio.

Maozi’s side is different from ours in that the planning system is relatively complete.

When you don’t have enough to eat, there are many alternatives.

Therefore, once there is a shortage of food, the impact will be felt across the board.

If there is not enough food, the price of television sets may skyrocket. The two may seem incompatible, but there are always clues connecting them.

Once there are loopholes in planning and supply, they must be filled immediately.

Doesn’t our market use dual tracks?

The dual track can only be a transition, and the next price must be aligned with market demand.

This kind of alignment is about breaking through. If you can get through, the price market has the final say and you can't get through.

Maybe it's just the gold and silver antiques from troubled times, which are not as expensive as a steamed bun.

A month's salary is only enough to buy a piece of bread. Workers can't starve to death, right?
Therefore, wages need to be increased at least twenty times so that workers will not starve to death.

Do the workers have family members?

For a family of three, the salary will increase to sixty times.

The salary was one thousand yuan before, and the salary will be sixty thousand yuan after that.

Second sister, you are a housewife who rides a bicycle to the vegetable market. Do you know the term "money is on the line"?
Workers' wages have increased sixty times, but it's unclear how the prices of products will increase.

How do you say this in economics, inflation?
This time, I mentioned it to Lao Du and asked him to take a look at the depreciation process of gold yuan coupons.

In the West, this thing is also called an economic crisis.

Second sister, think about it, you have to carry a sack of money to have a meal. At that time, hehe..."

After listening to Li Shengli's words, Wang Yu couldn't help but feel a chill. The mink coat she had just untied was wrapped tightly by her.

Li Shengli's words seemed to be about Mao Zi, but they were actually related to his own market.

Before coming, Wang Yu also heard many jokes. The tertiary industry such as the leather bag company was in the ascendant.

If we ignore it, the future may be like what Li Shengli mentioned.

"Shengli, help me plan. I think we still have to go back and talk about this issue."

Li Shengli's advice also allowed Wang Yu to grasp the key points.

Telling her this was not just chatting, but Li Shengli was giving her credit.


Second sister, you are capable of going up and down. Wasn’t it Li Shengli just now?

What did you call me before?

As long as you are a big girl, today, I must have a taste of you.

But you are Xiao Long's wife after all. Just call her "uncle" and the trouble will be settled.

Do you know why I can have three wives and four concubines in this circle?

I ask you to take off your clothes. Even if you are Xiao Long's wife, even if it is winter, and even if there are many people watching around you, you must take off your clothes for me.

Without him, this involves the future of your family. If you don't take it off, your family's road will be cut off here.

As far as the country is concerned, I'm really not a bad person. You see, when my uncle should pull you away, he still spares no effort.

As for outsiders, I'm not really a good person.

Although I am here to treat people, my eyes are always staring at their vitals.

If what I say comes true, those who provide me with medicine grinders and guillotines can package the technology you want and send it to China along with the plane.

Because I have their living mouth, green and beautiful knife.

Do you know what Du Jiaoyang is doing?

Ships of beautiful knives are shipped from the United States to the surrounding areas..." Listening to Li Shengli's teasing and deep words, Wang Yu smelled a hint of conspiracy.

She was not embarrassed by Li Shengli's words. She just felt that Li Shengli had opened a completely different door for her than before.

"Uncle, what are you talking about?
Am I not your niece-in-law?

Besides, I don’t look good either!

You have many connections. I'm afraid if you just say something now, all the big horses in the nursing home will be lined up for you to choose from, right? "

Blushing, he threw his bottom line into the black sea in front of him.

This was the door Wang Yu saw. With embarrassment and embarrassment, he said these shameless and dignified words.

Wang Yu also timidly looked at Li Shengli who wanted to pull her away.

"The boy is teachable!
Second sister, if you could only understand the words that just came out of your mouth.

In the future, you will be the head of the Wang family.

You and Wang Qianjin are both civil and military, and the future generations of the Wang family will have a much wider path.

Coupled with the relationship between the eldest brother and Xiao Long in the military, the Wang family's children will first develop their qualifications and muscles in the army.

If you are like your old man and give up martial arts and follow literature, the family tradition will be established.

Lao Du, Lao Wang, Lao Xie, who didn’t skip these red tapes?
In your eyes, when women are still linked to moral integrity, then you are not profound.

When you, as a housewife, can think about the economic cycle besides bargaining in the market, who would dare to treat you as a housewife?

At that time, when you went to the vegetable market, you would not forget your roots and lose your authenticity.

Now you are reluctant to go to the vegetable market because you have not seen through these red tapes and failed to understand the painstaking efforts of your family Lao Wang!

From now on, don't think of yourself as a woman, just as a donkey.

After pulling the stone mill behind him, this is called a big animal in the countryside, but it can also be called a pillar.

Go move a table by yourself, and I will tell you about it. You write it down. After writing it down in your mind, burn the things in the book. Go back and bring Wang Qianjin with you to see the world.

There are strong winds and waves, but don’t get lost in the last tide..."

Next, Li Shengli said, Wang Yu memorized and memorized, and the report started from a bear fur coat was written.

Today's external situation is no better than it will be in the future. You think of yourself as a great country, but others still think of you as the Republic of China.

If you want to stand out on the outside, actual external communication is far less important than verbal analysis.

As long as there is no war, the outside will be like that.

If you want to speak loudly, the rules nowadays are very simple, just big bombs have wings and Miss Qiu flies on a plane.

Without these two prerequisites, there would be no chief of staff.

"Uncle, can you take out a few more things?"

Looking at the two reports in front of him, Wang Yu continued to ignore the so-called face and dignity.

When she was working as a mouthpiece before, she felt that she had already had a high opinion of Li Shengli. Now it seems that the so-called high opinion is still somewhat ridiculous.

The two reports in front of her can be considered complementary to each other. One belongs to Wang Yu herself, and the other was given to Father Du by Li Shengli.

The words "plan and control" were what Li Shengli, the son-in-law, told Lao Du.

Wang Yu used a bear fur coat to analyze Maozi's shortcomings and pointed out the small moves of the four major grain merchants on the Black Sea coast.

No matter what kind of people say what kind of things, Wang Yu's report is endorsing Father Du, and at the same time, Father Du's report is also supporting Wang Yu.

With this report, Wang Yu doesn't need to estimate anything, and his promotion is just a matter of time.

"No hurries?
I've just started.

Some things need to be said bit by bit, and they may not be something you can think of, but others will understand them clearly after hearing them.

After all, theory must be combined with practice.

The patients in this sanatorium are almost all soldiers of the Trotsky Division.

Anton's temptation is over, Moscow's temptation has just begun.

These officers and soldiers supporting the division are only a small part of Cherno's front line. The real big head is behind!
As long as I am here, Ochaki on the Black Sea coast will slowly turn into a gold-selling cave.

How can it be so simple to cure an incurable disease? "

The domestic dual-track is just the beginning, and there will be real breakthroughs later. Li Shengli knows that there is no way to get through the breakthroughs.

The time for market development is too short, and it is far from the point where commodities on the market can stabilize prices on their own.

After this winter, the market will be very flat next year, and problems will appear next year. This is the last wave of the market.

If you can't get through the barrier, clean up the mess left behind and continue on the two tracks. To put it bluntly, until the ticket is cancelled, the price cannot be determined by the market.

Only when the products are greatly enriched and the competition in the market becomes more and more fierce, there is no need to break through the barriers, and the prices will gradually return to the market.

As for the radiation sickness that Li Shengli faces, it has just begun.

Although Cherno is nearing its end now, it is about emergency rescue, and there are still many troubles to come!
Now the only people who can retire and enter nursing homes are those who were on the front line.

The soldiers who supported Li Shengli were really just the beginning for the north. Hundreds of thousands of people would need treatment in the future!

This is only for rescue workers, including local residents, plus the passage of time and the continuation of blood lines.

Cherno's heavy hammer did hit the hemp in the north.

Because in addition to the original medicinal materials, the subsequent medicinal materials are all obtained through formal commercial channels and are Xin Yihe products.

Nowadays, the transactions on the Black Sea have begun to involve barter. As an ally of the United States, the Gui Lao Group does not accept rubles.

Food, petroleum, minerals, and heavy industrial products are just products that go to sea for New Yihe.

Like other countries in Europe and the United States, whether it is New Jardine, Jiaoyang International, Langyue International, Stars International, Changlu International, or the shipping kings of the port city, the island is controlled by the shipping companies of Du Jiaoyang Capital.

Nowadays, they are all doing the same thing, which is to build new shipping companies, agencies, and warehousing bases inside and outside the Turkish Strait.

Before the gluttonous feast begins, the capital wolves have already begun sharpening their knives.

"Don't tell me, you are really charming now.

No wonder Du Jiaoyang and Xie Chan are devoted to you?

Ding Lan is also lucky to have a man like you to protect him all the way..."

After hearing Li Shengli say that this was just the beginning, Wang Yu's side returned to its previous state.

Now looking back at the messy family created by Du Jiaoyang, excluding some messy things, the relationship between the three Du Ding and Xie families is obviously more advantageous than that of the Wang family.

Fortunately, Wang Qianjin has a daughter-in-law named Han Xiuqi, otherwise the newly opened construction company with a Chinese prefix would probably belong to the Ding family.

Now it seems that among the four families of King Du Ding and Xie, the Ding family has the purest position and appears as a force.

If Ding Kai had not been injured in the Southwest Battle, he would have been a pure military man.

Li Shengli uses in-laws to handle the relationship between the four families, which is undoubtedly simple, direct and efficient.

As he said before, one generation cannot live in the grave of three generations, and the relationship he and Du Jiaoyang planned was not just a generational relationship.

Due to the intertwining of blood, the four families are closely related by blood within two or three generations. As long as it is done properly and there is timely intermarriage, this kind of in-law relationship can last at least two or three generations...

(End of this chapter)

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