The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 897: Combination of Knowledge and Action 1 (Part )

Chapter 897: Unity of Knowledge and Action (Part )

As for the ministry's attitude towards Chinese medicine, Mr. Lu is not as simple as complaining.

But Mr. Lu and the ministry still stand together for the improvement of medical conditions.

Now let the ministry take over the so-called Xingcun doctor before, I am afraid that if he continues, he will be disbanded.

The reason is simple, two words, 'no money'!
"Mr. Lu, that's not what you said.

This time, docking must come before doing things.

Take it over, we have the ability and the funds.

But if we catch it, whether they will come to pick peaches is another matter for another time.

This time and that time!

This time, not only must we properly connect with the department, but the office must also provide information to the bureau.

In the future, people will not know the details, and if there are any signs of mutual disagreement, it will be purely internal friction. "

Professionals are maliciously slandering me, so be careful that it will harm my wife and children..."

Because of Li Shengli's relationship, Dr. Wu, a master of Western medicine, and the other three brothers of the Wu family often came to the correspondence school as guest lecturers.

This mother-in-law, that mother-in-law, who do you want the people below to listen to? Should they study Chinese medicine or Western medicine in the future?

Li Shengli was familiar with the world, and Mr. Lu knew it well. He never thought that he also had a good understanding of the official career.

Can the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine be changed to the Bureau of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine?

Professional people have to show their professionalism.

Mr. Lu adheres to the word unity, but Li Shengli has different ideas from Mr. Lu.


When he does those weird things, I will let him know what gods and weird things are.

The theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the complete set of western medicine, and the surgeries that regional hospitals can perform can now be mostly performed by lower-level traditional Chinese medicine hospitals.

Otherwise, when the time comes, we will have a separate family. Do you think we will study traditional Chinese medicine in the south and Western medicine in the north?

In terms of surgical techniques, today's neo-circumcision sect is not bad at all.

For me, don't show off, the more intense the better, competition, so that we can make progress together.

If serious consequences are caused, the medical qualification will be revoked.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is the predecessors who planted trees so that future generations can enjoy the shade. In other places, it is the predecessors who committed sins and future generations suffered.

Most of the practical teaching in the new colonial academies is led by surgical masters from the military hospital.

Mr. Lu, this is my bottom line. If you don't accept it, go investigate and debate.

Mr. Lu was also a serious businessman in those days. He knew Chinese medicine, had knowledge of the world, and understood economics.

"Mr. Lu, this is a good thing, and a great thing.

It’s better to avoid each other’s signs.

You have recently issued a notice that anyone affiliated with traditional Chinese medicine should not maliciously slander them without any basis.

If others say that they support the mutual differentiation of Chinese and Western medicine, Mr. Lu can only take it as a statement of attitude.

Competition and trying to stand out are one thing, but making up rumors is another.

Is it possible that the higher authorities will ask us to open the correspondence school into a correspondence school for Chinese and Western medicine?

You also say hello to the ministry. I don't care about other people. If the registered doctors also maliciously slander them without any basis, don't blame me for resorting to charlatanism.

The teaching of Western medicine surgery and the courses offered by the correspondence school are not as shabby as those at Union College.

Otherwise, if both parties join forces and treat the medical market as their own dining table, then the walls will collapse and the house will collapse!

Although Li Shengli had no intention of showing any signs of others, once people got down, the territory was so big, so it was natural for them to show signs of others.

He is leaving a gap for the ministry!
If in the future, it is necessary to develop into rural areas and the management authority of Barefoot Doctors is not in the ministry, it will be ugly.

Or should we study Western medicine in the east and Chinese medicine in the west?
Can’t you explain clearly…”

Seeing that Li Shengli understood the details, Mr. Lu also sighed lightly.

In this way, if we do our best, I am afraid that in the future, the ministry will still fall into disdain for Chinese medicine.

Most people do not pay attention to the neo-fractional school of traditional Chinese medicine, which is rejected by the general public of traditional Chinese medicine. In Mr. Lu's opinion, this is the real power of traditional Chinese medicine in the future.

Mr. Lu, only after we have figured out these relationships can we be responsible for the people below.

But when Li Shengli said it, it was completely different. What he was talking about was the actual situation in the future.

Nowadays, the county hospitals below are not as good as those of the first batch of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, and the same is true for some traditional Chinese medicine clinics.

If you do this, the bureau, department, and department will be clearly differentiated.

Why are you so troubled? There are always times when people don’t understand things properly.

It is never easy for future generations to shoulder the debts of our predecessors.

If these relationships are not clarified, then they will no longer be two mothers-in-law.

"Victory, debate, it's hard to avoid going too far..."

Mr. Lu had no confidence in what he said, and there are still many malicious and slanderous words below.

Some people really don't understand the power of Jianghu's methods. They said things they shouldn't have said, and Li Shengli was in the city talking about it.

Naturally, there are people below who will do what he says, but those who say bad words below still need to use their brains.

When it comes to Li Shengli, it's just a list. If he says "uh huh" twice, his life will be difficult.

"Mr. Lu, let's talk about it later.

These are the things you are suffering from now.

I also made an appointment with someone else today..."

The matter of the barefoot doctor was roughly explained clearly, and Li Shengli did not stay at the correspondence school for long.

This time, the entire northwest is used as a pilot project. Li Shengli does not want to replace the position of Western medicine. The more purpose is to create a system of barefoot doctors, or village doctors.

Traditional Chinese medicine is people-oriented and idealistic. He does not want the diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine to replace the physical examination of Western medicine.

If Chinese medicine is used in the military recruitment physical examination, the basics will still be based on Western medicine, which is meaningless.

If you really need to use traditional Chinese medicine for physical examination, it may not be a good thing for the person undergoing physical examination.

Because traditional Chinese medicine involves looking, hearing, asking, and feeling, as well as half a set of psychological things. If worries and desires are too heavy, a simple pulse diagnosis can give a conclusion.

It is simple for Chinese medicine practitioners to write a diagnosis, but they are afraid that people who undergo physical examinations will have no way forward.

After leaving the correspondence school, Li Shengli drove to Houhai. Today he did have an appointment with his uncle Sun Wuyang.

When we arrived at my uncle and aunt's residence in Houhai, the house was very quiet this time. Only the couple was at home, and the elderly and children were not there.

He went into the room and sat down, took the tea cup from his aunt Yu Sha, and took a sip while it was hot.

Sun Wuyang and his wife can be regarded as harmonious, and their younger aunt Yu Sha is somewhat bourgeois. Sun Wuyang's switch from a clothing appraisal business to a literary and entertainment business also has its own convenience.

The small courtyard was decorated in an antique style by the couple. Although Li Shengli didn't know much about the valuation of cultural goods.

But the furniture at home, as well as the matching porcelain and ancient paintings, would still be worth 18 million in another twenty or thirty years. My aunt Yu Sha studied mining prospecting when she was still in Suzhou. The same goes for her deceased predecessor, and so did my uncle Sun Wuyang.

It's just that Yu Sha is a serious academic master, with some practical experience, but not much.

This time when he went to the northwest, Li Shengli ignored his uncle and his wife. It was only when Ding Lan came home some time ago that he remembered his uncle Sun Wuyang.

I told my brother-in-law and his wife the general situation. For my brother-in-law Yu Sha, this was an opportunity to transfer from the college to the ministry.

If Li Shengli opens his mouth, there will still be a position for the team leader.

It was just the wind, rain and long hours of teaching that made Yu Sha a little scared.

The field mining prospecting business is really not suitable for women. Seeing Yu Sha in trouble, Sun Wuyang said:

“Shasha, I hear Shengli, it’s definitely a good thing for you.

Shengli, if you let me go down, I won't be guarding the stall for you, right? "

Seeing the old couple, the two people were really tender and affectionate, and Li Shengli sighed helplessly.

He was afraid that he would not be able to enjoy this kind of life for another ten years.

The killing period is coming soon. Although it is still a little early to leave, Li Shengli will not hesitate at all when it is time to hide.

“Not bad at all.

Auntie, many times, those who always want to apply what they have learned and combine knowledge with action may be lacking in qualifications if they have teaching experience.

Uncle, this time you go to the northwest, there are many roads, it’s up to you to choose.

It’s just that there is a way to do business there and there is a way to advance. If you have the advantage, you should take advantage of it first and let’s talk about whether it succeeds..."

Yu Sha was also a little shy when she was clicked by her nephew who was only a few years older.

She not only heard about the northwest exploration, but also participated in it.

In theory, she was a front-line backbone in mining exploration, but she was still a little intimidated by the on-site mining exploration in the northwest.

Without him, Yu Sha is a few years older than Sun Wuyang. Now is still a good time, but I am afraid that people will become old and lose their appearance in a few years.

Some time ago, the couple also met the head of Lou's Enterprise, who was famous in the south.

At about the same age, Lou Xiao'e's grace and aura somewhat made Yu Sha feel ashamed.

"Auntie is probably worried about the wind and rain in the northwest, right?

I have a recipe here to ensure that you will still be hydrated when you come back.

Uncle, go get pen and paper..."

Although Li Shengli's words were a bit frivolous, they involved the future of his uncle's family.

Judging from my aunt Yu Sha's style, the reason why she is afraid of difficulties is probably the wind and sand in the northwest and the difficulty of field survey.

"This is best, Wuyang, hurry up and go!"

A set of prescriptions settled his uncle Sun Wuyang's family affairs, leaving the prescription behind and giving the couple Feng Jin's contact information. Li Shengli didn't stay long as the new year was approaching.

This trip to the northwest will take about three or four years, and my mother, Han Jinhua, still needs to be comforted.

In recent years, as the profits of the tertiary industry food factory have become better and better, my wife's aura of a shrew has not subsided, but has become more domineering in the market.

Nowadays, the father in the family has completely become a listening child, and the older brothers, sisters, and younger brothers often eat from my mother.

Although my wife is sassy and domineering, the truth is still true. Most of those who take advantage of me are because they have money or their living conditions are getting better, and they have more or less forgotten their roots.

For such a domineering and fierce old lady, Li Shengli is quite in favor of it. If the family has a good wife, it will not suffer misfortune.

Thinking of his sister Li Yinghong, who had big waves, a short skirt, a gold watch, bracelets, and necklaces all over her body, she was slapped and slapped in the face by my mother, and she was beaten until she changed into long clothes and trousers. Li Shengli also felt that her sister's mouth was The suffering was not unjust.

Compared to her younger brother Li Jianshe, who was beaten since childhood, her younger sister Li Yinghong is somewhat arrogant, which is not a good thing.

I sorted out the family affairs, spent a serious New Year at home, and it was February 2nd again.

The attention from above not only chose a good day to set off, but also divided the team of six to seven hundred people into twenty teams.

The vehicles in Changyuan are all new vehicles from the steel rolling mill. In addition to these new vehicles, there are also twenty field communication vehicles newly designed and produced by the steel rolling mill.

The model continues the square head and square head of the Convenience brand, but the communication equipment inside refers to the technology of the United States.

Although the model is not novel, the technology inside is definitely in place.

In addition to a communication vehicle and a communication team for each team, there is also a reinforced class of the special agent battalion in the security area.

Although the army has been dismantling in recent years, since Ding Yong's spy battalion made great achievements in the southwest, spy battalions in various places have now become permanent.

Elite soldiers and disarmament are also two topics that cannot be discussed.

Li Shengli's team is both a main team and a small team. The overall captain is Ding Lan, the daughter of the Ding family. Li Shengli does not want to participate, but he has also been given the position of team leader.

After leaving the city, the motorcade, which was originally winding like a dragon, became smaller and smaller in number as it moved forward.

Each team had its own destination. After half a day, there were only a dozen or so cars from Li Shengli's team left on the dirt road.

"Little old man, the higher ups attach great importance to this investment!
I asked some of my classmates to take the train to their destination. Can you take care of me? "

Li Shengli's Chevrolet minibus was modified before it came out this time, and two sofas were added, which were specially prepared for Ding Lan.

Glancing at Zhang Ying, who was sitting cross-legged on the single sofa, Ding Lan didn't shy away and directly talked about his own private matters.

"Let's do it!
According to your.

However, those of your classmates have quick minds and may not be able to bear their temper when it comes to management.

It's better to let them do business locally. Why waste several years just for a position?

Those who are really patient will not look for you. Those who look for you may not be able to resist the temptation of the market in the future and will eventually go to the sea.

On this point, you can hold a meeting with them when you get to the place.

The planning documents provided by several groups are here. You can see for yourself which ones suit them.

Now that they are up there, they are occupying the latrine and not taking a shit, which is a waste for themselves and others. "

Human relationships exist everywhere, and Li Shengli doesn't shy away from anything.

It's just that Jiyu Xiao Dinglan, who lives in the university area, has too soft ears and is a little too talkative.

Some people who wanted to take shortcuts came forward one after another. It was not impossible.

It's just that the official career is not that easy now. Without resources and connections, the official career has been a daunting one since ancient times.

As for the planning documents of each group, they are busy making plans, and Li Shengli will naturally not leave those professionals idle.

A rough layout has been made, a joint venture plan has been drawn up, and new orders from Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian are also increasing.

Regarding the investment, based on the attitude above and the plan that has been sent to us now, it is considered a certainty.

As for the local dissatisfaction, it is an internal debate, and it will not change no matter how the investment is judged.

For the above, the number of coal mines, although important, is not that important.

The focus of this investment is, firstly, the coal chemical industry, secondly, the high energy-consuming industries relying on thermal power plants around the coal mines, and thirdly, the laying of railway lines along the way.

Although Li Shengli and the others had just set off, the railway troops were already busy.

Several previously planned railway lines have already gone through demonstrations and surveys, and all they lack is funds. At the beginning of the plan, Li Shengli transferred a large amount of money through the Jinmen Material Company, and now some places have begun to pave it... …

(End of this chapter)

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