The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 894 Keep up the good work (Part )

Chapter 894 Keep up the good work (Part )

The construction of water conservancy projects, according to the usual practice, can never be completed by one person or a village.

Most of what a village can accomplish is called ditches.

From ditches to water conservancy facilities, water storage and water diversion are only the first step, and subsequent water pumping is the key.

Only with the pump house can the water stored on weekdays be directed to the land in need during droughts. Therefore, Mr. Du called the canals in the mountain medicine fields water conservancy facilities.

Although Father Du is not a good farmer, he also knows that the two most important aspects of farming are water and fertilizer.

If these three things are done well to prevent droughts and floods, and to accumulate fertilizers diligently, the output of the fields will not be very low.

Without water conservancy facilities to store water and prevent floods, farming depends on the weather. According to the farmer's proverb, relying on the sky for food means that if there are ten droughts, nine floods and three years of locusts, there will be no peaceful life.

"Dad, in the past ten years or so, the mountains and forests near the mountain have almost had complete water conservancy facilities.

Most of the mountains and forests in Wali in the southeast also have such water conservancy facilities.

The tens of millions now are the hundreds of millions or billions in future generations.

When someone wrote about Shi Haigou Shen before, he also talked about Wali, Shanshan and Madianji.

Father Du asked, and Li Shengli answered, and what he said was indeed the truth.

Seniors in the medical field in the mountain village consume a large amount of medicinal materials every year.

How can there be any medicinal materials whose medicinal properties are completely different from those recorded in classics?
The medicine mountain is a place where the members and farmers benefit. We Chinese medicine practitioners don’t need to care about this little benefit.

“Dad, the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine needs good medicine, how can I make any money from the medicine mountain?

Please tell me privately, how much annual income from medicinal materials do these two villages, Wali and Shanshan, have? "

“Based on a household, it’s about 100,000, and on an individual basis, it’s around 20,000 to 30,000!

In Wali, Madianji, and Taipingzhuang, the new forests are also being dug and materials are being dug. Within three to five years, they will almost take shape.

If we go by the purchasing price of the medicinal material company, it can still be achieved with an average of several thousand to ten thousand people.


For many things, we always need to ask for an explanation from above.

After all, the purchase price of medicinal materials has increased steadily over the years. "

Nowadays, in urban and rural areas below, every household worth ten thousand yuan will be given a certificate to publicize it.

Although his income from Yaoshan is very negative, the 30% share in Xin Yihe is a hundred times the income from Yaoshan.

I am afraid that just one dose of anti-inflammatory medicine for headaches and brain fever will be exported in thousands or tens of thousands of tons, and the profits therein are the real huge profits.

Father Du asked, and Li Shengli answered, but he still used money to pressure others.

According to this trend, in another ten or twenty years, the ecological cycle will basically be restored from Wali to Huyu.

Of course, Li Shengli’s investment will not be in vain.

Building roads, digging canals, and constructing water conservancy projects are all my investment, and let the members invest. Without the excitement of getting big money, how could there be a vibrant medicine mountain now?

I can talk about these investments as additional conditions to the suggestions I just made.

Since the storm started, these villages, communes and townships have also been covered with a veil, and many things cannot be seen clearly.

Nodding his head and agreeing to the request of his virtuous son-in-law, Father Du was not without conditions.

"Then how much did you earn from Yaoshan?"

Although it is said that the public grain is retained at least a little, and the grain purchased can be turned over in full, the commune and the township have not yet been able to do so, which is also a special case in the suburbs of Beijing.


According to the data mentioned by Xianxiu, villages such as Shanshan and Wali may have been villages with ten thousand yuan households many years ago.

Father Du was also really surprised when he heard the Xianxiu's data.

Many times, these medicinal materials have to be exchanged with medicinal materials companies in various places in exchange for some authentic medicinal materials.

And this is only the benefit of crude herbal medicines, it is really time to dump the ready-made medicines.

If you encounter problems related to traditional Chinese medicine, you are too paranoid.

Over the years, we have built hundreds of kilometers of canals and planted nearly 10 million trees.

For foreign countries, Li Shengli's main focus is also on abuse. If he drinks the anti-inflammatory drugs as tea, will his profits be maximized...

Most of the Wali mountain forest that Tongshan Zhuozuo once visited was covered with shrubs, and the other half was already covered with small trees as thick as an arm.

The same goes for the correspondence school. I mentioned the prices of medicinal materials appropriately.

This is another hidden investment from Yaoshan. If we calculate the money, it must be tens of millions, right?
This type of investment far exceeds the land rental fee, and we still need to give an explanation above. "

Father Du also asked people to investigate, but there was a lot of natural resistance in a few villages.

As long as there are good medicinal materials, there are many areas where Chinese medicine can make money, including these three melons and two dates. "

If a good son-in-law doesn't make money, then his plans will be big.

Of course, these 20,000 to 30,000 yuan were not earned from the medicinal material company.

Father Du asked this question very seriously. If the good son-in-law made money in Yaoshan, it would not be a big problem.

"Three melons and two dates, you said it quite easily.

Don’t you want to get a share of New Jardine’s disguised franchise? "

Xin Yihe holds the terminal market for medicinal materials and handicrafts, and now it has gradually become a worry for Du Lao and others.

The sales volume of these two industries is so large that even three or two light industries cannot match it.

Medicinal materials companies and import and export companies have also been thinking about breaking through Xinyihe's monopoly on the terminal market for more than ten years.

Although certain achievements have been made, Xin Yihe's silence shows that these achievements are just trivial in the eyes of others.

"Dad, how about I ask Jiaoyang to give you the shares of Laomei Wal-Mart?"

Du Lao wanted to allocate the terminal market, and Li Shengli's answer was straightforward.

The sales outlet of New Jardine is that Du Jiaoyang controls retail companies and terminal companies such as Wal-Mart in Europe and the United States.

Du Jiaoyang's right to speak in the market and his capital are also absolute.

Even the types of products on the market are not based on demand, but what products I launch will be accepted by the end audience.

This is how capital operates. Although the specific operation is not so crude, it is nothing more than covered by propaganda and guidance.

Capital creates demand, Du Jiaoyang also vividly demonstrated it on the other side of the ocean.

Not to mention anything else, just a straw or wicker bread basket can be linked to nutrition, health preservation, life extension, environmental protection, technology, etc.

If you use a plastic bread basket or a bread basket made of other materials, you will be poisoned. This is also true in the market. As for why, the reason is very simple: capital is just chasing profits.

A plastic bread basket, even if it is produced locally in the United States, will cost more than a wicker handicraft bread basket, and the price will not be affordable.

Recommending some questionable staple food ingredient combinations to end customers who don’t buy wicker or straw bread baskets is what Walmart is doing.

There is no problem with high-gluten flour no matter how you test it, but when combined with sugar, salt, fat, eggs, oven, etc., it is difficult to say whether there will be any problems.

Adding additional chemicals within the standards is Du Jiaoyang's capital and a means of creating demand.

It's direct, it's violent, but it's also effective.

There is no need for Li Shengli to tell Father Du about these ways of opening up the market. In short, it is not that Xinyihe cannot withdraw.

But there is no point in withdrawing, because Du Jiaoyang's capital has almost controlled the terminal market.

"What are you talking about?

Victory, what Du Juan has done, and what Jiaoyang International has done have exceeded the bottom line of most people.

You need to be clear about this..."

When it comes to dividing the market, Mr. Du also has to mention Du Jiaoyang's brutal methods.

The methods of capital under the control of daughter Du Juan are even worse than those of East India in the late Qing Dynasty and those of the little devils before.

Nowadays, the people above have no shame to mention the capital of their daughter Dujuan and the Lao Shizi Jiaoyang International. When they talk about it, they will mostly mention it as Xin Yihe.

What the previous capital and now Jiaoyang International did in Southeast Asia can be said to be outrageous.

Here we are just preparing to count the inventory of 107 fire. Not long ago, Java overturned an oil tanker on the island.

Several cargo ships exporting to Europe and the United States on the island have also been hijacked. Now those containers are parked on the southwest coast, preparing to be loaded again and shipped to the country.

These things are not allowed for Mr. Du, but Jiaoyang International belongs to the capital of Lao America. If people burn, kill and loot in Southeast Asia, they still have to pay taxes to Lao America.

With this little tax, the Americans are like blind people, and here they can only watch Sunrise International wreaking havoc in Southeast Asia.

Now Jiaoyang International's fingers have extended beyond the grasslands. In recent years, the number of cattle and sheep coming through the sidelines has far exceeded expectations.

Nowadays, the frontline staff still have to hide while the herds of hundreds of thousands or millions of cattle and sheep roar.

What else could be done?

Withholding taxes means that things outside the grassland are related to here.

It's not that Jiaoyang International doesn't pay taxes, but it is deducted through Jinmen Materials Company and the First Machinery Department.

But this kind of operation also makes Du Lao and others deeply worried about food outside the grassland. If the cattle and sheep are gone, what will people eat?
According to Qin Mei's report, there is no shortage of food and drink there, and several giant wineries have even been built. Large quantities of grains are obtained from the north at high prices.

Thinking about the southwest and the Imperial Cemetery, if we look at the logistics of the war, Father Du is still able to see clearly what is going on behind the scenes.

There is already a shortage of light industrial products in the north, and a large amount of grain has to be exported to the grasslands. The lack of food will definitely not show up, but the food reserves will definitely be affected. It is also a desperate plan to attack the stomach.

“Dad, I told Wang Qianjin before that the population recovery in the southwest is only a matter of time.

When the population recovers, the problem will no longer be a problem. In another thirty to fifty years, no trace will be left of the hot flashes in the southwest.

At that time, there will still be an unforgiving little bully over there, but he has just been recovering behind closed doors over the years. "

Father Du couldn't bear to hear Li Shengli's nonsense explanation. This kind of Li Daitao's stiffness had too big a cause and effect, and even if he heard it, he would be affected.

“It’s almost good, that’s not what you ask for outside.

You guys always have to take care of the face of us old guys, right?

If these things are exposed, we will have no face to see others..."

Thinking of the information related to Jiaoyang International on the secret line, Du Lao's side became angry.

It hurts my daughter and son-in-law to have to throw it away and use it again and again. It is extremely sad and heartbreaking for my daughter and son-in-law to teach me this lesson.

“Good things will come after persistent efforts, and bad things will be prevented before they happen. You should remember this well.

Those factories in the Northeast that have received bankruptcy warnings may not be able to continue operating.

You'd better let Lou's Enterprise take over. At least his house is cleaner.

Let’s talk about your prediction of the future market..."

According to the wise husband-in-law, the capital of daughter Du Juan has formed the inertia of capital.

And because Jiaoyang International is an economic group belonging to the United States, and its employees are all its own, there is really no way for us to interfere.

In this regard, I can only be a deaf and mute man and let it go. Apart from a few words of verbal advice, I have no other tricks and I don't dare to use them at all.

Helpless, Father Du could only continue to change the subject.

Forecasting the market is also Li Shengli's strength. The two men, Weng and his son-in-law, stopped in the medicine field for a while, then got in the car and continued deep into the mountains and forests.

The mountain road stretches for dozens of kilometers and is paved with rocks. Although it is very bumpy, it is relatively gentle compared to the dirt roads in many places.

In addition to mountain roads, the slope protection of the mountain also takes a lot of effort. There are many natural or artificial caves everywhere, and there are also many in the mountains and forests.

Outside the cave, Mr. Du also saw some constant temperature and humidity equipment.

To put it bluntly, this type of equipment is nothing more than dehumidifiers and air conditioners.

Although the mountain forests in late autumn and early winter are desolate, many man-made structures in the mountains are nowhere to be seen.

After going around for a while, although Mr. Du's back was a little sore from being bumped around, the investment on the mountain side and the self-contained water conservancy system were really surprising.

This was built by the mountain village on its own without reporting it. According to this fee, it is enough to build irrigation systems for dozens of villages in the northwest.

Sitting in the other courtyard where the virtuous son-in-law said that he had provided gold for his overseas trip, Father Du also took a look with interest at the so-called family assets left behind by those people back then.

Many things will be ruined if they are not prepared in advance, but there will always be emergencies.

Father Du remembered for a moment the people who suffered sudden disasters during the Republic of China, and then thought of his daughter Du Juan.

Although Father Du was helpless about what his son-in-law and daughter did abroad, he also knew that there was a huge cause and effect.

In the opinion of Mr. Du, the only thing that can counteract cause and effect is happiness, and if you want happiness, the experience of the predecessors is also in front of you, which is nothing more than building bridges and roads and being charitable.

After drinking two cups of tea to dispel the coldness in his body, Mr. Du cleared his throat and said to his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli:

“I see that the water conservancy facilities on the mountain are pretty good.

Since you are the one who made the drawing, just like you traveled through Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan before, take a walk around the northwest.

It is the place where the leader lingers, and he still remembers it before his death. You and I, our father-in-law, have inherited the legacy of the leader.

Regarding this matter, let me help you say hello to eldest sister. You'd better build several million-yuan villages for us in the northwest.

The leadership’s protection is not in vain…”

(End of this chapter)

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