The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 870 Some are happy and some are sad (Part )

Chapter 870 Some are happy and some are sad (Part )
Ding Lan wrinkled her nose immediately when she heard that the little old man Li Shengli wanted to take her to Du's house as a shield.

This is not the first time Li Shengli has done this. It is estimated that when Old Du over there has a bad temper, he will probably take Ding Lan to the Du family's small building.

"That's Grandpa Ping An, not my grandpa, I won't go!

Lately, my mother Fu is always preaching.

It’s not like I have nothing to do. Recently, my classmates at school are doing technology development together!

I'm very busy..."

It sounds like Ding Lan has some untenable reasons. She is a liberal arts student, what kind of research does she do?

It was nothing more than following a group of science students around Haidian, but Li Shengli was happy to see this.

As long as this young lady from the Ding family doesn't gather people to cause trouble in the city and her own safety is safe, then it's all a good thing.

"what ever!
If there are any items you don't understand, make a list and I'll check them for you.

This case was handled too easily, and not only the virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli was dissatisfied with the result of the temporary discussion, but Lao Du was even more dissatisfied.

If it is just speculation, counterfeit products, etc., this matter will pass by turning a blind eye.

Just four people shooting targets is not enough!

There are at least forty-five in the workshop and a dozen locally..."

After returning, Father Du firmly disagreed with the outcome of the discussion.

Remember this, that is your dear fifth brother..."

Local barefoot doctors and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in towns and villages are already preparing to take action. Will the families of patients in various places who have used counterfeit medicines get involved?

He acquiesced in the existence of such an industry and listened to the reasons given by southern Fujian. Father Du was made angry and laughed on the spot.

Although what Li Shengli faced was just his intention, it was an indisputable fact that the punishment was too light.

Although it is impossible to restore Fifth Brother's face to its original appearance, it is better than having a face full of scars.

Father Du took over these case files and didn't even need to check them. He just searched for clues based on the pictures and asked questions based on the files. The witnesses and material evidence were all there, and the perpetrators also confessed.

"This is the result of the treatment, let the barefoot doctors around you go away.

I'm afraid, he already knew about Omi.

In half a month, the sales network was also uprooted.

Between targets and interests, Lao Xiang chose the target, which was something Du Lao did not expect.

With a cold look at his virtuous son-in-law, Father Du dropped the report in his hand on the table.

I want to ask you, how long have you known about Omi? "

But it depends on the attitude of the good son-in-law in front of you.

I won't agree to anything less severe or harsh.

Some things have touched the bottom line and principles.

Father Du didn't have a gun. If he had, he would have killed Lao Xiang, who had acquiesced in this matter.

The one sent by the local barefoot doctor was based on the case report.

Old Man Du was not at home, but not long after he arrived, Old Du's car stopped at the gate of the courtyard.

The harm of counterfeit medicines is greater than that of an adult, and teenagers also know this truth.

Don’t use Chinese medicine as a cover for this matter.

Taking Ding Lan to school on the way, Li Shengli arrived at the Du family's small building.

For Ding Lan, the more arrogant old Dingtou in the family is not very afraid, let alone Father Du.

The intention to deal with it now cannot be negotiated.

Blaming such problems on the market is also extremely ridiculous in Mr. Du's opinion.

When he went down this time, he found out how many people were involved in each counterfeiting den, including sales, and who gave them the green light.

Ego and naivety are Ding Lan's character. There is nothing wrong with Li Shengli being an optimist who doesn't worry about everything.

Seeing that his virtuous son-in-law really dared to make conditions, Father Du sighed heavily and said:

By the way, I took him to a Chinese medicine correspondence school. The teacher there had a secret recipe for removing scars.

Father Du was angry and angry. He had some reasons for arguing with others, but the main reason was his virtuous son-in-law.

When he arrived at the place, various case file reports with different handwriting were delivered to him.

Fifth brother Ding Kai will probably come back soon, so go and have a look.

“Dad, according to the strict rules before, is it a little too light?

But when it comes to making fake medicines, I see the production utensils that are full of mold and dirt.

It's bad for you to do this! "

"According to the strict rules, you are the one who deserves to be the target!

He didn't sit down, but went to the table and poured a glass of cold water for Ping An and the others. He obviously came back with anger.

It also depends on whether the wise son-in-law in front of him nods or not, and the reaction of the people sent to various places. In this short period of time, some people have actually contacted some family members of the patients, and these people are either local Chinese medicine doctors or barefoot doctors.

The virtuous son-in-law sitting in front of him is a serious person who has emerged from the storm.

Du Lao and the others also knew that there was basically no need to question the previous questioning and cross-examination of those people. It was actually Li Shengli who did it.

And many unconfirmed things are also pointing to it.

Again, if you don't investigate, that's fine. If you do, there won't be much that can be concealed.

It's just that during the investigation process, people were blamed for these things.

His godmother, whom Wang Jiazi often visited, readily recognized all these things.

This is also the reason why the above has suppressed the stormy past. The storm has gradually become blurred. Many things only have testimonies and no evidence. If you want to use this to hold the good son-in-law in front of you, the evidence is simply untenable.

Father Du also knew that the virtuous son-in-law in front of him must have been secretly in league with Wang Jiazi. As long as he denied the turbulent past, nothing could be found about him.

But if trouble breaks out over counterfeit drugs, many people's faces will be thrown directly into the septic tank.

This matter is no longer a matter of discussion, and the opinions of the wise son-in-law must be respected.

Moreover, this case is not without precedent. The counterfeit drug case in May 1999 is still fresh in the mind of Mr. Du.

It's just that some people's evil hearts have been transferred from the soldiers to the common people.

Such people should be punished severely, but the five returns after the counterfeit drug case also made Du Lao entangled.

If the virtuous son-in-law really triggers this, the current situation may disappear.

“It wasn’t too long ago, and someone only told me recently.

Their development speed is too fast, after all, the market is making money too fast.

One person tries, hundreds follow.

People in the market can be said to be insignificant, and there are laws to deal with them.

And we cannot stop this kind of thing.

But the shock to the elite is now about to begin. Unless a lot of people die, it won't touch their heartstrings.

For us, there is never a shortage of talents, and there are at least a few..."

Father Du basically agrees with what the Xianxiu said, and this matter is also stated in the files. It was almost the first workshop that appeared more than a year ago.

Due to supply reasons, the supply of medicines on the market does have shortcomings.

As a result, southern Fujian was able to poke holes in the market, and the counterfeit drug industry developed directly.

There is indeed a market reason for this, but fake medicines stem from the corruption of people's hearts, regardless of whether there is a market reason or not.

Counterfeit medicines that do not contain any medicinal ingredients should not be sold on the streets.

Listening to the topic being changed by his virtuous son-in-law, Father Du frowned again on his gloomy face.

The previous severe crackdown had a good deterrent effect. Didn't it frighten my virtuous son-in-law so much that he slipped to the harbor city?
“Don’t worry about these.

It’s not that we can’t see some problems, it’s that the situation is too complicated and some things cannot be done according to the method you said.

In addition to fake medicines, I see that there are many other things in the market that are in a smoky state.

After you go back, write me a report on the laws and regulations..."

Some things are hard to say clearly at home. After roughly knowing what Li Shengli was thinking, Father Du also changed the topic.

Weng and his son-in-law discussed the legal issues in detail. Li Shengli still couldn't sit still in the Du family and left after the discussion.

Returning to the courtyard, he was dragged to Madianji Village by another phone call.

Although wet grass was lit to make smoke in the village, it covered up the smell of blood and corruption.

However, there was too much sewage accumulated in winter, and during spring irrigation, it had already been poured into the fields.

Not only Madianji, but also the adjacent Taipingzhuang smelled like this, and the fields were also filled with blood.

After entering the Wang family's old house, the smell here was better. After smoking mugwort, Li Shengli nodded while looking at Guan Qingyue, who was sitting in the guest seat like Xie Fei.

Mr. Xie was discerning this time and knew that the hundreds of second-hand production lines held by Longyue International could not be used where he worked.

In this way, with Guan Qingyue's Longyue International, Xie Fei can open up the situation.

According to the current start, Xie Fei is slightly ahead of Du Peng.

"Lao Li, you have to give me a trick.

The second-hand production line in Mr. Guan’s hands stumped me.

Now, not only the government-owned factories, but also many buddies in Yixi know that I have contacts with Mr. Guan, and they all come to my door for help.

There are some people I can’t afford to offend, and this..."

Listening to Xie Fei's embarrassment, he glanced at the vase Guan Qingyue in Du Jiaoyang's mouth.

This may be because the two of them don't cooperate well, or maybe Guan Qingyue has just returned and is not used to the domestic way.

As long as the two of them cooperate well, some commercial excuses will be enough to relieve Mr. Xie.

“Then ignore them.

Your path has nothing to do with them.

If you offend them, it may be a little troublesome for you recently.

But in the long run, perhaps with their hard work, you can go further in your career.

How about this!
Qingyue, don't get involved here. We, Mr. Xie, have the final say as to who the production line will be given to or not.

But, Lao Xie, we have to have a prerequisite this time.

That is, these production lines must be given to public entities.

Those who want to make a profit on second-hand equipment, let them go!
If they dare to play hard, let them go to Jinmen Materials Company to try, you can't kill them!
Of course, you can also let go of some relationships that you feel you must maintain. Although we have ordered the production line to be given to a public manufacturer, it is still up to you to decide who it will be given to or not.

Doesn't Longyue International also have plans to invest in equipment?

For this first set of cooperative relationships, please do me a favor. The Beibingyang and Shanhaiguan soda factories are joint ventures with the steel rolling mill and the tertiary food products.

You provide the equipment, the three industries and food products take their shares, and we cooperate to produce soda..."

Part of the allocation rights of the second-hand production line were given to Xie Fei, and Li Shengli did not forget to provide a backer for the old rich woman at home.

Although business in food factories is booming now, private companies have been a bit precarious in recent years.

Cooperating with Beibingyang and Shanhaiguan soda water factories. Beibingyang belongs to the First Light Bureau, which is equivalent to finding a backer for my mother's food factory.

Regardless of the current prosperity of the tertiary industry and food production, Li Shengli often invests millions or hundreds of millions of funds.

But more small public factories only make a profit of more than ten or two hundred thousand a year.

According to Du Peng, the three canning filling lines at the Sanzhan Food Factory are fully operational. The money saved on cartons in a month is equivalent to the total profits of many factories in a year.

A factory that can cost more than ten or two hundred thousand yuan is pretty good now.

More factories are on the verge of losing money, or have been losing money for consecutive years.

As Li Shengli said, enterprises such as tertiary industry and food products that are not planned have indeed taken advantage of loopholes in planning and market.

Private food factories import and export goods based on the supply of tickets.

The same bottle of canned food costs RMB 2 at retail at the Sanzhen Food Factory and RMB 1.5 at the factory.

The ex-factory price at the public food factory is one yuan or less, and the other fifty cents are more, and the value is reflected in the ticket.

Public food factories cannot receive the proceeds from the tickets. That is a matter of planning.

With the same production cost, or a higher production cost, the public food factory should be able to make money by shipping according to the plan.

However, there is another problem in public food factories, and that is the problem of the number of workers.

Over time, the food factory that was supposed to make money according to the plan may turn into a loss-making enterprise due to the excessive number of workers.

The excess workers are also recruited according to the plan.

Calculating the general ledger, the public food factory may not be losing money, but looking at the actual accounts, it is losing money.

This is also the reason why some public manufacturers can still exist despite losing money year after year.

Because planning and market are two completely different accounts.

This is the same as saying that public manufacturers cannot operate. Without the restriction of planning, those private companies that have just started in the market should know whether public manufacturers can operate.

If the public manufacturers really went into battle naked, based on their advantages in resources, personnel, and equipment, there would be no growth in the current market long ago.

How can there be any way for private enterprises and private enterprises to survive?

This is why Li Shengli wants to give all production lines to public manufacturers. Even if these production lines are sold at scrap metal prices, Longyue International will not necessarily lose money.

By selling it as second-hand equipment, not only Longyue International will not suffer losses, but Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian, who acquired the equipment, will also not suffer losses.

Although such accounts will not be paid off for several years, the Plaza Accord is just around the corner.

The U.S. dollar assets and Japanese yen assets in the hands of Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian, if slightly adjusted, and then fighting in the foreign exchange market, if they take a few bites, they may be able to earn tens of thousands of new production lines.

Some are happy and some are sad. We should not turn a blind eye to the burdens placed on public enterprises...

(End of this chapter)

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