The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 864 Going to the sea (Part )

Chapter 864 Going to the sea (Part )

"Is this...

Naturally, it still caused trouble.

According to today's market price, you can recover your original investment and add some profits.

Take away some of the old, weak, sick and disabled people in the steel rolling mill, and take them with them to serve as a model for other factories.

This type of tertiary industry is also very popular in the market now.

Sell ​​the tertiary industry to reduce the burden on enterprises.

At the same time, don’t forget to absorb the experience gained by others after they took over the factory.

Although the Caomang market is unavoidable, we, a tertiary industry affiliated to a large factory, cannot let Caomang die, can we?
This experience has been summarized. Saying less can help you work for ten more years.

And there is a high possibility of becoming a consultant in the ministry. Don't even think about it, you are not qualified.

Think about it, someone with this kind of right to make suggestions will not change even if he is given a full-time job until he is eighty years old..."

Li Huaide understood Li Shengli's subsequent additions.

The word "consultant" has been around for a long time, but it only gained currency last year.

Director Du, if he resigns from the office, he can stay with him.

But it is obviously very unnecessary to accompany the last person at this time.

Today, Director Du not only holds the position of director, but also serves as a serious deputy in the office.

When he gets older, I'm afraid Director Du will be the deputy director there.

“That’s clear to me.

The food factory packs 3 million, which is a sky-high price. The factory also has an idle warehouse near the east gate, and it is also packed into it.

All the co-workers who were familiar with Dad's side were also arranged to come over.

Because of what happened to Lao Yang before, I was very aware of the assets of the food factory, which amounted to more than 2.8 million yuan that year.

The warehouse near the east gate was the original railway cargo station, and the price paid by the factory was less than 300,000 yuan.

About twenty or thirty acres in area..."

Li Huaide was also clear about the accounts of the food factory. With these accounts in mind, it was tantamount to the steel rolling mill taking advantage of Li Shengli.

"Five million!"
Add another two million in debt.

It would also be better to tell some people who want to take advantage of the government. Workers must take care of the assets they get, as well as the liabilities.

In the report, it is necessary to characterize the assets of public institutions, which are what the martyrs paid for with their lives.

This case is now the first one, and there may be some gossip, but the problem is not that big..."

Listening to Li Shengli's vicious thoughts, Li Huaide also began to sit upright.

Five million is not worth mentioning to Li Shengli. A ship of scraps at Jinmen Port is worth this price at best.

Those ships equipped with foreign production lines, let alone dozens of production lines per ship, the price of just one second-hand production line is much more expensive than the tertiary food factory of the steel rolling mill.

Li Huaide speculated in his heart that Li Shengli's viciousness was not out of nowhere. There had been arguments in this regard before.

After supporting the depreciation of assets, the depreciable assets will be offset by liabilities, and some public factories with excessive debts will be resold to private individuals. Those who have proposals will receive support.

Now that Li Shengli has come for real, he has put a foot in the hearts of some people.

After this slap in the face, coupled with his characterization of public factories, I am afraid that no one will dare to mention this kind of selling factories at a low price within three to five years.

“Two million is a bit too much.

The output value of the food factory since its establishment has not been more than 2 million.

You are so generous here, just get 1.8 million.

Forging excessive debts, I'm afraid some people will scold my ancestors for eight generations even if they talk in their sleep..."

Li Huaide knew the accounts of the food factory very clearly. According to the planned supply, the total output value of the food factory built nearly 20 years ago was not even 1 million, let alone 2 million.

After removing the coupons from food prices, there is really nothing left.

As far as Li Huaide knows, the above are currently discussing two sets of prices!

The three cars of the steel rolling mill were also subject to price increases, and it was impossible for him not to know.

“Let’s take it as five million.

The round number sounds reasonable, and after calculating the cost, it is almost twice the price of the original factory.

Such a price is neither high nor low, and the valuation is neither large nor small, which is also very typical.

Remember, when doing excess debt, be careful.

Tell them clearly that it is not impossible to take advantage of the government, but they must give enough.

Nowadays, in many factories, it’s not the factories that are failing, but the people who manage the factories that are failing.

Although the food factory plus warehouse is only worth hundreds of thousands, it is well run.

Five million may not be able to be repaid in one year.

You will sing the part about selling the factory, and I will sing the part about making profit.

This one push will push you, Lao Li, to the forefront again. "

Li Shengli is not a fool either.

His purpose of doing this is actually based on the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

There are at least three million barefoot doctors in more than three million villages.

Although he traveled through Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi, he also solved the survival problem of some barefoot doctors.

But this problem cannot be solved by individuals. The provisions to subsidize barefoot doctors were passed last year.

More than three million barefoot doctors need subsidies. One hundred a year is 300 million.

A subsidy of one hundred yuan is less than ten yuan a month on average for an individual.

Including funds for improving medical conditions, this number may be 500 or 1,000 a year.

Calculated at one thousand yuan, let’s say at least three billion, which is an unbearable burden for today.

It is not difficult to solve the problem of barefoot doctors. Taking away the name of barefoot doctors and introducing rural doctors to the market is the simplest way to solve the problem.

In this regard, Li Shengli was noncommittal and could not say anything meaningful.

If a tertiary food factory belonging to a steel rolling mill is sold at ten times the profit, the problems inside will naturally involve barefoot doctors.

The theory is different from the industry. The theory is at a broad level. This is the so-called drawing inferences from one example to other cases.

"it is good!

I listened to you.

Then should I go back and release some news now? "

Lao Li couldn't see Li Shengli's plan clearly, but it didn't hinder his assessment of risks.

What Li Shengli said about imposing liabilities in a careless manner is not a sin, it is just a normal operation of a public unit.

The biggest risk is the sale of government-owned tertiary property. Someone down there is already doing this. It’s no big deal. If he buys it for five million, he should be fine.

The son-in-law of the Du family, one dares to kill and the other dares to commit suicide.

Director Du behind him is now known as the most pragmatic radical and the toughest conservative.

With his former son-in-law Li Shengli's daring to think and act, and the support of his huge financial strength, his position is already solid.

This incident was insignificant to Director Du, but to Li Huaide, it was the key to whether his career could continue.

As Li Shengli said, if he can really set a benchmark this time and stir up a trend, then it won't be a big problem for him to continue working for another ten or twenty years. “Little old man, you spent this money so unjustly.

You are really rich too.

Some of my classmates are planning to go into business. Can you help me? "

Li Huaide stood up and left. Ding Lan glanced at the research he left on the table and talked about his request.

In the Wang family's old house in Madianji, the official suitcase in the bedroom is full of boxes full of new 100-yuan tickets.

There are still three to five million, and Ding Lan's pocket money is also a drawer full of old people and big unity.

When it comes to money, Ding Lan has no accurate concept, just enough to spend.

Although Ding Lan is cute and naive, she is not stupid.

She can spend the money at home as she pleases, but she will not give it to others without asking her.

Of course, Li Shengli also agreed to help his classmates with 180 yuan.

Every year, the amount of money Ding Lan handles is not a small amount for ordinary people.

Most of the cash at the Wang family's old residence was prepared for her by Li Shengli.

This money was not earned by Xiao Hu and Wang Qianjin, but was the spare funds squeezed out by Li Huaide, and even more by Madianji Village Department.

“It’s not that it’s impossible, but there must be a share ratio when doing business.

My family is 60% solid.

Since I am your classmate, I will give you some slack, at least 40%.

But if it exceeds 10,000 yuan, the contract must be signed.

My contract is regardless of the law.

Tell them, don’t cheat you out of imperfect laws. They can’t afford the price.

Xiao Ding, sometimes good intentions may not be rewarded well.

This is a good one, it just allows you to see the world and people's hearts in school.

I will write a letter to Lao Ding specifically about this matter. With this excuse, you can continue to go to school until you don't want to.

But there is still a limit to the amount of money you spend there. If it exceeds one million, you have to give me a message.

Depending on the development of the market in the future, I will also increase your quota for you.

Try not to take the money from home. Just ask Li Huaide just now. If you tell him, he will help you.

In this way, your classmates’ wonderful ideas will also be guided by someone..."

Li Shengli doesn't care whether Ding Lan's thoughts are good or bad.

The current money is also abundant for him.

In the early stage, the market capacity is limited; in the mid-term, the market capacity is unlimited.

He never thought about dominating the market, that was simply unrealistic.

The two of them roughly packed up and went to Li's house in Chaodou Hutong.

It's not far from Mianmian Hutong. Li Shengli was very careful when he asked the Li family and his wife to move out of the courtyard.

Surrounding the courtyard houses, the detached houses for sale are basically in his name or that of a family member.

Li Huaide also contributed a lot this time.

Pushing the door open, Han Jinhua, the wife of the Li family, was packing the sheep intestines for dinner in a large porcelain basin.

Seeing that it was Li Shengli who entered the hospital first, she snorted coldly. When she saw Ding Lan hiding behind the big boy, making a funny face and smiling strangely, a smile appeared on Old Han's face.

"Like a child who has grown up, I just made the fried beans. They have just been cooled. Try them. They are crispy."

Although Han Jinhua felt helpless when she met her new daughter-in-law, who only knew how to eat, she was not as harsh as she said.

Her ex-in-laws came with their children, what else could she say?

"Thank you, Mom. I just want to eat the delicious food you made..."

Seeing that Ding Lan had basically blended in, Li Shengli gritted his teeth and walked up to the old woman who was holding the sheep's intestines tightly.

After so many years without a home, who can tell Lao Han what weird things will happen here?

“Mom, I just told the factory director that I have taken over the food factory in the factory.

Are you going to swim in the sea with my dad? "

Listening to the big boy's self-assertion, Han Jinhua also vented all the anger he was holding on to the sheep intestines in his hand.

"food factory?

Although the supply has increased in the past two years, there are also more things available for purchase.

But food cannot be bought and sold at will.

Don't let us get old, so you can send it to us as an old couple.

We are already this old, why bother?
Isn’t it a good idea to wait for retirement while you have food and drink? "

Han Jinhua still had some impression of the food factory. She had said this when she arranged for her to join the food factory.

It's just that Han Jinhua is just an ordinary woman with no big ambitions. Although the factory's assessment has been difficult in recent years, it does not affect the Li family's normal life.

"Mom, we should at least have some consciousness.

Nowadays, in many places, not to mention the tertiary industry, many factories cannot continue to work.

I want you to come out and set an example for other workers. As long as we are willing to learn and work hard, our workers' lives will not be better. "

Li Shengli's words touched Han Jinhua's heart, and now he was living a carefree life.

In Lao Han's heart, he really has a desire to do something big.

For more money and a better life, there is no temptation for Lao Han.

The new old man at home also has a lot of money, and he is living a good life.

In the name of making a lot of money, if you let Lao Han go to sea, you are asking for trouble.

But in order to stand up for his fellow workers, Lao Han still had this consciousness. After all, the steel rolling mill was a large subordinate factory in Sijiu City, and the education and corresponding benefits for the workers were still in place.

Thinking that during the assessment, there were some old guys who really did their best and could not get a good result in the assessment, Han Jinhua sighed softly and said:
"It's up to you!

Some of the old workers in your father's team are really not suitable to compete with the young people.

It just so happens that your dad's waist has started to hurt again recently, so just do whatever you want..."

Han Jinhua was also helpless against the good boy.

Li Huaide, the person in charge of the steel rolling mill, would always call her "you" every time he saw her and would be afraid to call her "old sister".

Old Han was not an ignorant village woman, so she knew that Li Huaide was not looking up to her, but the eldest son of the family.

Therefore, Han Jinhua didn't want to say anything more about this big boy who was homeless all year round. He was already out of control.

Thinking about his son and daughter who are studying for graduate school, thinking about his nephews and nieces who are in their thirties and can still go to school, and the endless money at home, Lao Han really has nothing to say to his good eldest son.

"Or say you are my mother!
This awareness is high.

Don't worry about raw materials and production lines.

I have already planned it for you. The first products are canned mutton and canned fish.

From now on, whether it is at home or in the factory, you will have the final say..."

(End of this chapter)

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