The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 859: Sun International (Part )

Chapter 859: Sun International (Part )

When he heard Du Jiaoyang helping Niu Bijian to speak and excuse him, Li Shengli narrowed his eyes and said:
“It’s better to make a big fuss.

The main island of Gui Lao is too tasteless, not delicious and requires a lot of effort.

If there is a chance to drag Ya Ting into the quagmire of war, he can take revenge on the East India Company.

If we wait until the north is gone and give them a big bomb, we can make a fortune in the stock market.

Just tease them, maybe if your mind gets too hot and you can't think about it, you will come and kill them.

However, after the battle in the southwest, the ghost guys may only have hard words.

Many times, status and voice are obtained through fighting.

It's good for the ghost guy to know the signs, but if he doesn't know the signs, let them move the poor and dying Ah San to them.

Chaosing their homeland may not be a bad thing..."

Most people can't stand the tricks of the rivers and lakes, and this is generally the case for a country.

When it comes to killing and injuring innocent people abroad, especially the innocent people of ghosts, monkeys, and devils, Li Shengli does it all as a blessing.

Just like what he said to Du Jiaoyang, the different wailing sounds he heard meant his stance was different.

The enemy was wailing, but to Li Shengli, it was the sound of nature.

"Leave these things to Lao Niu.

On his side, there was a conflict with the island, and I heard that he was involved in some chaos.

Some things are almost done. Dad asked Sister Qin to give me a reminder some time ago, saying that Southeast Asia does not allow things to go too far.

But this matter was planned by Niu Bijian and had little to do with me. I told Sister Qin truthfully. "

This is the advantage of Du Jiaoyang, the girl is outgoing, Lao Du reminded her, after this female bastard confronted Niu Bijian.

Feeling that cleaning up Java would bring greater benefits to capital, Du Jiaoyang ignored Qin Mei's reminder.

It's just that this kind of ignorance has mostly helpless elements. The formation of interest groups is driven by interests.

The benefit to capital is relatively large, which is in line with the interests of most people under Du Jiaoyang.

In terms of personnel control, Du Jiaoyang cannot be as ruthless as a dog man.

There is a faint line between the interest groups that Du Jiaoyang belongs to, and if they touch it, even their own people will regret it.

Renegades have also been with Du Jiaoyang throughout his career. To deal with such people, Du Jiaoyang left full power to Xiao Changgong and Qin Mei. The ending was too tragic, and even for the female gangster, it was unbearable to look at. Unbearable to hear.

“Now that Lao Du has mentioned it, he still needs to give him face.

It just so happened that I told Locke the day before yesterday that we would cut off the offshore oil pipeline on the island.

When the time comes, the island will definitely not give up. Let's go back and leave the matter of extinction to the island.

It’s just that everyone has been cleaned up, and it’s almost time to harvest. If we bring this matter to the international court, we have nothing to do with it..."

When capital grows to a certain level, other needs will inevitably arise.

Although Li Shengli has no clear theoretical support for this, there are too many actual cases.

Du Jiaoyang passed the responsibility to Niu Bijian, but when it comes to Niu Bijian, the responsibility may belong to Du Jiaoyang again.

The purpose of passing the buck is actually very simple, nothing more than profit.

In a country in the southwest, Xin Yihe or the four major foreign banks, which have sufficient experience in colonial development, will not come out easily after entering.

With the help of the battle in the southwest, nearly half of the young people in the southwest were wiped out, and the rest were of little force value.

And most of them were concentrated on the southern coast. Niu Bijian's follow-up personnel used the war to clear out a large number of them.

Most of the remaining ones were expelled to Java by mercenaries. Today's southwest is almost a brand-new unclaimed land, and the benefits contained in it are much greater than those on the Harvest Island.

Now it seems that pushing Niu Bijian to Southern California on the other side of the ocean was also a clever move.

Otherwise, if Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian were both gathered in the southwest, they would probably part ways in the future due to disputes over interests.

Sitting on the boat back to Hong Kong Island, Li Shengli also roughly made plans to develop the southwest.

Many things were not difficult for Li Shengli, who was used to seeing the news and poisonous chicken soup in the future, and making large-scale plans.

Seeing that Du Jiaoyang was a little tired, Li Shengli was not in a hurry to express his thoughts.

After a night of tenderness, in the morning of the next day, it was a little farewell than newlyweds. The couple sat on the terrace of the bungalow, and Li Shengli began to draw his own paintings.

"Going through the southwest, do you have any manpower over there?

I think Guan Qingyue is relatively capable and steady in handling matters.

Let her temporarily set up a group company to manage the southwest.

Has Xiao Feng made any progress?
If possible, I would like to transfer her back to China.

Lou Xiao'e and Wang Qianjin in China, plus Huo Sheng in Hong Kong City, can hardly support our investment amount.

I plan to let brother and sister Xiao Hu and Xiao Feng set up companies respectively to help a few people share the huge funds that will be obtained from harvesting the island in the future.

In the past two years, the U.S. sword may have a purposeful devaluation, targeting the island.

During the recent period, you can take Sister Chan and Guan Qingyue to exchange US dollar capital for Japanese yen capital.

Once the U.S. dollar depreciates, let's grab some soup first. This is another intensive period when capital changes hands frequently, and your capable personnel there must also be prepared in advance. "

Listening to the dog man's strategy, Du Jiaoyang frowned and said:

"Let Guan Qingyue go to China and let Xiao Feng stay abroad!

During my time abroad, the most outstanding person was neither me nor Sister Chan.

But your little niece.

She not only learned everything about Brother Xiao's business and Sister Qin Mei's skills, but she also had the tendency to outperform others.

On the battlefield of capital games, she is also keen and ruthless.

Now her momentum outside has completely overshadowed Brother Xiao and Sister Qin Mei.

In terms of capital operations, she also has many fans within us.

Don't underestimate your graceful niece who has gone out of business. There is another important point.

This girl is probably already deeply in love with you. It would be a pity for such a wonderful person to let her go to the country.

Overseas, after a while, she can replace me, and she understands your thoughts better than I do, and she can ignore the life and death of many people.

There is a ten-year age difference between me and your niece.

And as the capital gradually increased, I gradually became unable to do what I wanted.

Xiao Feng's attitude toward these things is similar to Sister Chan's, she always wants to show it to you.

With this kind of energy, she can keep you in control for at least twenty or thirty years..."

In some words, Du Jiaoyang also knew that his thoughts were contrary to those of his dog-man.

When capital reaches a certain level, you don't actually need to be far-sighted. There are plenty of elite people under your control, so they will naturally be far-sighted. At Du Jiaoyang's level, according to her own understanding, as long as she can kill decisively, she is competent enough.

But Du Jiaoyang felt that he was also the one who was strong on the outside. Compared with Xiao Feng, a resentful girl who only cared about her brother-in-law Li Shengli and ignored everyone, her decisive killing was not very straightforward.

I knew I was talking about bad luck, but for the sake of the continuation of capital, Du Jiaoyang had to say it.

“This is still a bit cruel to Xiao Feng.

After the capital is formed, it only needs to operate according to the inertia of pursuing profits.

It doesn't really matter who makes the decision. We are too big and have enough trial and error costs. There is no need to involve her in our bad things, right?

For this female soldier of the Xiao family, what I want to see most is that she can live a carefree life.

Controlling external capital should not be a business that normal people should do. There are too many debts. The more mature a person is, the greater the burden on his heart.

Just like you yesterday, a moment of womanly kindness will not harm our capital, but it will harm you. "

When Du Jiaoyang heard all the dog man's insights, he couldn't hold back and gave him a kick.

In the second year after going abroad, she had this inhuman feeling. In front of capital, people are really not as important as the faces behind the silver coins.

Not to mention those who are actually on the list, the unnecessary casualties caused every year by the political forces, as well as the people affected by the list, could fill a thick book.

"You are such a fucking bitch.

I have been doing inhumane work for seven or eight years. It's your little niece's turn, but you hesitate?
It's not that I want to choose Xiao Feng, but Sister Qin Mei has evaluated the people around me based on the old and American selection methods.

Sister Chan had the best results. It seems that her calmness and organization deceived Sister Qin Mei's test.

As for Guan Qingyue, the test result was just a vase.

According to Sister Qin Mei, she is too servile in her bones and was born to be a companion to your men.

Regardless of Guan Qingyue's fierce temper, as long as you surrender her, she is easier to handle than Wang Zhi's piece of rotten flesh.

She wiped the photos you took with her day and night, and she changed the frames so many times?

She was born to be your man's plaything.

Regarding Xiao Feng, Sister Qin Mei's evaluation is that she is too unpredictable and is a rare talent who is above the line.

But she is difficult to control. In the past few times, when young masters with Chinese allies flirted with her, she was immediately killed.

Now the only one who can control this fierce horse is you.

She is unpredictable and unpredictable, which is what Sister Qin Mei likes the most. Other than that, she is just as ruthless as you.

I think these little hooves are imitating you before.

People are worse than others. After this little hoof comes out, it can grow wherever it wants. It's really annoying.

I’ve saved all the good stuff for you!
Over the years, I have raised a lot of little foreign girls since childhood, but these foreign girls taste really bad. Are you sure you can eat them?
The smell is similar to that of a shed sheep.

I'm afraid you don't want it, so I've arranged it for Xiao Feng. That little hoof is also a love child. He looks at your photo every day and trains them according to the training method that Sister Qin Mei got.

You are so lucky to have such a niece.

Are you planning to bring such a good person to China and keep him as a waste?

You are willing to give up, I am willing to give up, I am afraid that Sister Qin Mei will not be able to give up. She trained Xiao Feng as her successor and was very strict. That little hoof has also suffered a lot in these years.

Isn't it just for you that Xiao Feng endured all these hardships?
The bad relationship between the Xiao family and you is probably going to continue..."

When it came to business matters, Du Jiaoyang was also emotional. Listening to her messy retelling, Li Shengli could only shake his head helplessly.

Capital that turns into a monster will inevitably give birth to many strange things, and so will Xiao Feng and the foreign girls under Xiao Feng.

This is the killer, or the prototype of the killer group.

“You have done too much in many things.

Just do as you say.

If you are in Lao America, form a new group and call it Jiaoyang International.

Afterwards, Sun International was responsible for harvesting the island, exploring the southwest, and other plundering operations, and its English name was 'The Sun'.

Let Xiao Feng introduce an obedient foreign girl as the CEO.

For Guan Qingyue, register a group company for her in Hong Kong City, called Langyue International, and she will be responsible for it.

The personnel structure, to say hello to Niu Bijian, is higher than that of Lou Xiao'e's company.

In addition, in recent years, many of our children have gone abroad. Those who can be used will set up a capital group for them in Laos and the United States, which will be called 'Stars International'.

This Qunxing International can be used as a shield for Jiaoyang International in the future.

It is more appropriate for the descendants of family friends to form a separate group, 'Changlu International'.

Aunt Zou was at the Semiconductor Industrial Park near Guankou, but she took a wrong turn and ended up on the TV production line.

She's been a little more defensive about me recently, and she's afraid that I might want to keep things unclear with her. Please give her a call in the next two days.

Let her set up another computer company..."

Counting Zou Jin's side, Li Shengli mentioned five group companies. Du Jiaoyang had no objection to this.

These are also familiar businesses to her. Her capital group on the other side of the ocean has dozens of newly established or abandoned companies every year.

Only the Capital Group's legal team could barely figure out the intricate relationships inside.

Many times, Du Jiaoyang would view the company he founded as a rival.

In the past seven or eight years outside, the number of companies that she has direct or indirect relationships with is probably in the thousands. Who can remember so many companies that have been abandoned or used?
Today, Du Jiaoyang's Capital Group is also the most powerful group company in terms of legal affairs in the United States.

More than a dozen elite law firms, nearly a thousand professional legal personnel, and the American tax bureau have suffered countless defeats at her hands.

"I have written down the name of the group company, and the people below will take care of other matters.

Are you no longer thinking about Aunt Zou?

I heard from Xie Chan that it was you who promoted Aunt Zou’s future status in the academic world.

Aunt Zou is still a bit snobbish. You can't control her. Once her own interests are involved, she won't be honest with you.

Speaking to others, I think you, a bitch, are quite domineering when it comes to handling women.

Look at me, now that all the rich people have become oil fields, I still want to find foreign girls on the other side of the ocean for you, just like your slaves.

I don’t know your domestic layout, but I know that the rules are not the same at home and abroad.

Sometimes, our dad may not support you.

Aunt Zou, there has been some confusion with you since the beginning.

If an elder hangs out with a junior and says that everything between you is innocent, you may be the only one to believe it.

It’s just that there are already rumors outside. If you make a move, she will inevitably find out..."

(End of this chapter)

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