The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 854 Industrial Layout (Part )

Chapter 854 Industrial Layout (Part )

“It’s just good for them to see it.

All industries today are nothing more than pilot projects.

Shut down means shut down.

Some holes can be opened, but some problems cannot be tolerated.

Contact Lou Xiao'e and Locke and find a big restaurant to set up a table. I just have something to say.

The restaurant must be a Chinese-style restaurant, not something foreign like a big hotel.

The time depends on when your tunic suit and three-piece joint are ready.

They are all custom-made in Hong Kong City. The four pockets of the tunic suit must have sharp edges, and the three-jointed heel must have an iron palm.

Some rules, if they are not established now, there will be no rules in the future..."

Seeing that Li Shengli's attitude didn't look like he was telling lies, Wang Qianjin nodded and said nothing more.

Money began to stand up, and there were many things that Wang Qianjin was not very happy to see.

In the past two or three years, his construction engineering company has grown to a scale of more than 10,000 people and has made a lot of money. Unfortunately, he always felt that something was missing.

Seeing Li Shengli's blunt attitude today and thinking about his social interactions when he took over the job, Wang Qianjin knew what he was missing.

In the storm, Li Huaide was just a listener in his eyes.

At the pass, Wang Qianjin himself was also overwhelmed by the temptation of money, and anyone could become his brother.

What's more, some people even called him Mr. Wang directly, and Wang Qianjin also accepted it.

According to what Li Shengli just said, this kind of shameless stuff should be soaked in the septic tank.

Wang Qianjin, who knew that he was short of muscles, did not stay at the guest house for long. He really felt that it was humiliating.

It's not because he was hurt by Li Shengli, but because he lost his muscles and bones when making money, and felt that he had hurt his own face.

"Shengsheng, it's not easy for Xiao Wang to maintain the support of so many people..."

Team Ma, who has worked hard with Wang Jinjin all the way, also wants to say a few good words to his cheap son-in-law Wang Jinjin.

But after receiving the warning from Wang Qianjin's eyes, he could only follow him out of the guest house.

"Uncle Ma, Shengli is right.

My identity is different from other traders.

You have to make money when you do something, and for me it is not a superior way of doing business, but a basic requirement that matches my background.

In terms of toughness, I still admire that grandson.

If you say something wrong, you dare to be right about life and death.

Although this sounds cruel rather than tough, the grandson is really tough. With such a big family, he doesn't want it even if he says he doesn't want it, and he dares to be right with others.

I don’t have that kind of strength..."

After leaving the guest house gate, Wang Qianjin also explained to Team Ma, and then they got in the car and left.

At the guest house, Li Shengli still lives in the same room on the second floor where he and Du Jiaoyang lived when he came to Hong Kong City to treat the epidemic.

After trying on the clothes in the wardrobe, he also summarized the trip.

The market is not only there but also huge, but the products of many public factories are still stuck in the 1950s and 1960s.

The lag in plan approval has led many factories to prematurely choose to put things away. They don’t have to sell things themselves, as long as they are almost enough, this is also the fundamental reason.

Many factories, if they had to distribute products and equipment without a plan, would have been eliminated long ago.

When Li Shengli moved to Yaoshan to engage in small handicraft industry, he did not forget to help Du Lao do industry research.

The problem of industrial layout is not something he can solve. He can only summarize it into a report and send it to Sijiu City for Father Du to advance it.

After Li Shengli stayed in the guest house, Lou Xiao'e came over, but he didn't even let him in.

He also refused to accept visits from other people. Only when Locke from Hong Kong City came over, Li Shengli met him.

It's just that compared to his cousin Niu Bijian, this Locke was not as familiar with the local culture as the descendants of the colonists, and he still couldn't talk about many things together.

Li Shengli made a few hasty explanations, set a time to go to Hong Kong City, and dismissed Locke casually.

In his view, Locke was not a suitable successor. However, Xin Yihe was in a special position and it was difficult to find someone more suitable for management than Locke.

Li Shengli's harsh requirements can only let Locke learn slowly. If he really wants to choose a senior class in Xin Yihe, Niu Bijian's cousin is not needed.

There shouldn't be too many professional managers in Hong Kong City. There are many who know more about business than Locke. In fact, Li Shengli's requirements for Locke are not too harsh. He is nothing more than an agent.

After finishing the industry report to Mr. Du, Li Shengli briefly asked about the situation of barefoot doctors and township-level traditional Chinese medicine clinics in various places.

Similar to the previous two years, the existence of barefoot doctors and traditional Chinese medicine clinics has taken away patients from county hospitals.

The medical system, which relies entirely on funds from above, has gradually become a burden, because the improvement of medical hardware in various places is somewhat urgent.

Once this opening is opened, it means that thousands of hospitals will also have to be invested in construction, including the introduction of medical equipment and the fixed annual investment of medical personnel.

As the old saying goes, some accounts cannot stand careful calculation.

If medical care wants to develop in tandem with the economy, bringing medical care to the market is the only way to go.

It is a question of who should go first and who should go directly to the market and let the market solve medical problems. This involves the nature of the subsequent medical industry.

You can't say there are no conditions and at the same time ask people to talk about moral quality in the market, right?
The rules of the market are very simple. If you have profitability, you will live in the market. If you have no profitability, you will be cannon fodder of the market.

Moral quality is just a beautiful word spoken by the market when it is making profits.

When talking about moral quality in the market, the most fundamental purpose is to make profits.

The medical system aims to make profits, so it is really difficult to impose harsh moral standards, because most of the time, when you talk about profits, you cannot talk about ethics, and when you talk about ethics, you cannot talk about profits.

The rules of the market are cruel, so the market must be restricted.

It's similar to what Li Shengli said to Wang Qianjin. It was because Wang Qianjin had a financial foundation that Li Shengli let him take the air.

Those words in the guest house courtyard were what Li Shengli would say when Wang Qianjin left Madianji.

The reason why we didn’t mention it at that time was because Wang Qianjin didn’t have the financial strength to lay the foundation, so he said it would delay profits.

Now that we have economic strength, we have to put on airs, and the purpose is to make a profit.

Because after the severe crackdown, the rules of the game will change again. Wang Qianjin has taken up the shelf so that he can pick up more big-money deals.

From now on, it will no longer be a small matter. What is really worthy of Wang Qianjin's attention will cost hundreds of millions, so he must have airs.

In the market, Li Shengli also has to follow the rules of the market.

Otherwise, why should we check the profits and losses of workshops and industries in various places?

It’s just to make more money and have more capital.

Many times, words are just spoken, and the benefits are truly clear and clear.

Wang Qianjin couldn't find the table in the big restaurant that Li Shengli wanted near the pass, so he had no choice but to look for a state-owned restaurant in the city.

Nowadays, Hong Kong-style tea restaurants are popular near the pass, which are convenient for talking and eating.

As a result, there are no serious old restaurants in the city, and Pengcheng is now no more than a small county. He couldn't find it in the city, so Wang Qianjin simply went to nearby Yangcheng, had a meal and traveled more than a hundred kilometers.

Wang Qianjin is not just listening to his brother-in-law Li Shengli. It's just that Lou Xiao'e from Lou's Enterprise, who is now famous both inside and outside the port city, and Locke from Xin Yihe are both at the table.

He simply said hello and contacted all the internal and external people related to him.

I rented out a restaurant at Lianxianglou in Xiajiufu. Nowadays, even state-owned old shops will take over this extremely shabby business.

After everything was taken care of, Wang Qianjin's custom-made Chinese tunic suit and three-piece joint in Hong Kong City also arrived.

When he came to the guesthouse again, Wang Qianjin, like his brother-in-law Li Shengli, also had a land reform head.

In summer, he is wearing a black silk tunic suit, an ultra-thin three-jointed calfskin jacket, and a makeover. Wang Qianjin, who was originally a bit tough, has a more aloof look.

"That's what I said!
This is a nice outfit.

Lao Wang just has a meal, so he doesn’t need to come in the morning, right? "

After seeing Wang Jinjin's appearance, Li Shengli didn't hesitate to praise him. If you hold it, no matter whether you are rich or not, and whether others are rich or not, they have to respect you.


Your grandson is quite impressive.

I just said, you want to invite Lou Xiao'e from the Lou family, Niu Bijian from Xin Yihe, and the big guys from Hong Kong City to come through the border.

I made a reservation at the Lianxiang Tower in Yangcheng and reserved a table.

There are several big guys in Hong Kong City who know you, and one of them said that he has been a famous person for a long time and wants to eat at this banquet.

The table is the table of the Eight Immortals, and people are responsible for the scene. It’s up to your grandson to decide how to arrange it.

If this matter is not handled well, it will be an external dispute. Your grandson should take it easy!

Quickly clean up, otherwise the people from the port city have already set off to Yangcheng..."

One meal went beyond Wang Qianjin's imagination.

He was afraid of being too cold here, so he was a little more showy when greeting friends. He never thought that there were really many big bosses in Hong Kong City who gave him face.

When some people move, let alone those above, people on the Guangdong side will also follow suit.

With this, the situation was beyond Wang Qianjin's control.

"What's this?
There are four people at the table, just you, me, Lou Xiaoe, and Locke. As for the others, let them decide what to do.

People who show up uninvited are not guests. Just put the table on the table and let them do what they want.

After you finish your meal, you can contact Lianxianglou and open another branch nearby. It’s convenient!
Each has its own characteristics, and some things cannot be discarded.

This time I'll save the game and you'll do the acting.

If you neglect someone, bring some souvenirs to Hong Kong City to apologize, won't this tie up the relationship?

Let’s go…”

After hearing what his brother-in-law Li Shengli had done, Wang Qianjin was also very worried. It was so easy to apologize for treating someone so slowly.

Unfortunately, before the meal was finished, the Guangdong officials had to eat a meal at the banquet. They usually shouted like uncles and uncles. Over there, Wang Qinjin was really just a kid who didn't do his job properly.

"Grandson, why don't you harm me!
People all over Guangdong Province knew what I was doing, and there were many people who could point their fingers at me and scold me.

Besides, I seriously went to Hong Kong City to dress up like this. Wearing it in the summer, I was as hot as a grandson.

Why on earth did you just go there in this short outfit?
Are you kidding me? "

He glanced at Li Shengli up and down and saw that his grandson was wearing big fat silk trousers, a white T-shirt, and a hand-waisted cattail leaf fan with a border, and was about to go to the meeting.

Wang Qianjin was immediately angry.

He is wearing a Chinese tunic suit and a white shirt underneath. With the temperature outside at 40 degrees Celsius, who knows who is hot.

“Don’t curse so much!

I'm a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. If I don't wear this, how can I pass by wearing a suit and leather shoes?
Got it!

Will it be my car or your car?
Just be my car!
Your Iron Fist doesn't have air conditioning. My car has air conditioning. "

Seeing that his brother-in-law Li Shengli was really shameless and entertaining himself, Wang Qianjin gave up thinking about the Lianxiang Building with no air conditioning and only ceiling fans.


Grandson, let me change my clothes and go again!

It’s hotter at night on the Guangdong side.

Just these two steps, it was so hot that my pants got wet.

It takes me a long time to come and go, why don't I die from the heat? "

Recently, I have become accustomed to wearing silk trousers and short-sleeved shirts, and have become accustomed to air conditioners and fans. Wang Qianjin, a northerner who is not resistant to heat, is really afraid of this outfit.

“Isn’t this thing about face just for show?
You see, in the past today, because of Lou Xiao'e's relationship, they must have been in suits and cheongsams.

Some of the old-school people wear long shirts. If you change into short-sleeved shirts, that’s a real shame!
As for me, I can’t go there wearing a long gown, right?

Short attire, this is the attire of working people, and it is also in line with my identity.

You asked me to come over wearing a black Chinese tunic suit. Just as you said, there are many people in this world who can point their fingers at you and scold you.

Are there many people of all ages who know Lao Ding and Lao Du?
Each of us has our own drama.

Furthermore, I am a skilled Chinese medicine practitioner, and I still have the gimmick of a famous doctor.

Just this, they won’t find fault with me..."

After hearing his brother-in-law's explanation, Wang Qianjin could only bow his head helplessly.

What he said was both reasonable and unreasonable. Seeing Li Shengli getting into the van, Wang Qianjin sighed softly and could only risk his life to accompany the gentleman.

Or will your grandson enjoy it? Why did you get this big sofa in the car? "

This time Li Shengli took the second minibus, and both cars had to go there this time.

The car I am sitting in now has to be given to the Guangdong side. There are not many serious luxury cars in China nowadays.

The convenient minibus with different decoration styles can be regarded as a research vehicle that can be used.

"You can hand this car over to Guangdong Province on Li Huaide's behalf.

It's not expensive, one has been refurbished for 50,000 yuan, and there are cheaper ones, 20,000 yuan, with similar interiors, but the engine is not new.

As for the channel, I asked Li Huaide to leave it to you. Go to the supply and marketing cooperative to purchase the goods. You can just go and pick up the car directly, and the money will be settled clearly with the person. "

After more than a year of actual vehicle testing, Li Shengli has finally approved some of the designs of the Convenience brand.

Although the engine used in this set is Chevrolet, the engine is only a part of the car, and the integrity is the focus of Li Shengli's test.

It borrows Mercedes-Benz's powertrain from the 1940s, plus other car companies' technologies from the 1960s and 1970s, as well as the most advanced technology currently available.

The new generation engine of the steel rolling mill based on Mercedes-Benz technology is not backward in technology today. The only difference is in assembly proficiency and experience.

At this point, Li Shengli also has a goal. If he takes over a car company on the island, it will be enough...

(End of this chapter)

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