The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 828 Correspondence School (Part )

Chapter 828 Correspondence School (Part )

“Successful, we are aware of these detailed issues.

But the people above don't need to know this, they just want the results.

Tasks and responsibilities are ours.

Now the Ministry is also paralyzed, and the Division has no such experience.

In the past, whether it was Chinese and Western medicine, or whether Chinese and Western medicine were used to treat patients together, they were all doing their own thing.

There is a separation of latitude and longitude between Western medicine and Chinese medicine.

I know you have experience in this area. In fact, Barefoot Doctor is almost a pilot project of integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

Drugs like Dabai Tablets are serious Western medicines! "

Li Shengli had a clear idea, while Lao Lu had a clear purpose.

"Mr. Lu, let's see about this later.

From now on, the only problem will be who is in charge and who is responsible.

If you are willing to try it, we are also willing to support it.

After that, correspondence education and correspondence classes were used to open up an upward path for the barefoot doctors below.

Another issue is the re-education of barefoot doctors. If there are no previous self-training classes or correspondence classes, this matter can be left to the local health clinic.

But the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine is really not as simple as it sounds.

We now have medical laws, and apart from other things, we have to check these hand-wavy things to see if there have been any medical accidents.

What Li Shengli said was something that Lao Lu had to admire. The young man in front of him relied on the barefoot doctors who had gone through the self-training class to form a large network, covering almost all places.

There are two problems. One is the unsustainable problem of county hospitals just mentioned.

Miao Xian failed to handle this problem well, causing a confrontation between the young man who went to the countryside and the barefoot doctor below. He was kicked off because of his lack of ability and short-sightedness.

The traditional Chinese medicine base in the mountain village and the housing management office in the city will also issue property rights certificates after a period of time.

The Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine also knew this truth, and they just reported their opinions after they discussed it.

Li Shengli also knew that he would never allow the county hospital to recruit barefoot doctors.

The previous barefoot doctors also had a clear upward path. The TCM clinics at the township level were promoted by the office and had a great relationship with the export of Chinese medicinal materials.

Whether they come from self-training classes, take correspondence courses later, or take formal correspondence courses, apart from the previous village doctors and rural doctors, they are also the highest-level among the barefoot doctors.

Over the years, the number of people here in the self-training class who have had their barefoot doctor certificates revoked has numbered over a thousand..."

Just like the young people who went to the countryside, the barefoot doctors who were under five million were not so easy to comfort.

If it is true, it must be caught and sentenced. If you know that your skills are poor but you don't know how to restrain yourself, if you kill someone, then shoot him!

The grievances generated by five million people these days are not so easy to calm down.

In our industry, we do not rely on seniority, age, or position, but only on skills, and we only look at skills.

It’s such a unique way for people to rise. I’m afraid many barefoot doctors won’t continue to do it.

However, with self-training classes and correspondence classes, the level of local health clinics is limited.

If the craftsmanship is not good, even if they blow the sky, it will not work.

The profession of Chinese medicine is really not something that ordinary people can learn by reading medical books several times.

If the training class is turned into a reading club, I am afraid that those barefoot doctors who have experienced self-training classes and correspondence classes will be very dissatisfied.

This is also the reason why Miao Xian, who was in the previous department, was directly transferred. When he dealt with the matter of questioning the barefoot doctors' college entrance examination results, he ignored the derived problems caused by the dissatisfaction of the barefoot doctors.

These three measures have won the hearts of most of the barefoot doctors below. This is also the problem that Lao Lu came here to really solve.

We can't bear the consequences of making a nest of two knives and harming others.

Although Li Shengli claimed to have no experience in integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine, Lao Lu knew that Mr. Lu had already started such attempts, and he was aware of these before the storm.

To put it bluntly, this is a self-training class for the ministry's needs.

In this regard, the barefoot doctors below are doing a good job. One of the ways to obtain a place in the correspondence class is to report other barefoot doctors for their indiscriminate use of drugs.

If the correspondence class cannot solve the problem here, the problem is almost the same as that of young people returning to the city, and it cannot be ignored.

In fact, there is no need to seek the opinions of Li Shengli or the barefoot doctors below on this issue.

If a barefoot doctor really wanted to go to the county hospital, he wouldn't stop him.

It's just that at the beginning of support, you still need to look at each other's capabilities.

This is a matter between the county hospital and the local health center. The reason Li Shengli said was only lip service.

Now it seems that Li Shengli's intervention has complicated the problem of barefoot doctors.

“The higher authorities have approved the idea of ​​jointly running schools, and the ministry has no objection.

Nowadays, the Chinese medicine clinics in towns and villages were set up with the help of the office after the Chinese medicinal materials were exported.

If you really can't do it after seeing it, let alone Chinese and Western medicine, you can't let him serve as a doctor, so as not to harm others below.

This time Lao Lu came here, in fact, according to the above statement, he came to solve the problem.

Shengli, you accepted my position as principal before, so we both high-fived each other.

When will our correspondence school start? "

Seeing that Mr. Lu had been writing for so long before getting to the point, Li Shengli couldn't help but smile.

It seems that what I mentioned before is the conditions of the ministry, but the combination of the county hospital and the barefoot doctor is really not feasible.

What Li Shengli said about allowing barefoot doctors to establish traditional Chinese medicine hospitals was just rhetoric.

It would be ridiculous to ask them to build a traditional Chinese medicine hospital, even though Barefoot Doctor has been there for more than ten years.

However, only less than half of the people are capable of independent consultation, and they cannot treat complex diseases.

There are only a few famous doctors, but one or two doctors operating a traditional Chinese medicine hospital, which in Li Shengli's opinion is purely funny.

The medical capacity is not enough. What kind of traditional Chinese medicine hospital should we open? It would be better to open more traditional Chinese medicine clinics. It would be more practical!

"Mr. Lu, school can start at any time.

But do we need to agree on our assets and expenditures in advance? "

Hearing that Li Shengli was rebelling, Lao Lu helplessly smiled and replied:

“Shengli, why do you think the higher-ups agreed to jointly run the school?

Isn’t it because of insufficient education spending?

As mentioned above, personnel are integrated into the system and everything else remains as usual.

The school's license is issued by the ministry, and the expenses are still self-funded as before. My appointment letter is just waiting for your nod to be issued. You can't let me draw water from a bamboo basket in vain!
The issue of real estate has also been thought of above, and the housing management office will clarify it once and for all.

Also, it was specifically explained above that all treatment should be at most the same as that of college students, and no more. Victory, the higher-ups are willing to pilot it, which can be regarded as taking several steps back.

I have heard of private businesses, but private schools are really rare in our area.

I also have a mission for this pilot, so don’t make it difficult for me..."

Li Shengli talked about the assets of the self-training class, which was also a question that made the Commander-in-Chief of Traditional Chinese Medicine speechless.

There are many things that you really don’t know until you look at them, and you will be shocked when you look at them.

The real estate here in the self-training class also comes from a variety of sources, including the army, units, and private individuals.

Some of them are allocated by the office, some are sold by the department's security units, and some are sold to local areas by the army.

The problems here are deep. Without the endorsement of the office, many properties will be repossessed according to the current method.

But over in the office, there are not only explanations for these properties, but also signatures and endorsements from leaders, and even explanations written in pencil at the back.

There is no doubt about the origin of the real estate. Rather than leaving it hanging in the dark, it is really better to let the self-training class set up a correspondence school here.

The ownership of these properties is given in a more formal way in the name of being allocated to the school.

"That's good, then get ready to start school at any time.

I'm afraid the higher-ups have to wait for the funds to run the school to be in place, right?
This matter is easy to handle, just send a telegram..."

It's easy to talk to someone these days, and you won't regret it easily.

Li Shengli was not afraid that the Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine would trick him. Some things were not just conveyed verbally, and some documents had to be left behind.

"That's best!
Victory, when will I take office?

I haven't found a suitable person to take over the business in the department, so I have to take over the business as well.

Don't leave me a mess! "

The task given to the Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine is that if Li Shengli nods, the correspondence school will be established.

According to what Li Shengli said, as long as his funds are in place, the correspondence school procedures should be issued.

There was a saying that Lao Lu didn't tell Li Shengli, but it was said above that he should keep a low profile.

"Mr. Lu, as I said before, the correspondence class is best now.

If you really plan to start school, you can do it at any time. The personnel are ready and can be in place at any time.

Since it is said above, it will be paid according to the university's subsidies.

When the funds arrive, I will also pay a fee to the correspondence school on time every month.

In the past, when the correspondence class had too many students and insufficient space, we also borrowed students from the office to several nearby yards.

Mr. Lu, the space for the self-study class is still a bit small now. I would like to ask the superiors if the courtyards and the vacant land nearby can be given over to the correspondence school.

Now we have to face the five million barefoot doctors below, in addition to correspondence education.

Correspondence courses always have to accommodate 1% of the manpower, 50,000 people. Accommodation is a problem.

In the same way, you will have to continue with the screening of candidates from the correspondence courses.

Don’t talk about traditional Chinese medicine inheritance classes and intensive research classes as mentioned above. This will make the size of the staff too large and make it easy to compare with other universities.

The 50,000 people in our correspondence courses are also rotated at any time. The number of correspondence students in a year may be 100,000, 200,000, or 300,000.

There are too many people and too many complexities, so all schools must be managed in a closed manner as before.

Whether it is the school, the students, or even the TCM gentlemen at the school, they must behave in a low-key manner and do things in a low-key manner..."

Hearing that Li Shengli was thinking the same thing as before, Lao Lu also breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little surprised when he thought of the scale of two to three hundred thousand people.

Calculated according to the subsidy for college students, one person can get it all per month, which is about thirty yuan.

If there were really 300,000 people throughout the year, there would be no need to calculate the expenses, and we would know that it would be a sea.

“Shengli, since we have proposed subsidies, we still have to live within our means.

For 50,000 people, the annual cost is around 50 million. This amount of money makes me dizzy just thinking about it. "

Many accounts are not calculated carefully. The total annual income is now only around 100 billion. A school with only the minimum number of staff costs around 50 million, which is unimaginable for the Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

But don’t forget, today’s grain is not counted as food stamps, it is generally only ten cents, and pork is only eighty or nine cents. A yard can cost thousands, fifty million, which is really an unimaginable figure.

"Mr. Lu, don't worry about money. You just spend money and you can make the money yourself.

A correspondence school was established. In addition to correspondence classes, two additional subjects were offered.

The first department is naturally the new segmented school of traditional Chinese medicine, and now the staff are still studying intensively in the self-training class!
Since we can't come to an agreement with traditional Chinese medicine, we will accept the new division of traditional Chinese medicine.

In addition to the new partition school, the correspondence school will also open a pharmacy major.

I have already retained the personnel, including Professor Zhang, a pharmaceutical expert from Shanghai. After the wind and rain stopped, he had the opportunity to return to his hometown, but I forced him to stay.

Guo Shihuai and Bai Sushan, famous doctors in Beijing, can also be temporarily borrowed, and the structure of the specialty of traditional Chinese medicine must be established quickly.

When selecting candidates for this subject, the first thing to avoid is tobacco and alcohol, the second thing is to avoid makeup, and the third thing is to have sensitive eyes, nose, mouth and tongue.

These requirements must be communicated to the students in advance. Don't change your mind, otherwise it will be bad for you to be expelled in the future.

There is also a medical equipment subject, which I haven’t thought about yet. If gentlemen at the school have any suggestions, you can forward them to me.

That’s all, Mr. Lu, the future self-training classes will be your territory.

But if the school rules, if you don’t learn well, you will be beaten! "

Making the bulk of the money spent on correspondence courses was Li Shengli's first investment in the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

It doesn't matter if it's the first time. In fact, he has been investing since the mountain village began to recruit famous old Chinese medicine doctors.

In those stormy years, in order to raise the expenses to support his family, he extorted money from all over the Forty-Nine Cities.

It’s just that the investment in the Chinese Medicine Correspondence School this time is considered the largest investment.

"Victory, inheritance is a blessing, a blessing!
Since we are a joint public-private school, we should naturally have our own rules.

In the early days, Chinese medicine practitioners also accepted punishment. There is no need to say this.

But for these newly opened subjects, I still have to report them one by one.

I will also do my best to facilitate..."

After listening to Li Shengli's arrangement, Lao Lu also knew that he had underestimated this self-training class, which was not well-known in the city.

Its structure is so tight that it cannot be seen with the naked eye. It can only be experienced in person.

After talking to the Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Li Shengli asked Xie Fei to notify Hong Kong City to pay. The extra 20 million US dollars would be the first year of the Chinese Medicine Correspondence School.

The subsequent opening of the school and the opening of the school have little to do with Li Shengli. As he said, the teaching materials are still the same, the rules are still the same, and the personnel are still the same...

(End of this chapter)

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