The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 825: Born at the right time (Part )

Chapter 825: Born at the right time (Part )
Due to the problem of personnel quality, county hospitals have no advantage in competing with barefoot doctors.

If this problem continues to accumulate, county hospitals will recruit barefoot doctors on a large scale and then abolish them.

Let alone a few years ago, even now, this kind of double kill would not happen to Li Shengli.

It is wrong to change all the county hospitals and hospitals into traditional Chinese medicine hospitals. This is unacceptable to the higher authorities.

Because of the changes, although the manpower Li Shengli has is not enough to fill all traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, it is definitely enough with the barefoot doctors below.

If the county hospital really becomes a traditional Chinese medicine hospital, the next step will be to face difficulties in the regional hospital.

Without the county hospital, the existing economic conditions do not allow large-scale new Western hospitals to be built.

Regardless of whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, the training of talents is hierarchical and ladder-like.

Barefoot doctors, township health clinics, county hospitals, and district hospitals.

Only with sufficient ductility can we cultivate more talents.

I heard that the wise son-in-law who planned the secret service camp said that his family was not familiar with the military.

The results of Barefoot Doctor are listed below.

A lot of data is very intuitively placed in front of us after a little statistics.

Instead of speaking with data, we speak with the interests of some people. This is very unfair to barefoot doctors. "

The harder the fight there, the more we will benefit.

Even if we make it clear, many people's arguments are untenable.

I look at the sun, are there really dozens of big missiles coming out?

Barefoot doctors are not standardized, and Western medicine, which has experienced ups and downs, is not very standardized either.

After the battle in the southwest, the north was no longer a threat.

With Southwest as a reference, no one will dare to let us go to the end in person in the future.

Regardless of whether it is due to cost or treatment effectiveness, in comparison, those who cry for milk actually have more problems of their own.

Father Du also laughed angrily at his virtuous son-in-law.

Not unclear, but very clear.

Many words are said and many things are done, but there must be a starting point.

Because he knew the crux of the matter, Father Du didn't want Li Shengli to start it, so he changed the topic again.

To solve many things, there must be basic conditions.

However, the treatment procedures in county hospitals may not be reasonable.

After all, it cannot change from time to time.

If it weren't for Ding Yong's spy camp, Southwest would not have been completely wiped out.

The unconditional support that Old Man Du had previously agreed to has now become conditional.

Without these test sites and large-scale personnel screening, there would be no gathering of elites in the hospitals in Sijiu City, because most people would be eliminated at the moment of graduation.

Perhaps barefoot doctors do have many unreasonable problems during the treatment process.

There were many things Li Shengli wanted to say, but Father Du didn't want to hear them.

"This time the third son of the Ding family really went too far. In what age is this, he still dares to do something like a test of military merit?

"Dad, I'm not very familiar with the military.

Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, school graduation is just the beginning. Theory plus practice is the common sense talent training model.

Just like the pre-war deductions, Ding Yong's spy camp's long-distance travel was extremely smooth.

Without this basic capital, you will be left to your own devices.

“Dad, even if I say this, it doesn’t count.

Victory, you didn’t instigate this matter, right?
Fortunately, this kid didn't have the desire to dig a grave, otherwise he would die! "

In short, whether it is between a barefoot doctor and a county hospital, or between a father-in-law and a father-in-law, there must always be a precondition before there is no condition.

If you dare to blow up the thorns again, tell them clearly that if you threaten them again, Southwest will be their fate..."

After turning around, it still remains the same, the right to speak can only be spoken by oneself.

To compare costs and treatment effects, there is no need to use detailed data.

That is, you must have enough capital so that people must and must support you unconditionally.

Seeing that Father Du abruptly changed the topic again, Li Shengli sighed softly.

To put it into words, it involves the word 'decent'.

Presumably Ding Yong had a reason to do it.

Besides, didn’t I say it before?

The choice of the people below is the best result.

Don’t you see that the north has begun to shrink its troops?
Many times, in the face of real strength, the so-called human feelings and legal principles are just nonsense, and fear of death is the only reason.

Use the fast to attack the slow, and use the prepared to attack the unprepared. Don't wait until the other side organizes a defense line, let alone Ding Yong's spy camp.

Ding, Wang and Xie's forwards all went straight to the central part, leaving only the soldiers and civilians in the southwest to break through.

If there is only one Ding Yong, things will be simpler. King Ding and Xie San will be in the center, and the army will advance steadily from the rear.

The soldiers and civilians of the southwest fought desperately to break through the defenses, and the front, middle and rear armies pushed through without any hindrance.

Fighting against mountains and rivers, not to mention the veterans here, even the squads and platoons are extremely familiar with this strategy.

Without heavy weapons, land, sea or air, the soldiers and civilians who hurriedly mobilized were nothing more than a swarm of moths fluttering towards the fire.

There were no heavy weapons over there, but the army behind them charged in with heavy weapons.

The army behind them all rushed in, and the battle situation could only be one-sided.

With one omission, the battle was decided. In just ten days, the Southwest achieved results that the United States and the United States could not achieve in ten years.

It's just that the results of the battle were too tragic, and it's hard to publicize it here. I can only say that it was a complete victory.

In this battle, Ding Yong's secret agent battalion and Ding Wang Xie's forwards cooperated perfectly to achieve a brutal outcome.

In Dad Du's opinion, as long as Ding Wangxie leaks a few gaps, the result will not be a near-total annihilation.

Before the war, he also contacted Ding Wangxie, who also gave a definite reply, but the result was still what Du Lao and others did not want to see.

Ding Wangxie later called back and only said that the frontline pressure was too tight. In the opinion of Mr. Du, this obviously could not be used as a reason.

The follow-up army, except for the final word, spends much more time clearing the battlefield than fighting.

Therefore, the veteran generals in the rear were also furious, accusing the front of the attack of being too harsh.

But these can only be regarded as afterthoughts. Even a veteran will not slack off at all, because if he slackens even a little bit, the opponent's almost crazy charge will be unstoppable.

When the results of the victory reached the point where they could no longer be publicized, it was time for Du and others to worry. After this battle, not only did the north remain silent, but those who had just resumed exchanges also blurred their reports on the war.

The difference between ten days and ten years is not a matter of weapon generation.

As the old saying goes, a good man is still a good man after eighteen years. Southwest's performance this time clearly proves this statement, and even goes beyond that.

“Don’t talk too much, and don’t overdo things!

You should communicate with the third son of the Ding family!

Although he has made meritorious deeds, he also has serious faults. Xiaoshou violates his principles, so let him go back to where he came from.

As for the rest, we can only wait and see..."

Father Du's words also hinted at the appointment of Ding Yong, which did not matter to Li Shengli.

It's just ten years of drinking ice to cool the hot blood. The period of peace between here and the other side of the ocean is only ten years.

When the market here comes to prominence, the suppression there will follow.

Coupled with the subsequent lying down in the north, this side will become a lifelong enemy on the other side of the ocean. Li Shengli will not stop this trend.

Should we tell the North later that you only owe tens of billions in foreign debt, so that you won’t seek shortcomings and the United States will owe tens of trillions in the future?
This is a suggestion that is not in line with our own development. Killing Li Shengli will not remind the north.

He also hoped that Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian would lead a team to lick the corpse in the future.

Ten years of development is too short for our family. Only with the skin, bones and muscles of the north can we truly support the skeleton of the rise here.

Living in such an era, it would be unworthy of the times not to eat up the bear carcass and wipe it clean with others.

The same layout was about to begin. Li Shengli turned his head and looked north. The grassland with only a few million people could probably be used as a dessert after the meal.

For capital, a few million is just a mere amount. Compared with the financial resources contained there, a few million is not even a mere amount.

Using the name of the consortium to provide daily supplies will never be more than a small matter of providing free spirits for more than ten years.

For more than ten years, Li Shengli could afford to wait, and Du Jiaoyang's capital could also afford to wait, and the unparalleled spirits were nothing more than adding a little extra plasticizer.

Seeing his virtuous son-in-law suddenly turning his head to look north, and his eyes becoming fierce and cold, Father Du thought it was because he was dissatisfied with Ding Yong's arrangement, so he could only explain:

“Although a country is large, if it is warlike, it will perish.

Individual cases like Ding Yong can only be an exception.

Xue Zang is his protection, and Ding Yong's training methods are very good.

The higher-ups decided to adopt it and spread it to the entire army, including some unqualified personnel...

You are uncle Lang, so you still need to persuade me on some things. "

After hearing Father Du's explanation, Li Shengli could only help his third uncle Ding Yong, who was far away in the southwest, to smile bitterly.

Disarmament has started since the end of the storm, from more than 6 million before to less than 6 million now.

A victory in the southwest will only strengthen that person's idea. The method of elite soldiers will be raised, and the first one to bear the brunt is the unlucky guy Ding Laosan.

In the past, most of Du Jiaoyang's manpower came from layoffs. Nowadays, most of the waste recycling depots all over the country are run by this kind of people, with their families in tow.

The question that just came to mind was now given another chance by Father Du. Now it seemed that it was not just him, Li Shengli, who was born at the right time.

Those who are about to be laid off can also be counted.

"Dad, can such personnel be sent to Jiaoyang after secondary screening?

There is currently a huge staff shortage there, and a few million can still be accommodated..."

Hearing that his virtuous son-in-law was focusing on the content of his explanation, Father Du's expression suddenly changed and he asked:

"What are you going to do?
After the Second Machinery Department asked for machine tools last time, the hundreds of thousands of people that year and the number of people in previous years were not enough for you, right?

Furthermore, Du Juan has more men than the soldiers in Southwest!
What are you going to do? "

Listening to Father Du's question, Li Shengli scratched his head and started counting people on his fingers.

"Dad, now that the waste recycling station has been established, the manpower is almost exhausted.

There is also a huge shortage of personnel to dismantle the old factories and equipment acquired by Jiaoyang, and it is difficult for hundreds of thousands of people to do anything.

Furthermore, the recycling station also requires personnel to dismantle and classify it. It is still difficult for hundreds of thousands of people to do anything.

You said that the hundreds of thousands of people back then, but together with their families, they could barely support the structure of a recycling bin.

Scrap stations are located in various places, and they are also low-profit industries. The required labor force must not be hired from the local area.

The people on our side have been in the past and just need a familiar process.

After the early efforts of Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian, entry conditions for such people who recycle waste have been relaxed, whether on the other side of the ocean or on the island.

Now we are using the banner of foreign labor services, and the amount of foreign exchange collected by these people every year is also very considerable.

The staffing gap for just one recycling depot is in the hundreds of thousands.

The American ginseng industry base established by Jiaoyang in Northern Wisconsin also requires a large number of manpower for intensive cultivation.

There is currently a shortage of tens of thousands of people there. With the promotion of subsequent products, the shortage of personnel will also be around hundreds of thousands.

After arriving in Southern California, Niu Bijian pushed the industry to the northernmost Yukon Territory on the Canada-US border, hoping to conduct a real gold rush.

There are not a few personnel gaps here, and relatively professional drivers and machine operators are needed.

Needless to say, in the port city, the rising star Lou's Enterprise has almost taken over all the land there.

Building buildings is also an industry with great demand for labor. The manpower gap at Lou's side is at least one hundred thousand.

At the same time, Jiaoyang's industrial investment in South America, Canada, Australia and Southeast Asia, and Niu Bijian's investment in the African continent all require some relatively professional personnel to go there."

Listening to the account of the wise son-in-law, Father Du had to hold his forehead in thought.

Over the years, my daughter Du Juan has created a capital monster outside.

There is a reason behind the name of the monster. Other capitals will refer to local rules, but the monster in Du Juan's hands is the first choice to eat people.

Over the years, there has been a huge pile of files reported by Qin Mei and other insiders, and Father Du has also checked them.

Rather than calling these files, it would be more appropriate to call them case files.

Du Jiaoyang's capital is truly bloody even if he doesn't take a single step.

There is nothing more than a principle. Problems that can be solved by Jianghu means must never be solved by normal means.

Through Qin Mei's secret report, such decisions were all made by his virtuous son-in-law.

Similar to Du Lao's guess, there is a more secret force in the hands of another person in charge, Xiao Changgong.

Old Man Du estimated that this was what his son-in-law used to control his daughter Dujuan.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for the eldest sister to see Li Shengli directly.

To many people abroad, this man who has traveled all the way with traditional Chinese medicine and barefoot doctors is the real devil, and he is the kind of devil who has no trace...

(End of this chapter)

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