The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 820: Sailing Against the Current (Part )

Chapter 820: Sailing Against the Current (Part )

After hearing what Li Shengli said, Li Huaide raised his eyebrows.

Although it is no longer a storm, many things still need to be based on laws and regulations.

You can act unscrupulously in the wind and rain, but you have fallen into a trap these days, but the facts are there and there is no way to escape.

"Victory, we still have to unite."

The changes in the rules of the game can be seen by Li Huaide in the storm.

After the storm subsides, unity is still important.

As soon as Li Shengli talked about it in general, Lao Li knew who he was going to face.

Everyone above is fighting, and everyone below is also fighting. Some are fighting for power, some are fighting for their lives, and there are also disciples like Li Shengli who are busy making money.

This kind of thing is not uncommon before, during, or after the storm.

U.S. knives, books with foreign codes, pieces of paper and other things were kept as much as possible in the goods yard.

If you dare to step on my territory and eat for nothing, it's not whether you can get beaten or not, but whether you are tough or not.

Apart from anything else, the assessment rules of the steel rolling mill have nothing to do with him, so why should they be pushed forward?

He, Old Li, is now Director Du's pawn. It is common sense for Li Shengli, the former son-in-law who has the final say in the Du family, to do whatever he says.

After hearing Li Shengli's principle of sailing with the wind and sailing against the current, Li Huaide didn't say anything more.

It’s not just to protect the factories below and the workers’ livelihood.

Li Huaide also admired Li Shengli. He could have been destroyed long ago, but he still wanted to come out and cause trouble.

In addition, provide patrol teams for the goods yard of the material company.

The difference here is nothing more than a good reputation or a bad reputation, and who will live and die, and who will have the last laugh.

Those disciples who dared to step on him were probably the same as him, Old Li.

No matter what your thoughts are, whether you do good things or bad things, the four words "struggle for power and profit" are enough to cover everything.

"Then it's better to do what you want. A good woman is afraid of stalking a man, isn't she?"

I'll make arrangements after I get back. How about letting those from the Second Aircraft Department take the lead? "

After hearing the danger, Li Huaide also changed his mind decisively. This disciple is not something ordinary people like him can deal with.

Our personnel, both on-site and off-site, must also have a good relationship with the port police and local police stations.

“That’s right, you can’t just punish someone without teaching.

However, if you give them a chance, it will be you who will be in trouble in the future. "

Knowing that Lao Li was not a person who was afraid of trouble, Li Shengli also persuaded him.

If you are not destined to die, you cannot force yourself to eat this bowl of rice, otherwise no one will care about you if you die..."

If you really resort to tricks, I'm afraid Lao Li will be uncomfortable in the future.

These sections cannot be ignored.

"it is good!

Although Li Shengli is also unruly, Lao Li also knows that his unruly behavior is mostly related to protecting some people.

But this was not the case in the hands of Li Shengli. Not to mention other places, just in the Northeast alone, there were not a few disciples who were tricked by him because of material matters.

Thinking of this section, Li Huaide realized clearly that they were all unruly things.

Just like when he got medicinal materials, grain, and various supplies from the Northeast, Li Huaide also had a lot of dealings with all kinds of children.

There are some methods that Li Huaide simply cannot withstand, and it is not something that can be overcome by force.

Just listen to this and say it, but put it into practice, it is actually a struggle for power and gain.

As soon as his thoughts changed, he came up with a trick for Li Shengli.

“Just understand the truth behind it.

"Director, doing business depends on sailing with the wind.

Li Huaide thought to himself that when he met them, he, the steel rolling mill, had the final say and he just listened honestly.

Some people are of no use to me, and I am not his father, so there is no need to let them go.

Even though Li Huaide is not a good disciple, he is very familiar with his disciple's methods.

After the confrontation, if you can't kill him at once, there will be too many troubles in the follow-up. The same is true for Li Shengli.

Just like Li Shengli in front of me, if we really want to deal with him, the laws and regulations are enough, and the result is truly reasonable and legal.

When doing things, it depends on sailing against the current.

There are bound to be some things that shouldn't leak out during the selection process of the three-shift patrol team.

Although the means of the two are similar, the goals and results are still very different.

In Li Huaide's eyes, Li Shengli didn't like people who broke the rules.

It doesn't matter how good you are, whether it's good for you or me, there will always be someone who is not good at it.

If you make a good relationship, you don’t need me to teach you, right?
There are a lot of things in the goods yard. As long as they are not big items like cars, just pick some small ones that can be used. They are also very popular now. "

After giving Li Huaide a way to look after the goods yard, the two of them went about their own business. Whether they were sailing with the wind or against the current, people had to move.

After meeting Li Huaide and encountering a few twists and turns, Li Shengli couldn't rest anymore.

Father Du wants to see him almost every day, and the reason is simple.

Father Du has also done something like sailing against the current. At a time when he was trying to find a way out and think about changes against all odds, Lao Du came out and poured cold water on him one after another. It's no wonder that the situation was better.

Old Du's suggestion offended both parties. Old Du's previous suggestion was somewhat unpopular.

This time, I combined what my virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli taught me about thresholds, laws, taxes, capital control, and the development of small handicrafts and light industry to throw cold water on it.

Regardless of those who want to work on big projects and seek change, or those who want to go abroad for change, they don't like Du Lao, a figure who calls it quits at the last minute.

But the more unwelcome they are, the more Father Du wants to say that with his reputation of cleaning up the place, Old Du will fight to the death.

You can't be stubborn without being gentle. As a party that looks at things with a cold eye, Father Du is not welcome here, and his momentum has also increased.

Although they still cannot compete with each other or stand on three pillars, Lao Du, who holds the small handicraft market in his hands, is also a figure that cannot be ignored.

When everything comes to a halt and personnel adjustments are made, Father Du is expected to become one of the deputy positions in the office.

It's just that there were too many senior people in front of him, so Father Du took the initiative to give in.

In this way, Father Du, the nondescript Director Du, has continued like this.

Moreover, the title of Father Du was approved by the two previous people.

Without Father Du, this position will be gone, but if Old Du does not retire, no matter who it is, it is not easy to eliminate the position of director casually.

When we sat down to talk, Father Du was still arguing hard, and Old Du was a person who continued the office lineage.

With a leader's legacy, all parties must respect his suggestions and consider them carefully.

Laws, taxes, small craftsmanship, etc. are easy to say and passed, but they are too strict and they turn a blind eye when they are implemented.

But thresholds such as admission tickets are not easy to agree on.

After many discussions, this matter can only be used as a condition for preliminary negotiations, so I will briefly mention it.

If the reaction from the other side is too intense, this issue cannot be mentioned again. If someone really ignores the obstruction of admission tickets and still wants to sail against the current to enter the billion-person market that Du Lao said.

There are many things that you really need to sit down and study carefully. Father Du's toughness and a series of cold shots also attracted people to focus on him.

During this period, there were also constant attempts to remove Father Du's wings, but Old Du's attitude towards this was very indifferent.

Since he returned to China, he really hasn't had time to cultivate his wings. The best wings are those of King Ding Xie in the southwest.

With the current situation in the southwest, veterans like Ding Wang and Xie cannot be easily transferred.

Apart from this, there is only one Li Huaide in the city who can be regarded as Father Du's wing. The other people below are just like-minded people in terms of the situation.

"Victory, if this is the case, I will do my best.

Of those eight, only Chen and the leader supported me, while the others were on the other side.

If there is too much, I won’t be able to disclose it. In short, after this discussion, I was somewhat marginalized.

There are many things in your hands, and you should take them back once and for all, so as not to be affected. "

The Du family's father-in-law and son-in-law were sitting opposite each other in the living room of the small building, and Father Du confided his true feelings.

Sailing against the current is naturally more enjoyable than sailing against the wind, but Mr. Du also has his own persistence.

Therefore, I won the support of some people in the office, but this kind of support is not so effective under the general trend and objective conditions.

Of the several roads, Du Lao's was the slowest and most solid one, and everyone recognized this.

But there is a saying that time waits for no one. Many things still depend on the results.

"Dad, you didn't mention anything about Southwest?"

Listening to the toughness in Father Du's tone, Li Shengli knew that Old Du was still immersed in the conflicting emotions.

These days, Father Du is also very busy, and he can be considered truly sleepless.

"It's similar to what you said. Either we decide not to fight, or we decide we want to fight. We also say that the fight must be thorough.

Although there is no such thing as a battle to establish prestige, the meaning is similar.

Once this power has been established, we have completely broken with the north.

This battle, as planned, will definitely destroy the continuity of two or three generations in the Southwest.

Once everything goes wrong, I'm afraid..."

When it comes to the Southwest, Father Du can't help but have a literati mentality.

Unlike veterans like Lao Dingtou who are accustomed to making deadly moves, Mr. Du, who has a serious scholar complex, sees things in a longer term.

I'm afraid that the battle in the southwest will be too painful for others and leave a bad reputation that will never be erased in the future.

Li Shengli had a different view on this. There were too many white-eyed wolves around, and there was no use for the vassal. Keeping them to celebrate the New Year would be a waste of wine and meat.

“Dad, when the arrow is on the string, it must be fired or it must not be fired.

This battle is related to the well-being of one billion people and the first step of our development.

We really didn’t fight decisively, and we couldn’t bear to be stuck in the same quagmire as the Americans before.

Therefore, let’s not fight this battle. If we fight, we must fight it thoroughly. "

The debate has actually started since the expulsion of overseas Chinese from the southwest.

In order to prevent the Java incident from happening again, someone had already decided to send troops to quell the southwest.

It's just that what he said was more extreme than that of his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli, and his target was directly aimed at what happened in Java back then.

According to this idea, I am afraid that it will not be the southwest, but Southeast Asia.

In the storm, many people have accumulated resentment in their hearts, and if they really want to vent it on the battlefield, the result is unknown.

The secret service camp of the three sons of the Ding family has also been at the forefront of the storm recently, as was the plan of his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli.

Pushing and beating is the conservative idea of ​​people like Father Du.

Using the spy battalion to insert and block the enemy is a more intense way of saying it.

If it goes too far, the army will press forward and be destroyed directly.

It was a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils. Father Du reckoned that if they fought over each other, they would probably use the spy battalion of the third son of the Ding family to block the way.

Because fighting this way, the predicted results and losses are acceptable.

"Let's not talk about the southwest, let's talk about the young people below.

Next year, almost millions of young people will return to the city.

Judging from the results of returning to the city this year, unemployed young people are also a factor of instability.

I have also mentioned the idea of ​​letting them do business and support themselves, and we can reach an agreement on this point.

What I want to ask is whether we can guide them in doing business.”

Whether it's sailing, sailing, or developing, people like Mr. Du have no ready-made experience that can be used as a reference.

Even if it is windy and rainy, there is a loving father’s washing ground in the north that you can refer to.

But the door has really opened up, and many things are truly new chapters. The person who wrote it is also hesitant about how to write it.

“Dad, haven’t we done this before?

I have held economics classes in the office, and I have also held similar economics classes in the village.

Now it seems that the results on my side are quite good.

Doing business, to put it bluntly, is the same as speculation before.

This sounds a bit ugly, but it means that in addition to planning and supply, economic deployment methods can also be used.

The establishment of economics classes can cultivate young people's business thinking.

There is another point that can be made. You might as well expand the learning content of the economics class.

Some urban small handicrafts and urban light industry crafts can also be placed in economic classes, which were called fanzhe in the early days.

Shoe collecting, embroidery, blacksmithing, knife sharpening, haircuts, and facial shaving are all activities that can now support people.

In addition, the overstocked supplies of factories and enterprises in various places can also be used as a testing ground for these young people to do business.

Inventory backlog is a drain on capital liquidity.

Once these goods are sold, they can make a living for these young people who have returned to the city.

Secondly, after the assessment, some companies also need to change their thinking and seek new product areas.

Once the inventory is cleared, the factory will have more money for developing new products or new fields.

It is recommended not to collect funds obtained from such inventory sales.

And young people returning to the city to do business can also drive demand for new products.

This belongs to the manufacturers and enterprises, and they still need to change their thinking..."

When he heard that the factories and companies below also wanted to change their thinking, Father Du raised his eyebrows.

Although he talks too much and is somewhat unpopular, for Mr. Du, now is also the time for him to express himself.

Facing a group of old leaders and superiors, Mr. Du and Li Shengli, who was sitting opposite, had similar mentality.

We still need to do things, and we also need to perform...

(End of this chapter)

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