The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 818 Sail with the Wind (Part )

Chapter 818 Sail with the Wind (Part )

Listen to the wise son-in-law Li Shengli talking about the various types of smooth sailing boats, coupled with the unpredictable wind.

After Du Lao thought for a while, he said:
"Victory, there is a war crime in international law!"

When Du Lao said this, it not only involved the tense southwest, but also involved the arms sale of one of the downwind ships.

If according to the previous plans and preparations, the battle in the southwest will annihilate the living forces that account for the vast majority of the population, including a large number of women.

After ten years of quagmire war, the demographic structure in the southwest has already gone wrong.

In this battle, annihilating all the young and strong people, from a human perspective, there are still many flaws.

Furthermore, if you just throw out big bombs casually, it won't matter if you sell them. You're just afraid that after you sell them, others will blow them up again.

To make a sound, according to the current equivalent, it is not a matter of hundreds of thousands of people.

The small-yield ones are okay, but they really make a big noise. The southwest ones may only turn into white ground after a few shots.

Good wind relies on force, but where does it come from?

The reason why we pay attention to the island is because it captured the ten years when the United States was trapped in the quagmire of the Southwest.

"This action is not for the north to see, and the people there don't care about it, right?

Father Du is not a big fan of extreme remarks. It is too early to say these things now.

How many people are still prosperous and wealthy after the trial?
Now that we are one of the Big Five, war crimes are just toys in our hands.

The ship cannot cross the ocean, so these can only be ideas. After the ship crosses the ocean, these will be indisputable facts.

Didn’t the United States and the North play with large missiles?

If you try to force yourself to do it, the principle is the same. Some roads are obviously the only way to go, and some hardships cannot be avoided.

Just like when Lao Ni came over, our big bomb has moved at this time. In terms of technology and funds, we have no threshold.

Listening to the wise son-in-law's words getting more and more outrageous, Father Du stopped his extreme words and asked:
"You said selling is an action. How do you say this?"

“Since we have ten years ahead of us and there is a ten-year plan from above, we might as well set a ten-year time point for the transition between enemies and friends.

This cannot be said to be unreasonable, but very reasonable.

“Dad, many times, selling may be just an action.

Pointing out the location of Erguo again, Li Shengli pushed the question to Father Du.

Since withdrawing from the quagmire of the southwest, the economy of Laos and the United States has suffered successive setbacks.

They can engage in nuclear blackmail, but we can’t?
Theirs is bigger, we sell more, and the final result is similar, so we have to sit down and talk.

How many people escaped the post-war trial?

We are doing this for Lao America and its allies to see.

The early efforts have not been in vain. This is also one of the confidence points for both the north and the United States.

The worst that can happen is that the jar is broken, but our third line is still there!

Now that the United States is in decline and the island has reached the top, the relationship of being affiliated with the country is still there. Can the United States really let the island buy them? "

When we sit down to talk, we have to take advantage of all available advantages. The big bomb that takes all our energy is ultimately the weapon to control the country.

Wherever their interests lie, our big bombs will be sold wherever they are.

Today, nearly 30% of the world's products are produced on the island, which is an example.

Our big bomb didn't move, so they thought we were a gang of beggars who came to beg for food!

We still have our camp, they are still our mortal enemies, and this cannot be changed.

After listening to the wise son-in-law's somewhat nonsensical response, Father Du also frowned.

If we don’t talk about things as far back as the late Qing Dynasty, why don’t we just talk about the island?

Dad, although the disadvantages in the north are hidden, the country in the north still has national strength, and it can support their arrogance for a period of time.

Who we want to give it to depends on our wishes. We have to take it if we are willing to take it. If we can’t take it, we will die.

When our big bombs are thrown out, they will make the same noise, so they won't be frightened.

"Is there a time point?"

Talking is our first opportunity.

His son-in-law's prediction of the situation was quite accurate. As for the reason, Father Du also referred to the past events in the north.

When the time comes, with the power of defeating the Southwest, which grandson dares to explode the thorn! "

If we are not rescued from the quagmire of poverty, no one can even think about a good life, because now we have a handhold.

The initial contact must be made now.

According to Mr. Du, it is relatively feasible to turn this confidence into a bargaining chip to make Lao Mei lack confidence.

For us, the answer is, after all the neighboring countries have developed, which country does not owe us a debt?
Isn't there an old saying that loan sharking is compounded by interest?

Of course, if you have no choice but to sell it if you don’t have both money and goods!
You are talking about war crimes, but I cannot agree with that.

Whoever wants to give it to us is rebelling against Tiangang, treasonous, and deserving of the destruction of the country under the laws of nature and humanity! "

After taking a look at his virtuous son-in-law, Du said helplessly:

“The Maritime Alliance and the Song-Jin Agreement cannot be won on the battlefield, nor can they be won on the table.

Okay, please stop trying to tempt me.

Now that the status of the United States has been confirmed, you also said that the United States will definitely harvest the island. Is this of any benefit to us? "

Glancing at the virtuous son-in-law in front of him, Father Du also made it clear that he understood the status of both parties and what he wanted to know was the future relationship.

“Dad, supplying 30% of the world’s goods is no child’s play.

After the United States swallows up the wealth accumulated on the island for thirty years, it will inevitably win the final victory in the confrontation with the north.

The United States has won, the North has lost, and we have risen. Do you think this change between the enemy and ourselves is still far away? "

Li Shengli's words made Mr. Du turn his head and look north. The empire he once had was already drifting away from here.

Just like Xian Xian's previous prediction, the Southwest began to take action after the United States withdrew from the United States and smoothed out internal affairs.

Thinking about all the disadvantages in the north and all the troubles we face now.

The two divisions came from the same source, and the problems were similar. They took advantage of the gap between the two sides to gain time for their own development.

As the wise son-in-law said, this is an urgent matter.

The two parties have different physiques, and the final result will inevitably be strangers.

It is indeed necessary to seize all available advantages and gain valuable time for development.

The nuclear blackmail that the wise son-in-law just mentioned also came to Du Lao's mind.

During the talks that year, with the help of my reminder to Lao Ni, not only did I gain a friend here, but I also gained a lot of skills.

Due to confidentiality reasons, many of the technologies were not released at the beginning. Now it seems that this step was taken wrong, and it was delayed for at least five years.

Now the opportunity is in front of us again. As the wise son-in-law said, there are smooth sailing boats, but the wind is unpredictable.

Using big bombs to stabilize the situation, if this is done, Father Du is also thinking about whether he can use confrontation to earn the same ten-year development period for this place as on the island.

If we can produce 30% of the world's products by then, the situation will be exciting to think about.

"Shengli, we can't send people to participate in the contact thing now. After all, Du Peng's father-in-law already has the idea of ​​visiting the other side of the ocean.

On this trip, we may pass by the island when we come back.

He is also obsessed with the development of the island.

Now it seems that we still overestimate their technology and science.

Nowadays, it seems that timing is the most important thing to grasp and the hardest thing to grasp. "

Listening to Father Du's understanding, Li Shengli nodded and said:
“Dad, don’t forget about the threshold.

Especially for businesses on the island.

Our big market of one billion people is now like the Great Northern Wilderness, beating roe deer with sticks and scooping fish with gourds.

We must be wary of the other side of the island and use the large empty market on our side to pass on the risk of being harvested to them.

If our development dividends are obtained by the island, they will become our future competitors, and they will also be strong competitors.

It’s not that we won’t let them enter the market, but we can’t treat the island’s businesses equally.

Since they produce 30% of the world's products, they have to give us 30% of our income after entering the market.

Dad, this is not 30% of the profit, but 30% of the income.

Whether they make money or not has nothing to do with us. All we want is 30%.

After all, he owes us a blood debt.

Of course, we don’t want these 30% in vain. Where are their factories and where can we invest these 30%? Is this called a complete business environment?
No taxes or land benefits can be given to enterprises on the island.

Again, we are their creditors, and what they owe is blood debt.

Either give me money or get out, these are the only two options.

Dad, don't rush to speak, if they agree to such conditions.

What do you think they are thinking?
The wolf's ambition is still there, and they also see Laomei's harvest.

If the admission ticket with 30% of the income cannot stop them from coming in, how optimistic do you think they are about our market?

Dad, again, it’s not just the island that owes us blood debts.

Therefore, when foreign investors enter the market, it is necessary for us to collect their admission tickets.

The Lion City is just a tiny place and cannot serve as a guide.

Maybe if 30% of our admission tickets are collected, our market can still become a place where big capital pours in.

Sometimes, what you get for free is not good. The more money you ask for, the higher the style will be, right? "

As soon as Li Shengli said that 30% of his income would be used as admission ticket, Father Du wanted to refute.

As the wise son-in-law said, 30% of the income is not 30% of the profit. 30% of the profit is insignificant, but with 30% of the income, it is possible to put the capital into the warehouse.

Listening to the follow-up additions of the wise son-in-law, Father Du cannot completely accept this way of entry. It is not impossible to raise his own net worth, but when it comes to 30% of his income, it seems a bit ridiculous.

"Sheng Li, why do you think the island is using us to transfer risks?

This is a major event involving investment and development.

If you use 30% of your income as admission ticket, it will turn us into an international laughing stock. "

After thinking about it for a while, Father Du still felt that 30% of his income was extremely ridiculous.

If he really did this, thinking about some allusions from the late Qing Dynasty, Father Du's view of Li Shengli would change.

If this thing were really done and it couldn't be done, it would be a laughing stock, which is beyond words.

"Dad, the truth is simple. It's nothing more than 'development potential'.

The main reason for setting such a threshold is to retain development dividends domestically.

In addition to 30%, after foreign capital enters the market, the entry and exit of funds must also be restricted.

Funds must wait for a certain period of time before they can stand a position, otherwise our market will become a gold rush for hot capital money.

And our development dividends will be taken out by their funds.

At this time, you might as well take a look at the pioneering history on the other side of the ocean, the old gold rush events, and the development history of the island.

Nowadays, we are poor and the market is not developed. We are just like a weak person. Although we have certain muscles and bones, our muscles and bones are not strong.

At this time of year, it is not easy to seek medical treatment in a hurry. If there are any sequelae, it will be difficult to deal with in the future.

Using the southwest to establish our power and using the big bomb in our hands as a threat, our development dividends must also be in our pot as much as possible.

It is better to allow speculation to prevail than to allow disorderly entry of foreign capital.

In the same way, speculation will also accumulate a large amount of funds, and this kind of funds is also not allowed to flow out of the country.

Dividends can only be kept in our own pot. If we want our development dividends, we must pay the due price.

We have never been a market of our own, have we? "

When it comes to capital coercing dividends and fund management, Mr. Du is scratching his head.

In the past, when the South was blocking the North and the North was resisting, the capital flows were all domestic. The external capital flows were exactly the opposite of what Xian Xiu said, and they were all used to finance a breakthrough.

Having said this, Father Du had no choice but to pick up a pen and paper and start recording.

It's too late to say this now, but fortunately it's still timely.

Thinking of his virtuous son-in-law's endless talk, Father Du pointed at his pen and said:

"Let's talk about fund management. We have no experience before."

Fund management is also Li Shengli's blind spot, so it doesn't matter if he talks about it briefly.

If he really came up with a detailed explanation, he would show his cowardice.

"Dad, there are still some lessons to learn from this, and you need Jiaoyang and the others to make up for it.

I believe that when any factory is established, income and taxes must be monitored.

We have to talk to the old aesthetics about this. For them, let alone doing serious business, they are just blocking the way.

When your income reaches a certain level, you must pay taxes, and people can also implement effective monitoring.

We should have the same result here. We have income and tax monitoring, but if funds want to escape, it's hard to catch them.

If caught, don't mention the maximum punishment, just confiscate the house. This is the enemy of our development. "

Hearing that his virtuous son-in-law only talked about the general situation, Father Du felt a little more relaxed. If he couldn't understand the details when he was told about them, that would be the real embarrassment!

“These things have been done in advance, but there are no rules.

Great advice.

But I don’t know if such a move will affect our development.

Nowadays, it is no longer enough to say that many things are imminent, but urgent.

As you said, once the Southwest War started, another huge investment was made.

I think it doesn’t matter if there are a few more people riding the wind. The key is whether we can develop by taking advantage of the wind created by confrontation.

If you can develop, you don't need to care about some small details. If you can't develop, but you limit yourself, it's everyone's regret..."

(End of this chapter)

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