The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 813 Thinking of Change (Part )

Chapter 813 Thinking of Change (Part )

After listening to Li Shengli's murderous words, Li Huaide was not too worried.

The reason why Shi Gang and Shouqi were chosen was clear to him as soon as he heard it.

Both of these are key industries, and they cannot succeed without a strong work style.

Most other manufacturers may be slacking off, but Shigang and Shouqi are not.

Moreover, in these two factories, there are also many people who have retired from the army and changed their jobs. The people in the two factories are almost all accustomed to the rules.

Compared with these two factories, the steel rolling mill before the assessment was more lax in style.

It is hard to say whether the steel rolling mill that has passed the initial assessment can catch up with these two mills.

If it weren't for the support of three cars, to be honest, if someone came out of a low-ranking sub-factory, the previous Director Li would have to look up to him.

Not to mention anything else, the level gap alone can make Lao Li unable to hold his head high.

The steel rolling mill has stopped. Shigang and Shouqi, which could also handle the same thing, have stopped, and the so-called assessment has come to nothing.

Everything is blamed on the wind and rain, everything is blamed on many years ago. After this script was played, Li Huaide will die or die.

In addition to assessment reasons, there is also the most fundamental reason why the factory does not deal with workers easily, and that is a basic issue. Needless to say, there is not much to say.

Li Shengli didn't mind people, but he considered them with the most vicious thoughts.

Maybe once these two join in, our much-criticized situation will break.

Without hard power in the military and political aspects, most people can only take what they ask for in terms of real Jianghu tricks.

The other party really followed the script and made compensation, but Lee Seung-ri was able to make people change their words on the spot.

If he stood opposite Li Huaide, he would deal with Lao Li on the issue of women.

But it's different if you live in a factory. Whether you work in the factory or outside the factory, if you really beat Li Huaide, you will almost be put in jail directly.

I don’t know about Shouqi, but Shi Gang dares to challenge the city..."

If you hit someone, no matter who hit you, you still need to pay compensation and go to jail if you deserve it.

After Shigang, Shouqi and Steel Rolling Mills jointly introduced detailed assessment rules, you'd better stay in the factory and don't go out, otherwise you will be easily bagged and beaten. "

Li Huaide also changed his face when he heard the sound of wind and rain in Li Shengli's reminder.

As long as a thousand yuan is promised, it is not too easy for those women who work with the door open to kill Li Huaide.

For Li Huaide, the threat of workers being assessed is not so easy to deal with.

As for now, if others use this method to deal with Li Huaide, then he has underestimated Li Shengli, the martial arts disciples in the self-training class, and even the eldest lady of the martial arts Zhang Ying.

Because of the joining of Shi Gang and Shouqi, Li Huaide felt that the pressure was less, but Li Shengli did not think so.

If the workers really wanted to be beaten at home, Li Huaide would not dare to do anything even if he had people from the factory security department by his side.

Like Li Shengli, Lao Li is also a man who has experienced many trials and tribulations, and you can easily understand the context of many words after hearing them.

Before Li Huaide could finish his confident words, Li Shengli sneered and said:
"Director, when you challenge the city, it's a dispute over how much you will get after the transaction is completed.

The workers in the steel rolling mill have nothing to do with you, but what about the workers in other factories?
I advise you to prepare early and properly arrange for your family members.

After a lot of back and forth on the spot, it was the other side's turn to use the insidious trick to destroy the whole family.

As long as these half-open doors are given pre-training and post-event compensation, and a set of scripts are given to them that are enough for Li Huaide to practice target shooting, then the matter will be a sure thing.

This method is also the best method to use when evaluating the detailed assessment of the managers of various factories in the city.

This is what Father Du is afraid of. If there is no evidence to prove your innocence, then the weaker party has the final say.

"it is good!

If you bring this guy with you, the security department can start shooting.

The arena where there is no need to fight or kill is the truly eerie and terrifying realm, because the real arena is all-encompassing with all kinds of religions and streams.

It's just that everyone has worries. It's really free of worries. He must be doing things based on money. He would also use this trick against Li Shengli.

Our factory’s assessment rules are almost standard practice in these two factories.

In the storm, Li Shengli was also used to sap others. When things were difficult to handle, dealing with people directly was the fastest way.

This is a battle between theoretical camps, and it is also a life-and-death struggle on the official career, not to mention those things on the official career.

Find a few workers, have a drink, tell them about Li Huaide's daily schedule and home address, and after a beating, it will be up to Lao Li's luck.

Not to mention the heads of those companies outside, the workers in the city who will be assessed in the future will not be able to spare you.

Your Director Du plans to fully roll out the assessment details when he goes abroad.

Do you know how many people will be offended when the assessment rules are implemented?
At least half of the company leaders will regard you as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh.

If it is not broken, then you have to continue beating it until it is broken.

Spend a few bucks, find a few half-open doors on the streets, and call them directly to the factory.

If it is broken, it offends the workers and arouses public outrage.

People in the official career are afraid of making trouble, and are fearful on one side and unscrupulous on the other. People like Li Huaide are at a disadvantage in conflicts.

Before the storm, few of the confident workers were afraid of the person in charge of the factory. They would not hesitate to say that if they could not be dealt with, they should call on the factory manager.


Victory, tell the truth.

My house has been vacant for a long time, and my wife and children have just moved back from outside the city, and now they live in a detached house in the city!
No one knew. I also told my family that I was an expatriate on the railway. "

Li Huaide was not a mediocre person when it came to self-protection. During the storm, he hid his family in the village, and after the storm, he hid his family in the city.

For some people, the storm ended as early as the year before last, but for some people, the storm started in 1958.

It was not over until many people were released from prison, which was around the end of the 1990s.

Everyone has his own ups and downs, and Li Huaide's ups and downs will continue into the mid-1980s.

Li Shengli is similar to him, but in August 3rd, many things are difficult to show in public.

It is best to be like Li Huaide, who was able to stand openly in front of everyone in the mid-to-late 1980s.

"It's good to have a charter. I've given instructions to my family. If it doesn't work, I'll change the house again. Are you prepared for any trouble..."

After making arrangements with Li Huaide and settling down, Li Shengli didn't sit idle and drove directly to Taipingzhuang.

In the last college entrance examination, many people participated in the inheritance classes in the three villages. With an admission rate of 5%, many people were destined to fail.

A group of ambitious students have already returned to their respective inheritance classes, but there are also a group of students who neither plan to study medicine nor take the college entrance examination. Let’s start with the treatment of barefoot doctors in various places. For some people, studying medicine is just learning an art. If they have a longer-term perspective, their families will support them.

However, the treatment of barefoot doctors can only be said to be a job that makes a living.

It is not impossible to make a fortune through this, but you must first have good skills and a good intention.

The actual situation is such that Li Shengli not only does not object to practicing medicine for profit, but supports it.

But there are always a group of honest people who cannot learn the skills to make a living, which leads to many people not being optimistic about the barefoot doctor profession.

Families with more private land or reclaimed land do not need to point to the village for meals in some places.

In contrast, it is normal for Li Shengli to have a group of students in the inheritance class who plan to go home to farm, do not plan to study medicine, and do not plan to take the college entrance examination.

Li Shengli could not say he was optimistic about this group of people, but he also couldn't say he disliked them. They were still human beings. He could rely on this group of people to implement some of his previous ideas.

If you are poor, you will want to change, and the same is true for the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Li Shengli took advantage of the mountains and forests in the valleys and mountain villages to reach the two villages of Madianji and Taipingzhuang.

I also worked in joint ventures such as prefabricated panel factories, construction cooperatives, bearing factories, motor factories, and wire factories.

But going to a factory is just to place redundant people. Whether you make money or not, although it does matter, is not the point.

The focus is on the two villages, Wali and Shanshan, which are the mountains of medicine in the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Without the two villages in Wali and Shanshan, no matter how well the old party secretary Wang Shengting treated Li Shengli, it was time to part ways after the storm.

With Wali and Yaoshan on the mountain, there was the bearing factory in Madianji, as well as the motor factory and wire factory in Taipingzhuang.

When it was time to collect herbs, there were not enough manpower in the mountains and valleys. When Li Shengli, a big stock, opened his mouth, it was also the result of several factories suspending production and work, and everyone went to the mountains to collect herbs.

No matter how much profit the factory makes, how much more can Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian earn?
Or are there antiques and cultural relics in each village’s treasury, with a lot of room for appreciation?
Therefore, among the four villages of Wali, Shanshan, Madianji, and Taipingzhuang, Wali and Shanshan are the focus.

If the members of Madianji and Taipingzhuang did not take action when they were busy collecting herbs, Li Shengli would shut down all the factories and let them start all over again.

Without Yaoshan, the future of Madianji and Taipingzhuang has little to do with him.

Only by maintaining the medicinal mountains on the mountains and in the valleys can Madianji and Taipingzhuang prosper. Otherwise, there will be no need to talk about it.

This model, for the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, the two villages of Wali and Shanshan are not enough.

There is a saying that there are eight major origins of authentic medicinal materials. Guan Yao refers to the Northeast area, Bei Yao refers to the North China area, and Huai Yao refers to the Henan Province.

As for Zhejiang medicine, Jiangnan medicine, Sichuan medicine, Yungui medicine, and Huai medicine, as their names suggest, they directly represent their respective origins.

There are more than ten thousand students in the inheritance class, and there are almost thousands of people who do not want to continue studying medicine or take the college entrance examination.

It almost covers these authentic medicinal material producing areas.

Whether it is a self-training class, a correspondence class or an inheritance class, screening is everywhere.

The reason why this matter has been delayed until now after the college entrance examination is that Li Shengli asked the inheritance class to select people based on their character and humanity.

Those who appear to be two-faced will not come if they don't come, but those who have been seen for a long time, or those who are down-to-earth and willing to work, or those with good character, have been screened out.

With the addition of the local barefoot doctor, Li Shengli's hands can now be extended to all parts of the country without standing on the table.

Just like the models in Wali, Shanshan, Madianji, and Taipingzhuang, Li Shengli will let these people lead the local village team to contract the medicine mountain by working alone in the near future.

Outside of Yaoshan, with the help of changes in the outside world, various factories were established with collective and individual accounts divided into four and six.

The collective is naturally the village collective, and the individual is Li Shengli. He will pay for it himself. The villages below can just work hard like the members of the four villages.

With all the people in place, it was time to go down and get familiar with the situation. This time, Li Shengli also had an affair with Wang Qianjin and Xiao Hu.

The money they earned during the time they went down was just invested in the medicine mountain.

Today's hundreds of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, are also particularly expensive.

The materials company belonging to the steel rolling mill at Jinmen Port is also already going through the process of importing used clothes.

After completing this journey, Li Shengli will, like before, by selling his clothes, he will truly take root in the medicinal material production area of ​​Eight Avenues, and truly establish the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Li Shengli doesn't say that he doesn't trust the people he employs or the people he suspects. Mutual deterrence and mutual restraint are the best cooperative relations.

Except for the local barefoot doctor, except for the inheritance class students who don’t want to come back.

Among the four villages, some old people who had been captains were also used by Li Shengli.

Compared with the city, the village is a different kind of humane society. With the horse teams traveling in front and behind, and these old men from the village sitting in the back, Li Shengli is not afraid of causing any trouble.

Li Shengli has recalled a group of inheritance class students who are unwilling to come back through correspondence channels.

These people could not be placed in villages such as Madianji, but were placed in Taipingzhuang, where a new electrical machine factory was built.

In this regard, Taipingzhuang Party Secretary also raised his hands in approval.

Dana Guan was waiting for this!
With the inheritance class stationed in the village, this village can be regarded as Li Shengli's loyal supporter. Before, Dana Guan used women to please her in every possible way, but she knew that Taipingzhuang's only shortcoming was that there were not many people stationed there.

Just like Madianji, Wali and Shanshan, there are more people settling in than in the village, and the good days of Taipingzhuang have really come.

Upon learning that Li Shengli's jeep had parked in his small courtyard in Taipingzhuang, Dana Guan hurriedly chased after it.

Jeeps can be parked in the small courtyard, which is also a way for Dana Guan to please.

After meeting Li Shengli, who was wearing a yellow and white coat, Dana Guan's opening her mouth was still a way to please.

"Shengli, why are you wearing this old country cloth?

In the village, there are stocks of cocoon silk and angustifolia from the earlier land distribution period.

Just wait, I'll give you a hard time. "

What Guan Dana said was the bottom line in the village.

Under the supply of tickets, silk brocade and the like are not fabrics that should be made into clothing.

It is common sense that Taipingzhuang in the suburbs of Beijing has stock, or whole horses.

"This works!

Uncle Guan, please bring me all the ancient silks and brocades in the village.

Don't waste bad goods. For others, I will give you twice the market price. If there is no market price, I will give you the price of the material.

At the same time, I’m giving them double the amount of cloth tickets. It’s not easy for me to get the cloth tickets. It’s better to replace them with fabrics and clothes, which will be easier for me to get.

Now it’s time to shake up the family…”

(End of this chapter)

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