The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 805: Advance and retreat with evidence (Part )

Chapter 805: Advance and retreat with evidence (Part )

After listening to the wise son-in-law's offer of a basin of cold water, Father Du also had sadness and anger in his eyes.

The words of the wise son-in-law Li Shengli are really a vivid portrayal of many people.

This won't work, and that won't work. Let them do it, and they can't do anything. In short, it's okay if I don't know how to do it, but you can't do it.

If you succeed in doing something that I wouldn't do, you will become an enemy to life and death.


It’s hard to do things!

But it’s easy for you kid to do things. Lao Miao went down. Are you satisfied this time?

Why bother?
Lao Miao has been fighting for half his life, but it was ruined because of your avoidance.

The thing about the barefoot doctor is just a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. It won’t happen again. It’s child’s play! "

After receiving the industry report pushed over by Mr. Du, Li Shengli read it roughly.

The real decision makers haven't left yet. Li Huaide's steel rolling mill still has to produce some results in the summer.

"Dad, Li Huaide still needs to support him.

After reading the summary, Li Shengli also put forward his own opinions.

“That’s why I brought you here.

If you don't have the ability, don't go to other people's homes to cut off the sluts.

But for actual operation, what is actually needed is a steel plate welding console or a steel frame console.

Father Du believed in his good son-in-law, but he still had doubts about Niu Bijian in Hong Kong City.

I heard that some equipment of the steel rolling mill is still sealed in the warehouse. This is equipment specially imported for the steel rolling mill.

This is not a status quo that can be changed overnight.

This road is a long one, and the industrial investment is relatively huge. I think it should be put at the end. "

But when it comes to specific industries, it's not a matter of applying experience.

Father Du felt helpless when he said this, and Li Shengli could also hear his helplessness.

Li Shengli probably knew the reason why Father Du was looking for him.

"Dad, some of the order in the industry report needs to be changed.

Dad, when you passed through Hong Kong this time, didn't Niu Bijian provide you with an industry plan and report? "

But there is also a summary of more than ten pages in the report, which is more in line with Li Shengli's ability.

Moreover, the field of industrial equipment is also related to Li Huaide's assessment rules.

To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter to Li Shengli whether the operating table of the electrical machine factory is an Eight Immortals table or a steel plate table, as long as it has a face.

The industry report is divided into two parts. The one covering the content is naturally large and makes people dizzy just looking at it.

The outline also said that there are currently big problems with the accuracy of our supporting industries.

If we combine the assessment details, we can improve industrial accuracy without updating equipment.

For example, in the field of industrial equipment, although it is an important weapon of the country and a symbol of national strength, a huge amount of money needs to be invested to promote and upgrade it.

“Isn’t the thing in the steel rolling mill?

Li Shengli also knew that Father Du, who had returned from the exploration in front of him, was just a pawn in the official exploration.

This is the industry report provided by Niu Bijian, take a look at it first..."

Just as he would offend someone if he went down, Father Du knew that his virtuous son-in-law would also offend someone in the future.

Needless to say, Niu Bijian is still very meticulous in his work.

The difference between doing things seriously and doing things eccentrically is speed and results. Speed ​​is fast, but the results can easily offend people.

Not to mention anything else, if all the 40 to 50 billion funds invested now, there may not be any results within three to five years.

As for whether Miao Xian should stay or go, there are many people who are looking forward to it. There is at least one person who cannot solve the problem, but intensifies the conflict.

Again, purely technical issues have nothing to do with him. Li Shengli can still say a few words about trend issues.

Take industrial equipment for example. This type of field not only has high technical requirements, but also has high requirements for supporting industries.

Not to mention the general public, it was just a motor factory in Taipingzhuang. All Li Shengli could do was provide ready-made motor processing technology.

He can do whatever he wants during the assessment, let alone a little equipment?
As you said, the import of equipment is the sole discretion of the steel rolling mill and has nothing to do with other units. "

Good equipment cannot be used by the steel rolling mill first, but must wait for the opinions of other units.

Theoretical things are only in writing after all, and many gaps still need to be seen in practice. "

The reason is actually simple. Many other units are still more important than the steel rolling mill.

The importance of industry reports is self-evident. In this matter, Mr. Du did not dare to directly use Niu Bijian's industry reports as fill-in for his own report.

When it comes to implementation, you have to find help from the steel rolling mill.


Li Shengli remembers the substantial advancement in this field probably in the 1990s.

At present, neither funds nor technology are sufficient to vigorously promote industrial upgrading in the field of industrial equipment.


It is a good choice to temporarily replace material resources with manpower.

Before doing anything, it is indeed a good idea to clean up the interior first.

However, industrial equipment is a reflection of the level of a country's machinery manufacturing industry. To put it bluntly, it is also a reflection of national strength.

If we avoid the important and take the easy, will it create an inherent disadvantage in the future structure? "

Although the words of the wise son-in-law Li Shengli are good, Father Du is still a little worried.

Look at the island's industrial manufacturing capabilities and compare them with your own. The gap is unimaginably huge.

For example, in the steel industry, the technical level of a small local factory is higher than that of the best enterprises here.

This gap is also daunting. To put it bluntly, this is the gap in war capabilities.

People like Du Lao also have a deep understanding of this gap.

“Dad, no, millions of industrial workers are not so easy to give up.

Furthermore, although our production capacity is a little behind, the technical foundation of heavy industry is not lagging behind.

What is lagging behind is only industrial equipment. Instead of pursuing our own manufacturing capabilities, it is better to import foreign equipment to increase production capacity.

This is also a mutually reinforcing cycle. Increased production capacity can also subsequently assist the upgrading of the industrial equipment field.

Many things, for us, can only be made simple. "

In the opinion of Mr. Du, internal assessment and the introduction of equipment have been enough in recent years.

This road has also been tested before, but it was captured before and now it is introduced.

"Okay, I understand this. Let's talk about other industries."

After recording the suggestions from the wise son-in-law, Father Du had a rough idea of ​​how to do things.

When he got the industry report from Niu Bijian, Mr. Du kept reading it.

In the field of industrial equipment, there are more than 110 projects that need new construction or large-scale improvements.

The funds required for new construction or improvements are in the billions of dollars. This is only the equipment funds, plus civil engineering and installation, it is simply unaffordable now. In addition, Niu Bijian also said that the source of the information in the industrial report was not given by the wise son-in-law Li Shengli, nor was it given by the country.

It was compiled by foreign countries after the wind and rain stopped. According to Niu Bijian, most of this kind of information came from the island.

This is also a very serious problem. It not only shows the ambition of the wolf over there, but also shows that the big market mentioned by the wise son-in-law is indeed coveted by many people.

The source of the information, Father Du, will also report it directly. This kind of information does not dare to be concealed.

"As for other industries, I think electronic industries such as televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, and radios should still be given top priority.

Today, in foreign countries, the electronics industry has begun to emerge.

The upgrade of many industrial equipment is also inseparable from the electronics industry.

Our electronics industry lags far behind foreign countries in terms of product technology, quality, grade, service life, and the scale of the electronics industry.

Just like the old American TOW anti-tank missile, people now use electronic aiming equipment.

And what we use is either rockets or seatless rifles. There is a huge generation difference.

The development of the electronics industry must start with civilian equipment such as televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, and radios.

Otherwise, if everything is taken over and invested by the military, development will be too difficult and the potential will be too small.

As for the second-tier industries, they are the foreign exchange industry, which is mainly light industry and foreign trade processing.

If you do these two things well, the changes will be huge.

Of course, the synthetic ammonia and agricultural machinery industries needed in rural areas, as you said before, are related to food security, and this is also urgent.

The related chemical industry is the real leading industry.

Without the support of the chemical industry, there would be no raw materials such as plastics, and the production capacity of industries such as televisions, refrigerators, and washing machines would be greatly limited. "

Dad Du started to hear that the industry was mainly in industries such as televisions and refrigerators, and he couldn't help but frown a little.

Who would have thought that the wise son-in-law would change the topic and attribute the node to the chemical industry again.

This has also been demonstrated before. The turning point now lies in the chemical industry. In this regard, there are also big plans from above.

“It’s very good, from product deduction to industrial development layout.

Shengli, your macro vision is much better than mine, after all you are a young man!

Can it be said that the chemical industry is the focus, ammonia synthesis is second, and home appliances are the downstream industries of the chemical industry?
Use the chemical industry to drive the manufacturing industry, and then use the manufacturing industry to feed back the important field of industrial equipment manufacturing? "

Listening to Father Du's clear thinking, Li Shengli nodded, but also sighed softly and said:

“Dad, the idea is reasonable, but how to implement it is a problem.

The chemical industry is new, and it is also critical to determine the detailed assessment rules in the early stages of the industry.

Whether Li Huaide's assessment details can be implemented is also a matter of life and death for many factories and companies.

If there are too many people and too many burdens, no matter how good the company is, it will be brought down.

Only when the internal vitality of an enterprise is sufficient can it gain opportunities for development.

If the detailed assessment rules cannot be implemented, many companies will face external impacts, not to mention their ability to accept recruitment. Whether they can have the opportunity to compete with others on the same stage is a problem.

If we don't get it right, if we import a few batches of goods at the pass, our factories and enterprises will be directly crushed. "

After going out to explore, Father Du didn't think his virtuous son-in-law was being alarmist.

Not to mention new home appliances such as microwave ovens and induction cookers, Dad Du also saw a palm-sized radio during his inspection.

Compared with the old Soviet-style radio at home, I am afraid that the electricity consumption of my radio in one year is enough for other people's small radios to last for decades.

The difference between one radio is so big, but what about a thousand radios, ten thousand radios, or ten million radios?

The electricity consumption alone is probably more than that of several power plants and coal mines.

The gap in technology also represents a gap in cost, which is so much different just in terms of use.

A Soviet-style radio that is a hundred times larger than others, how much materials does it consume?

If technology does not advance, it will be an endless cycle.

Within the limited planned supply, the smaller the volume, the more products there are. Father Du doesn't need to learn this truth, he will understand it after thinking about it.

"You should contact Li Huaide and tell him to do something boldly.

Although the future is unpredictable, I will definitely protect him if I can.

Remember, when you do things, don’t be too extreme.

It would be hard to talk about if something like the barefoot doctor happened.

Okay, let's contact Li Huaide. My report needs to be rewritten. "

Glancing at Father Du, who was using people to move forward and not using people to move behind, Li Shengli was also a little helpless.

I'm afraid Du Peng's coolness was learned in this way. It's just that Du Peng is devoted to his work, but Du Peng is really cool.

"Dad, it's time for Du Peng to move out of the steel rolling mill.

Li Huaide's side can't protect itself. I'm afraid that after Li Huaide goes down, Du Peng's side will be targeted.

It would be bad if an individual affects the overall situation. Can you please let him go to the First Machinery Department? "

Before leaving, Li Shengli still helped his brother-in-law Du Peng to speak.

With the detailed assessment rules implemented by Li Huaide, the road ahead is destined to be bumpy and difficult.

Now I am staying in my job, but I am afraid I will be suspended next. Even if I am reinstated later, I might be wasted for a few years.

Li Huaide is not afraid of wasting time, but Du Peng's time is still very precious.

Now is the time to build the foundation. If you take a step back, it will be a waste of several years. If you waste a few more times, the upper limit will be limited.

"You are so unfavorable to Li Huaide's assessment rules, why are you still implementing them?"

Hearing that the wise son-in-law mentioned his son Du Peng and wanted to transfer him to the First Machinery Department, Father Du was a little disgusted.

If a good son-in-law is transferred to the First Machinery Department, Father Du will definitely spare no effort, because Li Shengli's abilities are in place.

As for his son who was eating leftovers from his brother-in-law, Father Du was still not optimistic about his abilities.

"Dad, the smell of wine is also afraid of the deep alley.

Not everyone likes good things. Even if it is a great unity, some people regard it as dirt.

The assessment details touch the vested interests of many people.

Especially for the assessment of middle and high-level people in factories and enterprises, in the eyes of some people, they are completely treated like cows and horses.

We put our assessment on those who can create resistance, and we also want to get rid of it once and for all.

These detailed rules have been finalized this time, and future changes will be based on this.

Before evaluating workers, we first evaluate the person in charge of a factory. In this way, we will have confidence in doing things. "

Father Du also disapproved of his virtuous son-in-law's decision to completely ruin his future.

But Mr. Du also studied the assessment details carefully.

The principle is clear and unambiguous, and if it is actually implemented, the people who are most affected are not the workers, but the leaders of the following factories and enterprises.

The detailed explanation states that the quality of a company is directly reflected by the quality of its workers, but ultimately it is the leaders of these factories and enterprises who have the final say.

The fast running of the train depends entirely on the headband. If you put it in the assessment details, it can still explain some problems...

(End of this chapter)

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