The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 802 Exploration (Part )

Chapter 802 Exploration (Part )

"Well, we have to take our time in many things. What we need is exploration, and exploration is not about going to heaven all at once.

Please calm down during this time, I'm already under enough pressure. "

After receiving a blow from Li Huaide, Father Du was speechless.

In order to keep Li Huaide in his job, he had fought in the east and blocked the west.

Now that Li Huaide has stayed in his job, he still doesn't stop. Instead, he intensifies his efforts and includes the entire steel rolling mill industry in the assessment.

This matter seems right to Father Du, but to many people, it is a provocation to them.

Good fortune and misfortune are unpredictable, and it is not Du Lao's wild imagination. If you touch other people's interests, you are blind if they don't touch you.

Too much pressure was also the reason why Father Du had a dispute with his wise son-in-law Li Shengli at noon.

Under heavy pressure so far, Father Du has already made plans to retreat temporarily. If he continues on this road, there will really be no way out.

For now, this wise son-in-law is still fond of what he calls the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, and it is better to incorporate it into specific things.

The so-called exploration and discussion now seem to be just a formality.

Because many technologies cannot be introduced without looking at the details.

With the technical outline, exploration determines the direction.

As for Wang Weihong and Wang Yue's family, if they are lucky, they will be in the late 1980s, but if they are not, they will have to wait a little longer.

Currently in operation is the third batch.

What Old Du and Li Huaide will face in the future is countless censures, and I don’t know how Old Du in the small building can withstand these censures.

Back in Madianji, Li Shengli's life was the same as before. He still practiced boxing and read books every day and paid no attention to outside things.

There are not only many things that cannot be said, but also a lot of helplessness and blood and tears. Of course, this is for those who have mastered the technology.

Moreover, Niu Bijian in Hong Kong City has already collected most of these technologies.

Father Du also knew that many people wanted to go out and have a look, to see through the depression of ten years.

Not to mention Father Du, the in-laws who have no one to control are also under great pressure.

The threshold mentioned by my good son-in-law is really a threshold that is difficult to cross.

Mr. Du and his in-laws had already explored the technical outline with professionals.

But the specific technical outline has been outlined, and the scope of exploration has been determined.

As for someone wanting to kill Lao Du, that's nonsense. If Lao Du dies, Li Shengli can guarantee that they will endure the harshness of the wind and rain again.

It is not an exaggeration to call it an important weapon of the country. As for how Niu Bijian obtained it, it is even less known.

It's just that the pressure now comes from top, bottom, left and right, and it seems difficult for the two to join forces.

Especially since the technical outline was given to the wise son-in-law Li Shengli, many of the people who promoted it before would also hate that outline.

The technical outline covers a wide range and is also specific to actual industries.

As for divergence, there is nothing that needs to be diverged. The next thing to do is to immerse yourself in research.

The method of his virtuous son-in-law is not to push him, Lao Du, to move forward alone, but his in-laws are also passively coerced.

It is better not to have such tiger-like and wolf-like characters appear in your own yard.

Although the wind and rain have stopped, many people below have to come up and resume their original work, and they have to wait.

Acting in an eccentric way is not only detrimental to oneself, but also more likely to harm others.

The dispute between Weng and his son-in-law at noon was still vivid in his mind. He, Li Shengli, was lucky, and most of the backup tactics were useless, because he used the overwhelming force to overwhelm others, and he had no choice but to live or die.

This is exactly what is lacking now. In fact, in Du Lao's view, with this technical outline, whether he goes out or not has little effect.

He is just a deputy in the office now, but now he has the power to call the shots.

Wrapped up by the differences, after the heart-to-heart talk, Father Du also knew how helpless his in-laws were.

Moreover, this virtuous son-in-law of his own is also accustomed to promoting his own plans by harming others.

If you are lucky, there is still hope in the next two years, but if you are unlucky, you will have to wait until more than eight years.

Because people like Li Shengli never distinguish between good and bad people, only the results of their work. This is also a matter of principle.

Others will not be implicated by their daughter, but the Wang family will certainly do so. This matter is already in progress. Wang Weihong's family has been confirmed to be pushed to the second batch.

The virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli's macro vision, scheming, and methods of doing things were also noticed by Father Du.

This matter is too difficult for others, but for Li Shengli, it is too simple. It is nothing more than a dead end...

The good son-in-law's methods are not only eccentric, but also domineering.

Without a technical outline, exploration simply goes in all directions.

After being pushed out of the Du family's small building by Father Du, Li Shengli looked back at the small building.

It's very good, the way is right, and the direction is right, but if you don't understand it, it's the result of exploration.

The outline that the wise son-in-law came up with was not just a summary, it was a summary by a group of foreign elites, and it also included follow-up prospects. What was missing was nothing more than the filling of specific technologies.

No one pushes, even if he has the intention, he is powerless.

Before the science conference, the Wang Xie family among Du Ding and Wang Xie also arrived in or near the southwest.

When Lao Wang left, just as the barefoot doctor's college entrance examination results had dropped, Wang Yu, the second sister of the Wang family, found Li Shengli again.

"Li Shengli, you are living a good life with herbal tea and ancient scrolls.

The self-training class has been in chaos. I heard that they want to close the correspondence channel for the self-training class. "

Listening to Wang Yu's alarmist talk, Li Shengli, who was sitting in the main seat, sneered and said:
"They don't dare!
If you dare to close the correspondence channel, just wait for the barefoot doctor to come find them!

This is called tit for tat, once the correspondence channel is closed.

There will be no one left behind in the self-training class.

This is not how you seek death.

In this correspondence channel, whoever is imprisoned will die. This is real death, not just as simple as the end of the official career.

We are all young people, so we don’t care about the consequences.

This is also my exploration, so I only look at the results, not the process.

They can do whatever they are willing to do. I will only take the opportunity to withdraw the manpower from the self-training class, so as not to be a disaster.

And I can tell you with certainty that when the time comes, let alone you, even Lao Du will not be able to find me.

None of the remaining people dare to make the decision, so I'll just wait and see what their outcome will be. "

Hearing Li Shengli's exploration methods, Wang Yu was also frightened into a cold sweat.

Just like a specialist in treating trauma, the man sitting here is still vicious in his methods.

"You are irresponsible!

Do you know the consequences of doing this? "

Looking at the angry second sister of the Wang family, Li Shengli shook his head and said:
“Clear, and very clear!
But do those who want to close the correspondence education channel understand?
It’s just that they do the first day of junior high school and I do the fifteenth day.

I can drink tea and read a book, can they?
We are all adults and we have to bear the consequences of our actions.

I took this step back to follow the trend and it was an act of exploration.

If I am allowed to speak out in the future, I still have many conditions.

They died in vain. They closed the correspondence channel, which only did me good and no harm.

Also lets others know how much the Barefoot Doctor weighs.

Don’t worry, if they want to close it down, I will cooperate fully and at the same time, I will clearly notify the barefoot doctors everywhere. "

Seeing that Li Shengli was not only not afraid of closing the correspondence channel, but was also willing to promote it.

Wang Yu also had a headache, playing tricks with the guy in front of him, those people were really crazy.

Everyone is here in Madianji, waiting for them to drain the fire and set fire to themselves!

I will report this to Uncle Du, don't push it.

If you do this, many innocent people will be implicated.

Can you promise me? "

Seeing Li Shengli's appearance of knowing everything but knowing nothing, Wang Yu also knew that he was not telling lies.

But if things really go according to Li Shengli's plan, the efforts of many people will be in vain.

“I don’t push it but I don’t care either.

Don't come looking for me this afternoon, you won't be able to find me.

Lao Du told me to calm down recently, so I will disappear for a while..."

After saying that, Li Shengli got up and went back to the back room, packed some clothes and household items, and was about to go out with his leather backpack.

Wang Yu, who had been sitting in the main hall, saw Li Shengli carrying a bag and really wanted to leave, so he quickly got up to stop him.

"Thankfully I didn't leave. Are you really planning to disappear?

What should we do once the Barefoot Doctors get excited? "

Looking at the gun butt exposed in Li Shengli's bag, Wang Yu was really anxious.

If I had known earlier, I would have informed Lao Du first. With Lao Du's ex-father-in-law suppressing him, maybe Li Shengli wouldn't be so willful.

“Cold salad!
They are immortal!

During this time, the department pushed me very hard.

They always think that the barefoot doctors below are loose and can be manipulated casually.

This time it’s time for them to explore the barefoot doctor’s background, otherwise they would really treat me like a tortoise…”

With that said, Li Shengli pushed away Wang Yu who was blocking the road, got on Willis and left.

Watching the jeep driving away, Wang Yu felt regretful and hoped that Li Shengli would have been prepared on the way.

But Wang Yu didn't want to see such bloody preparations.

Helpless, Wang Yu could only ride on her bicycle and rush to the office.

Unlike Li Shengli and his younger brother Wang Qianjin, Wang Yu commutes to get off work and travels by bicycle, and she is not afraid of being blocked by others.

As Li Shengli said, even if Wang Yu found Lao Du, Du's father would not be able to contact him this time.

The science conference was in full swing, and the barefoot doctors below were also in high spirits.

Those who questioned them were sent to the countryside for the second time, but the barefoot doctors were taken seriously. Because their college entrance examination scores were outstanding, the superiors also gave them the title of promising young people.

The scientific conference also determined the relationship between technology and productivity.

This can be regarded as a real thing produced by Du Pengzhang, but compared with before, the scope of technical exploration is strictly locked.

Father Du's suggestions were basically accepted.

The reason is actually very simple, forced by objective conditions.

After the science conference, the number of flights from here to overseas and flights to the south increased a lot.

After the science conference, nearly a hundred groups went abroad for inspections. According to statistics from the office, there were more than 700 units and thousands of people in need of inspections.

So many people go out for inspections and spend real foreign currency. Although exploration is just a simple word, it requires real money to back it up.

Li Shengli suddenly disappeared, neither going to the mountains nor to the valley, but to Taipingzhuang next to Madianji.

He is most familiar with the dark tricks under the lamp.

Wang Yu was familiar with him at Madianji, Xie Fei's father-in-law Zhao Mankui was there at Wali, and Yang Yulian on the mountain side also had a good relationship with his mother-in-law, Sister Fu.

In these three villages, wherever he is, Father Du will find him.

When the father-in-law asked for his son-in-law, it was difficult for Li Shengli to tell the villagers that he was not here.

So he lived directly in Taipingzhuang.

Of course, Taipingzhuang didn’t come for nothing, people were flying out to explore.

Naturally, we also need to explore Taipingzhuang.

When they arrived at Taipingzhuang, Dana Guan was also full of enthusiasm, but Li Shengli rejected his kindness.

But when he left the courtyard, there was still a plump woman named Tong Xue helping to clean.

Moreover, the cleaning time is also fixed. When he will come back and when Tong Xue will leave, it seems that he has to come.

Standing in a low-lying area outside Taipingzhuang, there are mass graves found in almost every village.

Although they are called mass graves, in many cases they are just the boundaries where children who died in infancy are buried and where the villagers throw away garbage.

"Uncle Guan, the appearance of your village is much worse than that of Madianji.

Why don't you fill in these dozens of acres of land while digging the holes?"

Looking at the mass graves and low-lying land in front of him, Li Shengli was also a little puzzled.

Land on the outskirts of the city is precious, let alone in villages like Taipingzhuang and Madianji.

Even villages with insufficient people like Wali and Shanshan would not abandon such large areas of low-lying land.

Because if it is leveled, it will be a good field for harvesting grain.

“Shengli, this place has been around for a long time and is not originally part of our village.

This was the original mass grave in the city. It was called Yi Di back then. It is said that it was the boundary where people were buried starting from that time.

There are not many tombs in the Taipingzhuang area. They were buried seriously, so they are called tombs.

In the past, those who died of cold and starvation over the years were buried nearby, so they chose this place.

This was still the inner city of the Yuan Dynasty, but later it was moved south. Some of the broken bricks and tiles from that time were piled here.

Look at the layer of soil on top. That’s the soil where people were buried during the Ming and Qing dynasties!
In this land, there are thigh bones all over the ground, and every time you dig, they are filled with broken bricks and stones.

If the bedding is too low, the grain cannot take root; if the bedding is too high, look at the terrain here, and the water soaking the bones and garbage will flow into the village, which is neither hygienic nor auspicious! "

Li Shengli frowned when he heard the origin of the low-lying land. This type of land was usually used by schools.

"This is not far from the Normal University. Don't they plan to take this land?"

Listening to Li Shengli's question, Dana Guan's answer was straightforward.

"They thought about it, but they didn't give it to me!
They have allowed them to occupy dozens of acres of the tomb land in front. If they occupy it any more, it will become our village, and we can no longer give it to them.

Although the land is not a good piece of land, it is still a buffer, right? Once I gave it to them, next time, no one will be allowed to occupy my village?
When I occupy it next time, with this piece of land supporting me, I guess I should go down.

From the earliest Qizhuang to the current Taipingzhuang, it has been passed down for more than two hundred years. It cannot be in my hands. The village will be gone..."

(End of this chapter)

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