Chapter 80

"I'm knowledgeable. I'll go back and think about it, but it's not easy to let this matter go like this. After all, my buddy was injured."

As a child, Xie Fei couldn't be subdued just because of Li Shengli's few words, and now he is only compelled by the situation.

When the opportunity is right, he still wants to find his place again. After all, he almost lost his buddy's life when he first started out as a teacher. Wherever he goes, it will be a sad and embarrassing past.

"Don't talk big, next time you make trouble, it's time to pick up the bell.

You are doing it for face, I am a career, if you dare to smash my job, I will kill you. "

Li Shengli, who had a smile on his face just now, turned gloomy when he heard Xie Fei's reluctance.

This is the place where his career started, and it can't stand the toss of a disciple like Xie Fei.

If he really dared to bring people to Wali to make trouble again, Li Shengli didn't mind small punishments and big punishments, as long as he could reconcile at the police station without dying.

"You're ruthless, bro admit it.

My brother is injured, can you arrange the lunch at noon?

Just a taste of life. "

Seeing that Xie Fei was able to advance and retreat, Li Shengli regained his smile and waved to Zhang Dingbang.

"Uncle Li, if you have something to say, just say it."

Zhang Dingbang is considered to be more knowledgeable among the young generation in Wali. His knowledge comes from his family.

With a son, some experience in life was given to him, but some of them did not conform to the current trend, which made his son a joke in the village.

"You scratch people, your family takes care of their food, let them eat whatever your family usually eats.

I'll pay the ticket, this is the first time we're dealing with each other, will this work out? "

At this time, Zhang Dingbang's experience from his old lady came in handy. After listening to Li Shengli's words, he knew that the matter was not over yet.

Inviting people to eat at home is still the trick of this little genius doctor. Although they can't eat shit for these three, it is certain that a good meal must not be served.

"Uncle Wang, is it easy for me, Uncle Li, to speak?"

After taking Li Shengli's words, Zhang Dingbang, who was a bit exquisite, did not directly agree, but asked Wang Sankun, the cashier in the village.

"Doctor Shengli said that your family is in charge of food, and that is your family. When it comes to branch papers, your family can't push it away. According to Doctor Shengli's words.

Don't collect food stamps and vegetable gold for this meal. "

As a veteran who stayed behind in the village, Wang Sankun also knew that Li Shengli was a bad visitor.

It's just that the branch secretary doesn't want to see these goods from the health bureau, so Wang Sankun naturally pushed the boat along, and the branch secretary will take care of it if something goes wrong.

"Men, I'm sorry, just now I thought you were going to hit me Uncle Li, but you hit me harder, please bear with me.

Let's go and have a look at my new house. "

With the cashier's approval from the village department, Zhang Dingbang's side became enthusiastic, and the ruthlessness in catching eggs just now could not be seen on his face.

Xie Fei followed Zhang Dingbang away with a smile, Master Liu looked at the backs of their group, but felt uneasy.

He probably knows Li Shengli's background. If the children of workers in the courtyard are really capable at home and seek medical advice, they will not find him at his door.

"Master, the little boy has no good intentions, but it's an old saying.

This guy named Xie Fei is quite insidious, and being able to bend and stretch is not a good thing.

The official's son who is holding it is not scary, but the one who can go up and down like him is scary. "

Looking back at Master Liu who was carrying the medicine box, Zhao Caixia who was beside him frowned, which also fell into Li Shengli's eyes.

"Don't be afraid of him, good words can be listened to, he is good and I am good.

If you don't listen, let him become the big mule of the production team.

You are calling me a young master, and I can't bear it, we must count on what we say, and if we make a fuss, if we say to pick his bell, someone will definitely pick it. "

The Xiao family's father and son had done a black-and-white business, and it was impossible to say that it had no effect on Li Shengli.

In order to live a better life, Li Shengli has already started a business of selling estimated clothes, and it is not difficult for Xiao Hu to pick a bell occasionally.

"You are ruthless, then let's take one step at a time."

The troubles caused by the sons and daughters of officials and eunuchs are not part of Master Liu's world. They can't be resolved, so we can only follow what he said and take a step forward.

It's useless to show weakness and be soft now, it's better to be tougher according to what your own successor said.

After being disturbed by Xie Fei, Li Shengli was also a little upset, and it was not easy to do things. When he encountered a second-generation child like Xie Fei, if he really wanted to mess around, it was really difficult to deal with.

Suppressing the irritability in my heart, there was another noise from the village department. After a group of people came out, they didn't even get in the car and left the compound directly.

The old men and women in the house were willing to join in the fun, put down their baskets one by one, and followed the team in front.

"We grandpa are going to see it too?"

Glancing at Zhao Caixia who was behind him, Li Shengli signaled Master Liu to follow, and together they went to see the location of the air-raid shelter in Wali.

"Second girl, keep an eye on the medicine box. If someone insists on moving the medicine box, let him do it, but you must tell us when you come back."

After explaining to Zhao Caixia, Master Liu got up with Li Shengli, and the two walked out of the infirmary together.

"Master, what's the matter?
Is it related to the second girl of the Zhao family? "

Slowly falling behind the crowd, Master Liu, who had a big heart, asked Li Shengli about his different eyes in the infirmary without asking.

"I see that the girl from the Zhao family likes the pretty boy, and Xie Fei is the top grade among the pretty boy. Give it to her to try something new?"

The sinister idea of ​​his own inheritor made Master Liu's inverted triangular eyes widen. This grandson is really bad.


"My lord, kicking the good leg of the cripple, isn't it a bit damaging?
This is a matter of death.

Xie Fei is wearing a Chinese tunic suit, but it is made of wool. Maybe it is the general school on the street. Most people don’t even dare to look at it, let alone buy it. There are 140 sets in the supply and marketing cooperatives.

You harmed him in the valley, I'm afraid his family won't let you go. "

Although Li Shengli's idea is to relieve hatred, this matter is not easy to operate. Once it goes wrong, it will not be so easy for people's parents to chase them into the village.

"This is called being close to the workers and peasants, and his family dare not talk nonsense.

Didn't you say that the style is not good?
In case Xie Fei's little boy is implicated and let him marry into the Zhao family to avoid disaster, we are saving him.

Wouldn't it be the best explanation to bring a bunch of children home in the future?
Wait until we give Miss Zhao a few secret medicines to make her happy, and then let her clean up that little boy's face, so I won't be afraid of him repeating it. "

Hearing the insidiousness of his own heirs, Master Liu looked down, he was similar to himself back then...

"A plan is a good plan, and a job is a good job, I'm afraid that little boy won't be fooled!

I have a prescription for the secret medicine at home. It was a first-class medicine used by princes and princes back then, but if used too much, it would be a deadly medicine.

Do you want to think about this matter again? "

Looking at the heartless Master Liu, Li Shengli was noncommittal. It might have been easier to maintain a family inheritance in the past.

But in the next few years, it will gradually become more difficult. Many things must be done even if they cannot be done.

It was only when Xie Fei made things difficult for Li Shengli that he could understand some of Master Liu's ideas and practices. Perhaps in the future, in order to pass on, he would call out to a young man one by one.

If you really meet a talent from the sky, it's not impossible to give him a knock.

After keeping up with the big troops in front of us, we took a short turn in the alley, and we arrived at our destination.

Centering on one earthen house, the site including several surrounding earthen houses has been marked out with white ash by accountant Zhang Lianfu.

If Li Shengli's expectations are correct, the half-collapsed earthen embryo house in the center is the original home of Zhang Lazyman.

The half that collapsed was not dug by Zhao Youxi, but collapsed after going through wind and rain.

The family can live in such a broken kiln, the name of the lazy is well deserved.

The circle drawn by Zhang Lianfu should be the center of Wali Village. Except for the lazy man's house, most of the earthen houses are dilapidated.

The current Wali Village should have spread from here.

After drawing the circle, the cadres of the commune and the district began to measure the land. This should be the preliminary survey work.

Hearing the words 'air-raid shelter' kept being said by the commune cadres, the old men and women who had experienced the war were extraordinarily quiet.

The faces of each of them also changed from smiling at first to gloomy.

Thinking of the war, it's really "recalling the past with tears in my eyes", the branch secretary and the eldest in the family are left on the battlefield.

The restless Master Hai Zhao Sihai forced his second son, Zhao Mankui, to go to the battlefield, and finally came back alive.

There are many families like this in the Wali Brigade. Just like Lord Hai, the old man who sent his children to the battlefield can best understand the cruelty of war.

The air-raid shelter means war. Such a heavy news is undoubtedly cruel to the old men and women who have just lived a good life.

Seeing that the old men and women fell into silence, Li Shengli waved at Zhao Mankui. Obviously, this old man had a small meeting before.

The news of digging the air-raid shelter to prepare for the war did not reach the whole village. When people get old, their mentality can go up and down.

"Victory, what's the matter?"

Seeing the branch secretary Zhao Mankui approaching, the expression on his face was quite relaxed, and the pressure on the hearts of the old men and women was a little less.

"Brother, didn't you tell the whole village about the air-raid shelter?"

With that said, Li Shengli pointed to Zhao Mankui, all the old men and women with serious expressions.

"I'm in a hurry, I want to get things done, and then start the mobilization meeting."

Looking back at the uncles and aunts in his village, Zhao Mankui's thick lines ignored their serious expressions.

Today's Wali is his generation's world, old man, just take care of himself in the old age.

"Let's talk about it first, otherwise these old people are worried about it, and they are afraid that they will be depressed and develop problems.

Just talk a little bit, don't talk about the war..."

After clicking on Zhao Mankui, Li Shengli took a few steps back. This is a private matter of the Wali brigade, and it is not easy for him to participate now.

"Uncle, ladies, it's okay, don't worry, this is not a good life, in case there will be problems in the future, let's dig an air-raid shelter in advance!

The circle was drawn today, and the house will be rolled out in the afternoon. From now on, there will be no volunteer workers from the commune in the village, and they will only dig this air-raid shelter. "

Zhao Mankui, who was born in the army, has his own advantages in grasping the psychology of the members. Whether it is mobilization or appeasement, even with the resoluteness of a soldier, he can appease the mood of the old man.

After Zhao Mankui finished speaking, the old men and women slowly became active, and began to surround the district and commune cadres, asking questions constantly.

After dispelling the shadow of war, the atmosphere gradually became active.

"My lord, this father and mother are very good!

The broken house in the middle probably belongs to a lazy man's house, right? "

After watching it for a while, Master Liu understood that Ma Fenglan, the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family, in that scene, was a plan of a lazy man, a turtle, and a house to kill three birds with one stone.

"After the air-raid shelter is dug, sell the homestead above it to the activists who raise soil turtles to build houses. Isn't there a cover?
With a little expansion, the new house may be a workshop for raising soil turtles. "

Li Shengli clicked again, and Master Liu began to pluck his fingers. This family's dry relatives are all kind-hearted people, a good thing!
(End of this chapter)

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