Chapter 792 Exam (Part )

Li Shengli was quite satisfied with the admission results after everyone took the exam.

Most of those close to her stayed in the city to go to school, such as Xu Xiaoya. Her school is only half an hour's bicycle ride away from Madianji Village.

As agreed before, Xu Xiaoya will work part-time and study part-time, so the basic conditions are met.

Examinations are fate-determining for candidates.

For the people above, this is just the beginning of the problem.

The first point is the issue of teaching materials.

If what you learn is different from what you take the test, it can easily lead to other problems. Printing a temporary textbook is also an urgent matter.

With the algebra in Shanghai, the problem of textbooks has been partially solved.

The self-study series of mathematics, physics and chemistry has also become a textbook.

Some of the data for the college entrance examination were given to him by Xie Fei.

The reason why she came here was because she knew that some people were saying that the barefoot doctor was cheating. She was a little worried and came here specifically to remind Li Shengli.

This time the college entrance examination, Xie's mother Zou Jin also took part, but she entered the graduate class, and she was from Qingdao University.


"Second sister, are you here to serve as a news channel?"

Li Shengli estimated that the opportunity to jointly run a school that he had discussed with the Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine was almost there.

There is also a problem with reprinting instructions. Even if it is just the college entrance examination, it is only an attempt.

Almost 90% of students in traditional Chinese and Western medicine colleges and universities across the country are barefoot doctors.

This is not a medical exam, but an ordinary college entrance examination.

In addition to the textbooks, there is also the issue of admission rate. More than 5.7 million people signed up, and the final number of admissions was just over 280,000.

This attempt can be regarded as hitting the pain point. Most of the candidates and their families support this college entrance examination.

Li Shengli was stuck in the news channel, and when he was about to make an appointment with Xie Fei to have a special chat, Wang Yu, Wang Qianjin's second sister, found Madianji.

If those two people really sent Wang Yu over, they wouldn't have said that. At least they would have asked him to go to the Du family's small building to explain.

He didn't say whether the barefoot doctor had cheated, but Li Shengli asked Wang Yu's purpose.

What to learn and how to learn, Father Du is a nosy person, and the ones who are really having a headache should be those who are in charge.

Suggestions can only be suggestions. Everything in the city has stopped, and many unresolved matters have to be put on the agenda.

"Second sister, did you come here by yourself?"

After the host and guest were seated, Wang Yu looked at the lukewarm Li Shengli in the host seat, and couldn't believe that his reputation as a specialist in treating trauma during the storm was consistent with the pretty face in front of him.

The next issue is the admission rate and the school, which is the textbooks during college.

She was taught by Mr. Ye's student. Xie Fei came to Li Shengli to inform Zou Jin that he was leaving the self-training class.

After hearing what Wang Yu said, Li Shengli knew that it was not Lao Wang and Lao Du who sent her here.

The title of pretty boy is not due to appearance, but simply because Wang Yu looks down on Li Shengli.

When Wang Yu came over this time, the explanation that Lao Wang arranged with Du Lao was nothing more than an excuse.

These require real money investment.


Now some people below are dissatisfied and say it's cheating.

According to the aloofness of the second sister of the Wang family, there must be a monster when things go wrong.

The collection of college entrance examination data is also in progress. After talking about the general situation in the city, Wang Yu stared at Li Shengli and said:
“Shengli, this time a large proportion of barefoot doctors from all over the country passed the exam.

"It was arranged by the above. Uncle Du and my father are afraid that you won't be able to provide them with any advice if there is no news.

The admission rate of 5% is undoubtedly too low for the 100 million young people of school age and the many more who can take the college entrance examination.

Of course, the best textbooks are still the textbooks before the storm, but the stock is also a problem.

The test of the college entrance examination gives people confidence. There will be more things to come, and arguments are also inevitable.

Seeing the searching look in Wang Yu's eyes, Li Shengli simply asked her to talk about business, the recent situation in the city.

To put it bluntly, this is a problem of lack of educational resources.

It has to be said that Du Pengzhang's vision is still very unique. He first focuses on the college entrance examination and uses the candidates and their families to break the situation.

What do you say about this? "

After Wang Qianjin went down, Li Shengli's news channels were also somewhat blocked.

The real solution to this problem is to expand enrollment in addition to new construction.

So I arranged this trip, and I will come every other day in the future, and the time will be after I get off work. "

After that, we focused on technology, so that we could stabilize the overall situation.

Looking at Wang Yu who was staring at him from the guest seat, Li Shengli frowned and asked her why she came.

Shouldn't I come?
What if you have any hidden secrets? "

Listening to Wang Yu's questioning, Li Shengli shook his head helplessly and replied:

“Second sister, curiosity killed the cat.

You came here like this, I was a little unsure, so naturally I had to ask.

Didn't this question reveal some of the second sister's thoughts?

Some people can be unscrupulous, but some people must abide by the rules.

I am the one who is unscrupulous, and you, second sister, are the one who must abide by the rules.

After the storm, it is acceptable to feel your heart wavering for a while, but you must suppress it.

If you take action, it will destroy not only you, but also your family.

In my opinion, even if you don't have a man, you still have to be the kind that the ancient Buddha of Qing Deng always keeps company with.

Second sister, you are not suitable for liaison, please replace Xie Fei from now on!
In this regard, Xie Fei is better than you. "

As Li Shengli said before, most people nowadays have rigid acting skills.

Wang Yu's thoughts were almost etched on his face, so why couldn't he see it?

It's just that Wang Yu's future path is destined to be an official career.

The swing during this period is nothing more than the gap before and after the wind and rain.

If she gets through it, it will be fine. If she can't get through it, she will definitely be destroyed, and it won't be her who will be destroyed. Otherwise, Lao Wang's family will be implicated.

This is also an exam after the storm, not only for Wang Yu, but also for many people.

Passing the test does not necessarily have any advantages; failing to pass the test does not necessarily cause any disadvantages.

This matter is a matter of one person, and those who get through it now may not complain in the future.

Those who have passed the test may not complain about their current selves.

Wang Yu didn't expect Li Shengli to be so direct.

It was just on a whim, and when someone pointed it out to her face, she couldn't sit still.

“Second sister, don’t leave in a hurry.

The college entrance examination is over, and the test of human nature has just begun.

If you don't plan to pass, you can turn around and leave.

Let’s discuss it another time when we meet next time.

If you plan to pass the test, sit down and think about where you fell short.
I am a person who has always been straightforward with my own people. Achievement means success, and failure to achieve success means failure.

Second sister, you have to think carefully about the path you should take, and what kind of path is suitable for you. "

Seeing Wang Yu getting up to leave, Li Shengli persuaded him a few more words.

The so-called crisp and clear words are just words.

It's just that next time Wang Yu has selfish thoughts, he will try to persuade him again, but if he really can't persuade him, he will just let it go, just like Zheng Peilan and Fu Yiqing.

With him as an experienced person to support him, it is just like Xie Fei going to Hong Kong City to see the world. After seeing and playing, and having enough food at once, he will not have random thoughts. "Li Shengli, you are really neat and tidy.

I was just a whim, and you turned me into a shameless thing.

You are right, I did not pass the test of human nature.

It's just that I've read through a lot of files recently, and all I see are shameless deeds and underhanded methods.

Why can they do it but I can't? "

After sitting for a while, Wang Yu finally couldn't hold back and expressed his thoughts.

In this regard, Li Shengli was really speechless. He seemed to be pointing at his nose and scolding him for his shameless deeds and dirty tricks.

"Second sister, different people have different paths.

Some roads offer infinite scenery up close.

But from a distance, it looks like it's going downhill.

Some roads are rugged and difficult to navigate, and they become increasingly difficult as you go.

But from a distance, it looks like a way forward.

Those who cannot be rich for more than three generations are the people in the files.

This is the result of looking at it from a distance. Recently, because tomorrow has passed, the old saying about the cycle of retribution and retribution is not a lie.

The bad things you do today will be repaid not only to yourself but also to your descendants in the future.

Because a new generation replaces an old one, and when you meet a new person who doesn't like you, the time comes when you get retribution and displeasure.

My brother-in-law Wang Qianjin and I are now the retribution for many people.

Most of the things we do are actually of no benefit to ourselves, but there is a sense of righteousness at the forefront. "

There are many things and many words that Li Shengli, an experienced person, cannot explain clearly.

It is a serious statement that every family has its own sutras that are difficult to recite. You can only know your own affairs.

“That makes sense.

If I figure it out, thank you for your advice.

If you can't figure it out, I'll come back to you.

What do you say about the barefoot doctor?
Don't let the situation get overwhelming and you won't be able to deal with it. "

Although it was a bit embarrassing to have his little thoughts pointed out in person, Wang Yu did not forget about business.

Li Shengli said it right, a test can be regarded as a test of human nature.

Needless to say, there are people who take exams for you and pretend to be someone else.

There are also many people who interfere with the marking.

Nowadays, the acceptance rate of barefoot doctors is high, and those who were not admitted are popping up again.

Barefoot Doctors has a high admission rate. Wang Yu heard from her younger brother Wang Qianjin why.

How can a bunch of people without textbooks or review pass the exam, while a barefoot doctor with clear goals and standard textbooks can't possibly pass the exam.

Wang Yu also carefully asked his younger brother Wang Qianjin and found out that Li Shengli not only predicted the resumption of the college entrance examination, but also predicted the exam materials.

It is abnormal for barefoot doctors to have poor results because they are prepared but unprepared.

"What a bullshit!
The hand-copied textbooks are there, and the knowledge is stored in the brain.

If you want to check, you can just take the test again.

Why, they are not happy when people make progress.

If you can't eat grapes and say sour grapes, you can investigate, and I can stand up.

But I have to say it beforehand, I must give an explanation for this group situation.

It was found out that the barefoot doctors were cheating. Don't talk about not going to school. There is no problem in squatting on the fence.

But if you can't find out, if you open your mouth and speak, every one of them will be disqualified from the college entrance examination and work in the future.

The work I'm talking about includes doing business in the future. Let's just say, as long as there is no evidence, let them go to the southwest to cut sugar cane.

I dare to do this!

Do they dare?

Don't stare. With my father-in-law, I can really beat them face to face.

It's just a little provocation to get them to sign up.

But would the higher-ups dare to do this?
They have a wonderful idea of ​​beating me in the autumn wind and taking advantage of grandpa!
It’s done, you don’t have to worry about this anymore.

Tomorrow I will ask the self-training class to issue a correspondence notice, and anyone who doubts the performance of the barefoot doctors below will handle it accordingly..."

It sounds like Li Shengli in front of him is still the same as before, specializing in trauma treatment.

Wang Yu also had a headache. He was afraid that with such a commotion, it would be a problem for many people to return to the city.

"Shengli, if you have something to say, please don't intensify the conflict..."

Li Shengli didn't listen to Wang Yu's advice.

What I said just now is really feasible. Although it is not correct in many things, it is true.

But some things are really clear-cut between right and wrong.

Let those who have doubts bet against the barefoot doctors below.

It's nothing more than writing another paper to build up his reputation as a barefoot doctor.

It is beneficial to the unity of the barefoot doctor community and to improving the self-discipline of the barefoot doctors themselves.

As for the unlucky ones, there is nothing more than sarcastic remarks, and there is a price.

“Second sister, you don’t need to persuade me.

This was really done.

If someone questions the barefoot doctor, then I have to ask the barefoot doctor below to stand up.

It's just a matter of betting. The barefoot doctors who can pass the exam must have worked hard.

This way we will be in an invincible position.

If you are not good enough, but you still dare to say sarcastic words and fan the flames behind your back, you will have to pay the price.

This time I will set up a trap to relieve the pressure of returning to the city.

Even if these suspicious people return to the city, they won't do any good. "

Hearing Li Shengli turn around, he came up with a dirty trick. Combined with what he just said, it was not difficult for Wang Yu to think of the result.

But in this way, the pressure is also put on the top, and the barefoot doctors show up to go to school.

Those who say sarcastic words, go down to cut sugar cane, it is not satisfactory to begin with. If there is such a gap, complaints will be inevitable.

"You have to be merciful and merciful. Victory, if you don't make some mess, the higher ups won't be able to clean it up."

Seeing that his own problems had caused trouble, Wang Yu couldn't care less about his own thoughts.

The Barefoot Doctor below is a small five-million-dollar doctor. When Li Shengli sends a notice, there will definitely be a large number of people who respond.

If the local government slacks off a little and lets the two gangs compete against each other, the winner will be fine, but what about the loser?
This is a lifelong future...

Thinking of other people's future, Wang Yu couldn't help but look back and examine her own vain thoughts.

Wang Yu also looked like he was sweating on his forehead when this thought happened or what happened after it happened.

If she really had anything to do with Li Shengli, her mother-in-law Zhang Ying would live in this courtyard.

If Xiao Long and her family found out about this, she wouldn't even be able to do it.

Don't forget, Li Shengli is Xiao Long's serious uncle.

It is said that if you teach others, you will not be able to teach them, but if you teach them things, they will learn it immediately.

Li Shengli also didn't expect that the crooked idea he gave to the barefoot doctor below would suddenly wake up Wang Yu and realize his own absurdity...

(End of this chapter)

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