Chapter 790 Exam (Part )

After listening to Li Shengli's back and forth, Wang Yu was speechless. The pretty boy who could lead Du Ding and Wang Xie out of the storm now seemed to be not all sinister and vicious.

Being thorough in doing things is the advantage Wang Yu just saw.

Because he didn't have much contact with Li Shengli, Wang Yu mostly judged people by their facts.

There are many things that Uncle Lang and his wife have done that cannot be put on the table.

If anyone has a bad reputation among the young people in the city, it must be these two uncles.

Through what he just said, Wang Yu's inherent impression of Li Shengli has changed somewhat.

I also roughly understand why my man, Xiao Long, obeys this uncle. When making friends, this pretty boy is still sincere.

"I have nothing to say. Let Xiao Hu and that woman come over for dinner."

Wang Yu helped Wang Jinjin make the decision, and Li Shengli didn't say anything more. He got up and left the room to call Xiao Hu and Ma Fengxia.

Why did you just turn around and sell me out?

Just because of the appearance of the second sister Wang Yu, she is trying to harm her brother-in-law.

When talking about Li Shengli's thoughts, Wang Yu also reminded his younger brother Wang Qianjin with a serious face.

Seeing that his second sister Wang Yu was somewhat noncommittal, Wang Qinjin was immediately stunned.

In the future, if his younger brother betrays his younger sibling Han Xiuqi, with Li Shengli's temperament, unforeseen disasters may happen.

Besides, Han Xiuqi treats me well, and those things on the street don’t have any good stuff.

"Go forward, Li Shengli can handle it, so take advantage of it."

When he introduces a woman to you, don't you think about what's going on?
I'm afraid he knows your true nature and is helping his sister!
From now on, there will be many wonderful women out there, but you must not betray Han Xiuqi, or you will die! "

Go ahead and remember to learn more from him about how to handle women.

Furthermore, she is also self-aware, and the person who lets people get under the bed carelessly is probably pretty.

Even if you cheat on me, I won't dare divorce Han Xiuqi.

Of course, this was for himself. In the eyes of everyone, what he did when he went south was the focus.

Remember my pretty face, okay?

If I had had such a brother-in-law earlier, I wouldn't have run away now. "

For you, even one Ma Fengxia is not enough.

When Wang Qianjin went south, he consciously and voluntarily occupied only a little bit. Going south to avoid the limelight was the key point.

Ding Lan, the daughter of the Ding family, is an innocent eldest lady who is very arrogant, but she is also well-behaved and clever to him.

Now that I think about it, I’m still gritting my teeth!

"Do you really want to?

The family's inheritance is that they are not very friendly to women. My younger brother Wang Jinjin looks reckless and he can take action, but he can't take action on his own.

That bitch didn't spare me even when she got to the grassland. After several investigations, she blamed all her bad things on me!
Having dealt with this kind of stuff, I can see clearly that Li Shengli, the grandson, has a good eye for selecting people.

Li Shengli, the brother-in-law, has done everything he can to be benevolent and righteous.

But this Li Shengli is really attractive, and it's no wonder that gangster Du Jiaoyang is obsessed with him.

He just made things happen between his second sister and Li Shengli with his slippery lips.

But thinking about the ambiguity between her mother-in-law and Li Shengli, and thinking about her man Xiao Long, Wang Yu's reason still prevailed.

But if you say he is smart, he often does stupid things.

When his brother Wang Jinjin said this, Wang Yu was really confused.

“Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t dare!

In these years, even with Li Shengli taking care of me, otherwise I don’t know what it would be like!

Second sister, you don’t know how terrible this grandson’s methods are. Women suffer from metrorrhagia and men suffer from bleeding.

"Don't talk nonsense, your brother-in-law's brother Xiao Hu is here!
Things in their family are already messy. If you spread this again, it would be hard for Xiao Long to ask me if he knew about it. Wouldn't this cause trouble to our family? "

Sometimes, it is not the appearance of money that attracts people, but the thoughts in the mind.

Don't ask for trouble, if you let him force you.

Wang Yu could still handle getting under the covers.

Just because of his little energy, you are at a disadvantage, so don’t torment me!
Wang Yu, you must abide by the rules of women! "

After listening to the second sister's advice, Wang Qianjin took a sip of tea and said:
"I said before that you are suitable for sharing a bed.

"Stop Hu Qin!

Looking at his younger brother, Wang Yu was really scratching his head. Maybe his younger brother said he was stupid, but he was really not stupid.

There is no real love in her marriage with Xiao Long, it's just that they both like it and can live with it.

Don't forget, you are his brother-in-law.

When you use me, you call me brother, brother.

From now on, I will just hang out with him..."

Speaking of women, Wang Qianjin was also gnashing his teeth.

Because of the previous visit, someone recently mentioned his little sweetheart, who was definitely involved in a murder case.

As a result, the fighting on the other side of the grassland was also fierce. To put it bluntly, it was his Wang Qianjin who ordered it.

After being entangled with a woman for nearly ten years, Wang Qianjin realized the benefits of Li Shengli's ruthlessness.

If it weren't for Li Shengli's tricks to make that little good friend face countless faces, this hurdle would probably be the life and death hurdle for him, Wang Qianjin.

“It’s good to know!
Be calm when you get down there. Do you know if this woman named Ma will report what you did to your brother-in-law? "

After mentioning his younger brother again, when he heard the door ringing next to him, Wang Yu stopped talking about the topic between siblings.

Seeing Li Shengli leading people into the house, Wang Yu also became curious.

After finishing the meal, before leaving, Li Shengli held Wang Qianjin alone and said:
"Old Wang, please let me know about the registration for the college entrance examination through the correspondence class.

Let the left-behind staff in the self-training class follow up on the matter of Barefoot Doctor taking the college entrance examination.

For those who did not participate this year, or are interested in taking the college entrance examination next year, the textbooks will be mailed to them. "

The college entrance examination is undoubtedly an opportunity for most people to make a leap.

But now it is also restricted by actual conditions, and the number of students enrolled is limited.

In addition to the number of students enrolled, subsidies for college students are also a burden.

A college student is equivalent to a junior worker in a factory, and the food supplement is even better than that of a junior worker.

If 10% of the 100 million young people of school age receive higher education, that would be 10 million people.

Calculated on the basis of 300 monthly expenses, 360 per year, the total is 3.6 billion, which accounts for almost 10% of the total income.

This is the current objective condition. After the college entrance examination begins, there will definitely be thousands of troops on this transition road.

"I told you, Lao Li, if you let them take the college entrance examination, won't the hearts of the barefoot doctors be scattered?"

Regarding the college entrance examination, Wang Qianjin is not very interested in it.

In his opinion, the self-training class for barefoot doctors and the countless barefoot doctors below are his own achievements.

Since it is your own achievement, naturally the more people you have, the better.

Wang Qianjin was reluctant to give this notice.

"Grandson, when you go down this time, you also need to publicize it. The Barefoot Doctor is the former village doctor.

Now it is the young people who are responsible for it, and it will be handed over to the villagers in the future.

Realistic conditions dictate that in most places, barefoot doctors can only be a sideline business.

You are going down to do business, why don't you allow others to take the college entrance examination?
As we go on, we should also focus on the college entrance examination next year.

Now, everyone is not fully prepared. Next year is a good opportunity. You can go to college with similar scores.

When everyone is ready the year after next, they will need to achieve outstanding results.

From now on, including all previous high school students and the college entrance examination, it is a natural barrier for most people.

This year, I am just making an estimate and am not 100% sure, so the scope of communication is limited.

But it is also true that the following preparations were not sufficient. People who missed the opportunity will inevitably complain. If you encounter it, you should explain it to others. "

After conveying the information about college entrance examination registration, Li Shengli left with Xiao Hu and Ma Fengxia.

After hearing this, Wang Yu asked his younger brother:

"Go forward, Li Shengli also mentioned this in advance about the college entrance examination?"

Wang Yu was originally a college student and did not need to take the college entrance examination, but the college entrance examination is indeed a weakness for many young people.

Going to college is similar to working. Not only does it include food and accommodation, but also various subsidies.

Maybe in this day and age, the only people who don't want to go to college are people like Ding Lan and Xiao Hu, right?
"Well, I have been saying this for several years.

What I said at that time was that there would be no harm in reading more books when you have nothing to do.

Your younger brother and sister, his eldest sister, also started studying high school textbooks five or six years ago.

During this time, he hired someone to give special lessons to Han Xiuqi and Ding Lan.

I just don’t know if the test papers this time will be the same as before.

If it's the same, they've paid for it.

Just as I was about to go down, it was just right for Han Xiuqi to go to college in the city for a few years. "

Hearing Li Shengli's preparations, at least five or six years ago, Wang Yu's face became even more curious.

“Where’s the barefoot doctor he was talking about?
Everyone who has attended your self-training class has said this? "

Listening to the questions that second sister Wang Yu was nagging about, none of them interested him, so Wang Qianjin was a little perfunctory.

He was still thinking about Ma Fengxia, how could he have any leisure time with his second sister, this annoying bastard?

“Well, that’s what I said when I endorsed it.

If memorizing medical books makes you confused, just memorize high school textbooks.

Isn't this normal?
Don’t ask too many questions, I think you can’t bear it anymore, so don’t look for trouble..."

Wang Yu, who originally wanted to ask more questions, was blocked by his younger brother Wang Qianjin, so it was difficult for him to continue asking.

After thinking about Li Shengli's plans before and after, Wang Yu became more and more curious about this man.

"Wang Yu, let's go!

Don't think about some things randomly, the more you think about them, the more chaotic they will become.

Furthermore, although you may have some good looks, you are indeed not very good-looking, so what are you thinking about?
Don’t harm others or yourself..."

Besides, they are siblings of the same family. Seeing that the second sister Wang Yu was a little absent-minded, Wang Qianjin also reminded his second sister.

For Wang Qianjin, the joke was just a joke. If the second sister took it seriously, his brother-in-law would really be a bad person.

Hearing his brother Wang Qianjin's reminder, Wang Yu also rarely turned red.

It's not unreasonable to think about it, she is on the outside line, because most people stay out of it.

So now Wang Yu will help with sorting out some files.

In the literary and art circles, there are those who, regardless of their feelings of support, take away someone's wife and children.

In other realms, there are also many people who sacrifice their wives and daughters to protect themselves.

This type of dossier is undoubtedly more interesting than other dossiers.

That's how people are, if they haven't experienced the suffering of others, they don't know the difficulties of others.

The impact of the dossier and the resentment of being freed from imprisonment in the city also affected Wang Yu.

Doing things that I didn't dare to do before, I have gradually gained a head start.

Not to mention the bad things between the Wang siblings, after returning to Madianji, Li Shengli also started the final mobilization.

The students who were supposed to return to their places of origin also left one after another. Before leaving, Li Shengli did not treat them lightly and gave them money, food stamps, and clothes.

Although it is not much, it is still enough to keep the family fed and drunk for a month or two.

The salary of thirty yuan will continue until the 1980s, but now it is still an era when a penny can stump a heroic man.

Li Shengli couldn't control others, but he was willing to take more care of the students who entered the inheritance class.

After all, no one knows what kind of helpers this kind intention will cultivate to help the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine?

Since October 21, it has been decided to resume the college entrance examination and the exam will be held in mid-December.

The college entrance examination, which had been suspended for eleven years, has finally resumed. More than five million people have signed up. This number has just been calculated.

It is said that there should be more people, but the actual conditions are limited, and many people are not prepared before.

Moreover, during the registration process, some units also had reservations.

The most intuitive thing about going to the countryside is that it provides labor force.

Nowadays, in some farms, young people are the main force, and they have all taken the college entrance examination. If they pass the exam, where will they find these laborers?

Young people who go to the countryside are not farm workers, and their treatment is different.

If some farms or units really recruit workers, they may be in an unsustainable situation.

It took almost two months from recovery to implementation, and the exam time was very short compared to it.

According to what Ding Lan and others said after the exam, they are still a little sure.

But whether we are really sure of it depends on the results.

In the past few days while waiting for the test results, the Du family called Madianji again.

Li Shengli arrived at Du's house as promised. Father Du didn't talk about anything long-term this time, but talked about the college entrance examination at hand with his son-in-law.

"Sheng Li, during this college entrance examination, many problems were discovered.

Some of the results have been released, and the difference between the results is huge.

Some people say that this is a problem with basic textbooks. What do you think about this? "

Li Shengli also scratched his head when his father-in-law mentioned the teaching materials.

Exams are not just for past students.

If they fail to pass the exam, they can take the exam again next year, and they can pass the exam the year after that. It is not impossible to pass the exam all the time.

But for those above, the exam process and results are the final word on their future.

If you do things right, you may not have a future, but if you do things wrong, your future will be gone.

If Father Du could come to Li Shengli specifically to mention the college entrance examination, it was obvious that there were still many problems.

For some people, the results of this exam are announced in advance...

(End of this chapter)

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