Chapter 788 Labor (Part )

"Dad, you are far-sighted and can see the key to the problem at once.

Labor force is naturally an indispensable part.

It’s just that today’s production relations restrict the flow of labor.

The purpose of letting Wang Qianjin go this time is to go to those villages with many people and little land, and bring a group of people who are worried about their livelihood to make a living in the south. "

The farsightedness that Li Shengli said was naturally not the ringed and rainbow fart that Li Huaide said, it was just the atmosphere.

Listening to what the wise son-in-law added next, Father Du's expression, which had just changed, returned to seriousness.

Taking away strong labor is much more serious than working alone.

It seems that Wang Jiazi's purpose of going south this time is not to make money, but to set an example for others. Perhaps it is the purpose of his own son-in-law and Wang Jiazi.

Thinking of the commotion in the city caused by Wang Jiazi's visit, Father Du picked up the cup with a cracked rim and took a sip of strong tea. After thinking for a while, he said;

"Dad, this is not an example.

This time, Father Du was not surprised, nor did he ask any more questions. Instead, he kept tapping his fingers on the table and fell into the long examination.

The term "little land and many people" is also used incisively.

After stringing together the things he did after returning to China, Mr. Du discovered the true meaning of his virtuous son-in-law and master.


If you look carefully, there is a vaguely rugged path, but whether you can walk on it is hard to say..."

Now it seems that we are still blinded by old age.

But amid internal and external troubles, this path was already the path we had to take ten years ago. Ten years ago was the way our predecessors taught us how to deal with the future.

This road looks like two roads from a close distance, but one road from a distance.

Nowadays, leather sofas and foreign sofas in trust stores are not expensive items.

Those people at the meeting who jumped up and down and made harsh remarks seemed a bit funny based on this.

Thinking of his virtuous son-in-law's previous practice of taking facts as advice, Father Du also came up with regulations. For many things, the truth cannot be explained clearly, so he has to look at the pictures to speak.

Glancing at the Du family's small building with simple furnishings, Li Shengli secretly sighed at what the five brothers could do.

During the long test, Mr. Du raised his head and asked Li Shengli for a cigarette. After lighting it, he changed his position and continued the long test.

How is the village below doing now, and how will it be done in the future.

The best way to obtain labor force is to work alone, and then it is to abandon or merge. The individual has the final say, and the consequences do not affect the collective.

Father Du asked deeply, but Li Shengli's answer was simple.

Seeing that Du Lao ordered one, Li Shengli also ordered one.

Regarding Wang Jiazi's previous visit, I thought it was because the boy was reminiscing about old friendships.

"Shengli, give me a cigarette, I'll use it to apologize to my family."

According to Du's salary, he should have some wealth during his return.

"Shengli, do you think we old guys have rigid minds and slow movements? Are you trying to set an example for me?"

Give us an extra ten years to develop, and there may really be no need to take this road.

It's just continuing a path that the predecessors didn't want to take and didn't want to take.

Protect those who should not be protected, and protect those who should be protected. Is this the principle?
When I went south to do construction, I did it dexterously.

"Dad, you are already trying it out, it is a small handicraft industry you are doing.

If the north does not oppress us, we can advance and retreat together as brothers.

I'm afraid that just when we were preparing to improve our home, we welcomed the five Ping An brothers. Who would have thought that Ping An would be welcomed into the family, but it would be a mess?

Even if you don’t give it to others for free, it’s almost the market price.

If the Du family wants to improve their home, it is actually very simple. Two to three hundred yuan is enough.

In the early days, wasn't this how Gui Lao enclosed land and labor?

Shengli, you two brothers are really nostalgic for the past. It's good. You are more determined than us old guys.

After trying to calm down as much as possible, Father Du started tapping his fingers on the table.

When it comes to the flow of personnel, for Mr. Du, it is indeed something that can be done or not.

This is the same as living in the countryside. Living on foreign trade is what you said at the beginning, relying on foreign trade, right? "

One sentence is being done and one sentence is continuing, which is considered an answer.

In the changing situation, there is nothing more than trying, the choice is yours..."

When the good son-in-law Li Shengli talked about the path of his predecessors and the teachings passed down by their predecessors, Father Du really became a little uneasy.

At that time, it was an opportunity for Li Shengli. Sofas, mattresses, and wardrobes became popular, and old-fashioned furniture became even less valuable.

Those who are selling are afraid to sell, and those who are buying are afraid to buy. This situation will not last long.

"Tell me about the rough road."

Just like before the storm, you advised them to go abroad. That game lasted for ten years, but this game lasted for who knows how many years?

In the past few years, I have been traveling between urban and rural areas, and I have discovered too many problems, and I am still nervous when I do things.

If Old Du is given some time to think about it carefully, even if Old Du can't see clearly, he can still get an overview of it.

But before, things happened one after another, and difficult people followed one after another. People were tired of running around, and their horizons were limited.

"Dad, I don't think this is good either.

It's nothing more than the principle of concentration and decentralization.

Just like the barefoot doctor, if you don't let it go, how will you know that the barefoot doctor is useless?
I don’t know if there are statistics on average life expectancy in the office. Many things still need data to be more convincing. "

After listening to Xian's son-in-law showing the barefoot doctor as evidence, Father Du was convinced.

This can be regarded as a good son-in-law who has been sharpening his sword for ten years. Now he wants to test the sword, and he is afraid that the sword has double edges and will hurt both the enemy and ourselves.

“Sheng Li, you are determined.

Is this because you have carefully studied the situation in the north?
Great, you really did a great job.

But my father-in-law is blind.

Go ahead and try it!

If you encounter a difficult problem, ask Wang Jiazi to call me.

Victory, you still chose this person well.

This time is when Wang Jiazi uses force.

The Ding family father and son from the southwest also called some time ago and talked about the batch of American equipment.

According to Lao Ding, it is easy to use, but it must not be used.

We don’t allow outsiders to comment on our own affairs, let alone have a foot in it?
Lao Ding had a mature idea. He said that 561 was enough for application, but the soldiers only needed to bear an extra ten kilograms of weight.

Our battle must be fought by ourselves.

The Ding family and his son have already been sharpening their knives.

Recently, Lao Wang and Lao Xie will also leave Beijing for the southwest.

According to secret reports from the Southwest, since the US withdrew from the quagmire, they have become hostile to us.

It seems that as you said, the north has been involved in the quagmire of the southwest.

Since the war in the southwest, Lao Ding has practiced General You's tactics dozens of times every year.

Just as you planned, only the penetration of the spy camp is hidden and timely.

At the beginning of the middle period, it may be a large-scale annihilation war.

Old Ding asked someone to ask, how can public opinion be based on such behavior? "

After agreeing to let Wang Qianjin go south, and firmly becoming Wang Erluozi's backer. Father Du also talked about the preparations of the Ding family and his son in the southwest.

The war was easy for Lao Ding, but it would hurt Tianhe just to think about it, just to dig out his old home first, and then annihilate almost all the people's living forces.

Such a battle is easy for Lao Ding, but he doesn't dare to fight it.

If you block someone's lair, the fight will definitely be a fight to the death.

If one side is not afraid of being beaten and the other side is not afraid of death, the people in the lair will be blocked and unable to get out.

How miserable that situation was, Lao Ding, who was living in the southwest, shuddered in his heart just thinking about it.

I really don't know how my new son-in-law came up with such a desperate plan.

What Lao Ding told Lao Du about dozens of deductions every year was not a lie.

But there is no chance of survival there. Most of the deduction results are that the soldiers and civilians will be completely annihilated.

No matter how brave I am, Old Ding wouldn't dare to fight such a battle.

Fighting is very simple. According to the tactics, the nest can be blocked in about ten days, and then there will be an all-round decisive battle.

In jungle warfare, that side may have certain advantages.

It can be said that the chances of fighting positional warfare and ambush warfare are almost non-existent.

The tactics here are very simple. Block the back door in the front, block in the middle, and seal the pockets in the back to annihilate.

Lao Ding estimated that the style of play over there would be simpler, and they would just fight with their lives on the battlefield.

The lair is always in danger of being dug out. As long as the mid-level blockade can withstand a day or two, surrounding and annihilating it is no more difficult than catching a pig!
"Dad, tell me over there, the harder this battle is, the better. If we can kill everyone, that's our enclave.

If it really becomes an enclave, there will be no war for fifty years after this establishment of power.

Because no one dares to play with us on the ground again! "

Although the words of the wise son-in-law Li Shengli were encouraging, Father Du was also trembling in his heart.

It would be weird if he could be as ruthless as possible. Everyone was beaten to death, and then he really couldn't speak anymore.

"Don't worry about it, you can't do it even if you want to.

If this battle really goes according to your deduction, then in the future, when practicing medicine, there will be no need to charge consultation fees...


You don’t know why you are working so hard?
I know you have a lot of things to do, so go back..."

In the southwest situation, Father Du is not afraid that his son-in-law Li Shengli's plan will fail, but that everything will go as he expected.

If the secret service battalion really takes out the back door over there, that must be what Lao Ding deduced, and it is the ending that he least wants to see.

Beating people to death, this cycle of cause and effect is also terrible...

Father Du was under a lot of pressure, but Li Shengli didn't notice it after leaving the Du family.

This dispute is nothing more than a quarrel between rivers and lakes. It is best for everyone to be safe. There is a reason for stupidly knocking on the door and destroying the door.

After this battle is over, maybe I can find my new father-in-law, Lao Dingtou, and collect a batch of Yue Huang. That thing is much more expensive than monkey gold.

On the third day after returning to Madianji, Wang Qianjin arrived at the canteen.

Li Shengli still took Xiao Hu and Ma Fengxia there to keep the appointment.

When they arrived at the place, Wang Yu, Wang Qianjin's second sister, was also there. Ma Fengxia was a little unable to deal with this person in front of her.

"Second sister!
You two go to the next room and I will call you back later. "

Seeing that Wang Yu, the second sister of the Wang family, looked bad, Li Shengli knew what was wrong and hurriedly waved Xiao Hu and Ma Fengxia into another room.

"Li Shengli, you are dirty!"

After hearing two knocks on the door of the next room, Wang Yu stood up with a solemn face and accused Li Shengli.

"Wang Yu, why did I give you such shame?

Speak before you think, otherwise I'll slap you..."

Wang Yu is considered the think tank of the Wang family and his son. If she speaks seriously, Li Shengli will still respect her.

Li Shengli won't tolerate her speaking without thinking, and it's beneath her standards.

"You bastard!

Are you going to hit me again?

Wang Qianjin, are you dead? "

Seeing Li Shengli standing in front of him in one step, Wang Yu immediately became angry.

Knowing that Li Shengli was a ruthless man, Wang Yu was angry and felt a little conflicted in his heart.

If he really got slapped by this pretty boy, it would be in vain.

"Second sister, I told you to listen to my explanation.

It's okay if you don't listen to me. After all, Shengli is also Xiao Long's uncle.

If you really get beaten here, it will be in vain.

Furthermore, I am not as capable as my grandson. If we, my brother and my sister, are tied together, we will be beaten. "

Seeing his second sister Wang Yu crumbling in front of his brother-in-law, Wang Qianjin didn't care.

It's good to be able to suppress the corners of his mouth now. Face to face with his brother-in-law Li Shengli, he was afraid that he couldn't help laughing.

"Then Li Shengli, please give me an explanation. It makes sense, and I will apologize to you.

There are some things that we need to explain clearly to each other. The opera singer in the front is now a village girl.

His wife is your eldest sister, don’t be too mean..."

Li Shengli's face darkened when he heard Wang Yu, the second sister of the Wang family, mentioning his eldest sister Han Xiuqi.

This is the helplessness of clinging, and of course this is also what clinging wants.

If Ma Fengxia is really reliable, she can not only maintain the marriage, but also gain wealth.

Prosperity, wealth and peace, aren’t they the purpose of clinging?
After the transaction was completed and money was made, Ma Fengxia, as a white glove, not only ensured the safety of the funds, but also protected Wang Qianjin's safety.

If this is done, Ma Fengxia, as a woman, can also restrain Wang Qianjin's energy, which will achieve multiple good things with one stone.

But this cannot be said from the side of eldest sister Han Xiuqi. When facing Wang Yu, we can only find the reason why this is possible from Wang Qianjin himself.

"Second sister, does Minnan Nuanfeng know about it?
Have you seen the irrefutable evidence?
Do you know where the supply of goods on the Omi stone master market is?
Not talking about grains, oils and groceries, only pesticides and fertilizers.

Is that something that can flow into the market through normal channels?

Who is behind the approval? Do I need to say more?
Since ancient times, military wealth has been divided. If you hold wealth in your left hand and soldiers in your right hand, no one will agree. "

After hearing Li Shengli's questions and explanation, Wang Yu also put away the angry look on his face.

She did know some of the basics of this matter. As Li Shengli said, people like Wang Qianjin were involved.

"Can't you rely on your own abilities?"

Wang Yu's question was probably thoughtless. Li Shengli bared his teeth and smiled, replying:
Give it back to yourself!

Show me how capable you are, let me see.

Are you being targeted based on your own abilities?
Second sister, don’t be funny when talking about business.

If you have the money, you can go to a grain store to buy grain, or you can go to a chemical factory or agricultural supplies station to buy fertilizer.

You can take what I said as fart..."

When Wang Yu talked about his skills at this time, Li Shengli would say "hehe".

How many heroic men have been stumped by a supply system, and have they starved to death based on their ability?

Even if Wang Yu has some life experience, he would not dare to speak like this...

(End of this chapter)

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