The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 783 Jointly Running Schools (Part )

Chapter 783 Jointly Running Schools (Part )

Li Shengli stayed in Madianji Village and stayed behind closed doors. The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine could not find him anywhere.

He had no choice but to continue his relationship with Father Du, but Father Du and Li Shengli were similar. They decided on the detailed evaluation rules for Li Huaide in the steel rolling mill and went directly.

The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine looked for him twice, and both times Father Du was not in the city.

This person who was a little belatedly turned around and went down in the name of research and inspection.

On the way, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine also understood that everything in the city was unresolved and it was a proper place for right and wrong.

The self-training class king's advancement seems to be intentional. One of the Du family's sons-in-law is hiding in the suburbs, and the other is hiding somewhere. The purpose is obviously to stay away from the place of right and wrong.

Father Du came back here, then went down, and then came back again. He also gave a reminder to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

If you stay in the city, you will inevitably be forced to take sides. Why not follow Director Du's example and go down there, stop in the city for a while, and then continue on.

This period of consultation lasted from spring to summer, and from summer to autumn. When it was time for the meeting, both Mr. Du and the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine had to return to the city.

During the meeting, Li Shengli stayed in seclusion, even skipping the usual trips around the village.

Dad, what do you think? "

After the meeting, Lao Lu's opinions were shelved as before, but you always have to meet people.

But when it comes to fighting, Li Shengli is still no match for Zhang Ying. The moves of those who have killed people are completely different from those who have not.

For people like you, you don't need to take action to kill people. It's pretty good if you can achieve this level.

"Miss, how are you doing with your skills?"

In the past two days, Li Shengli felt really calm. After passing this level, it was the real break for him, not counting the previous one.

After hearing Zhang Ying's comments, Li Shengli also sighed lightly.

During this period, Wang Zhi and Zhang Ying were very comfortable without Ding Lan at the Wang family's old residence.

Bagua's tricks are not just a cover-up, they are really all murderous tricks.

Compared with Ding Yong and Ding Laosan, he is probably inferior. Those men who fight on the battlefield should really learn the true Baguazhang.

Right or wrong does not matter. Right is right and wrong is wrong. You cannot confuse right and wrong just because there are many people.

Since you gave me the hint, I am also the one who disapproves.

Regarding jointly running schools, Lao Lu also told me that we still need to wait and see at this stage.

In addition to reading the inherited secret book of the Wang family at home, I spent a lot of time sparring with Zhang Ying every day.

With the large number of people this time, it was a foregone conclusion that Du Peng's father-in-law came back again. This was also the beginning of real changes.

Some people are in favor of the death penalty, and some are not in favor of the death penalty.

Li Shengli's leisurely days of practicing boxing and cultivating his mind at Madianji. With the end of the meeting and the call of Father Du, it also ended.

Many things are as you think and as I am.

Because the weather over Ding Lan's side was dangerous, Li Shengli went to the Du family's small building by himself.

Since the beginning of spring, Li Shengli has been focusing on honing his martial arts skills. With Zhang Ying, the eldest martial arts lady, as his partner, his skills have also improved rapidly.

After saying that, Zhang Ying took the sweat towel from Wang Zhi who was holding her belly and handed it to Li Shengli.

Taking advantage of the man's youth and strength, Zhang Ying was no longer Li Shengli's opponent in a head-on confrontation in autumn.

"Dad, even if someone wants to be Huo Guang, everything can't be settled with one word.

Killing the bastards on the street is not a problem.

Mr. Pu and others should not impose too many restrictions. People say that you are the overlord of the medical field, and you cannot be overbearing and let Mr. Pu and others refuse diagnosis. The impact of this will not be very good.

Looking at the wise son-in-law sitting across from him, Father Du sighed heavily and asked:

The autumn wind is getting colder, you just sweated, wipe it off..."

"There is murderous intention but no murderous intention.

Some people go too far! "

Wang Jiazi went to visit his godmother. Is this the reminder you gave me?

During the ten days of the meeting, it is time for everything to come to an end. If no one can control it, no one can control it.

The two men, Weng and son-in-law, talked and asked questions. After that, Father Du nodded, and the business was over.

"Sheng Li, I have really seen the so-called Lord Master Guo Xin in the past two days.

It's just that I always feel like there's something wrong with being Huo Guang at this time.

If you practice martial arts, you will be more courageous.

Because he wanted to discuss something, Father Du sent his mother-in-law, Sister Fu, and the five brothers out in advance.

But when it comes to real martial arts, not to mention the Guan brothers, even my close disciple Guan Mingyue, you are no match.

“You and Wang Jiazi’s self-training class for barefoot doctors must give Lao Lu an explanation.

Even if you don't treat people as your boss, Lao Lu is still a senior in the medical field, so it's not easy to avoid him.

Listening to Father Du's metaphor, Li Shengli didn't hesitate and replied directly:

Someone also mentioned your matter, saying that you were a blackmail..."

After listening to Father Du's advice, Li Shengli just smiled contemptuously. Naturally, this was not directed at the father-in-law in front of him.

Those who want Mr. Pu and others to visit him are just like the mother-in-law, Sister Fu and Sister Feng. They are seeking their own convenience and do not want to give up their dignity.

They would rather find Father Du in person than go to the Shengli Clinic. This is also the game they will play after they underestimated Li Shengli.

"Dad, Mr. Pu and others are already retired and retired people.

Whether I do something or not is not something I can decide, it depends on their wishes. "

Seeing that his virtuous son-in-law simply skipped the self-training class, he also declined to let Mr. Pu and others go out.

Father Du frowned and asked:

"Sheng Li, do you think something else has changed?"

Thinking about what the wise son-in-law said just now, which cannot be decided by anyone, Father Du felt that he had overlooked something.

"Dad, accidents don't count, they can only be regarded as constraints of objective conditions.

You also said that many things are difficult to do manually.

Didn't you take a comprehensive look at the results of your investigation? "

After listening to the wise son-in-law's advice, Father Du's expression changed.

Time was short, and he had too many places to go. Finding problems, sorting them out, and dealing with some incompetent personnel cost him too much energy.

On the way back to the city, he also thought about it vaguely, but he didn't dare to draw any conclusions without comparing the data.

"Go on..."

Knowing that his son-in-law came prepared, and having no data to support his conjecture, Father Du could only take advantage of his son-in-law and use less brains.

"Li Huaide's assessment is really urgent.

I am a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, and I only treat patients from the inside out, and from the outside in, which means treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

The regret of the leadership back then was that it was delayed from the outside in.

If you only treat the superficial symptoms but not the internal diseases, the root cause of the disease will remain. If the root cause of the disease persists, it will become a focus. If the focus is not removed, it will inevitably lead to a serious illness.

As you can see, production has tended to stagnate. Li Huaide also has an explanation for this situation. In this situation, simply using external treatment methods can make people look full of energy. Isn't this the treatment plan I gave to my leaders back then?

This treatment plan is in preparation for Dr. Wu’s surgery.

But the leader's illness was delayed again and again, and eventually it became a pity for everyone.

The situation you see is just like the condition of the leader back then.

Can't delay!
Dad, how is the response to Li Huaide's assessment rules? "

Li Shengli used the leader's condition as a reference, and Father Du listened to the problem clearly.

“Suspend and stay in office!
Okay, you go deal with Lao Lu first.

Whether you succeed or not, you have to give people an answer. Avoiding them is not the way to treat elders and seniors.

Although you have helped Lao Lu before, this is not the basis of your arrogance. "

Waving his hand to let his son-in-law Li Shengli go first, Du Lao also knew that he had no reason to argue about Li Huaide's matter, which made his previous efforts somewhat passive.

Fortunately, Li Huaide was just an example. Although there were a lot of discussions, the board was just raised high and put down gently.

Now that everything has come to an end, the wise son-in-law Li Shengli reminded him just in time to talk about Li Huaide.

After hearing that Li Huaide had been put on hold, Li Shengli was not in a hurry and left Du Du to take the exam alone while he drove to the residence of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Mr. Lu didn't know where he lived, but Li Shengli knew where the Lu family was.

The Lu family did not live in the compound, because the Chinese medicine department came to Beijing later, so he bought a small hospital in the city.

After knocking on the door knocker of the small courtyard and seeing Li Shengli standing outside the door, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine still looked a little surprised.

"Mr. Lu, I was negligent in avoiding him before.

Let’s talk…”

A senior came forward, this time Mr. Lu. Facing Li Shengli, the overlord of the medical field, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine also had a headache.

Although Lao Lu couldn't see clearly the cause and effect of everything in the city, he knew that this was the beginning of the change.

"Please, Xiao Li, I had a hard time looking for you some time ago.

Jiang Min, thank you for taking care of me.

If you fail the college entrance examination this time, you should stop taking care of him.

We are all people of the Jianghu. My Jianghu is in the past, and your Jianghu is in the present. There are borrowings and repayments in the Jianghu.

I apologize for my incompetence in not contacting you about jointly running a school. "

Li Shengli's title was different, and the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine also gave him enough face.

Since Li Shengli, a young man, wants to chat with others, he, an old man, will accompany him.

After visiting traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and barefoot doctors from various places, Lao Lu couldn't help but admire Li Shengli's courage.

When Lao Lu went to see a barefoot doctor, he also wanted to delay the visit, so he would not skimp on it.

Everywhere he went, he would sit across from each other and observe the work of the barefoot doctors.

Most of the barefoot doctors in various places are trained by the local government, but more than half and less than 10% of them come from self-trained barefoot doctors in Beijing.

Use your homework to consider your abilities and make judgments.

Those who come from the self-training class of barefoot doctors in Beijing all have extremely solid foundations, and most of them can memorize a set of medical books, and most of them can recite the Golden Book of Medicine.

Lao Lu has also seriously studied Chinese medicine, and his skills are not bad, so he naturally knows what the skills of Chinese medicine are.

After memorizing a set of medical records, it is only a matter of time before I get started.

Compared with the barefoot doctors trained by themselves in various places, they hold medical books and stumble when reading them. This is not a judgment call.

In addition, some barefoot doctors trained mainly by students in self-training classes have relatively solid foundations.

Lao Lu didn't dare to think about what would happen if all the barefoot doctors let the overlord of the medical field in front of him take a hand.

"Mr. Lu, there is no urgency about the self-training class, and the correspondence channel is still open.

Whether the correspondence college comes to Beijing or not does not affect the overall situation.

What I want to talk about is the matter of jointly running schools, and this matter is not urgent.

Just wait and see, I am here this time just to ask you to concurrently serve as the principal of this correspondence school in the future.

I have other things to do here, and I will explain to you some details that you don’t understand when you take over as the principal of the correspondence school.

Although it doesn't matter if the correspondence college comes to Beijing.

But the correspondence education of barefoot doctors cannot stop.

Previously, our resources were limited and we could not reach all barefoot doctors.

When the correspondence school is completed, the overall management of these barefoot doctors will have to be passed through the department.

The assessment regulations are already in place, and you are also a senior in the medical field. When it comes to treating diseases, doctors should rather be deficient than indiscriminate.

Based on the calculation of the more than three million villages below, today's barefoot doctors are somewhat wealthy.

Screening and expulsion, can you mention this and do it? "

Lao Lu thought that Li Shengli came to the house to talk about jointly running a school.

Originally quite relaxed, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine could no longer relax after listening to Li Shengli's long speech.

These words hit home the point. If you ask about the success of barefoot doctors, Lao Lu naturally agrees.

But when it comes to their medical skills, it's really not good.

Li Shengli has said before that almost 10% of barefoot doctors can treat diseases.

But being able to cure diseases does not mean that you can sit in a village. Lao Lu is a traditional Chinese medicine doctor and has lived and fought in many villages, so he is very aware of the situation below.

There are many miscellaneous diseases in the village. Miscellaneous diseases include headaches, brain fever, diarrhea and diarrhea. They are not difficult and complicated diseases. With the skill of barefoot doctors, only a few can treat them.

This type of miscellaneous disease may seem mild, but it is really difficult to cure, because the superficial symptoms of many internal diseases look similar.

When it comes to barefoot doctors who can treat miscellaneous diseases, I am afraid that half of them have been said too much.

Lao Lu has also seen with his own eyes the advantages of self-training classes and correspondence courses.

He knew the reason why all barefoot doctors could not benefit, and it was nothing more than money and food.

Lao Lu was also very interested in the screening that Li Shengli had to do and the principal of the correspondence school, and he also had a sense of responsibility.

When he was a child, he contracted a strange disease. When he was about to die, a traveling doctor saved his life.

The name of Dr. You has long been lost to the ages, but his appreciation for Chinese medicine is also the reason why he studied medicine.

For Lao Lu, the job of the secretary is not as good as that of the principal of a correspondence school, because this can truly promote traditional Chinese medicine.

"it is good!

Xiao Li, we have made an agreement and we have high-fived each other as an oath.

If a correspondence school is established, I will not be the principal. Although I am old, I still have the skills to support me.

Judging from your body structure and footwork, you have also practiced martial arts skills.

If we don’t abide by this oath, we, the old and the young, will inevitably fight with fists and kicks..."

(End of this chapter)

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