The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 770 Forgery (Part )

Chapter 770 Forgery (Part )

When it came to the children, Li Shengli was a little embarrassed and did not continue what Du Jiaoyang said.

Instead, he talked about the interesting story of Sister Fu, four wild monkeys, and a little foreign devil.

I heard that Nian Jia, who was brought up by himself, was often bullied by the boss Ping An and his three brothers.

Du Jiaoyang was not angry at all, but his face was filled with tenderness.

While guarding her home, she often missed Ping An and the others. Thinking about her mother’s distress at home and the fighting among the children, Du Jiaoyang said with watery eyes:

"Lao Li, let me know as soon as possible when you can go home.

I miss home..."

Naturally, Li Shengli would not satisfy Du Jiaoyang's request, and would not allow her to return to China for a long time to come.

Without him, the resources Du Jiaoyang has in his hands can really make him rich and powerful, so he must be on guard against others.

"What's wrong with you?
Now I have children with me and a family fortune of hundreds of millions.

People with insufficient resources and financial resources are not qualified to enter the market. You must grasp this. "

To put it bluntly, the factory you want to build is both a benchmark and a threshold.

When running a business, the Lou family is no longer fettered by economic trends, and Lou Xiao'e's calculation ability is sufficient.

The light industrial business at the pass is not suitable for Xin Yihe to intervene.

Lou Xiao'e's words were still a bit exaggerated. Even without his help, the calculating old Lou would have run away.

"Sister Lou, I'm not sure whether my current little aunt can accept you, and this matter cannot be an obstacle between you.

Leaving aside business matters, this is her aunt. Li Shengli went out to greet her, and Du Jiaoyang had to follow.

The light industry is nothing more than clothes, shoes and hats. Li Shengli has a lot of creativity in these things.

As for industry, as long as it is available in the port city, any industry where you can find training personnel should be available.

This made Niu Bijian, who sent Lou Xiao'e here, also take a high look at this young lady from the Lou family.

With both markets and factories, it would be difficult to control New Jardine.

Looking at the eldest daughter of the Lou family who looked younger and more beautiful than ten years ago, Li Shengli said:

This is one of Lou's future priorities. You need to prepare the machinery and equipment for foreign trade processing and the technical personnel needed to train workers now.

In addition, the investment in light industry in the Pearl River Delta also needs Lou to take the lead.

This is a contact person at the pass. If I go back to Sijiu City, after you make the plan, send it through him.

After a year or two, I'll ask my uncle to come over and see you.

Without you and that Xu Damao, our family would be finished. "

“These are little things.

The employment system there is different from that here. I will give you the regulations on how to employ workers.

Many things have to wait for a conclusion. If Du Jiaoyang returns to China early, the risk will also be passed to Du Lao.

Being in the port city, Du Jiaoyang also had matters that had to be dealt with. The two of them got tired of each other for a while, and then the female bastard went back to work.

Lou's development is backed by HSBC, and there are no financial restrictions. It is the only company in Hong Kong's real estate market. All it lacks is time.

My brother-in-law has now remarried in China, and I have wronged Sister Lou in this matter..."

After a while, you may be invited to invest in China.

In addition, the factories invested by Lou will also become the source of goods for Xiao Hu and others.

The Lou family is half of Sun Wuyang. There is no need for Li Shengli to say this. The Lou family will understand it.

“Sheng Li, thank you, my dad also asked me to thank you again.

Without your help, I wouldn't have any of this, and I would still have to marry another man.

He gave the Lou family business in Hong Kong City, so Lou Xiao'e had to recognize his uncle Sun Wuyang in China.

The plan will be prepared within half a year. Xin Yihe will support you unconditionally in terms of funds, technology, equipment, personnel, and market.

Here in Hong Kong City, I am still Sun Wuyang’s wife. Shengli, you don’t need me to swear to you, right? "

This was the reason why Li Shengli asked the Lou family and his daughter to come over, and asked the Lou company to leave Xin Yihe.

The two sets of markets, internal and external, cannot allow the Lou family to dominate, so where does the power of capital lie?
The next day, Lou Xiaoe took her children to the bungalow again.

When the two of them were face to face, Li Shengli remained the same, not hiding what he needed to say.

It's just that Silly Zhu could only get a small part of the huge bargain, and because of Silly Zhu's involvement and the poor economic trend, the Lou family's business failed to withstand the general trend in the end.

With a good life, Lou Xiao'e has become a lot more cheerful.

I want to look at it in detail.

Li Shengli continued to sit on the terrace, thinking about projects that Hong Kong capital could get involved in.

Du Jiaoyang also liked the boy who was older than Nian's family. Knowing that Li Shengli had something to say with Lou Xiao'e, she took the child to play in the yard.

To build a factory, you need to build a big factory, and the technical equipment and labor protection of the factory must be the most advanced.

When it comes to future investments, Li Shengli cannot dominate Du Lao and others, but he can dominate Lou's enterprise.

Bring out the best and the biggest. If others want to enter, they must at least be as large as the Lou's Enterprise Branch.

If you can't do it, let Lou continue to race and enclose the land.

There is no need for Du Lao and others to artificially raise the threshold and suppress the arrogance of foreign capital.

The companies Lou will invest in in the future will be both benchmarks and thresholds, and they will also be the lowest standards.

There are many problems that cannot be explained and can only be solved by doing. With Lou as a benchmark, you can't be surrounded by old people and young people, right?

The principle of throwing away goods when comparing goods is put on the table, so there is no need to make any choice.

"Shengli, can we go back?"

Lou Xiao'e asked with fear and joy in her eyes.

Regarding going back, Lou Xiao'e didn't care much, but Lao Lou and others still couldn't forget about returning to China.

At first, they came out together with several relatives. Ten years later, many old people still have thoughts about returning to their hometown.

"I will take care of this when I get back. If an invitation is sent from there, you can come over.

But don’t talk about the things related to me in Hong Kong City, and don’t talk about the Lou family in your hands. Just talk about the business of your Lou family.

This is not a bad thing, and it is safe. "

In the beginning, the Lou family was reluctant to leave. In addition to financial reasons, there were also other reasons.

Thinking about the relationship between the Lou family in the country, Li Shengli responded. Perhaps this was also to gain allies for Mr. Du.

After Du Peng's father-in-law is born, he will also send out invitations. Let Du Peng get involved in this matter, and there must be a scene that should be there.

“Then thank you for winning.

I went to get acquainted with Madam. "

As the downstream of Xin Yihe, Lou Xiao'e also knew Du Jiaoyang's status.

Although she knew that Li Shengli had the final say, the one she could really contact was Niu Bijian, and even Du Jiaoyang was at the next level.

It is more important for Lou Xiao'e to close the relationship with Du Jiaoyang.

Li Shengli also understood what she was thinking, and even came out to help her, and then returned to the room.

After staying in the port city for more than half a month, everything that needed to be done was done. Li Shengli didn't waste much time. He took Xiao Hu, met Xie Fei at the pass, and got on the train back north. Coming and going is also a reflection of the treatment. When they returned to the city this time, Li Shengli and Xiao Hu didn't bring any extra luggage.

Their treatment was different from that of the technical team. The human side was exempted from inspection, but he and Xiao Hu had walked through the pass in a serious manner.

"Lao Li, for the next period, should I stay in the office or go down to work?"

When they returned to the city, although they could not ask for any kind of treatment, with Xie Fei following them, the three of them still sat in the box.

The strong wind and waves in the city also made Xie Fei a little uneasy and he didn't know where to go.

"Do you know Du Peng?
He knows you too, right?

Do you need me to say more next?

The gateway we left may be an opportunity for development in the future.

If the other side of the pass doesn't move, you won't move. If the other side of the pass moves, you can move.

That’s where I’ll use the contacts and qualifications I’ve accumulated over the years for you to contact Niu Bijian.

If you really need to move, you should bring Zhao Caixia with you.

This move may save more than ten years of talk.

Remember, it is better to be the head of a chicken than the queen of an ox.

When the time comes to ask for tasks, you might as well say something big, and money won't be a problem.

In the next period, your sister Xie Chan may also have to go abroad.

You should discuss with Aunt Zou whether you want to stay or go, don't make decisions privately. "

After giving Xie Fei some advice, Li Shengli climbed to the upper bunk and went to sleep.

Before I left, I was very tired after a lot of hard work.

Back in the city, I heard that Father Du had gone down again, and Li Shengli was not idle either.

I found my uncle Sun Wuyang's house according to the address. Many things must come to a showdown when the heat comes.

During the day, Li Shengli didn't dare to drive into the city. He waited until dark before driving Xiao Hu to the yard of Sun Wuyang's house near Houhai.

Listening to the laughter coming from the courtyard, my uncle Sun Wuyang has been doing a lot of hard work in the past two years, and Dr. Liu Su, who he later found, has also been idle and has given birth to a lot of children.

Asking Xiao Hu to find a place to park and wait, Li Shengli took the gift and knocked on the door knocker.

"You are……"

In the misty night, the person who opened the door was not his uncle Sun Wuyang, but a good-looking woman.

According to his uncle Sun Wuyang, this man can be considered a big brother.

It's just that the family members are a bit older and their positions are not too high.

"Aunt, I am Li Shengli..."

After briefly introducing himself, Li Shengli saw that his uncle was a little confused, and Li Shengli saw that his uncle Sun Wuyang was cautious. He had done a good job this time, but he still had to expose his foundation today.


Shengli, why are you here? I asked your mother some time ago and she didn’t know where you were.

Shasha, this is my eldest nephew Li Shengli.

Victory, this is your aunt Yu Sha. "

Li Shengli and his aunt Yu Sha looked at each other awkwardly, and then his aunt Sun Wuyang hurriedly came out and introduced them.

Looking at my uncle Sun Wuyang's tunic with an open collar, he saw that this uncle who had changed his name was the most laid-back person he had ever lived.

"Uncle, can you ask the neighbor to help take care of the child? I have something to say."

Glancing at the children lying on the doors and windows in the room, Li Shengli also made a request.

Sun Wuyang's predecessor also left two children behind, they are already 12 or 13 years old and they are good at talking.

These children cannot be allowed to listen to what they say, otherwise it will only increase their troubles.

"Mom, please help take care of the child. My colleagues from Wuyang and I are here."

Listening to his aunt's caution, he watched Sun Wuyang's mother-in-law circle a few children into the wing in a mess.

Li Shengli couldn't help but feel aggrieved for Sister Fu in the small building. No matter how old the child was, it would be easier to manage.

When you are in your seventies or eighties, it is the time when you can no longer control it. I am afraid that the Du family's small building today is similar to a sheepfold or a monkey's nest, right?
After several people entered the house, my aunt Yu Sha turned off the lights in the house. In this way, with the light in the wing, it was possible to tell at a glance whether there was anyone outside the house.

After turning off the lights, Yu Sha did not stay at the scene, but stood outside the door of the main room, obviously wanting her uncle and nephew to communicate first.

"Shengli, why did you come home? Didn't I give you a phone call?
There's been a lot of settling of accounts lately, so you'd better be careful.

Nothing is wrong with me here. My husband-in-law has started working again, and he has helped some teachers and leaders before.

There is a shortage of people in ministries and commissions recently, and I am helping out there. "

Talking about some past events, Sun Wuyang was also a little worried about his eldest nephew.

At best, there was only a small fuss on his side. During the storm, his eldest nephew had been killed in the east and west of the city.

"Uncle, I went to Hong Kong City some time ago.

Lou Xiao'e and her children are living well there, and now the storm has stopped.

Your student status is also a loophole.

Although it seems that there is nothing we can find, there is always something wrong.

I'm thinking that even if you don't change it, you and your aunt will have a showdown.

Because Lou Xiaoe may also return to China in the next few years. Is this matter going to be hidden for a long time?
Uncle, what kind of regulations do you have here? "

Sun Wuyang also looked embarrassed when he heard his eldest nephew Li Shengli mentioned Lou Xiao'e who was away.

As for his identity, this is what he cares about most. Now Sun Wuyang also holds Han Jinhu's identity in his hands.

Now, some of the information from the Iron and Steel Academy has disappeared. According to his understanding, it would be more troublesome to change back to Han Jinhu's identity.


How should I put it, your aunt Yu Sha and I get along well.

Her experience was very miserable back then, but now she is very dependent and considerate of me.

I also occasionally mentioned Lou Xiao'e's matter to her. She was afraid of losing me and was a little fussy. What do you think she should do?

As for identity, there shouldn't be any problem. The school's birthplace information is gone.

By then, I will have registered my household registration in one city. As time goes by, no one will know about Han Jinhu. "

When it comes to Lou Xiao'e, Sun Wuyang also looks confused.

After living blindly for many years, the Miss Lou family could be regarded as a ray of light in his life.

Nowadays, Yu Sha is also very affectionate, and the two of them have given birth to several children.

Yusha is home to the wandering Sun Wuyang, and he doesn't want to abandon it.

It's just that Sun Wuyang is not as lucky as his nephew Li Shengli, and Yu Sha is a little bit worried about Lou Xiao'e.

"Uncle, what about your work in the ministry..."

When the eldest nephew mentioned his job, Sun Wuyang's face became a little ugly. Although he had a bright future, this job was almost the same as when he was a blind streamer...

(End of this chapter)

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