The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 767 Reimbursement (Part )

Chapter 767 Reimbursement (Part )

Glancing at Xiao Hu, who had round eyes, Li Shengli shook his head helplessly and said:

"Let's go, Aunt Du Jiaoyang, you brought some things back from outside. Come with me to pick out a few items.

Isn't it said that aging means sending goose feathers from thousands of miles away, but the courtesy is light but the affection is heavy.

You still have to take good care of Luo Yun. Don't tell her family about business matters, so as not to cause any trouble.

When your father-in-law asked what you were doing down there, he went down to inspect the barefoot doctor according to what we said to the outside world. "

After giving Xiao Hu some advice, Li Shengli took this uninteresting mountain god to the Wang family's old house.

After finding Ding Lan, Xiao Hu's words of "little aunt" also made Ding Lan blush.

The seniority in the village is not easy for Ding Lan to accept.

Wang Shengting, the old party secretary, is quite senior in the village. Many people in their thirties and forties would call Ding Lan "auntie" when they meet her.

Obviously, Xiao Hu has an unusual relationship with the little old man, and he is a credible figure.

Be careful when you speak. Don't mention Du Jiaoyang all the time. There is also a kid like Nian Jia who is a little weaker. Please take care of him more and don't let those four wild monkeys bully him too harshly.

Ding Lan, the mother who came to the rescue, was gone, but Sister Fu was not polite and left her in the small building for more than a month.

After choosing a gift for Xiao Hu, Ding Lan also brought two gold watches for men and women to Li Shengli and said:
"Little old man, I plan to go see Aunt Du. Can I bring these watches?"

There is no one in charge, there is no need to worry about money and food, and we can still survive.

Thinking about the four wild monkeys who just came down the mountain, Li Shengli also arranged a task for Ding Lan.

Don't pick out skirts, floral shirts and the like. You won't be able to wear them during this period.

Otherwise, just like Du Jiaoyang, get a few of all sizes and choose as many as you can.

After taking a change of clothes, Lao Du went to the countryside. Your Aunt Du looked at the five children, fearing that they would be tortured enough.

At first, Ding Lan cried when she was called 'aunt'.

If you go, I might let you stay there for two days.

In order to maintain family relations, Du Jiaoyang was willing to spend money. Half of the gifts were women's clothes, which were obviously prepared for the Wang family's old residence.

"No need for this.

This little old man of mine has never been like this to others except his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin.

According to the value of the goods, this box of gold watches is enough for the technical team to go shooting together.

Not to mention anything else, there was a suitcase full of all kinds of gold watches, and it was an unpacked suitcase.

Fu's mother has been shouting at him since he was a child, and coupled with his relationship with Du Jiaoyang and the eldest lady's immaturity, this has become the case.

I can only point out again:
“You have to remember your shoe size, the size of your underwear and outerwear.

In more than a month, Father Du came back from below. The technical team also helped the steel rolling mill make plans, and the telegram from Du Jiaoyang also arrived.

But for the technical team members, except for each person's small bag, the other luggage was all gifts brought home by Du Jiaoyang.

Once he heard that he was going to live in the Du family, Ding Lan had nothing to be embarrassed about.

It is not unusual for the two presidents to meet frequently.

Before you go there, call Yang Yulian on the mountain, and we will take that one with you. "

As for Li Shengli choosing from the gifts Du Jiaoyang brought back, Ding Lan didn't care.

Just like the Xie family, the children of the two generations lived in a small building at first, and Zou Jin was also taking care of them.

It's just that the four elder brothers bully the younger brother for missing the family, one cries and the other screams, the Du family's small building is very lively and tormenting people.

Li Shengli also handed over the task of picking up Ding Lan to Wang Qianjin, who had nothing to do. He didn't want to go to the Du family's small building to cause embarrassment.

The technical team came here with special permission from the office, and everyone brought a lot of luggage.

Does Xiao Hu know Luo Yun's shoe number? "

Now the self-training class has become a real self-training class, and the few remaining students are learning first aid skills from Master Zhu's New Cutting Sect.

Just bring some food with you and then go to the city to buy some candies and snacks.

"The things that Jiaoyang brought back, let Xiao Hu pick out a few things suitable for Luo Yun.

After Ding Lan passed by, Sister Fu in the small building was indeed tortured by the five children. They were not four wild monkeys beating each other up.

After giving instructions to Ding Lan and asking Xiao Hu, Li Shengli was speechless when he saw that this guy was still glaring at the boss.

Hearing that Li Shengli spoke without restraint in front of Xiao Hu, while Ding Lan was embarrassed, she also glanced at Xiao Hu, who was not familiar with her.

Looking at the Omega gold watch in Ding Lan's hand, Li Shengli also knew what Du Jiaoyang was thinking.

There are some relationships in the Du family's small building that cannot be judged by common sense.

It’s so frustrating, women don’t know how to play…”

As for who will manage the self-training classes and correspondence classes, we have to wait until the city becomes stable and then listen to Du's opinion. Now we can only maintain the status quo like other places.

I have a similar gold watch with me, and I even showed it off in front of Niu Bijian, so this is obviously what he wants.

Ding Lan, please teach this eldest nephew of yours. If you like it, Luo Yun will probably like it too.

Li Shengli took Xiao Hu and followed the skills of the technical team and also rushed to the southern pass.

This time when the technical team returned, the rolling mill also specially reserved a carriage and sent security personnel to follow them. They had everything taken care of, and they looked like they were facing a formidable enemy.

In Li Shengli's view, this was unnecessary. This matter was handled by the office.

Didn’t you see that Xie Fei followed along with a few close contacts?
Although they were not in the same carriage, Mr. Xie also came over to say hello to Li Shengli after getting on the bus.

One day and one night we arrived near the pass. Just like when Tathagata came, Niu Bijian's Xin Yihe had an exclusive passage here.

You can get on the minibus and go there directly without checking.

After passing the customs this time, Niu Bijian also thought about Li Shengli's previous choice and sent a worker to pick him up.

Looking at the luxury car that he could only look at back then, Li Shengli didn't feel anything special after getting in it.

Compared to Mr. Du's Volga Golden Deer, this car is not that luxurious.

The destination was still Niu Bijian's bungalow on Old Peak Road. After Li Shengli got off the car, Du Jiaoyang in a serious dress greeted him.

The hug in front of him made Li Shengli frown.

"We are an old couple, and with this hug, we will lose a bowl of rice no matter what.

I'll give it to your parents if you miss me. It's not good for a good child to act like a foreign devil! "

As soon as Fu met, he was ridiculed by Li Shengli and deprived of his child. Du Jiaoyang's expression also changed.

"Grandson, I don't want you to be like this. For the past seven or eight years, Nian Jia has been with me.

It's better for you, just because you miss your family and call her "daddy", you give it away.

Although those are my parents, please think about it for me, okay? "

Looking at Du Jiaoyang with an angry look on his face, Li Shengli was not polite and replied directly:

"Children are young and can be taught. But if they raise their eyes too high, they will be useless. I can afford to raise a child, but are you willing to watch your son just be a freeloader and wait to die?"
That’s it, stop talking nonsense, I’ll leave you another one this time and send it back when you’re five or six years old.

That kid from the Nian family has been made a little weak by you, and he may be being bullied by Ping An and the others now! "

The two couples ignored Niu Bijian and talked directly about family matters.

Hearing that Li Shengli wanted to give him another one, Du Jiaoyang's expression became better.

He wanted to reach out and pull Li Shengli into the house, but when he saw that he took a step back in disgust, Du Jiaoyang looked at the dress and understood the reason.

“I had to show my face outside before, but I couldn’t help it.

Xie Feina has given a new order. This time the machine tool is a little sensitive. How should I get it for them? "

After explaining the reason for wearing the dress, Du Jiaoyang started talking to Li Shengli about business.

The import of equipment for the steel rolling mill was also a test of the waters. This time Xie Fei also came with a mission. Some orders for special machine tools had already been placed in Du Jiaoyang's hands before Li Shengli's side.

“This is the time to see what you are capable of.

Double the shipment, the relevant technology can be obtained, and it is also included with them.

The payment for the goods this time will come from Lao Niu, no money required.

The city is in chaos now, so it's time to support us.

Next time I come back, I will have serious discussions with them. "

After entering the room and sitting down, Li Shengli also made a decision on this transaction.

Niu Bijian's friends are all figures in the military there, and as long as it's not very special technical equipment, they can easily get it.

Even if it is some special equipment, as long as it is not unique, Niu Bijian may not be able to get it.

In the outside world, sometimes, money can also be used to communicate with the gods.

Behind this money, there must be enough power to support it. Money alone is not enough to reach the gods.

"Well, during this period of time when I moved to the island, my funds were somewhat insufficient.

Most of the previous profits have been invested again, and the economic information you asked Xie Fei to send some time ago has almost been used up.

The island needs follow-up financial support. Is there any particularly profitable news? "

Listening to Du Jiaoyang's unreasonable thoughts, Li Shengli probably slipped the economic trend.

The U.S. stock market is hitting bottom and rebounding. The index will almost double by the end of the year, and will continue to do so again in the coming year.

Although the United States has withdrawn from the war in the southwest, the war has eaten up the gains of the stock index for nearly two decades, and the economy has entered a period of stagflation.

The opening up of new markets is also urgent for Laos and the United States.

“Gather your family fortune together and continue to make money in the stock market!

It’s just that the index has jumped repeatedly in recent years, buying low and selling high, and you can still make several times the profit.

When they withdrew their troops from the southwest, how did they deal with light weapons?
Lao Niu, let’s get in touch. It’s best to purchase a batch of some lightweight repeating weapons.

Corresponding equipment is also needed. In the past two years, we may have to make a trip to the southwest quagmire.

You don’t need too much equipment, just enough for 30,000 to 50,000 people.

Don’t give the price too high. If it doesn’t work, please contact us and consider it as assistance.

It's just that they suffered a loss and just wanted to see how we dealt with those monkeys.

By the way, I asked you to take care of the Lou family before. Lao Niu, please say hello again and ask Miss Lou to come here. "

At this point, Li Shengli's mission to the south is half completed.

I had been thinking about how to support Father Du before.

Unexpectedly, Xie Fei also had other tasks, and the matter of supporting him had a clue. The remaining task was to give Du Jiaoyang another child.

After talking about the business, Niu Bijian went to work, and Du Jiaoyang, who had changed into a slanted silk shirt, also sat next to Li Shengli.

"Lao Li, I miss you.

Can you go back to your country for a while recently?
Life abroad is too bloody..."

As she said that, Du Jiaoyang wiped away her tears. She also hated the man around her, who not only showed the most cruel side of capital in front of her.

She also made her a part of the cruelty. Every time she thought of wading through the river of blood, Du Jiaoyang would hold her son tightly and cry at home.

She was also afraid that her mother-in-law would become the pair who were cruelly crushed. If it hadn't been for the protection of Xiao Changgong and Qin Mei over the years, she would have been sent home in a box.

“It was you who wanted to go abroad, not me who instigated you.

I definitely can’t go back to China during this period, otherwise I wouldn’t come here.

Never get your own private jet in the future, it is too dangerous for you.

Try to fly the biggest plane you can to and from the airport. You would rather make more connections than fly a direct flight as it is easy to be ambushed.

The technical team sent there this time is not very reliable.

Next, when changing personnel, try to find people who have retired from the army, or family members of former personnel who have been discharged. These people are relatively reliable.

Let’s talk about the accounts in general. Within three to five years, you will still be able to squeeze out some funds for me.

The layout of the island is long, so it can be slowed down a bit.

In addition to Wharton Supermarket over there, you also want to enter Eastern and Western Europe, focusing on Western Europe.

Next, domestic small handicraft products and light industrial products will need a large market.

Relying on the traditional sales model is not enough to support this kind of market.

Try to invest in retail companies and specify products to ensure market stability. "

Li Shengli didn't have much pity for Du Jiaoyang. He had already received rewards, so he had to pay the price.

Without Du Jiaoyang's accounting, Li Shengli knew that she was now absolutely as rich as the country. Not mentioning assets, just the liquidity in her hands was probably comparable to the foreign exchange reserves.

Even if foreign exchange reserves have doubled several times, they still cannot keep up with the speed at which Du Jiaoyang makes money in the capital market.

“There is relatively little living money during this period, less than one billion.

To sum it up, it can probably raise 1.5 billion.

According to the economic information you provided, the funds released one after another for bargain hunting will probably reach a figure of fifty or sixty by the middle of the year, right? "

After working abroad for eight or nine years, today's beautiful sword is just a number in Du Jiaoyang's eyes.

The final production declaration for American ginseng products in Wisconsin has begun.

Undeclared products have created tens of millions of gray profits before.

Thinking of the prescriptions given by Li Shengli, Du Jiaoyang's face turned red. This dog man was becoming less and less human. He couldn't imagine using tiger and wolf medicine to conquer the health care products market in the United States.

But the results of the preliminary experiments were also unexpected. The nearly 100-fold benefit can only be described as terrifying.

In this way, there are as many people as crucian carp crossing the river who take risks to try medicine. Men, they don’t have any good things, and they are not considerate...

(End of this chapter)

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