The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 763 Warm Wind (Part )

Chapter 763 Warm Wind (Part )

Looking at his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin and Ding Lan approaching with a pout, Li Shengli shook his head.

In less than half a year, the relationship between him and Ding Lan was like Du Jiaoyang's before, making good progress.

In pain, one can see human nature most clearly. Although Ding Lan has shortcomings in family education, she has developed the temperament of a young lady for her mother-in-law, Sister Feng.

But there is still no problem in being a person. Following their uncle Lang and persisting in a temporary camp with limited conditions until now is quite remarkable.

"Man, it's better to be rewarded for meritorious service than to be questioned and settled.

Ding Lan, a pregnant woman, has also been exposed. It is possible that your matter will be revealed. "

In this disaster relief, Li Shengli, like Xingzhou, took the credit, but the people he took credit for were Wang Qianjin and Ding Lan, two people close to him.

When she came to Hebei Province before, Ding Lan had just given birth to a son and was about to be born, when Li Shengli separated the mother and son.

The child was raised by Yang Yulian in the mountain village, and Ding Lan, who had just given birth, was brought here.

After explaining the truth to his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin, Li Shengli turned around and helped Ding Lan wipe the black dust from his face.

You feel that when the wind stops and the rain stops, it’s over.

He took over the high-risk injured, and of course, among them were his acquaintances from the past, Mr. Lu, Lao Wang, and Lao Ma.

"Old Li, that's what you said, but we can't hide here forever!
Those who should be cured have been cured, and we haven’t recruited those who were disabled, right?

If we go back recklessly, if a wave comes down, we two brothers will die without any body parts.

According to the slogan that this guy shouted during the interview, 'Unless the wounded recover, they will never return to Beijing', Wang Qianjin can be regarded as a true unity of knowledge and action.

Li Shengli's high-risk medical point, like Xingzhou, maintained no deaths from start to finish.

With awards and reports, Li Shengli also benefited from these two.

The new sect of traditional Chinese medicine led by Master Zhu has just completed its training in Longling, and the rest period of returning to the self-training class has not yet passed.

This time, Dr. Wu, the attending doctor in the office, also came for a while, and he really saw Li Shengli's true ability.

Li Shengli stayed in the temporary camp and was unwilling to go back, which also had leadership factors.

Taking these medical points as a context, Li Shengli was still stationed in a temporary camp just like Xingzhou.

The city, which was still stormy and stormy, was also his sad place.

The cessation of wind and rain brought laughter, but some pain still remained in people's hearts.

First it was Xingzhou, and then there was Longling. Secondly, here, the position of the New Chinese Medicine School in earthquake relief was truly established.

Military hospitals in various places, which are almost equivalent to disaster relief, also have the idea of ​​​​introducing the new faction.

With the credit for disaster relief, some bad things in the near future will not be blamed on Uncle Lang.

Many times, waiting is not a bad thing. As the old saying goes, you will never be too late for a good meal..."

The two of them followed them directly to Hebei Province. With the New Chinese Medicine School as the skeleton and the correspondence students as the flesh and blood, the medical team immediately rushed to various places to establish medical points with the troops.

"Grandson, please restrain yourself. People are still hurting."

During this period, the temporary camp where Wang Qianjin and Ding Lan were located also became a place for the children from Beijing to come here.

Perhaps for some people, now is the time of crisis.

Ding Lan followed Wang Jinjin and got the glory of the interview, and also earned the title of the tiger girl in the general's door.

During the disaster relief process, Wang Qianjin, the person in charge, received double awards from his father and leaders, and was interviewed several times by people from daily newspapers and military newspapers.

Even if someone forgets us, Lao Du will not forget us.

Dr. Wu, who thought he was unique in the field of surgery, saw Li Shengli's first aid methods, an operation, and a group operation for more than a dozen injured people, and he also set his sights on Master Zhu's new method of circumcision.

With Wang Qianjin greeting her, Ding Lan also greatly expanded her network of contacts in the circle.

Now that reconstruction has begun, isn't it a bit cover-up if we continue to stay in the temporary camp? "

The miracle of not having a single death case could only be achieved by Li Shengli.

The reason is also very simple. Li Shengli's performance during first aid can be described as extremely domineering.

After going through the storm, Wang Qianjin is no longer the fool he used to be. He is not only more scheming, but also more visionary.

Such a request was difficult for Lao Wang, Lao Ma, and Dr. Wu, but Li Shengli actually fulfilled it.

Living in a temporary camp, although food, clothing and supplies are provided by the public, you still have to make a fire and keep yourself warm.

He knew Li Shengli's intention of forcing him to stay in Hebei Province, and he was lucky to have escaped.

As the person in charge of the self-training class, Wang Qianjin is also the person in charge of the medical personnel present with the troops, and his performance this time is also extremely eye-catching.

Today's third prince is still in good graces, so naturally he will not be taken back for questioning.

The succession of bad news is depressing. It is difficult to truly accept what Du Lao said is manpower-intensive. There is still a barrier on Li Shengli's side.

Some female brothers who are too young to go to the countryside regard her as their idol.

But many things will eventually come to light one day, and forcing yourself to do so in a temporary camp is not the answer.

In the past half year, the relationship between the two has been going well, and Ding Lan has also grown a lot in life experience.

When people come, no matter what they are, they only have one request, and that is to protect you from death.

Every time I look north, the image of the leader always lingers in my mind, and it makes me sad to think about it.

After helping Ding Lan wipe his face, Li Shengli stroked his shiny sheepskin military coat.

Just like Xingzhou, their treatment in the temporary camp is still the best.

What I smoke is Chinese cigarettes picked out from the ruins, and what I drink is mostly Maotai.

When people in the army hunted prey in the wild, they brought it to them as soon as possible. They showed their skills in times of crisis and showed their true feelings in times of crisis. It was indeed not just words.

Turning back and looking at the temporary camp where the wounded were getting fewer and fewer, Li Shengli sighed heavily and went to inspect the wounded.

"Xiao Ding, your man is like this. Although he is a little too carefree, you have to let him.

Not to mention anything else, just because he saves people day and night, you should have more strength. "

Seeing that Li Shengli left a little lonely, Wang Qianjin, who knew the reason, did not dare to say anything. He was also hurt, so he could only talk to Ding Lan.

"I want you to take care of it!

Take care of yourself and save yourself from going home and getting beaten. "

Ding Lan is also aware of some of Wang Qianjin's romantic affairs. She can tolerate Li Shengli, but she just doesn't like her brother-in-law.

Although Wang Qianjin has given snacks to Ding Lan for many years, it does not prevent Miss Ding from looking down on him.

Being scolded by Ding Lan, Wang Qinjin felt bored and turned around and left.

As his brother-in-law Li Shengli said, he was also frightened when he returned to the city.

What he just said was a cover-up, but it was just a guilty conscience. If he were to go back now, Lao Wang at home would have no confidence.

The waiting that Li Shengli mentioned came slowly. At the end of the year, just before the Chinese New Year, a few people returned to the city with Father Du who came to inspect.

Wang Jinjin was asked to take Ding Lan back to Madianji, but Li Shengli was taken by Du Lao to the small building where Du's family originally lived.

Looking at the empty small building with only simple tables and chairs, Li Shengli breathed a sigh of relief.

Father Du, who was still fairly sharp, frowned and glanced back when he heard his exhalation.

This time, Wang Jiazi passed the test on the merits of his virtuous son-in-law.

Some noises were directly suppressed by the achievements of Ji Province this time, but some things were done as they were done, and cutting off the official career was also the punishment that the Wang family deserved.

"Sheng Li, you are good, you have brought us through the wind and rain.

Now a new question comes, who does it belong to? "

After a brief introduction, Du Lao Du also asked about the ownership of the city when he sat across from Li Shengli. “Dad, many things are optional.

You can only solve the problem when you encounter it.

Whoever can solve the problem has the final say.

The past cannot be admonished, but the past can still be pursued. After all, we must look to the future. "

Li Shengli doesn't intend to get involved in what happens next, and it's best for Father Du not to get involved.

There are just some words that I cannot and dare not say, just like the wind and rain remain the same.

“I don’t understand what you are saying either.

It seems that between life and death, there is still something to learn.

I did a good job this time. If you hadn't insisted, I wouldn't have pursued Ji Province's affairs so closely.

In the early morning, it can be said to be extremely dangerous.

Although the credit for your achievements this time is given to Wang Jiazi, everyone who should know knows it.

I have also benefited from you. It still makes me ashamed to say this.

As far as the results are concerned, we still have to believe in science..."

When it comes to the incident in Ji Province, Father Du is also full of fear, even though it has been less than half a year.

But without the virtuous son-in-law and master’s hot pursuit, Father Du would not have followed all the way.

When the results came out, those who did not support before were speechless, and those who really blew the whistle were reused.

It's a pity that his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli passed the credit to Wang Jiazi. Although he saved Wang Qianjin, Du Lao still felt that the gain was not worth the loss.

“Dad, if you believe in science, you have to believe in the market.

Although the market does not speak, it will feedback the results.

Now is the time to look at the short-term results of small handicraft industries.

Many times, it is more convincing to speak with results and numbers.

In the case of Ji Province, we might as well make a summary and compare the casualties between those who implemented the office's orders and those who did not.

As for who has the final say, it has nothing to do with us. The market will make the choice. Let’s just see the results.

Also, Wang Qianjin’s godmother still needs to be protected, and she must protect her to death.

This matter is related to right and wrong, and many things must be done consistently. "

After hearing Master's suggestion, Father Du's expression changed.

Having said this, a good son-in-law is a real master.

This is also a problem that Father Du has been struggling with recently. Whether he should insist on certain things or not, Old Du is also a little confused now.

After hearing the short-term results and summary figures, Mr. Du knew what he should do.

Many things may not sound right or wrong, but the results are clearly right or wrong.

Let the numbers and results speak for themselves. This is the truly brilliant method.

"well said!

These words can be regarded as giving some guidance.

My mind has been a little confused recently. What should I do next, in the city or down there? "

Seeing that the level of his virtuous son-in-law was gradually improving, Father Du also asked about his doubts.

When you stay in the city, you have to open your mouth to speak. Sometimes speaking too much can lead to mistakes.

Father Du feels that the city is now a place of right and wrong, and he doesn't want to stay in the city and watch the storm.

“The market cannot speak, but we can!

Dad, didn’t you let people go down to do business before?
I looked at their feedback and found that there are still markets in various places.

What it is specifically needs to be discussed from a macro level.

Gains and losses in one place at a time are not enough to explain the problem.

Things that are common on the surface must have their rationality.

There is a disconnect between the plan and the actual market. I am not very good at how to explain the market and analyze the reasons for the disconnect. "

After telling Mr. Du the general idea, Li Shengli just provided his experience as before.

As for what kind of results he will get, he can't control it.

Again, although the market cannot speak, it will give feedback.

Nowadays, there are a lot of fruits below. How to explain it specifically depends on Father Du to organize the language.


Pretty much what I thought.

Now that we are talking about the market, can Dujuan come back and give his own opinion? "

When it comes to the market, capital is also a topic that has to be mentioned.

When it comes to capital, Du Jiaoyang, who has now made a name for himself in the international market, undoubtedly has a say.

There are many things that Father Du can see clearly, but others may not know.

After the wind and rain stopped, Father Du wanted his daughter to come back and be a model example of speaking out.

“Dad, I’m afraid the current basic conditions are not in place yet, right?
When the scorching sun comes back, can I still go back?

You should always be under safe conditions before the scorching sun can come back.

I also told Jiaoyang before that you are not allowed to return home without my nod.

Judging from the current situation, I don't agree with Jiaoyang returning to China.

If you want her to return to your country, you can contact her individually. "

There are also frequent differences between Li Shengli and Du’s father and son-in-law.

Regarding Du Jiaoyang's return to China, Li Shengli's attitude was relatively firm.

He felt that even in the 1980s, Du Jiaoyang did not have the conditions to return to China. After another ten years, he would be almost there.

Sometimes, if the timing is not right, good things can turn into bad things.

Hearing his son-in-law's resolute attitude, Father Du looked a little ugly as he fell into the long exam.

There are definitely risks, but in Du’s opinion, at this stage, it is necessary for his daughter Du Juan to return to China to speak out.

It's just that there is an agreement between the daughter and the son-in-law. If the virtuous son-in-law doesn't say anything, the daughter who is wandering abroad will most likely not listen to his father's call to return to the country.

“Success, as with many things, depends on other people’s experience.

Now that Dujuan is very experienced, is it a bit too selfish to not come back now?
If you think about this carefully, I think it's an opportunity. "

Listening to the opportunity mentioned by Father Du, Li Shengli shook his head decisively.

Opportunities for others mean huge risks to Du Jiaoyang.

Li Shengli regarded Du Jiaoyang's capital as his own money bag.

The development of traditional Chinese medicine requires a huge amount of funds, and all of these funds must come from this money bag.

Without Du Jiaoyang, it would be difficult for him to find a suitable rich woman...

(End of this chapter)

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