The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 759 Building a Factory (Part )

Chapter 759 Building a Factory (Part )

Today's Fu Yiqing has some imagination with Zhang Ying. What she wants is not that Li Shengli sleeps with her directly. Maybe companionship is what everyone's abandoned wife wants, right?
Looking at Li Shengli who was reading calmly on the main seat, Fu Yiqing didn't want Ding Lan to break the beauty in her heart, so she was willing to sit in the room like this.

After a while, Zhang Ying also appeared in the main hall. She was different from Du Jiaoyang's restraint when she was there. The martial arts eldest lady also sat in the guest seat at Ding Lan's signal.

As Li Shengli watched, he sank into the miscellany of medical books and notes, and the atmosphere in the room became a little strange.

What broke this atmosphere was Wang Qingping's knock on the door.

The person who came was a happy Wang Qingping, and Li Shengli didn't care about the people in the room.

He stood up and stopped Wang Qingping who was about to enter the house.

"If you have serious business, go to the village headquarters and talk about it."

Leaving the women in the room with their own thoughts behind, Li Shengli led Wang Qingping out of the yard.

Seeing that the little old man was gone, Ding Lan could only wrinkle her nose to Fu Yiqing to express her dissatisfaction.

In many things, the same saying is still useful: it is dark under the lamp and you find a sideways approach.

On the way to the village headquarters, Wang Qingping still felt that it was inappropriate to talk about elements. He glanced back and forth and saw that there was no one on the street, so he softly replied:
"Shengli, it's a matter of membership, my father said before he left, you are four out of six in the village.

When he came back, Wang Qingping also carefully reflected on the changes in this day and place.

This cooperation model was not the first of its kind by Li Shengli. In 1969, Zhejiang merchants in the south had affiliated private companies, and there were not just one or two.

It is still quite difficult to build a bearing factory in Pingmadianji Village. "

Upon hearing that Madianji was going to the bearing factory, Li Huaide also made a promise to Wang Qingping.

"Since it is a machinery factory, it is natural to use young and middle-aged people..."

I just don’t know why Li Shengli’s vision is so vicious.

He is not a kind person. If you do something, you have to get benefits. If you don't get benefits, people will think you are stupid and easy to bully, which is not conducive to future cooperation.

Li Shengli said that the serious matter would be discussed at the village headquarters, and the discussion was about nothing else but the division of shares.

You say it first and I add it, so that you can gain more experience. "

On the side of the construction cooperative, 20% was given to Taipingzhuang, and on the other side of the prefabricated panel factory, 20% was given to the three villages.

Most of Li Shengli's dividends have been used to support people in recent years. Although there is a surplus, the income is far worse than that of Madianji.

“Since I’m asked to make up my mind, let me ask you.

Previous sales in Madianji Village were based on this ratio.

"I have given up all my livelihood. Party Secretary Qingping plans to set up a machinery factory in the village. Please listen."

As Li Shengli thought, Wang Qingping took the completely opposite approach to him.

Nowadays, Li Shengli is the only one who has this ability in Madianji. The Ma Brigade who went to build a house in the mountain village does not have such authority.

What's bad here is not the idea, but the vision. According to Director Li, the steel rolling mill is really short of bearings.

"Party Secretary Qingping, tell me about the personnel arrangement of the machinery factory.

When Li Shengli opened his mouth, no one stupidly interrupted. Everyone put down what they were doing, raised their heads and lit their cigarettes, ready to listen and drink.

You still have to make decisions about things in the village. "

When the bearing factory comes here, who will be employed as factory workers?
How should we divide the shares between us?

Another trip to the steel rolling mill in the afternoon, Director Li's attitude completely changed.

I'm afraid we may have differences on this matter.

Isn't there a village doctor like a second uncle over there in Taipingzhuang?
Two years ago, that guy came to Madianji to cause trouble, and was thrown into a ditch by Ma Xiaobao. He was a big loser in Madianji.

When they arrived at the village headquarters, after the two sat down, Wang Qingping did not have the prestige of the old party secretary, so he did not dare to drive the village personnel out with a wave of his hand.

With Zhang Ying by his side, there were many things that Miss Ding could not say.

Small furnaces, electric furnaces, a few lathes, and the steel rolling mill can still provide assistance to Madianji Village.

There are some things that it is good for the parties concerned to know. The village's accounts were previously balanced by the old party secretary, but now it is Wang Qingping's responsibility.

In addition to accountants and cashiers, these people in the Madianji Village Department are also treasury managers, and they need to work seriously.

But this is not possible in villages like Madianji, Wali, and Shanshan. Even in Madianji, a large village with a population of 7,000, there are only five or six village staff, most of whom are engaged in accounting and the like.

Nowadays, in rural brigades, party secretaries, captains, accountants, cashiers, warehouse managers, and agricultural machinery operators are just like the cadre positions in units, and they are considered very popular professions.

When talking about elements on the street, Li Shengli also avoided people from Madianji Village.

"Sheng Li, you still have an idea, and I understand it.

"Okay, then we can go to the village headquarters to talk."

Not to mention Li Shengli's help to Madianji, his status as a village doctor alone qualifies him to talk to Wang Qingping, the party secretary, on an equal footing.

In some places, this kind of people belong to the group of people who hold meetings and smoke foreign cigarettes.

Li Shengli's 60%, 20% of which was divided out, and the other 20% was given to Wali and Shanshan for selling sheep.

During a trip to the steel rolling mill in the morning, Wang Qingping was ridiculed and ridiculed by Li Huaide.

All according to the old rules. "

After shaking his head, Li Shengli glanced around the village staff and said slowly:
Our machinery factory produces bearings.

There are jobs for strong laborers, and women in the village cannot always stay at home collecting shoe soles and mending clothes.

In the past two years, we have been busy with farming, and there is not much need for women.

In our village, we don’t have any side jobs like making baskets or pasting paper boxes.

There are too many women in the village who are idle, so the machinery factory can use them.

Another point is that women are more attentive than men, so they are suitable for this kind of low-effort but slightly delicate business.

What do you mean? "

Making bearings is also a common side job in rural areas now, but the technology is not yet on the table.

What Li Shengli said about hitting the balls with a hammer and a steel bar was not a lie.

This is a serious rural sideline business, just like basket weaving, basket weaving, wooden fork planting, and cardboard box making, which is the small handicraft industry that Mr. Du is developing.

"Shengli You still has a good vision. According to this calculation, there are about 3,000 women in our village who can work, and there are about 2,000 young people.

Take your pick, there are still young female workers of four to five hundred who are skilled and able to endure hardships. "

In the village department, although Wang Qingping does not have much authority, he is the only one who can talk to Li Shengli.

What the two said was reasonable, and the others did not change their intention to stand up and criticize them, so the matter was almost settled.

"Well, that's good.

Where should I choose the location of the factory?
Our self-built machinery factory can be built secretly, and don't touch the conspicuous boundaries of the village.

Making bearings also requires fire and electricity. Is there any room over there at the slaughterhouse? "

Building a factory in the village, how can I say these days, no one cared about it before, but now it is new, it is not easy to talk about.

In short, if you do it secretly, you will be cut off if you do it in a big way or in a big way.

“There is still some homestead land over there.

Shengli, there are so many people in our village, and the factory is too small to support too many people. "

Now that the factory can be established, Wang Qingping's enthusiasm is also very high. Not counting the previous public rations, this was his first contribution to the Madian branch office.

In addition, all future bearing factories will hire female workers. As long as the women in the village support him, it is foreseeable that he will become famous in the village.

“Just separate.

Put the ones that use fire and electricity over there.

I see there are several yards behind the village headquarters, and the assembly is placed here.

If you divide it into several places, it will be safe when the time comes. "

With authority in the village, the process of negotiating is almost the process of making a decision.

Seeing that Li Shengli still supported Wang Qingping, everyone in the village naturally took a high look at the party secretary.

This is how it is these days. When it comes to the stomach, naturally whoever has the ability has the final say.

Other sounds will appear only when the stomach is clear.

Before food and clothing are solved, talking about other things is just asking for trouble.

The matter was roughly finalized. Wang Qingping wanted to say something else, but with the sound of a car, his words were suppressed.

Li Huaide from the steel rolling mill asked Du Peng to drive a minibus to the village yard.

"Go back and inform your families. Although the machine factory is good news, you still have to let the women in the village keep their mouths shut.

If you let the commune know, it will be a difficult time for you guys. "

Wang Qingping also knew the minibus in the steel rolling mill, so he got up and kicked out the villagers.

Today's Director Li is the key to the completion of the machinery factory. Without the steel rolling mill as a customer, Wang Qingping is unsure.

Along with Li Shengli, he happily welcomed Li Huaide and Du Peng into the village headquarters. Wang Qingping dispersed the smoke and saw that Old Li did not talk to him, so he wisely withdrew from the village headquarters.

"I said Victory, if you don't stay in the city, why are you running to the village?"

Li Huaide didn't know when Li Shengli slipped out of the Shengli Clinic.

He didn't go to Shengli Clinic in the past two days, so he missed Li Shengli's reminder.

"I'm afraid the situation may have changed recently, so please be careful.

Those who need to restrain themselves need to restrain themselves. Now we mainly wait and see. "

Although Lao Li today is not yet the Du family's mazai, he can be regarded as being under the command of Father Du.

Li Shengli would not hide it from Lao Li when he needed to give some advice.

After listening to Li Shengli's advice, Li Huaide was calm, and he had predicted this.

Not to mention anything else, production has begun to be affected, and both the upstream and downstream sides of the steel rolling mill are now under-operated.

This is not an isolated case. If things continue like this, I'm afraid the big plate won't be able to turn.

"Or does your sharp nose and building a factory in the village have something to do with this?"

Li Huaide could predict the development of the situation through production. Thinking of Li Shengli's actions, he also did more research.

"It's a convenient thing, and it can be regarded as helping the superiors to test the water.

This issue has nothing to do with you. How is the progress of the engine recently? "

The relationship between township and village enterprises and subordinate enterprises such as steel rolling mills is, at best, that of a small supplier. This relationship still has Li Shengli's relationship.

Under normal circumstances, even if Madian Jiji builds a machinery factory, if the products want to enter the steel rolling mill, they must be passed through by other machinery factories, depending on the company's level.

There is still a relatively long distance between village-run enterprises and ministry-affiliated enterprises.

“Technically, I’ve almost mastered it, but the equipment is not perfect!

After listening to Du Peng's suggestion, I came to you in a hurry.

We have a good understanding of each other. You want to build a factory here, and the steel rolling mill needs a batch of imported machine tools.

The existing machine tools in China are not precise enough. Although they are not incapable of making engines, according to researcher Zheng, they are not adaptable enough and a batch of precision machine tools are still needed.

There is also a small aluminum casting production line. "

After listening to Li Huaide's request, Li Shengli knew what idea Du Peng had given him.

This time Du Peng still had his mind set on his sister Du Jiaoyang. It was quite timely to do this recently.

“Can the finance department approve it?
I am afraid that foreign exchange cannot be given directly, so I can only go to the medicinal material company to exchange it.

The steel rolling mill is probably not qualified to follow HSBC's path.

Du Peng, when you get back, take the factory director to see Uncle Chen. He can be of some help. "

In these days and months, when it comes to importing machine tools and production lines, foreign exchange cannot be ignored.

If you go out with the Great Unity, people outside will not recognize you, so you can only use relationships with foreign trade companies or the like.

Although Li Shengli looked down on Lao Chen of the medicinal materials company, the relationship between him and Du Peng was considered a family friend and could be used.

“The path is clear.

I heard from Wang Qingping that a bearing factory was going to be built in the village. It just so happened that Researcher Zheng had time recently, so he asked her to build a German-style precision manufacturing line here in Madianji?

If there is a shortage of machine tools and equipment, we can just go all the way. "

Knowing that Li Shengli was very capable, Lao Li simply did it all, so that he would owe less favors.

"Director, when it comes to business, you are smarter.

If a village-run enterprise can use as many machine tools and equipment as possible and still have German-style precision workmanship, you would be really disappointed.

Since you mentioned it, let's do what you said. Since we also said that we want to use German Seiko, we won't give it another name here.

From now on, this factory will be called Seiko Bearing..."

Du Peng, who has grown a lot, can now understand the tension between his brother-in-law and the factory director.

Looking at his brother-in-law who had no limit to his abilities, and thinking about his still aching back, Du Peng felt much less resentful.

"That's a good name. I'll go talk to Wang Qingping while your uncle Lang is chatting.

Our Chief Engineer Du has made a lot of contributions recently..."

Leaving the place to Li Shengli and Uncle Du Peng, Li Huaide stood up and left. When Old Li left the house, Du Peng called out "brother-in-law" with some embarrassment.

"Isn't your grandson planning to disown me?
Why are you here with such a shy face?
Just let it go if you fart, don't hold it in too much..."

When Li Shengli was still in the self-training class, in order to urge Du Peng, his grandson, to make progress, he gave him a few riding whips, which were so severe that his skin was torn.

Because of this, the mother-in-law, Sister Fu, complained, but the whips she received at the beginning were not in vain.

Du Peng's progress is obvious to all, Du Du and Sister Fu.

"Brother-in-law, Feng Qian is pregnant with another child, and the one at home is making a fuss about divorce.

Our dad doesn’t know about this yet. Can you explain it to me? "

The matter between Du Peng and his wife is considered a tough one in the industry.

In addition, there is also Feng Qian among them, Li Shengli estimates that Du Peng probably feels unsatisfied, so he has been neglecting her recently...

(End of this chapter)

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