The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 750 Context (Part )

Chapter 750 Context (Part )

"Uncle, I've thought about this too.

Xiao Hu is too reckless, I'd better go to the ministry.

In this way, you can hold him back for a while in the future, otherwise you will all go down together, and you will be afraid of being picked up together. "

Like Li Shengli, Luo Yun has a relatively accurate understanding of herself and the man Xiao Hu.

Speculation is not business, and there are young people doing it before and during the storm.

Luo Yun's family belongs to the business compound, and the people around her who are familiar with them talk about things related to business the most.

Coupled with the deliberate guidance of Li Shengli, her uncle, Luo Yun also has serious plans for her future work.

"Yes, I'll prepare you in the next two days, and I'll introduce you to the relevant units over there in the office.

Are there any requirements for the position? "

Taking away Luo Yun also took away her family circle.

They also know the situation in Madianji and will not ask such questions easily.

Although she didn't look down on her brother-in-law, Luo Yun was still too shy to speak out about Madianji.

Li Shengli, who has experienced later generations, also knows that he is just a little person.

Luo Yun warned her in place, and looking at her coquettishness, Li Shengli probably knew what she was thinking.

After all, Luo Yun was also his niece-in-law, so it was hard for Li Shengli to talk about women with her.

The reason is also very simple. In the compound, almost every family is a small ecosystem.

Wind and rain are a pain point for everyone, just don’t take the initiative to publicize it.

Say what should be said and don't say what shouldn't be said.

During this time, I will let Xiao Hu take them down to clarify some context.

Seeing her uncle who was still a little confused, Luo Yun felt worried for her.

"Uncle, if Sister Jiaoyang's father asks about you, what should I say?"

"Uncle, will it be inconvenient?"

Working under Mr. Du, Luo Yun could anticipate such problems without thinking too deeply.

It's better now, but the farther back you go, the greater the effect of this small circle will be.

Although Luo Yun can understand her brother-in-law Li Shengli's kindness towards the women in the Wang family's old house, her words must be based on the actual circumstances.

Luo Yun also knew the position of Father Du, thinking that the uncle in front of him was not sure about Madianji.

After understanding Luo Yun's subtle reminder, Li Shengli shook his head helplessly. It was really hard to explain clearly.

Li Shengli is qualified for shooting and shooting based on the number of women in the Wang family's old house.

Seeing that she was no longer restrained and embarrassed, he changed the topic.

But as time goes by, values ​​like Luo Yun will also collapse.


If you really meet someone who is obedient and unfaithful, Du Lao Du's advice is no matter how good or right it is, but no one will implement it, so Lao Du can only do nothing.

If someone is involved, even a woman, Li Shengli will dare to speak to Father Du.

By then, most people will be profit-seeking, and the owners of such values ​​will be the truly tragic characters.

Li Shengli naturally has no say in the relevant units over there in the office, but Mr. Du from Xiaowangzhuang has the final say.

The environment will be like this in the future. More money, more houses, and more women will roughly equal success.

She glanced at her uncle Li Shengli shyly, and Luo Yun mumbled back:

In Madianji Village, there were too many shameful things happening to Li Shengli.

There are some things that I am helpless about, so please understand more..."

Looking at Luo Yun in surprise, Li Shengli asked:
"What's inconvenient about this?
Just do what you have to do. "

This is what his values ​​​​are. Faced with a woman who wants everything, he can be considered ethical if he can ensure that he doesn't do anything too badly.

Although Feng Yu is resisting this kind of small-circle business, if he does serious business, without such a small circle, even Father Du will be unable to move forward.

"Luo Yun, I'm back, and you have to go out to work again, so the economics class should come to an end first.

Luo Yun didn't know how to respond when she was asked about Li Shengli's situation after she moved to a new position.

Li Shengli couldn't understand Luo Yun's understanding.

When Luo Yun heard that it was an office job, she was happy and surprised at first.

Three wives and four concubines is not what people should do in these days and times, if it really happens.

Greed for money and lust is deeply ingrained in our bones. This is a universal value. There is nothing to say or feel embarrassed about.

Looking at the notorious and unaware uncle in front of her, Luo Yun could only shake her head slightly.

Although the women in the Wang family's old house were all pitiful, Luo Yun did not approve of Li Shengli's three wives and four concubines. Their respective values ​​were really different now.

This matter cannot be clarified in a day or two, so don't be stressed and worried on your part.

I just got angry, and it was also a reminder to those thieves.

When they go down to do things, they are playing with real swords and guns, and they are not allowed to be as unrestrained as in class. "

It is not so easy for Xiao Hu and others to act in advance, make plans in advance, and clarify some context in advance.

Although most of the people below are now slippery, the wind and rain are still on the side.

Risks are also everywhere, and going down means touching these risks.

If you are not cautious or careful, it is not unusual for you to go down and not come back.

"Uncle, can Xiao Hu and the others go down now?"

After asking the question, Luo Yun realized that she had made a mistake.

Who is her man Xiao Hu and who are the students in the economics class? After getting along for a long time, Luo Yun's impression of them is a little blurry.

The thief Li Shengli said was not nonsense.

In Luo Yun's view, these students in the economics class, if not for Li Shengli's influence, would be wild children, second-rates, and losers in the city, things that could be killed but not kept.

My own man, Xiao Hu, has scars all over his face, and the others are not much better.

According to what Luo Yun said when he was angry, these students in the economics class were living bandits.

In Luo Yun's view, it was a great meritorious deed that her uncle Li Shengli could gather these people together to open an economics class in the midst of wind and rain.

If this kind of stuff is released and there is no jurisdiction, everyone will be counted. Even Xiao Hu will be a scourge on the streets.

Luo Yun wasn't sure whether people in the economics class would succeed, but the survival rate should definitely be the highest among all.

“You don’t have to worry about them.

That's it. I'll give you a day off today. Go back and tell your family that it's time for Father-in-law Du Peng to warm up the cold stove.

Don't spread this word outside..." Thinking that the next arrangement was not suitable for Luo Yun to intervene, Li Shengli simply dismissed the economics class teacher on the spot.

Although Li Shengli also told Xiao Hu that he should be a law-abiding and good citizen after the wind and rain stopped, but speculation could not be counted.

This is necessary for early development. When the legal system is perfected, you will have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse before doing business.

The initial order was barbaric, so Li Shengli also had high hopes for students like Xiao Hu and others in the economics class.

If others can't get along, that's because they don't have the ability. If people like Xiao Hu can't get through, that's wrong.

What Li Shengli said to clarify the situation was also an opportunity for the economic class, which was mostly composed of single young people, to go down and find the mother-in-law.

Take advantage of the last opportunity in the storm to cling on. If you are lucky, you will almost be the richest man in the place in the future.

It's not good for Luo Yun to hear these words, otherwise Xiao Hu will be shorter again when he returns home.

"Uncle, thank you.

I don’t know where I would be without you! "

After saying that, Luo Yun bowed to Li Shengli, then gently wiped the corners of her eyes and left without returning to the economics class.

Seeing that his wife did not come back with his uncle, Xiao Hu in the room immediately became numb.

After reminding the brothers in the room in a low voice, the whole room behaved and cautiously waited for Li Shengli to get angry.

“After studying for such a long time, I’ve learned pretty much what I can learn.

For those things that you can't learn, if you don't work hard, you can no longer blame others when you endure hardships in the future.

Doing business is similar to the pigeon market in the city. Are you all familiar with the pigeon market?

I won’t tell you anything more about this.

Each of you should take a look at the connections in your hands and look around the country to see where you are relatively familiar.

During the next period of time, three or five of you will drive down for a spin.

I will find a map for you in a moment. After each of you has circled the area, I will give you some contacts.

Xiao Hu, your destination is Shanghai, and you also need to make a trip to the Guangdong Sea.

When selecting people here, those who can drive will be given priority.

It’s done, Xiao Hu will go out with me, and you can decide among yourselves where to go.

The southwest, Yunnan, Guizhou and northwest will be put on hold for the time being, and you won’t be able to play there either. "

After roughly explaining what he wanted to say, Li Shengli didn't get angry at everyone, but gave them some advice first.

In the next period, the scope of business is almost the north-south line. In some places, it is really not the boundary of business.

Let the students in the economics class discuss among themselves first, while Li Shengli took Xiao Hu to find an empty house and began to count the available wealth.

Li Shengli has no shortage of capital for doing business.

After so many years, the dividends from the exchange of treasury bills, Madianji, Wali, Shanshan, and some floating wealth in cash add up to at least several hundred thousand.

The subsequent business of Xiao Hu and others does not require much capital, and is a small business.

Smuggling in bulk is simply asking for trouble.

Li Shengli also planned the initial transaction for Xiao Hu and others, which was nothing more than selling estimated clothes, aiming at people's retaliatory consumption after the storm.

Let them sell clothes, cloth, etc., and have a capital of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. A year and a half will be enough for them to double their money.

Cost is not the issue, transportation and local connections are important.

Nowadays, the relationship context is also secondly. As a means of transportation, cars, especially trucks, are in short supply.

Then there is the relationship on the railway, which also needs Xiao Hu and others to clarify in the city.

With transportation, goods are equivalent to having legs. Only by having legs can you run around and make money, right?

Li Shengli and Wang Qianjin drove the truck or truck in the wind and rain.

He said that there was a lot to pull, but the number of trucks that Xiao Hu and others could actually use was only twenty.

A Jiefang truck now costs at least 10,000 yuan, and for 10,000 yuan now, you can easily buy five or six seats in a courtyard house in the city.

In terms of value, trucks or cars are items worth a lot of money now.

If we say it is worthless, if we push it forward fifty years, this truck would still be worth ten thousand if sold for scrap metal, but a courtyard house in the city would start at least ten million.

Twenty trucks is definitely a huge investment now. Calculated by a thousand times in fifty years, the income will not be ten or eight times in one year.

Xiao Hu and others really felt sorry for Li Shengli's hard work.

After roughly counting the family's assets with Xiao Hu, there were twenty cars, which was just enough for two or three people.

Most of Xiao Hu and the students in the economics class can drive. Although their skills may not be good, at least they can drive away seriously if they are given a truck.

Just because you have a car doesn't mean you'll have enough fuel to fill up after you get off.

If the car is gone, it's just a pile of scrap metal.

The problem of refueling is difficult for others, but it is not too difficult for Li Shengli and Uncle Wang Qinjin.

King Du Ding thanked four families, and all three families served in the army. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has friends all over the world.

As long as there are oil drums in the car and connections with the army, Xiao Hu and others can come back after driving down.

Twenty cars are enough for an economic class of forty or fifty people.

But in business, it will definitely not be possible due to the lack of manpower in recent years.

As this trip continues, Li Shengli is also planning for Xiao Hu and others, starting from Sijiu City and going down step by step.

While honing their driving skills, recruiting people, and slowly purchasing and eliminating trucks.

With Madianji as the headquarters, to allow these people to spread slowly, logistical support must be provided. Otherwise, if the car is abandoned on the road, it will be a situation where the sky is not responding and the earth is not working.

While counting their fortunes with Xiao Hu, Li Shengli was also planning their next business.

Just like Li Shengli, who started out selling clothing, this time he is still focusing on inventory and squeezed materials from various places.

There are always imperfections in plans, so if you look at the overall situation, this kind of inventory and squeezed supplies can be considered massive.

If you want these supplies, you won't be able to do it without some connections.

From Li Shengli's point of view, this situation is all good, but for the relevant units, it is not necessarily a good thing.

After leaving the economics class, Li Shengli would also say hello to Father Du.

As for the name, it is nothing more than revitalizing funds and factories. Father Du will definitely support this.

After a brief calculation with Xiao Hu, the two of them couldn't help but sigh.

In the eyes of others, it may seem trivial, or just some dirty speculation, but to actually do it, there are a lot of things that need to be planned.

From trucks to oil, from mechanics to parts, and then to the relationships between factories and enterprises below.

If you really have to calculate it carefully, writing down the plan for each item would take at least dozens of pages.

Doing this, Xiao Hu was obviously not good at it. Looking at the mountain god Xiao Hu who kept scratching his head, Li Shengli sighed softly, not knowing whether it would be good or bad to let this bunch of people stay stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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