The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 743: Selfishness and Justice (Part )

Chapter 743: Selfishness and Justice (Part )


I knew you meant it.

Does this mean trying not to harm married women?

But little girls are mostly pretentious and have many faults, which will lead to more trouble in the future.

According to your grandson, the old saying still applies, nothing is more delicious than dumplings...

How about you pick me another one from the group of opera singers in Madianji? "

Listening to the twists and turns in his brother-in-law Wang Jinjin's heart, Li Shengli nodded.

This grandson became more and more enlightened as he lived, and at a young age he understood the true meaning of being Lao Wang next door.

Compared with young girls, married women are really more fun. The most important thing is that there are less risks, especially in this day and age.

"You are grandpa, whatever you say is true.

Without enough chemical fertilizers, the increase in grain production is somewhat illusory.

The two of them arrived at Xiaowangzhuang all the way. The former mother-in-law, Sister Fu, had no other special expression, but the former father-in-law, Father Du, had a frown on his face.

In addition to building water conservancy projects, reclaiming wasteland is undoubtedly the most direct and effective method.

Moreover, according to the prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine throughout the ages, it is also an inexhaustible treasure trove.

Wang Qianjin's face was proven by his slanderous words of 'Grandpa' and 'Grandson'.

Many things, in the final analysis, are still due to economic failure.

Victory and progress, let me ask you two, what do you think about young people going to the countryside? "

There is no need to worry about how big the market will be for prescriptions that look at efficacy without looking at advertisements.

Not to mention the outside world, Lao Wang's big mouth at home, in the wind and rain, these two fools were not spared.

Don’t forget, your grandson, I am still a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. If you spit shit in my face, I will make your grandson turn into a 'rabbit' on the spot..."

Don't bite your nose and face, I'm so sorry I even called you 'brother-in-law'.

Even if the other party knew that this guy had become the old man next door, he might still have to help cover it up.

My brother-in-law has a criminal record, and his weakness is that he doesn't know people well. It would be bad if someone plots against him.

Distribution of work, and the growing population of new students, is the key to stress.

Although the amount of land is not the reason that limits food growth, current land reclamation can indeed increase food production.

"You two are here, sit down first.

Just change the traditional Chinese medicine recipe and add American ginseng, and it will be a local specialty there.

But reclaiming wasteland is not an easy task. If a family wants to reclaim an acre of wasteland, it cannot be completed in a year or two.

"Grandson, do you think I look like a big teapot in a kiln?

Throughout the dynasties, there have been countless ways to arouse men and charm women, although not countless.

Therefore, he did not let his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin express any opinions. There were some things that it was best for people like Wang Erzi not to open their mouths. What they said when they opened their mouths would probably not reach the ears of Father Du.

The same one-third of an acre of land was originally able to support one person, but now there are several young people who can eat me to death, and the pressure comes with it.

Among the few people in the room, the only one who could really explain the whole story was Li Shengli, the virtuous son-in-law of the Du family.

In better places, they can barely share some food rations, but in places with a tougher heart, they just don't care. "

Of course, the other way around is that the industry has not developed a scale advantage, or the feedback from agriculture is not strong enough, resulting in a lack of employment positions, which is also the reason for the pressure.

The carrying capacity below is limited. The land in most places, not to mention chemical fertilizers, just suffers from drought and water shortage, which will greatly affect the yield.

Going to the countryside is both a solution to the problem and a cause of the problem.

He had already handed over the recipe for Tiger Wolf Medicine through Xie Fei. This deal was worth hundreds of billions.

Glancing at Wang Qianjin, who was slightly frowning, Li Shengli couldn't help but think of Du Jiaoyang, who was building the American ginseng industry in Wisconsin.

The increase in grain production cannot keep up with the rate of population growth, which is also one of the reasons.

“Dad, are you going to talk about the young man’s return to the city?

There are many attempts made below, but a very simple one makes many attempts in vain.

But when your grandson has three wives and four concubines, don’t forget to take care of your brother-in-law when you are full. We brothers have been through all the hardships. When good things happen, don’t forget to care for your brother-in-law. "

Listening to Du Lao's conversation, Li Shengli probably knew what Du Lao was going to ask.

As I said before, the secret of traditional Chinese medicine lies in the dosage. In terms of effective ingredients and cost, Du Jiaoyang's business is undoubtedly a profitable one.

This matter, to put it bluntly, is still a stomach problem.

Li Shengli doesn't need to worry too much about foreign stalls. People in the economic class in Madianji in China still need some work to make ends meet.

With the wind and rain stopping just around the corner, it's time for Niu Bijian from Hong Kong City to arrange some channels.

Once you eat it and it works, and you try it and it works, the market will be there.

But Li Shengli still doesn't support it if it can be done. There will be many opportunities to play in the future, but now taking the risk of target shooting is not worth the gain.

After going to the countryside, eating in the countryside is one of the ways to consume less.

It’s just that in many places, we are stretched thin, so we live in rural areas, and the objective conditions are not sufficient.

Problems need to be solved one by one, but solving problems requires time and the support of realistic conditions.

There is not enough time and conditions, but the personnel have gone ahead, and the accumulated problems will only increase.

Eating is the most basic need for survival. Although the reasons given by Li Shengli are also pain points, they do not touch on the issues that Father Du is worried about.

“We have also seen this problem.

Some time ago, a teacher from Chaoshan in the south wrote a letter.

He talked about the situation of his children going to the countryside.

For this father who dared to ask questions, they provided a supplementary fee of 300 yuan for daily expenses.

What I want to ask is how to solve the problems existing in the return to the city. "

After hearing the details told by Father Du, Li Shengli and his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin looked at each other. These words were really a continuation of the conversation on the road.

Similar to what Li Shengli said, some places can barely squeeze out some rations.

But there are also places where it is really hard to squeeze out. If you want to eat, it is difficult to find other ways without support from your family.

When I first went to the countryside, my family still had some money to use as a subsidy, but no matter how rich the family was, they couldn't withstand such consumption.

Under the supply, it is also very difficult to buy enough food to fill your stomach with money.

In this way, those people spent their own money to find an unpaid job.

The problems mentioned by Mr. Du are indeed common.

Just like the woman who found Wang Qianjin, in this day and age, the conditions that women or girls can pay are only a few things.

Where there is demand, there will be a market, and no one can change this.

Many things happened so naturally. Of course, after going down and coming back, there are more than just going to school. There are still many ways, including correspondence courses in self-study classes.

For example, if there is a job quota in the city and the family has secured it, the person can come back.

But there are really not many such opportunities. It is not an exaggeration to say that thousands of troops can cross a single-plank bridge.

The number of jobs at the top is limited, and the actual conditions below are insufficient, and the resulting problems are diverse.

There are many problems, just like what Mr. Du said, you won't know until you look at them, and you will be shocked at first glance.

"Dad, this is simple.

Just follow the rules.

Those who do something wrong will be corrected, and those who violate laws and disciplines will be punished.

Those who should not return to the city should continue to go to the countryside, and those who should return to the city should just return to the city in an orderly manner. "

Listening to the answer from the wise son-in-law Li Shengli, Father Du raised his eyebrows.

The rest of what my good son-in-law said was nonsense. He said that he should not go back to the city and continue to go to the countryside, but it hit the pain point of many people.

This is also the simplest and crudest way to solve the problem. Although it will offend people, it is enough to appease the emotions below.

“This approach can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Don't say such loyal words, say something serious. "

Glancing at the wise son-in-law and Wang Jiazi in front of him, Du Lao also showed his attitude. Unexpectedly, Wang Jiazi knew the inside story of these things.

Asking Wang Jiazi to come with his son-in-law, Father Du is actually optimistic about the correspondence education in the self-training class.

Or it can be said that someone above has seen some benefits of correspondence education and wants to expand the scale of correspondence classes.

As Li Shengli said, barefoot doctors cover a large area. There are at least more than three million barefoot doctors in more than three million villages.

In addition to the young people in the countryside, the young people from the countryside who can be covered by the Barefoot Doctor are also affecting millions of people.

According to the rotation method of correspondence education, hundreds of thousands of students can still be rotated between urban and rural areas within a year.

In this way, some of the more prominent problems can be alleviated accordingly.

Although this is a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution, the number of places squeezed out by correspondence education is still more than the number of jobs created by new projects.

There is another solution, which is to increase redundant staff in factories and offices. However, this will put a lot of financial pressure, and this is also related to the food problem.

"Dad, to be serious, you are already doing it."

To be honest, Li Shengli also has a solution.

Weng and son-in-law were talking, and since there was an additional brother-in-law, Wang Qianjin, Li Shengli still had to ask for Du's opinion.

Some words involve Father Du's claims, which are not clearly known to the other three families.

Many things would be lost if they were not kept secret. Li Shengli felt that Wang Er was not suitable to be present at this time.

Seeing that Mr. Du did not shy away from Wang Qianjin, Li Shengli slowly talked about the real solution to the problem.

Father Du doesn't shy away from talking, so he has to avoid talking to his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin.

"You mean the small handicraft industry in the countryside?"

In the front line of light industry, due to taboo reasons, although Du Lao got involved, the extent of his involvement was not deep.

The good son-in-law Li Shengli said that what he was already doing could only be small handicrafts in rural areas.

Dad, it’s just the same. The specialized factories, workshops and cooperatives that belong to these small handicraft industries have to talk about economic benefits.

Without economic benefits, we cannot support more people. This is also contrary to the factory profitability problem mentioned at the beginning of the storm.

However, to develop the economy, we must have the idea of ​​developing the economy.

Instead of pursuing economic benefits, it would be better to place these young people going to the countryside directly in factory-run units.

It's nothing more than raising them in vain. Instead of gaining property, it's better to support them with the original property.

It's nothing more than a subsidy.

If you want to truly accept or accommodate these people, economic benefits must be discussed.

It's just a way of saying it's self-reliant.

But it is wrong to ignore economic benefits. If we do not mention benefits when developing the economy, then what is the use of development?
Create more deficits? "

What Li Shengli said was rather unpleasant, and it was also inconsistent with the current situation.

In this day and age, the benefits cannot be mentioned.

But efficiency is also the basis for the existence of the factory. If we only mention work but not efficiency, it would be almost funny.

The factory produces products and obtains actual profits from the products, which is not only the basis for the existence of the factory, but also the basis for ensuring the existence of jobs.

There is no efficiency, that is, no income. If we continue to add jobs randomly and the expenditure exceeds the income, such a factory will not be far away from bankruptcy.

It is difficult for Li Shengli to explain many issues in detail.

It's just like saying that the benefits are not good, this is not a reasonable thing.

Listening to his brother-in-law Li Shengli talking about these complicated issues, Wang Qianjin immediately became distracted.

I thought of listening to the people below me playing tricks, but I didn't expect that the son-in-law of the Du family was talking about the solution to the problem.

Wang Qianjin was still interested in hearing about Du Lao's decisive attack below.

As for the development of Laoshizi's small handicraft industry, Wang Qianjin still knows himself. He still doesn't understand the work in the city.

It's okay to listen to the things happening in the countryside down there as if it's fun, but if you listen with your heart, you're just asking for trouble.

"Uncle Du, while you are chatting, should I go to the factory to take a look first?"

Seeing that his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin wanted to leave, it was in line with Li Shengli's ideas.

There are some things that, as the son of the Wang family, it is inconvenient for my brother-in-law to hear about them.

Nodding slightly to Father Du, Old Du snorted slightly and acknowledged Wang Jiazi's slippery behavior.

"You still know how to avoid taboos, so you've made some progress. Please tell me more carefully about your opinions.

Judging from the current conditions, I'm afraid there isn't much support for your market theory.

Although there is talk of development in the second half of the century, it is different from what you said.

In the eyes of many people, they would rather not do anything than touch some bottom line. "

After praising Wang Qianjin for his cleverness, Du Lao also mentioned some objective factors.

Some people's behavior is inconsistent with the ideas of a good son-in-law, and they know that what their good son-in-law says next will be equally inappropriate.

Father Du has no choice but to briefly talk about the man-made environment that we must face to develop the economy.

There are many things that can't even be said well, so don't mention what can still be done.

In Dad Du's view, the level of some people is not as good as that of Wang Jiazi, who has a poor reputation in the adult circle.

At least they have eyes and know what to do and what not to do...

(End of this chapter)

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