The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 735 Cancer Pain Recipe (Part )

Chapter 735 Cancer Pain Recipe (Part )
After the drink, life on Li Shengli's side remained the same.

Father Du is worried, maybe because he is too busy, or maybe because he is busy with work, so he has not contacted him recently.

One month later, it was Dr. Wu who led Mr. Lu’s Lao Wang to the processing station.

It's not difficult to guess the purpose of the two people's visit. It was nothing more than the pain relief principles of those cancer pain prescriptions.

For Chinese medicine practitioners, current Western medicine is easy to understand, and it is nothing more than anti-inflammation and sterilization.

But for Western medicine, Chinese medicine is difficult to understand. The four qi and five flavors, as well as the distribution of nature and taste through meridians, are not easy to understand.

It is even more difficult to understand that Bai Zhi and other herbs act on the head and face; Qianghuo acts on the bladder meridian; Duhuo and Guizhi act on the kidneys.

Looking at the two people with inquiring faces, Li Shengli didn't hide anything. He first talked about the medical theory and then the medicinal properties.

Yuanhu can relieve various pains all over the body. Not only is the effect better than that of Demerol, it is also non-addictive.

As for the pain-relieving principle of Rat Woman, Li Shengli didn't explain it very clearly. He only talked about the pain-relieving effect of alkaloids.

It’s not that it’s unclear, but there is no scientific test to prove his statement, so it’s better to leave it in suspense and treat it as a research topic in the future.

But for traditional Chinese medicine, research on such topics is of little use.

That person didn't give me the cigarette case because I threatened the guard.

Li Shengli felt uncomfortable thinking about Mr. Lu's leader.

Also, can these cancer pain prescriptions of yours be used on other cancers? "

Many things should not be hidden in the fog.

During the examination, Dr. Wu also helped explain your original intention.

The purpose of the threat will be explained to you two today.

In the end, the two of them could only look at each other, and each nodded seriously, accepting the mission of delivering the message.

As a choice made by a very small number of people, many things are beyond their control.

"No problem!
Lao Wang, now that I have this cigarette case, I have something to say directly.

This cigarette box was captured on the battlefield and was originally intended to be given to a comrade.

That person is paying the price, and that person's comrades and colleagues are also paying, which can be considered a typical example.

After Dr. Wu told you your original intention, he sighed, told the origin of the cigarette case, and then gave it to you as a gift. "

After returning, do more work as a caretaker.

"Shengli, can you tell me the principle of pain relief?

Lao Wang, you have to bear with me for a while.

Dr. Wu also testified for me that after returning home, he would mention Mr. Lu’s matter to the leader, and it would be best to tell the leader’s successor.

The rest of the year is enough for him to write something.

But there are many risks hidden in Li Shengli's unclear words.

I'm afraid that person's life is short. The role of painkillers is mainly to relieve pain. I can't improve the advanced stage of the cancer. "

Some words, some, I can continue.

After listening to Mr. Lu's explanation, Li Shengli looked at the cigarette case on the table.

Compared with studying these, clarification of medical theory and medicinal properties is more important.

"Shengli, you have to think about this carefully!"

Take the cigarette case back and put the letter in it. I can accept the cigarette case, but the letter will be sent out as promised.

That person's remaining life span is about a year or so, and at most a little over two years.

Because I still have a husband..."

This type of research is useful for the scientificization of traditional Chinese medicine, as well as for the subsequent development of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, as well as Western medicine.

He was not very clear about these details.

This is also true. Once something falls, it is difficult to recover.

other people.

Lao Wang confirmed that Li Shengli had the courage to deliver the news, but at this time, it was true.

"Shengli, the prescription you gave me has worked very well over there.

That one has been serious for fifteen years so far.

This is the thank you gift given to you over there, saying that you will not be allowed to refuse.

There are many things that I dare not do.

After listening to what Li Shengli said, Lao Wang and Dr. Wu didn't look very good.

In this day and age, I am not afraid of this.

"That Mr. Ji must have something to say.

Many things are now certain. They are doctors, and many things cannot be touched upon in depth.

Although he was blocked and frightened by Li Shengli, he still did not stop Dr. Wu from exploring the principles of Chinese medicine prescriptions.

Yuanhu is used as medicine, and Dr. Wu can also check the information from medical books.

However, there is no corresponding record in medical books about the effect of Mouse Woman in relieving cancer pain.

Even Pu Lao and others are not as clear as Li Shengli in the use of rat woman.

After asking many people recently, Dr. Wu heard the same thing about Yunshan Mist. He just wanted Li Shengli to tell him about the analgesia and pain relief principles of rat women.

Unlike Western medicine, which has clear ingredients and efficacy, traditional Chinese medicine has too many uncertainties.

There are too many diseases that can be treated with one prescription. Many medical theories are somewhat specious in the eyes of overseas scholars like Dr. Wu.

Of course Dr. Wu also knows about the monarch, his ministers, and their envoys, and the meridian distribution of nature and flavor, but this kind of theory is really a bit mysterious to Western medicine.

"Dr. Wu, let me answer your next question first.

My cancer pain prescriptions are naturally effective for other cancers as well.

However, according to the specific analysis of specific problems, according to the disease and the patient's condition, it is still necessary to increase or decrease the flavor appropriately.

As for the principle of pain relief, again, this is systematic bioengineering and cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

At the same time, it’s not a top priority.

Without the corresponding personnel and equipment, I can even explain the principle that Dr. Wu wants.

Can Dr. Wu believe it?

At present, the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine has taken several steps.

What about Western medicine?

It doesn’t matter if you are a Western or Chinese medicine practitioner, or a Chinese or Western medicine practitioner.

I have shown you the effects and functions of traditional Chinese medicine, and the rest is your own business as a Western medicine practitioner.

As a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, I can’t just overstep my authority and give orders to Western medicine practitioners..."

Li Shengli's answer made Dr. Wu fall into deep thought, while Lao Wang looked at the overlord of the Chinese medicine world with some confusion.

Ordinarily, no matter whether it is Chinese or Western medicine, this person should not let it go.

Thinking about some gossip on the street, Lao Wang's expression changed again.

In the wind and rain, everyone from top to bottom was a little tired.

Although those who should be arrogant are still arrogant, the patience of many people has reached the limit.

Apart from anything else, there are a lot of gossips circulating among Mr. Lu's employees. Wind and rain are one thing, wind and rain that affect production are one thing, and wind and rain that affect life are another thing.

Although the storm has caused many people to remain silent, visible resentment can be seen everywhere.

"Shengli, can we add some other cancer cases during the drug trial?"

Mr. Lu and Lao Wang are still in office no matter what, and their thoughts are completely different from Dr. Wu’s.

After listening to Li Shengli's explanation, Dr. Wu had other ideas.

Traditional Chinese medicine can be said to be very effective in relieving pain, especially cancer pain.

The most important point is that currently, the cost of Li Shengli’s cancer pain prescription is far less than the cost of Western medicine analgesics.

Another point that cannot be ignored is that the traditional Chinese medicine Yuanhu and Shufu are not addictive.

In terms of relieving cancer pain, Chinese medicine has been at the forefront of Western medicine more than a thousand years ago.

Regardless of whether cancer pain was discussed more than a thousand years ago, it is an indisputable fact that Yuan Hu’s pain-relieving prescriptions were used thousands of years ago.

“Dr. Wu, don’t forget the purpose of our trial.

The processing center is not a place for clinical trials of Chinese medicine.

The more than 20 patients who have been increasing or decreasing in the hospital have been treated by Mr. Lu. To put it bluntly, the ultimate goal is to finalize the leader's treatment plan.

My Shengli Clinic is a small temple and cannot handle so many patients.

Furthermore, according to Dr. Wu, who will pay the cost of large-scale drug trials?
Similarly, how to deal with the risks that arise during the drug trial process?

For many things, at present, we can only settle the matter briefly and follow up in depth. We do not have the ability and conditions to do so. "

As Lao Wang thought, it would be less than two years before the wind and rain stopped.

Whether it is Shengli Clinic or a self-training class outside the city, Li Shengli plans to slowly close the business.

As for the processing plant in front of them, whether they are here or moved to another place, they are taken care of by the medicinal materials company, which has some relationship with Li Shengli, but not much.

He reiterated the purpose of the drug test to Dr. Wu. In the future, Li Shengli did not plan to do any new projects except for the golden needle extraction surgery.

Moreover, the current golden needle obstacle extraction technique has also been handed over to Guo Shihuai, the Wu brothers and others.

At Shengli Clinic, the relationship that Li Shengli wanted to clarify was nothing more than the medical point in the northwest and the drug testing point in front of him.

During the trial process, patients came and went in an uncertain number.

Some people go back after improving.

Some people came with hope, but for Li Shengli and Dr. Wu, patients who could be cured in the early stage had no effect.

According to Dr. Wu's examination results, the leader's condition has begun to develop into the mid-term.

Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine jointly took action, but what they got was such a defeat, which made Li Shengli feel a little depressed.

It's not that he and Dr. Wu didn't try their best, but that the leadership involved too much.

Surgery is not available, and after the traditional Chinese medicine preparations are used, there is no way to recuperate according to the doctor's instructions. Many things will develop in an uncontrollable direction.

"However, such a good prescription cannot be generalized. It is a pity for both Chinese medicine doctors and patients!"

Looking at Dr. Wu's earnest eyes, Li Shengli had to point out the embarrassing aspects of cancer pain prescription to this relatively pure doctor.

"Dr. Wu, cancer pain often accompanies the middle and late stages of cancer.

In the middle and late stages of cancer, there is no hope of cure for both Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.

Cancer pain prescription can be regarded as analgesic or comforting prescription.

When cancer reaches the middle and late stages, the human body is already weak. Whether it is Yuan Hu or Rat Woman, it will increase the burden on the body's transportation and transformation.

Only then can there be a distinction between oral and external medication.

For some people, cancer pain prescriptions are useful, but not very useful because they can afford Western painkillers.

For those who really need it, there may not be many opportunities to use these cancer pain remedies, because they may not be able to wait until the cancer pain comes. "

The embarrassing point Li Shengli pointed out could be attributed to insufficient medical conditions or low popularity.

In short, for some people, there is no chance of even being diagnosed with cancer, so what kind of cancer pain relief should they use?

Will the cancer pain prescription be popularized to barefoot doctors?
Not to mention whether the barefoot doctors below have such ability.

As far as cancer is concerned, in the rural areas below, it is still a rare disease, or there is no such disease.

Cancer occurs mostly in cities, which is also an embarrassment to Cancer Pain Recipe.


I am out of touch with reality...

Victory, do you think our surgical plan is still likely to succeed? "

Li Shengli laid out the realistic conditions, and Dr. Wu stopped exploring the cancer pain formula.

The current medical level is actually not low. Dr. Wu is a leader in the international oncology field. He is definitely a Western medicine expert above the international level.

But such examples can only be isolated cases in big cities, and the average level is much lower.

Dr. Wu, who has become an expert in the international field, is still mostly helpless when faced with the leader's illness.

"There is still hope for the surgery recently. If we delay it any longer, I'm afraid we will have to arrange the medication plan based on the trial results.

It’s not like we haven’t done surgery before. Although bladder cancer doesn’t spread easily.

But among those who performed resection surgery, which one did not spread?

Many things are difficult to do manually..."

He told Dr. Wu what Father Du told him before, and Li Shengli gave up hope for surgery.

Whether it was because he didn't want to withdraw or because he didn't dare to withdraw, the leader missed the best time for treatment.

In addition to testing the reagents at the processing station, there is also a comparison task.

Dr. Wu is a master among masters when it comes to surgery, and his success rate is very high.

But no matter how high the success rate is, they are all defeated by recurrence and spread.

The patients who concocted the trial medicine have come and gone, and so far no case has been successfully cured.

If you want to cure cancer, only by early detection and early surgery can you have any hope of cure.

For bladder cancer, after the middle and late stages, in addition to spreading, the probability of recurrence is also high.

As far as today's life-support conditions are concerned, as long as the disease reaches the middle stage, there is basically not much time left.

"Then I'll go back and report the cancer pain prescription plan?"

After hearing what Li Shengli said, Dr. Wu also looked depressed.

As Li Shengli said, if the surgery could be performed earlier, perhaps the leaders would not have to bear the pain in the future.

"Don't report directly, let Mr. Lu report the case.

That person doesn't have much time left, so you have to report it to the leader.

Many things must have a beginning and an end..."

The development of traditional Chinese medicine has nothing to do with traditional Chinese medicine.

The leader's condition also has little to do with the doctor.

Many things are determined by the situation.

Regardless of whether it was the leader or Mr. Lu, even if Li Shengli intervened, it would not change the outcome. Perhaps the only thing that can be used in the future is the cancer pain prescription that has little effect...

(End of this chapter)

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