The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 715: Managing the World and Benefiting the People (Part )

Chapter 715: Managing the World and Benefiting the People (Part )

"Comrade Shengli, I still don't understand the essence of traditional Chinese and Western medicine you're talking about?"

After hearing Li Shengli’s theory of yin and yang of the five elements, he added the four qi and five flavors, and the meridian distribution of nature and flavor.

Lao Gu knew that the two concepts of Chinese and Western medicine were completely different.

"Western medicine based on traditional Chinese medicine, Dr. Gu, is this easy to understand?

Just like the neo-circulatory school of traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is the basis, and Western medicine of anti-inflammation, surgery, and sterilization is the supplement.

In fact, to put it more bluntly, the so-called Chinese and Western medicine is the new Chinese medicine, which is based on what you call the scientific system.

There are too many fallacies in Chinese and Western medicine. The integration of Chinese and Western medicine will naturally lead to traditional Chinese medicine.

If we abandon traditional Chinese medicine, wouldn’t it still be Western medicine based on modern medicine? "

Li Shengli answered Lao Gu's question very straightforwardly. After saying this, not only did Lao Gu's expression change, but Er Wu's expression also didn't look good.

Mild and broad-spectrum diseases can be solved with traditional Chinese and Western medicine at your fingertips.

The medical theory of traditional Chinese medicine is so confusing that it is difficult to come up with a theory accepted by most people as the basis of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

The kidney qi flows through the ears, and if the kidneys are harmonious, the ears can hear the five tones!

But he is not very optimistic about the market prospects.

As for the problem that cannot be solved in the future, either the medicine is wrong or the treatment is ineffective.

This is completely contrary to the development of the pharmaceutical market.

Mr. Lu's Lao Wang is familiar with this theory. Although he knows that the kidneys of traditional Chinese medicine and the kidneys of Western medicine are not the same concept, it does not prevent Li Shengli from using it to explain it.

In basic theory, no one can convince anyone who has made some achievements.

After Lao Gu changed his title, he also used Li Shengli's words before and started using his spear to attack his shield.

Li Shengli is optimistic about the technological prospects of traditional Chinese and Western medicine as well as the new faction.


Although he didn't say anything about boycotting Western medicine, his meaning was clear: he had disdain for Western medicine.

He directly came up with an argument that Pu Lao and others present, as well as Lao Gu and Er Wu, could not refute.

Traditional Chinese and Western medicine have the biggest impact on the market, and with the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, many medical equipment can also be used as decorations.

The kidney is the master of the ear orifices.

There is indeed a record in this classic..."

According to the Huangdi Nei Jing 3,000 years ago, and the theory 3,000 years ago, even if the kidney and the kidney are not the same concept, the general concept is the same, which is enough to serve as an argument.

Instead of precious medicines such as velvet antler and wild ginseng, 99% of people would not be able to afford them.

The so-called "don't have money to take Chinese medicine" is also divided into time periods. At this time, if you really don't have money, you just use Chinese medicine to treat your illness.

Compared with traditional Chinese medicine, the traditional Chinese and Western medicine mentioned by Li Shengli can treat a wide range of diseases to the point where it is almost unprofitable.

The specific reasons for this are complicated, not easy to say, and not very clear.

Dabai Tablets, Licorice Tablets, Daqingye Tablets, and Yinqiao Tablets can basically cure a cold, fever, and cough.

“The kidney governs the ear and the orifice serves as the ear.

Regarding Li Shengli's remarks, Mr. Pu is completely confused. The ear is the key to the kidney. This statement is unquestionable in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

Three or two pills or one or two boxes of medicine can cover the expenses of thousands or tens of thousands in future generations.

Traditional Chinese medicine prescribes and treats diseases.

It would be a waste of resources to teach a group of students who are neither familiar with traditional Chinese medicine, nor familiar with Western medicine for anti-inflammation and sterilization. "

The ear is governed by the orifice of the kidney and foot Shaoyin.

If you patch up Chinese and Western medicine in such a rough way, I'm afraid you'll learn only four different things after studying it over and over again.

Although traditional Chinese medicine has played its due role, this is not the real value of traditional Chinese medicine.

Mr. Pu, these words are recorded in medical books, right?
Dr. Gu, Dr. Wu, Professor Wu, do you know that the kidney and the auditory nerve are one unit and two branches that develop from the same cell germ layer? "

Not to mention now, even the leadership office can’t afford American ginseng slices.

"Comrade Li Shengli, the learning model of Chinese learning as the body and Western learning as the application has long been proven to be unfavorable to the development of science here.

If they really denigrate each other like this, it will only make people question more about Chinese medicine and Western medicine, because neither can cure all diseases.

But when it comes to traditional Chinese medicine for recuperation, people who have no money have always been unable to afford this kind of traditional Chinese medicine.

For Western medicine or modern medicine, not to mention three thousand years, even two hundred years is enough. Western medicine two hundred years ago was still doing bloodletting tricks like barbers.

As for the traditional Chinese and Western medicine mentioned by Li Shengli, both in terms of medication and surgery, with the help of traditional Chinese medical principles, costs can be reduced.

Chinese medicinal herbs for diarrhea, antidiarrhea, antivomiting, and analgesia are used by people of all ages.

As for what Lao Gu said without clear medical support, Li Shengli thought about it for a moment.

Not to mention between Chinese and Western medicine, even within Chinese medicine, the debate is almost the same.

Li Shengli kept talking about developing traditional Chinese medicine.

The kidney is still the heart, and although there are some different opinions, the saying that the ear is the key is still certain and easy to use.

When Pu Lao expressed his position, Lao Gu and Er Wu were dumbfounded. Was this Li Shengli who didn't know much about Western medicine?

"I don't have much say in cell development."

Dr. Gu's research is not about cells. Although he has learned some, he is not very familiar with the monism involving germ layer development.

"It's the same with us.

But this theory cannot prove anything. It can only be said that ancient Chinese medicine is at the forefront.

Many things in traditional Chinese medicine still need to be abandoned. "

After brothers Dr. Wu and Professor Wu looked at each other, it was Dr. Wu who spoke and also put forward a rebuttal.


Let’s talk about artemisinin that Dr. Gu mentioned before.

Is this the Artemisia annua juice from behind the elbow?

There is a golden han behind the elbow, and behind the golden han there is Baopu.

Ge Hong's Baopuzi, I wonder if you think it is a Taoist book or a medical book?
Jihou, Jinhan and Baopu can be said to come from the same origin.

I think what Baopuzi is talking about is the way of treating diseases in traditional Chinese medicine. Do you agree? "

Li Shengli's words were profound. Not to mention old Gu Erwu, even great doctors such as Pu Lao and Yue Lao could not answer the question.

Baopuzi is also a must-read book for doctors, but sometimes the benevolent sees benevolence and the wise see wisdom.

Even among doctors, some people believe that Baopuzi is a Taoist scripture.

This is another topic that cannot be clarified.

Seeing that everyone had nothing to say, Li Shengli cleared his throat and continued: "Dr. Wu, Professor Wu, Dr. Gu, can Western medicine produce the results of traditional Chinese and Western medicine?

Baopuzi said: manage the world and benefit the people.

I think this is also one of the maxims that doctors should follow.

My approach to integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine is the neo-fragmentation school of traditional Chinese medicine. Do you, western medicine or modern medicine, have this kind of medical direction that combines with local medicine? "

After first giving Mr. Pu and others an unclear topic, Li Shengli turned around and gave Mr. Gu Erwu an unexplainable topic.

It is also wrong for Western medicine to become a profession on its own. After Western medicine or modern medicine was introduced, it has many intersections with local Chinese medicine.

Among other things, the translated names of many Western medicine diseases are related to Chinese medicine.

The heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, if there is no Chinese medicine explanation, they might not be called the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

The kidneys of Western medicine are different from those of traditional Chinese medicine. The main reason is the cultural difference.

If Western medicine can really get rid of the influence of traditional Chinese medicine and want to walk alone on this land, understanding will be a big problem.

Modern medicine represented by Western medicine, which is not based on traditional Chinese medicine, must first face cultural conflicts.

When new things come to fruition, it is not that difficult to break away from the old shackles.

Theoretical debates are ever-changing and strange, but when it comes to practical implementation, results still have to speak for themselves.

No matter how good Lao Gu Erwu's theory is, if it cannot be used by doctors or medical students of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, it will be like a castle in the air.

And Li Shengli not only has theories, but also has a ready-made new school of traditional Chinese medicine, which is called implementation.

Regardless of whether the new school of traditional Chinese medicine proposed by Li Shengli is traditional Chinese and Western medicine, or whether it is a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

At present, it is all called traditional Chinese and Western medicine, because the neo-circulatory school has students from universities of traditional Chinese medicine as reference points.

Li Shengli combined theory with practice, and Lao Gu and Er Wu had nothing to say.

What else can I say?
The new faction of the Communist Party of China has been open for more than five years, and the original candidates were fresh graduates of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

Many of these students are also lucky in the opinion of Lao Gu Erwu.

As long as you go to school honestly, you will have five or nearly six years more study time than others.

If this is a graduate of a Western Medical University, he can be the backbone of the hospital right away.

"Sheng Li, there's no point in us just sitting around and talking.

It is better to come up with another project, like the combined use of traditional Chinese and Western medicine for tuberculosis, and wait and see if the results are achieved.

Lao Gu and Er Wu, you should have seen the results of combined traditional Chinese and Western medicine for tuberculosis, right?

I didn't mention this before, and I was really embarrassed to mention it.

On the topic of cure, streptomycin and isoniazid can effectively kill tuberculosis bacteria.

However, through clinical comparison, only tuberculosis patients who use traditional Chinese medicine can be truly cured.

The combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine can not only effectively reduce the toxic and side effects of streptomycin and isoniazid.

For some cases of lung damage that, in our opinion, are irreversible, the traditional Chinese medicine Fritillaria Trichosanthes Powder also has a clear improvement effect.

If you want to see the specific clinical data, you still have to go to Mr. Lu. This is Mr. Lu’s confidential data and cannot be taken out of the hospital easily.

The plans and medicines for combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine for tuberculosis have been successfully developed.

In addition to traditional Chinese medicine or Chinese patent medicines for treating tuberculosis, Liuju Powder, a winning dose, also clarifies the anti-inflammatory and sterilizing effects of Chinese medicinal materials.

Liuju Powder combined with Fritillaria Gualou Powder can minimize the toxic side effects of streptomycin and isoniazid in the treatment of tuberculosis in children.

Because some cases of pulmonary tuberculosis are mild, Liuju Powder is enough to kill tuberculosis bacteria.

In addition, the new tuberculosis drug rifampicin has also undergone clinical trials, and its side effects are still considerable.

Nephrotoxicity also has a considerable chance of causing deafness and disability in children. "

Before, Li Shengli went to collect legal documents. Mr. Lu and Mr. Wang mainly introduced what Li Shengli was doing in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

Although the combined use of traditional Chinese and Western medicine for tuberculosis has achieved considerable results, the results are mainly for traditional Chinese medicine.

Mr. Lu also introduced a new tuberculosis drug, rifampicin, but the clinical results were not as good as traditional Chinese medicine plus streptomycin.

In the process of treating tuberculosis, the most difficult hurdle to overcome is not hemoptysis, but the toxic and side effects of specific drugs. Simply put, it is the nephrotoxicity of Western drugs.

“Old Wang, since you have achieved results, why don’t you report them and promote them?

A considerable number of urban children are suffering from early-stage tuberculosis.

Due to physical reasons, the proportion of deafness caused by drug resistance is not uncommon.

Lao Wang, this is dereliction of duty! "

When Lao Wang mentioned Mr. Lu's combined medication results, Dr. Wu, the boss of the Wu family, became angry.

Dr. Wu stood up suddenly and pointed at Lao Wang with trembling hands. He looked so angry that he completely ignored his personal relationship.

"Old Wu, Shengli also gave Mr. Lu a set of acupuncture techniques and the corresponding medicine.

It can effectively treat deafness caused by excessive use of anti-inflammatory drugs, especially the most obvious effect on children's deafness. "

Mr. Lu and Mr. Wang added these words. Mr. Wu was so angry that his cheeks were trembling. He concealed the results of the drug test. This was unforgivable for a doctor.

According to Lao Wu's idea, if it could be promoted a year earlier, hundreds of young deafness patients could be cured.

Due to the irregular use of anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics, many people in China are deafened and disabled.

If the needle of an intramuscular injection of streptomycin sticks to the main nerve in the leg, the disabling effect will be clear.

If the front foot is injected, the entire back foot will be numb. Except for the occasional lucky patient, this is considered irreversible damage to most people.

"Old Wang, you...

A cowardly fellow! "

Lao Wu and Dr. Wu knew clearly that the reason why Mr. Lu and Mr. Wang did not report the results was nothing more than the wind and rain outside.

But the unyielding might and might flowing in the blood is also the integrity engraved in the hearts of many scholars.

Lao Wang simply failed to report what he knew, which is not in line with the ethics of a doctor.

"Dr. Wu, the wind and rain outside are force majeure, and Lao Wang's concealment was also authorized by me.

I told Lao Wang that many times, leaving a useful body is far more important than one's own integrity.

The saying that starving to death is a small matter and being dishonest is a big deal is the pedantry of traditional literati.

Without Lao Wang's persistence, the combination of drugs would not be fruitful.

Dr. Wu, do you know that the results of combined medication for tuberculosis and farmers’ lungs have been promoted by barefoot doctors in the villages below?
Lao Wang's insistence on not saying anything may be disrespectful to a doctor, but Lao Wang also adheres to the ethics of a doctor.

You can’t just look at people by their superficial appearance. "

Old Wu, who was in his sixties, even after being educated by the young man Li Shengli, did not suppress the anger in his heart and said:
"Old Wang, from the time we met in Dongtangzi Hutong to when Deng and Zhu and I went to the Children's Hospital, we have been friends for more than twenty years, right?
I am the vice president of the Children's Hospital. Since you have a combination drug that can cure tuberculosis in children and it is not convenient to disclose it, why don't you disclose it to me?
Do you think I'm unreliable? "

Listening to the questioning of his old friend, Lao Wang lowered his head and said nothing. Mr. Lu is not comparable to other hospitals. There are many things that he cannot and dare not say...

(End of this chapter)

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