The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 712 Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine (Part )

Chapter 712 Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine (Part )
"Are you Li Shengli?
The inheritor of the Liu family's medical lineage in Beijing that can extend life?
He is really young and famous!

I have also heard about what you did in Xingzhou. The reputation of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traumatology Department is well-deserved.

Reputation is not a sarcastic statement.

But I can’t stand it when you heirs of the Liu family kill doctors and scholars from north to south.

Tell me, why did you invite me here? If it is really for the lucky technique of removing obstacles with golden needles.

I think there is nothing to talk about between us..."

Li Shengli wanted to avoid the edge temporarily, but the boss of the Wu family was not so polite.

After greeting Mr. Pu and others, the boss of the Wu family walked up to Li Shengli despite the dissuasion of all the old men.

What the heirs of the Liu family did was arranged by Li Shengli, and he didn't want to hide anything from the boss of the Wu family. This matter was considered a matter of the past.

The heirs of the Liu family are also a thing of the previous dynasty. Ever since Mr. Liu took care of the family alone, the Liu family, which was once prominent in the Republic of China, has disappeared.

Countless patients who needed TCM treatment died on their beds or in the wilderness.

They are traitors and foreign slaves, what will they do if they don’t die?

According to current teaching, medical students from medical colleges and medical schools are all unqualified medical students.

You are resisting the development of Western medicine for the sake of the past, right? "

Nowadays, Western hospitals everywhere, judging from the actual teaching quality, have lost the injection of fresh blood.

Lao Wu is also feeling stressed. Since the storm started, not only Chinese medicine but also Western medicine have been affected.

Among the four heroes of the Wu family, the eldest is already over sixty years old. Master Dong and Master Zhu, who are now over fifty, will be called "old" on some occasions.

"There is no distinction between friend and foe between us, so I don't deserve to be called 'Old Wu' by you.

Things and people from those years ago, if we bring them up again now, we naturally have to use the same methods as those back then.

The profession of traditional Chinese medicine used to be a profession that was only practiced by gangsters. It cannot be slandered by anyone who wants to.

Barefoot Doctor, who does not use Western medicine, was also made possible by you.

This is what I am like, debate in person, welcome!
If you have ulterior motives, you can kill him! "

Those who previously threatened to ban Chinese medicine were enemies of my orthodoxy as the heir of the Liu family.

I know the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

In the new era and new relationships, if we really follow the teachings of Qian Qianer, the Chinese medicine practitioners in the world will still be one family.

The descendants of the Liu family can only be discussed based on their medical skills.

Of course, these are just Li Shengli's answers to future cross-examination. In front of the boss of the Wu family, he would not bother to confuse right and wrong.

The boss of the Wu family in front of him, who is from Su Di, will inevitably be involved with the Wu family medical family within three generations.

From north to south, those who fell at the hands of heirs of the Liu family picked up the wisdom of traitors.

I dared to deal with people in this way in the past, but when new people meet me, I can also put his family in a dilemma of life and death without breaking the law.

Countless people who rely on traditional Chinese medicine for their livelihood are struggling to make a living.

Just tell the truth. If it is still the golden needle method of removing obstacles, I think I have made an explanation when I come here. "

If you really look carefully, those people are all from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and have nothing to do with Mr. Liu, the legitimate son of the Liu family.

“Traditional Chinese medicine is boycotted, and you know the consequences.

Because of some people’s slander, countless classics of my traditional Chinese medicine heritage have been lost.

I don’t blame anyone else for this. I blame Wang Chu and his like who proposed banning traditional Chinese medicine back then.

Many things have been done and many words have been said, and they all have consequences.

My family background prevents me from slandering Chinese medicine like the brainless people you said.

"Old Wu..."

The eldest son of the Wu family is a leading figure in pediatrics in Western medicine. There is nothing wrong with Li Shengli calling him Mr. Wu.

Sometimes, relationships cannot be discussed casually.

He took a deep look at the young and prestigious young man in front of him and said:

When talking about barefoot doctors, Lao Wu also talked about the development of Western medicine.

I believe that modern medicine, represented by Western medicine, is better than traditional Chinese medicine in the broad-spectrum treatment of diseases.

I have told Pu Lao, Yue Lao, Shi Lao, Cheng Lao and others that Chinese medicine practitioners are the purest hawks.

Look at the people in front of you who advocate barefoot doctors, look at the people in front of you who reiterate the circumcision school of traditional Chinese medicine.

These guys, in a hundred years, they will definitely be traitors.

Looking at Lao Wu who was standing in front of him, Li Shengli frowned, but did not tolerate him, and replied:
"Dr. Wu, I arranged the scene where the heirs of the Liu family traveled from north to south.

Standing at the entrance of Shengli Clinic, listening to Li Shengli's biased words, Lao Wu looked at the intersections blocked by people in front and behind.

The words are spoken without thinking, and the slander has no basis.

As soon as Li Shengli opened his mouth and said "Old Wu", he was blocked by the boss of the Wu family in front of him.

But facing the current situation, Lao Wu is helpless. Although he thinks that current medical students are unqualified, they are still better than barefoot doctors.

There are only sporadic places where medical students can become barefoot doctors.

Nowadays, there is a huge shortage of doctors in hospitals everywhere. As for the reason, it is also because of the wind and rain.

Traditional Chinese medicine has its own problems, and so does Western medicine.

"Dr. Wu, a veteran of the national service, also advocated the banning of traditional Chinese medicine. Can you speak for traditional Chinese medicine?

In 1958, this old man was still the same, and his starting point for uniting Chinese medicine was so evil. Have you ever spoken for Chinese medicine?

Because of these two things, it’s not too much for me to pursue him all over the house, right?

If the retribution does not come, I will be the retribution of these people in this world. If they dare to ruin my job, I will dig up the graves of eight generations of their ancestors.

Dr. Wu, you said that barefoot doctors are boycotting Western medicine. What is your argument?
This time, I'm afraid we have to talk slowly. Talking at the street door is not the way to treat guests.

There is Shengli Clinic here, my home is in the courtyard, and the two-story building on the side is the ward of the clinic.

It is up to Dr. Wu to choose where to talk. Today we will discuss our respective starting points.

Our traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes syndrome differentiation and treatment. If there is a problem, it must be solved after dialectical analysis.

I have already placed the rights for the preliminary training of Barefoot Doctor, but the letter of authorization from Barefoot Doctor is still in the city.

We must have a clear argument between us. If you feel that you are alone, I will ask the person who just brought you here to invite Vice President Wang from Mr. Lu.

If you feel that the manpower is not enough, the other four heroes of the Wu clan can also come together.

There is a paging phone at the door of the supply and marketing cooperative. The golden needle extraction technique involved in the debate involves confidentiality and cannot be invited by others. "

Seeing Li Shengli in front of him, who acted darkly but spoke honestly, Dr. Wu Wu also frowned.

Some people have ambitions that are hard to destroy despite the storm. It is not good to say this today. I think about the new segmentation school of Chinese medicine, which has very clear goals.

Old Wu didn't ask for help, but pointed to the small building in front of the ward, and went to make a call to Old Man Ding.

"Victory, there are some things you don't necessarily need to say openly."

Seeing that Lao Wu was on the phone, Lao Pu stepped forward and gave a subtle reminder of Li Shengli's previous frankness.

"Pu Lao, banning traditional Chinese medicine is not only a problem for us Chinese medicine people, but also a problem for Western medicine people. The four masters of the Wu family have the right to speak in the world of Western medicine. With Mr. Lu's Lao Wang, some things can still be done. Left and right.

If the ban on traditional Chinese medicine really becomes a rift between Chinese and Western medicine, then subsequent attacks will be inevitable.

As doctors, we study medicine to relieve pain, not because of the dispute between Chinese and Western medicine.

Even if Chinese medicine can fight for sterilization and anti-inflammatory medicinal materials, what use will it be?
Western medicine has just wiped out traditional Chinese medicine, can they still improve it?

Within a country, since coexistence requires symbiosis, attacks between doctors are always somewhat redundant if they are not caused by disputes over illnesses.

Even so, I will still catch and kill every thief who talks about banning traditional Chinese medicine in front of me..."

After listening to Li Shengli's last contradictory words, Mr. Pu gave a thumbs up and said nothing more.

The medical overlord he and Shi Lao raised up together should have said this. If Li Shengli really spared no effort to suppress Western medicine.

Although Mr. Pu said he would still support him, he would still have knots in his heart.

Because today Li Shengli can indeed influence the direction of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

Although Western medicine is said to be eager to learn, there is a person who can stir up the trend, watching eagerly from the sidelines.

If you get an opportunity, you have to kill it. I'm afraid it will be difficult to develop in recent years.

Mr. Pu still doesn't know about the legal regulations. If he did, he might be just happy.

Because the boss of the Wu family was invited by Li Shengli, when he went to make a call, everyone was waiting in the small street.

Mr. Lu's boss, Mr. Wang, arrived the fastest. Almost as soon as Wang Qian went to Mr. Lu, he got in the car and came over.

Lao Wang just got out of the car and said hello to Lao Pu and others. The people Lao Wu invited over the phone also got off a 210 jeep.

"Shengli, the two people who got off the car are both from the Academy of Medical Sciences. The older one is An Ran, the fourth child of the Wu family. He can be called Professor Wu or Researcher Wu.

Another young person is Dr. Gu, Dr. Liu Su. The people who conquered polio can also be called Researcher Gu and Chu Yecheng. "

After hearing Mr. Lu's introduction, Li Shengli scratched his head. He could directly guess the purpose of Dr. Gu's visit, which was very head-scratching.

"Dr. Wu, Professor Wu, please wait a moment.

Dr. Gu, you are a ruthless person in the medical field. Are you here just for alms?

Don't tell me it was a coincidence. When Professor Wu answered the phone, you happened to be next to him.

Dr. Wu and Dr. Gu are here, so we have a topic to talk about.

Dr. Gu's sugar pill wants to be pushed down by the barefoot doctor's hands.

I also have a treasure tablet for children, and I have to use the hands of a barefoot doctor to push it down.

We are all poor people. There is no such thing as begging for help from others. To solve these problems, we have to rely on the leadership office.

Dr. Gu is not an outsider either, let’s go upstairs and talk in detail..."

After hearing what Li Shengli said, the Wu brothers and Dr. Gu were both stunned on the spot, while Mr. Pu and Mr. Lu's Mr. Wang looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

This Lao Gu is also a guy with bad eyesight. He came to Li Shengli's place to beg for help in the autumn wind. He is also a male general wearing a female general's trousers, so he doesn't have to hang up the door.


Old Gu Erwu, now that we have chosen a place, let's go upstairs and sit down.

I'm afraid you may have misunderstood Shengli about many things. Let me explain it to you. "

Mr. Lu's boss, Lao Wang, was familiar with the three people in front of him, so he spoke much more casually.

Before Lao Gu spoke, Li Shengli silenced him first, which was also wise in Lao Wang's opinion.

Polio sugar pills are expensive to make, just like candy bars, and have not yet been implemented in some rural areas.

It’s just hard to say how wide this territory is.

Most of the eleven provinces and cities mentioned in the newspaper are in cities, not rural areas...

Under Lao Wang's advice, the group went to the consultation room on the second floor of the facade.

Li Shengli still sat in the middle seat without hesitation, flanked by Pu Lao and his party and the Wu family boss and his party.

Li Shengli is a landlord. When he was called before, he didn't call him Dean Wu or Gu Chu, so everyone could accept it even if he didn't give lectures.

After everyone sat down, Li Shengli still spoke first. Before doing many things, he always had to clarify the context.

"Dr. Gu, I invited Dr. Wu here today, but I don't actually want to talk to him about anything.

I want to talk to Dr. Wu, the leader’s health physician, about the leader’s condition.

Perhaps Dr. Wu, Professor Wu, and Dr. Gu are not clear about the leader's illness. After all, traditional Chinese medicine health practitioners such as Pu Lao and Yue Lao are also kept in the dark.

The leader has bladder cancer, and the Chinese medicine dialectical diagnosis is bloody. Before, I gave Mr. Pu and Mr. Yue a reminder by observing the leader's face.

It's just that our traditional Chinese medicine is expensive in recuperating and using medicines, so it's not approved by the office.

Mr. Lu’s Lao Wang is also a trustworthy colleague, so I put my words up front.

To put it bluntly, the gathering between us is to control the disease. This major premise can still unite us.

But before, Dr. Wu questioned my use of barefoot doctors to suppress Western medicine.

I don’t know if any of you have seen my editorial in the daily newspaper, ‘A clear day will conquer the world’, and Mr. Lu’s combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis.

My argument is clear: Chinese and Western medicine should coexist and coexist, and there is no need to attack each other on the same land. "

After sitting down and speaking, Li Shengli remained candid. In his opinion, banning traditional Chinese medicine is not feasible, and suppressing Western medicine is unnecessary.

After he finished speaking, the conflict was left to Lao Gu and Er Wu.

Mr. Lu, Mr. Wang, who was sitting at the head of the three people, couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing what Li Shengli said.

From the beginning of Xingzhou to the establishment of a major project of traditional Chinese medicine by the neo-independence faction, it is sheer nonsense to say that Li Shengli did not suppress Western medicine.

But it is inappropriate to say that he suppresses Western medicine.

If you think that the development of traditional Chinese medicine means suppressing Western medicine, then this statement is appropriate, but if it is only Western medicine, it is somewhat wrong.

"Lao Gu, Lao Wu, before you speak, I want to say..."

"Old Wang, we are acquaintances, so don't talk first.

Today, the relationship between Dr. Wu and me is all about gossip and reasoning, not official matters.

If you talk about official business, Dr. Wu will not be able to talk freely. There is no need.

Those of us sitting here are all pragmatic people.

Because it involved the leader’s illness and other people, I tried my best to withdraw from the meeting at the beginning.

Comrade Wang Qianjin is now the head of the barefoot doctor correspondence class.

The others are either Chinese or Western medicine, and there is no messy staff.

There were people from the security class standing guard outside the door. This was also the treatment point for radiation sickness in the northwest. If I approached without my consent, I would be shot.

Therefore, everyone can speak freely, and you can say whatever you can or cannot say.

Being punished for speech will not happen in this room today. If anyone says something that shouldn't be said, we will hear it and forget it.

If someone is really looking for this, it depends on whether they are determined or not.

Wang Qianjin and I jointly organized self-training classes and correspondence classes for barefoot doctors, and they were not given for nothing..."

(End of this chapter)

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