Chapter 710 Four Wu (Part )

"Lao Li, didn't you say that one day the wind and rain will stop?

Isn’t it good for us to come here? "

Although Wang Qianjin is reckless and frightened, he usually can't kill people he knows. This is where his naivety lies.

The people who went to the self-training class to fight for power with him were all acquaintances from the stormy period.

He is considered a popular person on his godmother's side, and they had a good relationship before.

There is a difference between Wang Qinjin and Li Shengli who only care about their own interests and do not care about people.

He still couldn't bear to think that the acquaintances who had been drinking and eating meat together some time ago were going to be sent to Shennongjia in Naushizi.

The self-training class was just that for Wang Erluzi.

Although his brother-in-law has said several times that it is a life-saving career for the two uncles, Wang Qianjin is still slack when it comes to running self-training classes.

After more than five years of ups and downs, not to mention those who are enjoying the rain and the wind, even those who are relaxed like Wang Qianjin are showing signs of fatigue.

The storm is far from over, and Du Peng's father-in-law may come back next.

Moreover, the official personnel who are coveting the self-training class now all have certain positions.

There are also people in leadership offices or offices. These people are not within the killing range. They can only be pushed out by official means.

I advise you to give up such thoughts. If you really have such thoughts, I will take Lao Wang and lead you to the mountain village and bury you directly there.

Compared with the two restrictions imposed by Father Du on Li Shengli, his son-in-law, Wang Qianjin's naughty behavior was more harmful to the four families of Du Ding, Wang Xie and others.

Li Shengli didn't want to say these words to his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin, because he was too hesitant and reckless.

Power is a seal, and a seal is authority. Without the right to have the final say, the foundation of the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Lang will be gone.

Looking at his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin, who was a little assimilated in the wind and rain, Li Shengli sighed softly.

You, Lao Wang, are really in love with your godmother and want to devote yourself to the past and become a real son of a borer?

When the absolute inability to make mistakes becomes the norm for most people, rigidity must also be its symptom.

If they want to seize power in the self-training class, we will represent the five companies and defeat them. This is their position with us.

Although Du Ding and Wang Xie would not recognize this kind of patronage, in fact the four families were the real beneficiaries.

If someone really did it, it would be difficult for the boss and Uncle Du to deal with him.

"But I look after the entire self-training class by myself, and there are always areas where I can't do it right. Why don't you think they are here to help?"

"Then if you don't do it right, it will be their way of getting killed.

Wang Qianjin did not listen to his brother-in-law's advice, as if he was sent to the countryside.

Du Peng's father-in-law has an old man and a leader as amulets. Does King Du Ding have any?
Brother-in-law, according to Lao Du’s words, everything must be handled clearly! "

The self-training class and the traditional Chinese medicine community are now considered the four institutions that support Wang Qianjin's godmother.


Moreover, King Du Ding will thank the four families and get involved in the fight.

Some things are the relationship between using and being used. You must distinguish this.

Unlike Wang Qianjin’s godmother who is full of minions, it will not be so easy to get through now or in the future no matter what.

Uncle Li Shengli must tightly grasp the right to dispatch self-training classes and authorize letters. Similarly, the right to evaluate Chinese medicine practitioners must also be firmly grasped.

If this was taken seriously, it would inevitably lead to overkill, because his godmother's side was not the only one who coveted the rights to self-training classes, correspondence classes, and assessments.

Uncle Lang and his uncle have changed their style of doing things since his godmother came up. Most of those who offend them are sent to a very remote place.

At this time, we cannot tolerate any slacking off. If we are slacking off, we brothers have the means to protect ourselves. Does King Dudin Xie have the means?

Without Wang Qinjin's status as the eldest son, King Du Ding and his family would have to face a storm.

There is wind and rain outside, and there is also struggle!
One has to live and die..."

Wang Qianjin also knew that his excuse had aroused his brother-in-law's murderous intention.

Seeing his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin playing the trick of being particular about people, Li Shengli said:
"The wind has stopped and the rain has stopped. That is for the people who are in the rain and the wind. What does it have to do with them?

Behind our two brothers are four members of the Du Ding, Wang and Xie families, plus one from the Xiao family.

There are many things that you and I can't control. Once people stand where they are, they have to pay the corresponding price.

Without the self-training class and the Chinese medicine community, Wang Qianjin would be a useless godson.

Wang Qianjin will not say anything more, Shennongjia is also a place of poor mountains and rivers. If people go there, they will definitely be gone.

The five companies must not only rely on self-training classes, but also rely on self-training classes to speak out.

Not to mention anything else, the improvement in the treatment of Li Shengli's current father-in-law, Lao Dingtou, is the result of this kind of patronage.

But in Li Shengli's view, this kind of slippage is actually more dangerous.

Today's wind and rain are slowly turning into shackles and imprisonment.

It's just that Wang Qianjin, who has been getting along for a long time and wants to make friends more, doesn't want to be someone who turns his back on others and doesn't recognize others.

Wang Qianjin's slippery behavior is considered a normal reaction for many people.

This matter is so deep, why didn't you explain it to me in advance?

Tell me, what do you want from me? "

The matter involved his own Lao Wang, and Wang Qianjin put friendship behind him. This is the view of right and wrong among his disciples.

Wang Qianjin, who has experienced ups and downs, is particularly decisive in this regard.

Precisely because he has seen what happened to so many people after falling into a trap, Wang Qianjin’s most firm principle is to protect his family and me.

"Let's not talk about it for now.

There will be many people who want to join self-training classes in the future, and they can’t just do it.

You can beat up as many people as you can who are related to the leader's office, and you must lead them to do it yourself.

No matter how many there are, we can't do it. If we kill one of them, we won't be able to justify it in the future.

Moreover, recently you have to establish your authority, that is, if you interfere in matters, whoever interferes will be punished.

Otherwise, some things in front of you cannot be explained clearly.

Remember, if you interfere in something, you will do it to anyone who interferes.

Even if you just glance at this person, others can't do it before you do. This is called crossing the line in the world of martial arts! "

Looking at his somewhat stunned brother-in-law, Li Shengli had to remind him that the standards for professional qualification assessment were still being established.

Once it is truly determined, whoever can produce the test paper will have the right to speak.

The right to speak in the traditional Chinese medicine community will inevitably become popular after the golden needle removal technique.

If there are too many people fighting for it, I'm afraid Wang Er will imitate his own example and sweep them away with a stick, which will really lead to overkill.

Today's Wang Qianjin seems to have no obvious identity and is just a Chinese medicine practitioner.

But he also has the status of a third prince, and among his godmother, he is also a person who responds to the call.

Once someone takes advantage of him and causes the barefoot doctor to become the helper of Wang Erluzi, then real trouble will come.

Not to mention Wang Qianjin, Xie Fei, and Du Peng, even Li Shengli only knows a little bit about the official career dispute.

Nowadays, people like Lao Du are all of high rank. If they really start to fight in their official career, it will be a life-or-death situation. Wang Qianjin sneaked in like this and was toyed with. It was inevitable that he would become evil. It would be hard to explain who he actually killed.

When it comes to the methods of officialdom, compared to the methods on the street, the methods on the street will definitely win. This is also the difference between those with rules and those without rules.

"I know, I asked you before I did anything!

Hurry up!
Talk about something!
I'm so confused!
These bastards are trying to take advantage of me..."

Hearing that his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin didn't curse when he should, Li Shengli nodded, which was considered serious.

“The qualification assessment for Chinese medicine practitioners continues, but now there are a number of people with weak foundations and a lot of resentment.

After giving them barefoot doctor certificates, they were sent to the countryside. These people were still assessed every three months as before.

If they can succeed, they will be given a certificate to practice Chinese medicine. If they fail three times, they will be given a certificate to practice Chinese medicine.

If I give them three more opportunities to take correspondence courses, then there is nothing I can do.

It’s almost the day of the meeting again. I’d like to mention to your godmother the regulations governing the practice of health care.

Even if the proposal of the Physician Law cannot be passed, a simple interim regulation must be promulgated.

Regardless of whether Chinese medicine or Western medicine, the practice must be based on laws.

When you tell your godmother, it's not about managing Chinese medicine or Western medicine, but about ensuring her right to speak in the health department.

I will take out the draft regulations or bills for you during this period, and you will also sort out the feedback from the professional qualification assessment.

During this period, the assessment standards for barefoot doctors will also be released..."

When Wang Qianjin and his godmother are at the same level, the implementation of many things is almost like gossiping.

The logic makes sense, the people below will implement the matter, and they only need to take a look at the specific measures and content.

Regarding the assessment standards and the bill, Li Shengli mentioned it and Wang Qianjin remembered it. After his godmother nodded and agreed, it was only a matter of time before they were implemented.

Although it is somewhat inappropriate to promote laws and regulations amid the storm, Li Shengli knew that the laws and regulations he proposed would not only serve as a reference in the future.

Anyone who has a vision will accept them all in the future. When people die and politics ends, that is Du Lao’s business.

Taking out his notebook and writing down what his brother-in-law said, Wang Qianjin tapped the paper with his pen, waiting for him to continue.

"Don't record the following, just keep it in mind. It's about the golden needle extraction technique.

Didn't you ask Guo Shihuai to prepare for the golden needle extraction technique before?
The technology is there, but the people are not very mature yet. There is a Western medicine expert in Hangzhou who specializes in cataract surgery and has handled countless cases.

This time, I plan to have traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine perform the golden needle extraction surgery.

In terms of surgical methods, there are really few people in today's traditional Chinese medicine community who are good at it.

Before looking for the one in Hangzhou, I plan to discuss the feasibility with Western medicine experts in the city.

The leader of the medical team is a master of Western medicine. Four brothers from the same discipline also serve in the Western Medicine Hospital in Beijing.

Now you should mention it to your godmother. In today's Western medicine world, it is not easy to find people with four outstanding talents in this discipline.

With the four of them, together with the master from Hangzhou, the Golden Needle Obstacle Removal Technique can be performed secretly.

Otherwise, if you ask experts to argue this issue, it will make the matter a big deal and make it known to everyone.

If someone takes the lead, won't our work be in vain? "

When it comes to the golden needle obstacle removal technique, Li Shengli also has reservations about his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin.

It's not that the technology is kept secret, but that the purpose cannot be made too clear to Wang Qianjin.

Although the golden needle extraction technique was prepared for the old man's cataracts.

But the information currently known is that the old man’s cataracts are in the early stages, and his vision is only slightly blurred.

With this level of blurred vision, the old man would not agree to surgery, and neither would the office.

After all, the old man is too old to withstand the trouble.

Li Shengli is now using the golden needle to remove obstacles. The main purpose is to calmly discuss the follow-up of the leader's illness with the second son of the Wu family.

Western medical methods and practical experience are there. After the operation, there is only endless pain that destroys the dignity of the person.

To put it bluntly, there is really no difference between the result and the hand without surgery.

Li Shengli thought about the old commander's words, "It's better to let me die early", and he felt a little uncomfortable.

For some people, it is really better to go home early than to suffer the pain of losing their dignity.

Although this is an unpleasant thing to say, if you really feel the same way, most of your thoughts would be to die early instead of lingering.

“Use Western medicine?

Lao Li, is this technique okay?
Is it that you Chinese medicine practitioners feel that your techniques are not up to par and you have no way of explaining it, as if you are dragging Western medicine doctors into the water? "

After being scolded by his brother-in-law, Wang Qianjin felt a little confused, but he still had a basic sense of right and wrong.

In addition to being endless, my brother-in-law also has a problem, that is, he takes all the benefits.

Now, in Wang Qianjin's view, there is no good intention in imparting the techniques of traditional Chinese medicine to Western medicine.

If this doesn't work, can we be exempted from the crime by dragging Western medicine into the water?
It is precisely because the techniques are good but the people are not good, so I turned to Western medicine when I ran out of options.

I said that not many people know this craft, and even fewer are proficient in it. In fact, I am not one of them.

I think there is no big problem with my method of removing obstacles with golden needles, but will the old man and the leaders believe me?
Leader, I met him in Xingzhou, but the old man involved, at my age, I'm afraid..."

What Li Shengli said is also the embarrassment of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a fact that the cutting and treatment techniques of traditional Chinese medicine are inconsistent.

It is also a fact that the surgical methods of traditional Chinese medicine basically do not exist.

The only remaining cutting and treatment techniques are also for boils and the like. It's really hard to say whether they can be used to treat them or not.

Li Shengli wanted to add the word "new" to the traditional Chinese medicine division. This is also the reason why neither Shi Lao nor Master Zhu raised any objections.

Because when it comes to the circumcision school of Chinese medicine, it is not an exaggeration to say that it has basically disappeared.

The lack of anti-inflammation and sterilization methods in traditional Chinese medicine, combined with the use of modern anti-inflammatories, makes it seem like no disease can be cured at first glance.

The decline of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance actually began in the late Qing Dynasty.

Plague and tuberculosis, which are incurable diseases for traditional Chinese medicine, have also proven the uselessness and incompetence of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance.

But whether it is useful or not can be known only by those who have had personal experience, or by similar Chinese medicine practitioners.

The helplessness involved is similar to traditional farming versus mechanical civilization. Many things can only be lamented.

"That's true!
The four heroes of the Wu clan you mentioned can't have any conflict with my godmother, right?

Don't let me bring it up or cause any more trouble. "

He glanced at his brother-in-law Li Shengli and thought about what he and his uncle had done in the storm.

Even though Li Shengli was crying and shouting, he wanted to treat the old man.

Wang Qianjin will also decisively find his family, Lao Wang, and his ex-law-in-law, Lao Du, to stop him.

If you don't meet some people in person, they won't cause trouble for you.

If Li Shengli, the grandson, really dares to treat the old man openly, I'm afraid the staff will investigate the matter and investigate the matter.

Many things, if people above don't look at them, will naturally be ignored over time. If you really glance at them, you don't need to look carefully.

Some of the things that Uncle Lang and Uncle did cannot be hidden. If Li Shengli really wanted to treat the old man, I'm afraid it would just be a pure act of seeking death...

(End of this chapter)

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