The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 708 Comic Exam (Part )

Chapter 708 Comic Exam (Part )
"Pu Lao, the people below find it difficult?"

With Brother Tong as his support, Li Shengli knew that it would be a little difficult to pass the test with one-third of the score he gave.

Passing the three-subject exam with a quarter score can barely be considered an introduction to traditional Chinese medicine, but the water content is a bit too much.

According to what Mr. Liu said, TCM apprentices should be strict rather than lax, and one-third is still feasible.

"What do you think?
Did you write those papers?
My old man could only get a score of 60% to 70% in answering questions in one subject.

Although the score of syndrome differentiation and treatment is high, it is still less than 80%.

When you come up with such an assessment standard, are you sure you're not trying to suppress or subjugate it? "

Mr. Pu naturally gave his opinion after Li Shengli had done the test paper.

As far as the test paper is concerned, Pu Lao couldn't get full marks. This is the gap between theory and practice.

Normally, the skill of treating diseases is higher than the test score.

The feasibility is certainly there, and Pu Lao and others also agree with back training.

People like Shang Murao who have a medical background are really rare in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

Halfway through the journey, I encountered such a thing, which was very sad.

After experiencing the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, that is, traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, young Chinese medicine practitioners today generally have a problem with a weak foundation.

Now is the standard trial stage, with assessments once every three months, and these two days are the second assessments.

Because of the self-training class, the self-training class has the right to send people to the countryside.

This is good in the long run, but in the short term, it is not conducive to the internal unity of Chinese medicine.

When it comes to the current front-line Chinese medicine practitioners, Mr. Pu’s words are also full of support.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for traditional Chinese medicine doctors with poor skills to say anything, but many of the famous doctors in Beijing are not interested in Wang Qianjin's assessment. It is reasonable to speak out in front of Mr. Pu.

In a three-day exam, two days of dictation will be taken up. Writing from dictation is like a primary school student's business, which is offensive to some people.

The next issue is the barefoot doctor's certificate.

It's possible for today's grown-ups to get full marks when answering dictation papers, because what they do in mountain villages is to return to their roots in medicine.

Because some techniques are somewhat specious in theory when used daily.

Memorizing skills is an indispensable subject passed down from the family or inherited from teachers. For adults with a medical background, the basic skills are also very solid.

After listening to the assessment standards given by Li Shengli, Pu Lao and others also looked like they were facing a lawsuit.

Although some people's level is not high, they still have more than ten years of medical experience.

In addition to worrying about the frontline Chinese medicine practitioners, Mr. Pu is also worried about Li Shengli.

The calamity of the epoch occurs in all aspects.

From the four-nine cities to various places, the number of people will be very large.

Can't we give them some time to study again? "

I have exchanged my traditional Chinese medicine certificate for a barefoot doctor certificate, and I have to go to the countryside.

This is clearly a plan to purge the entire Chinese medicine industry in accordance with the requirements of self-training classes or correspondence classes.

Except for some experts in orthopedics, most of the great doctors here have family traditions or were taught by teachers.

It may be a joke to others, but to Li Shengli and Uncle Wang Qin, it is something that can be easily handled.


At present, the students who have come out of self-training classes and correspondence classes have more solid basic knowledge than actual diagnosis and treatment experience.

If a person who has been issued a temporary medical license fails the three assessments, his or her Chinese medicine practicing license will be revoked.

Although Li Shengli's method is good, it undoubtedly makes it more difficult for Chinese medicine practitioners to obtain certifications.

Once you are issued a barefoot doctor's certificate, you can no longer stay in the city. Go to the countryside to experience..."

There are not many people like Li Shengli who have more basic knowledge than practical experience.

Putting the two together and finding the person in front of Mr. Pu, what he said represents most of the front-line Chinese medicine practitioners in Beijing.

"Shengli, this kind of long examination is very unfriendly to today's Chinese medicine practitioners!
Many Chinese medicine practitioners received their certificates five or more years ago. If you do this, at least half of this group of Chinese medicine practitioners will be wiped out.

Li Shengli has conducted such a professional qualification assessment, and has been conducting continuous assessments recently, which is obviously targeting the lower-level Chinese medicine practitioners.

Around autumn, it is almost the third assessment.

But for front-line clinical doctors, it is a bit overwhelming.

Li Shengli's professional qualification assessment is relatively normal for students in self-training classes and correspondence courses.

Not to mention anything else, the test paper produced by Li Shengli, among the people here, could get an eighty-point score at the very least in terms of dictation.

Because of the professional qualification assessment, I offended too many people, and it will be difficult for me to gain a foothold in the medical field in the future.

They really think highly of themselves.

In the traditional Chinese medicine examinations in the past two years, Sijiucheng could only issue certificates to three to five traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in one examination. This is also a problem before us.

Similarly, Chinese medicine practitioners who failed the assessment and were issued temporary medical licenses also want to speak out.

It's just that these words are difficult to say in person, and the old man's relationship with Li Shengli has not been short.

Know what to say and what not to say.

If he really acted on what he said because he was worried about offending too many people, I'm afraid this kid would get worse.

"Mr. Pu, doctors are kind-hearted!"

Different from the answer that Mr. Pu imagined, Li Shengli's four words made all the old men sigh.

The benevolence of doctors is not an empty talk.

In addition to empathy, another manifestation of a doctor's benevolence is to be strict in teaching students.

It is not only the responsibility of TCM doctors to prevent quack doctors from harming people, but also the inheritance of TCM doctors.

Serious Chinese medicine practitioners will suppress quacks when they see them, which is why traveling doctors generally have a low status.

This is not for anything else, but for the four words of doctors’ benevolence.

As a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, when I see quack doctors harming people without caring about them, I feel ashamed of the four words "physician's benevolence".

As for teaching quacks, it is even more shameful to pass on the inheritance. The apprentice caused trouble and the master suffered. There are many such examples throughout the ages.

"Everyone, it is my intention to make the traditional Chinese medicine qualification assessment a random test.

This is the same as the principle of being gentle in entry and exit strictly when a master leads an apprentice. There is no strict professional assessment.

Anyone can make a living using the name of a Chinese medicine practitioner, and our profession will be ruined.

Now it is the professional qualification assessment, and in the future there will be the assessment of barefoot doctors.

Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, whether farmers, pharmacists, or doctors, must have their own assessment standards.

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners are not allowed to practice medicine without a license, and pharmacists are not allowed to prepare medicines without a license. The same goes for future drug farmers. Without a license, they are not allowed to engage in industries related to medicinal materials.

In addition to standards, I will also try my best to promote legislation, the same Chinese medicine bill as abroad.

While traditional Chinese medicine is being marketed, it must also be legalized. After all, our industry is closely related to human life. The four words "physician's benevolence" are so simple that they can be easily blurted out.

But to truly practice the four words of doctors’ benevolence, what is needed are standards and legal systems. Without these two supports.

I don’t believe it depends solely on personal integrity!
The standards will be stricter and the legal system will be stricter. From now on, the rice bowl of traditional Chinese medicine will be good or bad.

A true healer with a benevolent heart will be protected by the law; those objects that harbor evil intentions are beyond the reach of the law.

I will build more peripheral organizations to harm my traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and my inheritors, and I will try my best to pursue them. It all depends on my fate..."

The professional qualification assessment is just Li Shengli's first step, and there are many other corresponding tricks.

In addition to standards, there is also the legal system, and besides the legal system, there is also the periphery.

Li Shengli showed the internal part of the great cycle of traditional Chinese medicine to Pu Lao and others.

"Victory, it's a good thing, but if you do it this way, I'm afraid it will be a difficult journey..."

Listening to the overlord of the medical field in front of him, Pu Lao looked at Li Shengli, who claimed to be the protector of the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, with sad eyes.

If you talk like this, the road ahead will be difficult. If you really want to achieve what Li Shengli said, this guardian will inevitably have to block everything.

Thinking of the lifelong pursuits of people like him and Mr. Shi, the old man felt very emotional.

She lamented that she could not be twenty years younger and stand in front of this protector to protect him from the wind and rain.

It would be wrong for Mr. Pu today to still be obsessed with the strictness of professional qualification assessment.

Since ancient times, Chinese medicine has had its own assessment standards. Since the Tang Dynasty, Chinese medicine has had assessment content similar to that of the imperial examination. In the Yuan Dynasty, the Four Confucian Books were added to the traditional Chinese medicine examination.

The hospital bureau of imperial medicine is not only a medical institution, but also an assessment institution for traditional Chinese medicine.

The so-called wandering doctor can also be said to be a failed medical apprentice.

Li Shengli wanted to introduce the legal system in addition to assessment, which was also groundbreaking in Pu Lao's opinion.

If it is really done and legalized, it will definitely promote the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine to a further step on the original basis.

But on this journey, how to get to the end, Mr. Pu has no rules.

"Pu Lao, does it make sense to do something difficult?

Although the current season is miserable and miserable, when the rules are gone, my stress is at its lowest.

In the past few years, I will slowly promote the emergence of the prototypes of these frameworks. The qualification assessment is only the first step in testing the waters.

Mankao, as its literal meaning suggests, is somewhat aimless.

After the division of disciplines is clarified in the traditional Chinese medicine community, such examinations will become more stringent.

Those who complain, rejoice!
If we really wait for the examination in the future, the famous doctors now may not be able to pass the examination of ordinary Chinese medicine practitioners in the future.

Although Chinese medicine is still a general practice, there are not many people who can truly practice it. In order for future Chinese medicine practitioners to waste less effort, it is imperative to divide the practice into different disciplines.

Pu Lao, you all will meet with Shi Lao, Cheng Lao and others from the mountain village to discuss the division of Chinese medicine.

Moreover, in addition to the division of specialties, traditional Chinese medicine also adds two specialties: pharmacy and surgical treatment.

For circumcision, I have asked Shi Lao’s student Zhu Shi to hold a class at the Traditional Chinese Medicine University.

The subject of pharmacy, according to the progress of people in mountain villages, will almost have to be established as a subject.

Traditional Chinese medicine is vast. With the development of science and technology and the surge in population, various subjects of traditional Chinese medicine also need to be studied in detail.

Many things must withstand argumentation.

Of course, general practitioners also need talents, but those who are not very talented should not be greedy for the big and seek perfection. The road to general medicine is difficult to achieve! "

What was supposed to be a discussion about symptoms turned into a discussion about the future. Li Shengli was just going along with the flow.

Pu Lao and all the great doctors felt sad. The leaders' illnesses were weighing heavily on their shoulders, and the front-line Chinese doctors outside were constantly complaining.

Many people, including their direct disciples, glanced at Li Shengli who looked unconcerned. Mr. Pu stood up and said:
"Everyone, your direct disciples and subsequent disciples, after this time, everyone will have to visit the mountain village.

Every year after that, we old guys have to select at least twenty disciples from the mountain villages to continue the inheritance.

Anyone who is your disciple and questions the assessment standards should be kicked out of the door!
According to Laozi, what Shengli has done is to lay the foundation for the great inheritance. Anyone who questions it will be expelled from the medical community.

Do you agree with this proposal? "

When Pu Lao got up, he changed from his usual gentleness and showed a side of the medical world.

With the last sentence spoken, Shengsheng turned the prospect meeting into a monopoly meeting in the medical field where Li Shengli's obedience to me will lead to success, and those who go against me will perish.

The difference between the inheritance methods of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine also emerged at this time.

The inheritance of Western medicine is somewhat chaotic, while the orderly inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine is also linked to the rules of the world.

And this kind of traditional Chinese medicine world is also an area that is very difficult for the government to manage.

There are some capable and famous old Chinese doctors, but it doesn't matter whether you are in the department or in the department.

It's really unpleasant to throw away my hands and go back to my hometown. With the current strength of the legal system, it really doesn't delay either my fame or my career.

Maybe after people return to their hometowns, they will still have other courtesy in their hometowns. As for the Ministry and the Secretary, the old man has said that they are the old man's Yamen.

After going down, whether their reputation is good or not is a matter of debate.

When you meet someone who gives you face, you are a member of the department and the department. When you meet someone who doesn't give you face, it's not like you can't just dismiss them as idle people.

"Pu Lao, what you said is wrong.

The medical field is not my personal domain. According to you, am I not the overlord of the medical field? "

Seeing Li Shengli, who was sitting firmly in the middle, acting obediently despite getting an advantage, Mr. Pu, who was standing, also blew his beard and glared.

Should we let old men call you 'Brother Li' from now on?

This happened to us once in the mountains.

The leadership matter made the old men lose their face.

If something goes wrong this time, we old men, just like Xiao Dong, Xiao Zhu, Xiao Bai, and Xiao Guo, can we call you 'Uncle Li'?

What you do deserves to be recognized by the disciples. They don’t recognize it, and the Chinese medicine community doesn’t recognize them either. "

Li Shengli's reputation as the overlord of the medical field is recognized by Shi Lao, Pu Lao, Cheng Lao, and many other senior Chinese medicine practitioners on the mountain.

In departments and departments, Li Shengli, the overlord of the medical field, may not be able to speak well.

But as long as they are the disciples of these people and still have the concept of respecting their teachers and teachings, they will not listen to Li Shengli's words.

As long as the teacher is still here, you dare to disobey. What Mr. Pu said about being kicked out of the door is no joke.

After being expelled from the door by Mr. Pu, he may not be able to get his medical license back, but he will definitely not be qualified to be rated as an old Chinese medicine practitioner in the future.

Being boycotted by colleagues is a matter of immediate concern. Everyone has masters and teachers, and everyone in the medical community really wants to shout and beat him up.

Whether it is in a traditional Chinese medicine hospital or a traditional Chinese medicine clinic, it is not easy to get along.

"Pu Lao, when it comes to the leader's condition, we still have to talk to the attending physician.

We may not be able to invite the leader's second-in-command from the Wu family, but we still have to give face to his eldest, third, and fourth children.

I asked Wu Zhan and Wu Ang’s uncle and nephew from the mountain village to invite them. Is the Wu family the same family in the world..."

(End of this chapter)

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