The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 705 Chapter Ring (Part )

Chapter 705 Echo (Part )

"Don't listen to Lao Wang this time, just do what I say.

When you arrive in Hong Kong City, let Niu Bijian take you to a real salon to see the world.

Nowadays, topless performances are popular among the big boss circles in Hong Kong City.

As for what topless is, you will understand after reading it.

In the world of capital, human life is valuable, not to mention women? "

Letting Xie Fei go to Hong Kong City to see the world is also the beginning of his career as an official. Even if he doesn't do many things, he still needs to see them.

Having seen it, it can be considered as playing with it. Seeing the true side of capital may also be a spur to Xie Fei.

Seeing the prosperity and the world, only Mr. Xie knows the result clearly. Who else can know what he is really thinking in his heart?

After sending Wang Qianjin and Xie Fei away, he asked Mr. Liu if anyone passed by. After hearing the result that no one passed by, Li Shengli returned to the clinic with Mr. Liu.

If we fail to adjust the pressure put on students by memorizing the exercises in a timely manner, many people may miss their opportunity.

In Li Shengli's view, whether you are going to the countryside or living in the countryside, there are many difficulties.

Once there are too many misdiagnoses and local patients do not trust them, the students' confidence will be hit.

No matter how good a barefoot doctor is, he is still not as effective as a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. Not only will the salary of these two professions be different in the future, but their skills are also different now.

If you really have to keep practicing slowly, the success rate of correspondence students will also decrease accordingly.

Even if Liu's family belongs to a well-known family in Beijing's traditional Chinese medical field, it would be difficult for him to gain confidence again and make rapid progress in his medical career.

Ever since my brother-in-law Wang Qianjin took over the self-training class, it was just Donkey Dick playing drums, basically to the same beat.

When the self-training class arrived in the hands of Wang Erluzi, it was somewhat sloppy.

I said grandson, I told you a long time ago that it is the foundation for our survival.

After more than five years of hard work, it would be wrong if we didn’t make this little progress.

Back at Shengli Clinic, before my butt was still hot from sitting, Wang Qianjin’s car stopped at the door of the clinic again.

In these days, if you want to detect something, it doesn't mean that you don't have monitoring equipment, but he, Li Shengli, is still not qualified to be used.

It would take several years to just learn it by yourself.

After giving Mr. Liu a wink and letting Pu Lao take over, Li Shengli walked out of the clinic calmly.

If you lose confidence in studying Chinese medicine, your future will be difficult.

Don't be confused about your accounts and not be able to distinguish priorities. "

This difference is the difference between quack doctors and famous doctors.

Wang Qianjin's inaction in the self-training class has left many correspondence students with no shortcut in their medical path.

Many students stay in the self-training class for a few more months, and then they can become a TCM doctor again.

In terms of basic knowledge, Mr. Liu is no worse than the famous doctors in the mountain village. The only difference is that he lacks confidence in pulse diagnosis.

When Li Shengli complained about his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin, he focused on his attitude towards doing things.

Without the guidance of famous teachers, if you want to go from a barefoot doctor to a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, you have to slowly memorize medical books and gain experience.

People who don’t have confidence will become worse the more they learn.

From a barefoot doctor to a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, to a famous doctor in a place, even a person with some talent may have to spend ten years working under a famous doctor.

If you stay a few months longer, you won't be able to learn some content that cannot be taken as a correspondence course.

There is little experience at the beginning, and misdiagnosis is inevitable.

Most people in the dramas of this era can't act realistically. If irrelevant people really passed by, Li Shengli wouldn't let them go easily.

If it hadn't been for the help of Han Jinhua, the wife of the Li family, even if the origin of the food given by Wali was clear, it would not be clear.

People who have confidence learn more and more smoothly.

While walking into the courtyard, Li Shengli complained that his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin was not doing his job properly in the self-training class.

For the barefoot doctors below and the students in the correspondence class, this is the path of traditional Chinese medicine.

The remaining means are nothing more than passing by, listening with ears, and seeing with eyes.

Just like Mr. Liu next to him, his confidence was damaged in the pulse diagnosis section.

It's not that you can't listen to some words, but if you listen, you have to pay a price.

"What's wrong?

This small courtyard house is full of talents, and Li Shengli will not take it lightly to the outside world.

Do you still know how to avoid people in some jobs?

Not bad!

It's just that the self-training class didn't do well during this period.

Li Shengli's caution was not unreasonable. Thinking about it, he was accused by the Jia family's mother-in-law for no apparent reason.

Learning the art of Chinese medicine with the guidance of famous teachers is completely different from not having the guidance of famous teachers.

As for saying that he knows how to avoid Xie Fei when doing things, that is a way of suppressing before promoting.

When Li Shengli was in the self-training class, he always paid attention to the students' memorization of exercises and adjusted their rhythm from time to time.

Again, when everyone has double standards, Li Shengli treats the students in the self-training class as one of his own.

Since you are one of your own, you should always be given more opportunities.


During this time, those grandsons came to me whenever they had nothing to do.

Although it was not an interrogation, the posture was similar.

If it weren't for my godmother's relationship, they might have dared to lock up my little dark room.

I was so anxious, how could I care about the self-training class? "

Wang Qianjin's complaints made Li Shengli frown.

The pressure from the north and the talks between the United States and the United States have caused many people to misjudge the situation again.

Although many things will not be as severe as before, the wind and rain will still exist, and the path will remain the same.

Whether it is cool or not depends on the city people, but for others it is still the same old routine.

A person who is not strict with his subordinates can still be used as an excuse.

Under the dual torture of body and mind, many people are still half disabled even if they can survive the storm.

And more people will become constrained and timid when doing things in the future because of several misjudgments of the situation.

This kind of people are not the talents that the market needs. Once they become rigid, they will be equated with corpses.

Those who are not rigid, not afraid of things, and dare to do things will inevitably have many speculators among them.

This time, Li Shengli could only watch and couldn't change anything.

Maybe Lao Du has the ability to change, but he still has to rely on the butcher's knife to speak.

For some people, this butcher knife cannot be wielded easily.

If we really want to wield the knife at will without distinguishing between each other, I'm afraid it will be another storm.

Doing things requires a price, and some prices are destined to be unaffordable.

“Sometimes, you can be a little tougher.

Don’t forget your identity, Third Prince..."

Li Shengli had a straightforward solution to Wang Qianjin's complaints.

If they keep talking, no one will dare to look for him.

Wang Jinjin now has enough energy to challenge the office, but he just doesn't dare to use it.

And Li Shengli didn't want Wang Qianjin to use this energy. Once he used it, he might die in the future.


I know, I can explain most of the things on my side clearly, but I'm just a little timid.

It's up to you, don't get involved in everything.

Lao Du's affairs in the United States are not so easy to get involved in. If we decide to give you a link to foreign countries, Lao Du won't be able to escape. "

This is why Wang Qianjin came back again.

Wang Qianjin has access to the inside story of many things.

Some people can't stand Lao Du's arrogance anymore.

Because the people Lao Du went to kill before could all be regarded as Wang Qianjin's godmother's people, but they just didn't change camps.

If Lao Du continues to kill like a shaving head, there will be no backbone on their side.

"I know about this. Someone wants to attack Lao Du?

This was done before the talks.

Now, they can't touch Lao Du. Today, Lao Du has already registered his name with the old man.

Not to mention whoever moves will die, it's pretty much the same.

They have their own internal disagreements about this, and once they test the old man, they will definitely be scolded. "

Li Shengli really doesn't care much about Father Du now.

Many times, in your career, it really only depends on when and what you do.

Today, Lao Du has gained momentum.

He's not that easy to move. If he doesn't move well, death will follow.

The butcher knife in Lao Du's hand does not distinguish between urban and rural ones.

If he really wanted to use the method of killing first and then reporting later, there would be nothing to say from the higher ups. After all, Lao Du does things based on the law.

“As long as you have the numbers.

Recently, I have been in seclusion in the self-training class. Please give me the rules for the self-training class.

I have to make some achievements in order to avoid being randomly ordered..."

Wang Qianjin came back first to remind his brother-in-law Li Shengli.

The second is for yourself.

He has been annoyed by people asking questions recently, and with the support from his godmother, Erlunzi is also very annoyed.

"It just so happens that during this period, we are planning the assessment of the qualifications of Chinese medicine practitioners, so I will leave this task to you.

As for the self-training class, you don't have the time to worry about teaching you the rules, so just keep stressing.

As long as they are not exhausted from endorsements, then just keep beating them without stopping.

As for the rules, they are still the same rules..."

The professional qualification assessment content written some time ago was handed over to Wang Qianjin. Li Shengli was worried that he could not find a good person to implement it.

Now that his brother-in-law, Wang Er, has arrived at his door, there is no need for him to be polite.

The assessment standards have been tested by current Chinese medicine practitioners and famous doctors, and Li Shengli has specific standards.

Revise it a few times, as long as it's almost the same.

This standard will become the assessment standard for barefoot doctors, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, and famous veteran traditional Chinese medicine practitioners.

Although today's famous old Chinese medicine doctor is just an assessed title, it can also be regarded as a level of Chinese medicine practitioners.

Since it is considered a professional level, it can be assessed in detail.

After smoothing out the assessment standards, there are relatively standardized standards for the advancement of barefoot doctors and the selection of correspondence course students.

After slowly polishing and revising, specific and formal standards will be developed.

Let Wang Qian go outside and stir up trouble in the traditional Chinese medicine world, and Li Shengli's life began to become leisurely again.

After the meeting, Father Du continued to travel around with a butcher knife.

The leisurely days passed quickly.

After taking off his winter clothes and changing into a jacket, and then put on a white cotton placket, Father Du sent another invitation from Xiaowangzhuang.

Li Shengli, who had nothing to do, rushed to Xiaowangzhuang carrying a bag of information he had recently compiled.

"Sheng Li, you are good, how could you guess that someone was going to do something against Lao Ni?

There has been a response there, and there will be another meeting in June and July to hold another meeting on the exchange of T62.

It's pretty much the same as you estimated.

People don't have much resistance to the free aid worth billions, they just want to discuss it in detail. "

After sitting down, looking at Mr. Du, who was a little darker and thinner, but with divine light in his eyes, Li Shengli's reply was very simple, only four words.

"Capital pursues profits!"

Hearing this kind of general and unclear answer, Mr. Du stretched out his fingers and nodded at his wise son-in-law.

Such an answer is very perfunctory.

"The office will help Wang Jiazi to promote the implementation of assessment standards.

I didn’t push it before, not because I didn’t want to push it, but because no one had time.

Furthermore, the leader was diagnosed with a bad disease some time ago.

During this time, my energy dropped drastically.

The old man also said that Xie Chen, who had undergone surgeries before, died one by one.

He even asked them angrily, "Who have you saved?"

They also gave special instructions to strengthen nursing care, strengthen nutrition, and do not require surgery or surgery!

Victory, don’t you Chinese medicine practitioners have a better method? "

Father Du's conditions brought out news that Li Shengli didn't even know about. This kind of news must be kept absolutely confidential.

Li Shengli also understood the reason why Mr. Pu couldn't go to the office for nearly half a year.

It is not Mr. Pu's responsibility to deal with confidential illnesses.

No matter how good Pu Lao's craftsmanship is, it really involves confidentiality. There are some things that cannot be revealed at all.

“Dad, I don’t know the news yet.

If I really want to improve my nutrition, there aren't many things I can do with it.

Apart from American ginseng, it’s also deer antler blood.

The cost of deer antler blood is also countless.

The time for blood collection has just passed. If you want to get fresh antler blood, you can only find a young male deer.

But doing so will inevitably waste people and money, and I'm afraid the leaders will not agree.

Although deer antler blood wine is useful, it will also increase the burden on the body.

Can you let Mr. Pu, Mr. Yue and others who are on my side go there again?

Maybe there is a trick you can try. "

There are many things that cannot be avoided, and there are many illnesses that cannot be overcome no matter how much treatment is taken.

Just like Li Shengli's father's lumbar spondylosis, if he carries iron objects every day, it is only a matter of time before it relapses.


When Pu Lao and the others went there before, they prescribed precious medicines, which made the leaders very unhappy.

Let me tell you this, I also violated discipline, but..."

Li Shengli's words made Lao Du's expression darken. In just half a year, the leader had lost a lot of weight.

After asking, I found out that only under the supervision of the staff, or when you are really tired, you can take some American ginseng tablets that Mr. Pu brought over.

Prices are best known to those in the office.

Looking at the price of American ginseng, it became clear why Mr. Pu was turned away from the office.

“Dad, there really is no substitute for medicine for this.

You should also tell your health care practitioner that you would rather not use medicine than use alternative medicine.

If water vapor transportation and transformation are out of balance, it is most taboo to increase the burden on transportation and transformation.

Although the pharmacology is clear, different drugs have different burdens on the body.

Once the wrong Chinese medicine is used, it will cause more serious harm to the body. This requires a combination of Chinese and Western medicine.

Substituting ordinary Chinese medicine based on medical principles in books will only be counterproductive.

For hemorrhage, the best way to take medicine is to use low-dose, high-efficiency prescriptions.

Once the dosage of medicine is too large and inhibits the transportation of water vapor, the effect of the medicine will not be as harmful as the harm to the body. "

Seeing that Li Shengli was obsessed with taking medicine, Father Du sighed softly.

When a person has a clear understanding of the world, his perseverance is unshakable.

I feel that the wise son-in-law's suggestion is hopeless.

Father Du shook his head, clarified his thoughts, and continued to ask about the business.

“I tried my best to persuade him on this matter, but if it didn’t work, I went to see the old man.

Talk about your capital pursuit of profit. "

There was an echo from Lao Ni's side. When it comes to capital pursuit of profit, Li Shengli is holding on to it.

It's just that the leader made him a little confused.

He obviously knew it, but he couldn't change it. He obviously had a suitable medicine, but he couldn't use it.

Faced with a regret in the medical field that can make people regret their entire lives, Li Shengli could only sigh heavily...

(End of this chapter)

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