The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 691 Pushing Hands (Part )

Chapter 691 Pushing Hands (Part )

The reward Li Shengli mentioned left Lao Du speechless and horrified.

Previously, this master and wise son-in-law could have spoken clearly and thoroughly, but failed to do so. It seemed that he really had his own agenda.

But for Lao Du, traditional Chinese medicine is nothing more than a choice between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. It is just a part of the medical system. Its role is not small, but its importance is really not great.

If Chinese medicine had been very important, there would have been no such thing as uniting Chinese medicine.

Many things are actually the acquiescence of many people. If the old man hadn't been vigilant back then, the five elders of traditional Chinese medicine would have supported it.

Chinese medicine is not in the current situation yet!


At this time, why are you so self-centered?

No matter how important Chinese medicine is, it can't be more important than the big market you call it. This is a big market of 800 million people or more!

Capitalists don't care about such a big market, but will they care about our status and influence?

Or do they think that we, as their enemies, are not strong enough, and want to help us? "

Listening to Father Du's harsh words, Li Shengli was also a little confused. He had seriously talked about the market before!

When the game reached the end of the Qing Dynasty, people really had nothing to do with us, so they used artillery to knock on the door of the market.

There was a financial market in Shanghai earlier, but that financial market was more of a speculative market than a financial market.

The population at the end of the Qing Dynasty was about 40 million; now our population is 80 million, which cannot stop us!

If fertility problems are not controlled, there will be hundreds of millions or more in the future.

Many truths are in front of us. The big market in our own market theory of good sons-in-law now seems to be the key point of all problems.

Victory, this is a major matter for the country, and public affairs cannot be abandoned for private reasons! "

Father Du also suppressed his eagerness. It seemed that the talk about the big market just now was just the beginning for his son-in-law.

When looking at the market, we must focus on economics. However, the country’s current preparations for economic cooperation only include small handicrafts in rural areas.

"Dad, do you still need me to explain this reason?

Didn't the old man say that this is a business of winning over friends and defeating enemies?

“But you didn’t say that the fundamental reason why people cooperate with us is the market!

We have now made a misjudgment, thinking that people are cooperating with us because of the situation.

Eat a small piece of wild ginseng seeds, right?

Li Shengli made a clanging sound, while Father Du was dumbfounded.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, we were still the largest economy in the world!

The financial market guessed by the wise son-in-law Li Shengli also made Du Lao a little worried.

My virtuous son-in-law!

What we are talking about is a major matter of the country. Once the footing is wrong, we will be completely controlled by others! "

My virtuous son-in-law said it so clearly that even when Lao Du heard it in person, he didn't even care.

There is a fundamental difference!

Seeing that Mr. Du picked up the small bamboo tube on the table and was about to stand up, Li Shengli coughed lightly and said:

"Dad, do you think that in addition to coveting our big market, will they be driven by the Wall Street financial market?"

Thinking of the other side of the ocean where my daughter lives, and the industrial node that my son-in-law mentioned before.

When he thought that forty million was still a slogan, Lao Du finally understood the source of the disaster.


Thinking of Li Shengli's obsession with developing traditional Chinese medicine, Du Lao was also calming down. This might be the reward for his unconditional support.

According to Li Shengli, this is an industry that cannot be brought to the table.

What you just said is so important. Is there anything else you are hiding from me?

If I had understood this truth earlier, why would I have gone to a long-day meeting today?

When he first opened his mouth, Li Shengli made a guess, but this made Father Du look even more serious.

This is an economic game that started when the massive inflow of silver in the Ming Dynasty caused gold to become expensive and silver to be cheap.

"You, if you didn't tell me earlier if you had this theory, it would have really delayed things.

Since it is a transaction, doesn’t it have to be implemented in the market in the end?

Cooperation is the continuation of the interests of capital. What does capital want? Is it our strength?

Do not!

Their goal from beginning to end is to capture our market!

You, you must speak clearly next time..."

There is no reason why Lao Du is not impatient. The situation and the market are completely in two different directions.

Things happened step by step. When Father Du was about to get up, Li Shengli's hesitant words made Old Du frown again.

The question from the wise son-in-law Li Shengli made Father Du helpless.

“Dad, didn’t you say before that you wouldn’t cooperate in depth with island countries?

Their goal is our big market, have I made it clear? "

You go back first and wait for my call. I have to go to the office.

There was no speculation before, and the theory of the big market is indeed in line with reality.

"Dad, this idea of ​​mine is just a guess."

Say what you have to say in one breath, don’t squeeze out toothpaste, use a bamboo tube to pour beans!

The financial market is the stock market, right? "

Looking at the good son-in-law who kept talking in front of him, Father Du also wanted to hear his true opinions.

When it comes to the financial market, this is really a blind spot. Not only Du’s blind spot, but others may not be familiar with this market either.

It is difficult for people to accept the theory of large markets. How to explain it when we create a financial market is also a problem for Lao Du.

"You tell me first, and I'll listen before I draw a conclusion."

Besides, Li Shengli is going to talk about the person behind the scenes.

This is really hard to say, and even if it is said, most people may not be able to accept it.

"Dad, the scorching sun is sweeping across the U.S. stock market, making a profit of US$500 million in just one move. Isn't this unimaginable?

As money comes in, it goes out. The sun earns, but what about those who lose?

After Jiaoyang made money, U.S. stocks continued to decline.

After that, Jiaoyang used the funds he earned and HSBC's funds to start collecting stocks after the big plunge.

Since our bilateral contact, the U.S. stock market has begun to stabilize and is gradually picking up.

That is to say, the stock price that originally fell has begun to rise again.

Between entering and exiting, Jiaoyang's assets may double again.

If you are lucky, it will not be doubled.

A cycle of ups and downs in the financial market can result in a difference of billions or billions of dollars.

Where there is great profit, there is naturally great danger.

For profits exceeding 300%, capital is willing to risk beheading to make profits.

The financial market is an industry worthy of capital taking big risks.

After a little contact from Niu Bijian, Lao Mei extended an olive branch.

Dad, just like when we develop small handicrafts, don’t you suspect there is a driving force behind this? "

Li Shengli still spoke step by step.

Not to mention Father Du in front of him, even the mother-in-law, Sister Fu, heard the danger in it.

Looking at her hands that kept loosening and then clasping tightly, you could tell that she was worried about her daughter abroad.

"Sheng Sheng, are you saying that if Niu Bijian doesn't push for it, they will come to us?

There is no need to question this. The tabloid that revealed the news from the north was the actions of these pushers, right?

Thinking about it this way, whether it is in the north or southwest, there are some shadows of pushers, and they are..." Through the step-by-step guidance of the good son-in-law and good master, Father Du vaguely figured out the context of some things.

It's just that he was not familiar with the market and the financial market, so he couldn't explain it clearly.

“Dad, that’s pretty much what you think.

After the war in the Southwest began, U.S. stocks skyrocketed, reaching the peak around the time Jiao Yang left the country.

The stock market rose sharply due to the war in the Southwest, and also plummeted due to the War in the Southwest.

If there is no war in the Southwest, the United States can escape from the quagmire of the Southwest, and the stock market can rise sharply as a result.

The talks took place just before and after the New Year, and for Lao and the United States, it was also the beginning of a new year.

The gourmets on Wall Street may have already sharpened their knives. "

What Li Shengli said is a conspiracy theory, but it has the previous big market as a foreshadowing and the small handicraft industry promoted by him and Du Lao as an example.

This time, even if Lao Du doesn't believe it, he has to believe it.

"Sheng Sheng, are you saying that the United States is not here with innocent intentions?

Or are they playing tricks on us? "

When Father Du asked this, the consequences were serious.

People like Lao Du may not be familiar with the market or finance, but they are familiar with war.

Moreover, it is the best team in the ground war and the most capable team, no one else.

"Do not!

Officially, there is a real need to escape the Southwest quagmire, and it's urgent.

As far as our big market and their financial market are concerned, it is necessary for both parties to ease relations and strengthen ties with each other.

Their purpose is very clear, which is to draw us against the north and at the same time make us reduce our aid to the southwest.

The continuation of high-level talks is inevitably related to the temporary shelving of aid to southwest China.

And we stopped aid and asked the north to increase investment.

Both the United States and China are happy to see this happen, so we still have common interests. "

After Li Shengli said this, Father Du was a little confused again. This was no different from what Che Luolun had said.

After mentioning that there were pushers and having common interests, Lao Du couldn't see clearly what the master in front of him was going to say.

"Victory, what about pushing hands?"

"Dad, for us, is it more important for us to be the one who breaks the ice, or the one who makes the decision?"

Father Du asked a question, but Li Shengli answered the question incorrectly, leaving Sister Fu on the side in a state of confusion.

But on Father Du's side, he tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table. This was obviously his habit when he was deep in thought.

“Feng Shui is changing, the camp is solid and the soldiers are flowing. For us, the icebreaker is more important.

The decisive person has a term of office, but now it seems that he is also a hero and has great hope of being re-elected.

Shengli, do you mean that the driving force behind the scenes wants to get rid of the situation and kill the donkey?

This is profound..."

People like Mr. Du are not very familiar with the Lao Mei market, but they are still very familiar with Lao Mei's orthodoxy.

Following Li Shengli's train of thought, Lao Du can come to the conclusion that the US has interests and demands.

But the driving force behind the scenes only has temporary profit needs.

“Now it seems that the interests represented by icebreakers are still different from the interests represented by decision-makers.

For us, temporary benefits are not enough. For the promoters behind the scenes, we are fundamentally different from them.

While we want the market, we also need to balance the relationship between all parties in the country. Throwing out a decisive person to block public opinion is a very good method!

Victory, what you mean by mentioning this is for us to observe. If the person who makes the decision is beneficial to us, do we have to protect it?

At the level of decision-making, neither we nor they need to know what methods the pushers use, it is enough to just pay attention to the situation.

Once there are bad signs, we should eliminate them. Only in this way will our suggestions be more conducive to promoting cooperative relations, right? "

Speaking of this, there is no need for Li Shengli to remind Mr. Du. If he starts from here, Mr. Du can continue to the end.

After saying that, Father Du was not in a hurry to leave, but continued to kowtow and meditate.

With more promoters behind the scenes, there is more room for maneuver on the outside. From Wen Xuankou to the Czech Republic, Du Lao has also accumulated some experience on the outside.

In addition to the small rural craftsmanship he is currently working on and the knife he is holding in his hand, he is an old political worker.

Now Lao Du has become a generalist in his official career.

"Shengli, do you think the pushing hand matter needs to be discussed in private or on the table?"

Privately, just say hello, but on the table, the first person Du has to convince is the leader, and the second is the old man.

For Lao Du, this is also a great journey.

“Dad, if it’s important, it’s natural to have someone with weight say it.

You think about it, the decision-maker over there has become the old man's loyal supporter. Just thinking about it makes people's hearts swell. "

After listening to the advice of his wise son-in-law and master, Father Du couldn't help but laugh and said:




But who says it isn't?

Okay, let's go, this old man like me will have no sleep tonight again..."

While shaking his head and talking, Father Du gently pressed the bamboo tube containing ginseng whiskers in his hand on the report Li Shengli handed over today, and his meaning was very clear.

There are big things ahead. The matter between Li Huaide and Du Peng will have to be postponed for a while.

In the face of Lao Du's major event, the good son-in-law in front of him also came and went as soon as he was called.

In this regard, Li Shengli was also helpless. This was also the embarrassment of the big courtyard brother.

When facing big events, they will always give you the name of being ineffective, regardless of whether you are effective or not.

"You always make him sleep poorly. Don't come here during this period. If your father comes to see you, come again.

You are a young man, you cannot treat him like a young man.

These are two cigarettes given by the office. Give your dad a change. People on the farm don’t recognize these cigarettes. "

When Li Shengli went out, his mother-in-law, Sister Fu, followed him out. In addition to giving advice, she also handed over two special offers wrapped in newspapers.

Taking it over smoothly, Li Shengli went to the Willys Jeep to get some large front doors, a few bottles of Fenjiu and got out of the car with Erguotou.

Under the angry eyes of my mother-in-law, Sister Fu, I quietly placed it in the yard.

Humanity is like this. The paging phone booth outside the courtyard and at the door of the supply and marketing cooperative, Li Shengli opened the front door one at a time.

Uncle Ding over there also does his duty for this big front door.

If you want to inquire about the phone numbers of Shengli Clinic, it will be difficult for Uncle Ding to cross this hurdle.

What people are talking about at that time is not about the big front door, but Li Shengli, a person who is benevolent and righteous in his work.

"Mom, Du Peng's wife, you have to give me some help. These are some professional science books and some nutritional supplements..."

(End of this chapter)

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