The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 676: Crowds of people (Part )

Chapter 676: Crowds of people (Part )

I smoothed over Zheng Peilan and Zhou Yan.

Li Shengli also took the opportunity to redefine the role of Shengli Clinic.

As the son-in-law of the Du family and the Ding family.

Even if you are practicing Chinese medicine, you will be treated in a small clinic in the city.

Li Shengli also had to show his own height, otherwise he would be inconsistent with his status as the son-in-law of the compound.

Solidification and rebirth are everywhere. To use the old saying, it means saying something in a line.

There is no way that Li Shengli, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, could sit here at Shengli Clinic and speak the jargon of a coffin shop and a shroud shop.

If you sit where you should and don't say what you should say, at worst, you will get slapped; at worst, you will not be able to eat.

To destroy one's own job, if we talk about consciousness and look at it in writing, it means that some people have to make certain sacrifices. It is clear and feasible to listen to the truth.

In the middle of the afternoon, Shazhu and his apprentice Ma Hua also came with people from the factory engineering department.

We must develop the economy, we must divide production and go it alone, but there is no other way around it.

These holes can be directly converted into chimneys, or they are the same as chimneys.

Even if the famous chef has no chance to make a living, he still needs to eat. Even if he hides it, he still has to show his face.

This guy's craftsmanship is good, but his mind is not that simple. Being eaten by Widow Qin is not actually a tragedy for Silly Zhu.

He glared at Silly Zhu who didn't want to teach his disciples when things got tough.

Li Shengli, who was walking around in a circle, was about to return to the clinic when he was stopped by Silly Zhu again.

Zhou Yu slaps the yellow cover, everyone is willing to hit and the other is willing to suffer!

The old man has a clear and long-term view of this, and he clearly knows that the wind and rain will not achieve the results he wants.

As for what the result will be, Li Shengli doesn’t know.

The remaining disciples are keeping an eye on him, so there is no need for him to do any work. If something happens, the disciple will do his duty, but this fellow is really a thief...

Arranging Zheng Peilan's work was also very simple for Li Shengli. After his illness healed, he could just say hello to Li Huaide.

"Sheng Li, MCA's craftsmanship is almost enough, right?"

You are not very qualified as a master.

Security measures for people coming from the northwest are also necessary. An extra layer is better than one less.

Similar to Li Shengli, with his apprentice Ma Hua following him, Sha Zhu just made some rough arrangements.

In addition to self-training classes and economics classes, there is also a less conspicuous chef class in the big canteen in Madianji.

Except for the kitchen on the second floor facade.

If you really want to order one of the dishes on the table, you can still get it.

Whether it is to deter some people or set an example for those who will clean up the mess in the future, it is impossible to say.

Many things are different, but these are the actual conditions.

But when it comes to actually being there, it’s extremely difficult.

Connected to the warehouse and kitchen, the underground floor is the best choice.

Underground kitchens and warehouses are difficult for outsiders to spy on and approach.

It's meant to cause a fight.

In the kitchen of Shengli Clinic, Li Shengli didn't intend to occupy the space on the floor.

Li Shengli also placed open-air cooking stoves in front of his own house and in front of Shazhu's house. These were just a side business.

Regardless of whether people are hiding their secrets or not, the food served in the three large canteens in Madianji is not much worse than that of state-owned restaurants.

Li Shengli understood Si Zhu's little thoughts, but he didn't support them, and he also had a way to solve them.

The chefs invited there are also famous chefs from Sijiucheng.

Are you afraid that MCA will steal your spot?

In the eyes of Renmahua, even if he takes your position, your grandson still belongs to his master.

Li Shengli felt that he would inevitably have dinner parties here in the future.

The clinic is semi-public and semi-private. In order to avoid trouble, it is wise to have a ready-made stove at home.


"Brother Zhu, MCA truly treats you as a master.

No one will allow this nonsense anymore, because the economy is actually not far away from collapse.

Because it is an air-raid shelter, there are many ventilation holes between the underground floor and the above-ground buildings.

Considering those people coming from the northwest, placing the canteen and kitchen underground is considered a safety measure.

If large-scale industry can deepen further, the chemical industry can effectively support agricultural production.

If you don’t want to teach me, I will find someone to teach you. There are many famous chefs idle in Sijiu City..."

For units like steel rolling mills, the main task in the future is to resume production and ensure production.

But Si Zhu is really incompetent as a master.

Ma Hua, his apprentice for many years, besides being good at chopping and making big pot dishes, he didn't know many real cooking skills.


Or do you understand it clearly?

Since you have spoken, I will teach you the truth. "

Glancing at the playful and smiling Silly Zhu, Li Shengli also knew what the grandson was thinking. He just wanted to teach him less.

This matter is really understandable. If the master is not reserved, the apprentice will not be too serious when learning skills.

And if you learn a craft, you won’t cherish it too much.

Without the master's self-respect like an eagle, how could a disciple respect his master?

What these involve is not the dignity of the master, but the future direction of the master.

If something bad happens in the future, having such a tough apprentice will be a success after all!

But many things have been lost because of being so reserved.

Although Li Shengli understood it, he did not advocate it. What he advocated was that filial sons should emerge from under the stick.

If students are trapped and cannot learn, they will be beaten to death. If they are beaten to the limit, there will be nothing they cannot learn or cannot learn.

After enduring such hardships in self-training classes or correspondence classes, students will become talented and famous in the future.

I have to say "Thank you for your cultivation" to Li Shengli. Whoever encounters this problem in the future will be confused, right?

"Brother Zhu, did you talk to the third uncle last night?

If you want to fall in love under the pretext of working in a clinic in the future, if you have nothing to do, I will support you.

Think about this for yourself. If it doesn't work out, let MCA fall in love for you while you cook at the clinic..."

Li Shengli also has a good grasp of the old bachelor in the courtyard like Shazhu.

After just a few words, Silly Zhu slapped his forehead. Isn't there an old saying that if something happens, the disciple will do his duty?

After sending Silly Zhu away, Li Shengli walked to the screen door courtyard again.

In addition to the kitchen and the open-air stove, the Shengli Clinic also lacks a continuous fire stove like the self-training class.

This is used for decoction of medicine. Not to mention Tongrentang, many clinics and medicine shops in the early days did not even have stoves, but had to prepare a batch of clay ovens for decoction of medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine has its requirements, or rules, from medicinal materials to prescription, from decoction to consumption.

Not following the doctor's advice may not matter to Western medicine; but to Chinese medicine, not following the doctor's advice may be the difference between recovery and recovery.

As far as the theory of traditional Chinese medicine is concerned, as long as the patient can still take medicine and as long as the patient's life span is still there, there is no one who cannot be brought back from the door of hell.

If you really can't pull it back, many times it can only be attributed to not following the doctor's instructions.

Of course, more often than not, it is also related to the level of traditional Chinese medicine. Some doctors pay attention to water, fire, medicine, timing, and everything, but they still cannot win over the patient.

Some doctors can pull people back from hell with just a piece of green onion or a piece of ginger. The difference lies in their medical skills.

These medical skills are all recorded in the classics of traditional Chinese medicine.

Remember, if you meet someone, you can be called a miracle doctor, so anything related to Chinese medicine will ultimately be inseparable from those who practice it.

I can’t even remember it, what kind of magic are you talking about?

Just like what Li Shengli wants to do with the fire stove, I have never seen it before, so it’s hard to comment.

As the legitimate son of the Liu family's medical lineage, Mr. Liu has basic knowledge of even the fire stove. The two stood in the backyard, looking at the pattern, and the old man started to show it.

"Master, I think it would be good to build a shed on two sides and a stove on both sides.

Seeing that winter has come, I use the stove against the gable wall in winter, so that the house is warm; in the summer, I use the stove against the courtyard wall, which keeps it warm.

I think the place at the top of the outside should be equipped with a stove, so it looks prosperous. "

The design of the stove in the clinic is considered to be Master Liu's job.

Listening to Mr. Liu talking about the booming business, Li Shengli also shook his head.

"Master Liu, this is a clinic, a place for treating diseases. It doesn't need to be a prosperous business.

Would you rather put medicine on the shelf and become ashes than wish there were no suffering in the world?

When the trust store delivers the furniture, ask them to look for old couplets like this.

If you can't hang it now, you can still hang it in the future.

Furthermore, you are looking for some teas that you can drink in autumn and winter.

I estimate that Li Huaide went back and said that in the next three or two days, our business will be booming, and there will be many people in the steel rolling mill. "

Speaking of the couplets in the drug store, Li Shengli had the same idea about the clinic.

As the level of barefoot doctors slowly improves, this idea may not be impossible to realize in the foreseeable future.

Where traditional Chinese medicine truly transcends the scope of medicine is routine nursing care.

From dietary therapy to prevention, three thousand years of traditional Chinese medicine have accumulated too much experience.

These experiences have not been truly promoted in the past dynasties. According to the market's thinking, these experiences are also unscientific.

But this kind of going against the trend, for Li Shengli, is the real value of traditional Chinese medicine.

A responsible big country can make profits in the pharmaceutical market, but the medical market is different.

The capitalized medical market prays for all the suffering in the world, and would rather that medicines are always out of stock.

The matter of connecting the stove was left to the people in the engineering department of the factory until the end of the day.

There is still one patient a day at Shengli Clinic, and she is also the biological mother of insider Zhou Yan.

Mr. Liu doesn't care about this kind of leisure.

In his opinion, he and his heirs had no shortage of food and drink. They treated people when they were around and read books when no one was around. What a wonderful life.

Li Shengli doesn't think so. People only have energy when they are busy.

He couldn't stand reading like this all the time, just because he couldn't stand it.

That's why he was able to come up with a learning method that the students in the self-training class hated but did not dare to make mistakes.

Because the people from the engineering department of the steel rolling mill left late, it was a bit late for the clinic to get off work.

When Li Shengli was about to arrange closing time, Father Li and his old partner, Uncle Ji, pushed open the door and entered the clinic.

"Uncle Ji, dad..."

Lao Ji and Dad Li are old partners, and the relationship between the two families is quite frequent.

In the process of running the self-training class, Li Shengli also took care of Uncle Ji's home.

Although several children of the Ji family have also gone to the countryside, their treatment is still different.

During the process of going to the countryside, the treatment in a wealthy village is very different from that in a poor village.

But unlike appearances, ordinary people are not qualified to be arranged by Li Shengli to go to poor villages.

Only people with relatively good qualifications and a relatively correct attitude will be arranged to go to these villages.

This kind of method of going to the countryside is also an experience for the successors of traditional Chinese medicine. Of course, those villages where you can never come back are not included in this.

The children of Lao Ji's family have just enough qualifications, but Li Shengli's arrangement is another way.

The world of suffering can train people, and the world of relatively rich places can also train people.

I just want to go a long way, and it’s definitely not a bad thing to have some hardships during the experience.

Normally, when addressing people, one does not always first come to the family. If Lao Ji is younger than Mr. Li, then naturally he has to be called dad first. If Lao Ji is older, elders are respected, so naturally he has to be called uncle Ji first. .

"Shengli, please wait until you get off work. Workers from the factory are coming, so Lao Ji and I will stand in front.

Let’s just drink at night…”

Hearing that Father Li was going to save the wine, Li Shengli didn't say much and directly arranged for Feng Xia and Zhou Yan to go about the wine and dinner respectively.

"Shengli, my waist has been a little tight lately, please give me a few lifts..."

Taking advantage of his free time, Lao Ji made a request, and Li Shengli gave him and Dad Li a few massages each.

It is not difficult to improve lumbar spine problems, but it is not easy to cure them.

Regardless of whether it is traditional Chinese medicine bone setting or Western medicine surgery, the healing effect is not very satisfactory.

After all, it is impossible to restore the deformed bone tissue.

But if you want to improve it without affecting your normal life and work, Chinese medicine bone-setting massage is much better than Western medicine.

The types of work that Father Li and Lao Ji are engaged in also determine that their back injuries cannot be cured, but can only be improved.

When they no longer need to carry workpieces, back injuries will hardly bother them.

"Lao Li, your son is reliable, my waist is tight, it's because my boy had to show off his strength and give me a few strokes a few days ago.

It's okay if I don't press it, but it's even more uncomfortable if I press it.

Shengli, I have no choice but to take care of the family affairs. Uncle Ji will treat you to a drink some other time. "

After pressing the button, Lao Ji also expressed emotion. When he heard that his son had come back to participate in the correspondence class, Li Shengli also smiled bitterly.

These grandsons who are going down, how should I say, I have taught them the bone-setting techniques, but they have no problem with dislocation and the like.

To play with the lumbar spine, you have to work hard.

Nowadays, the strength training methods summarized based on martial arts techniques are also passed down.

Among the barefoot doctors, Li Shengli has built the foundation for being an orthopedic expert through self-training classes and correspondence classes.

With the methods of practicing strength and the bone-setting and mind-setting methods of the medical sect Jin Jianli, many people can become self-taught.

After all, the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology is only about the job at hand, and the risk is very low for both doctors and patients.

With a little practice and enough experience, there will surely be countless experts in TCM orthopedics in the future.

"Uncle Ji, after you two arrive, I'm afraid I won't be able to drink with you...

From now on, I have to be busy!

In the future, if you two have familiar co-workers, just ask them to come to my clinic directly. We still follow the old rules and there is no charge. "

This means that Li Shengli gave Father Li a market boost.

In the past four years, Father Li has not only not looked older, but also has a rosy face. In addition to eating well, his good mood is also a major reason.

"it is good!

Lao Li, what a good son! "

"Lao Ji, you old man, don't take advantage of me with your words. I have a good son, but I'm not your good son. I'll punish myself with three drinks in a while.

What the hell, brother, you can take advantage of this too? "

Listening to the gossip between Dad and Lao Ji, the dirty talk between the workers was second only to the brigade's livestock shed.

Don't worry about the wind and rain, and don't worry about the years.

This way of enjoying themselves, coupled with a big drink, is a fairy-like enjoyment for the workers.

Feng Xia and Zhou Yan prepared wine, food and bowls.

The workers from the steel rolling mill who came later did not come with nothing. Some brought cigarettes, some brought peanuts and fried beans, and most of them came prepared.

Li Shengli didn't mind seeing the clinic turned into a tavern.

The profession of Chinese medicine is not so particular. As long as he is not drinking wine while sitting in the clinic, there is basically no big problem.

But if it were left to future generations, the problem would be huge. Li Shengli would have to bow his head and rectify the standards of hygiene and safety...

(End of this chapter)

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