The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 672: 1 fresh move (Part )

Chapter 672 A fresh move (Part )

Because he helped Accountant Sun fight against the injustice, the furniture purchase that day was ruined. To put it bluntly, Director Sun of Beixinqiao's weakness was that he couldn't speak well.

He said, "You are the person in charge of Shengli Clinic", which made Li Shengli feel that things were getting difficult to handle. If there was Accountant Sun, who would he do if not him?

This is different from the trouble Liu Ye mentioned. Some people are destined not to be friends, and one sentence can distinguish between friend and foe.

Director Sun could make Li Shengli label him as an enemy with just one sentence. He was just arrogant and got carried away, thus causing trouble for himself and his family.

If you know that you are unclean and hide it without being honest, but then come out to show yourself and make noises, isn't that just asking for death?

When Li Shengli was doing dirty things in the self-training class, he always walked with eight eyes.

In the past two days, he had established his reputation at the Shengli Clinic. It was only after severing the relationship with the self-training class that he established his reputation in a short period of time. He was still the same Dr. Li who was doing free clinics at the clinic.

Busy with work, it’s noon.

Eating here in the Siheyuan is a lot less scary, just like the big canteen in Madianji, because the chefs and waiters in the canteen on the street have not changed.

The shop has been open on the street for a long time, and the waiters, chefs, and residents are just like neighbors.

"Yan'er, where are Doctor Jin and his wife?"

Li Shengli looked at Zhou Yan's mother and Zhou Yan's mother, and Zhou Yan's mother was also observing Li Shengli and Mr. Liu. When she saw a young man sitting behind the examination table, her face became a little ugly.

But the man who died died in the line of duty, so he had an amulet at home, which helped him survive until today.

If Zheng Peilan and his wife were a little taller, they might not have so many worries and wariness.

Doctors are not perfect, and patients have concerns. If Li Shengli and Liu Ye were swapped, it would be easier to talk about this.

After seeing Zheng Peilan's walking posture just now, Li Shengli was still worried about the next treatment.

These years are linked to the secret service. It is not a matter of one person, but a matter of several generations of a family.

If Qin Huairu in the courtyard had a pockmarked face and flirted with Qin Mazi, Shazhu would probably not pay attention to her. If Qin Mazi cut off her meal halfway, Shazhu would probably greet her with a big mouth.

After sending Feng Xia out to buy food, Zhou Yan helped a woman who was still charming into the clinic. This was the so-called inheritance.

The root cause of your disease is gynecological cold syndrome. First you catch a cold and then your knees become weak, which affects your standing posture.

If you don’t love women or money, how come medical treatment becomes more and more expensive?

It’s just that when doctors love money and women, most people can’t see it.

The Kims don't know much about orthopedics, so when they saw a doctor before, they just said things like this and think about it later.

When people gain knowledge, they will be more wary of outsiders, and this is even more true at this time.

As for doctors who see the pain and empathize with it, they are really rare.

As soon as the girl at home said this, Zhou Yan's mother forced her way over. When she saw that the doctor was a young man, she couldn't help but think deeply about many things.

Dirty tasks such as poisoning are not easy to carry out on the street. If things go wrong, you will have to get involved with the spies.

Looking at Zheng Peilan's gait, Li Shengli could roughly determine the cause of the disease. Lumbar spine problems caused by standing for a long time, as well as women's problems after catching cold, almost had to take off their pants to cure this problem.

She knew exactly where her daughter's misfortune a few days ago came from. Even around her, there were many such people.

Like Fu Yiqing, Zheng Peilan, or Liu Zhonglun from Master Liu, you can immediately hear the origin of their names.

"Mom, this is my master, who is here to replace Dr. Jin and his wife, and that one is Mr. Liu.

After Zhou Yan finished the introduction, the atmosphere in the clinic became a little awkward due to the alienation and wariness of Zhou Yan's mother, Zheng Peilan.

Many times, just a name can bring out a lot of things. Zhao Caixia from Wali and Ma Fengxia from Madianji can be related to the village or commune at the first glance.

Over time, the lumbar intervertebral discs have shifted somewhat, and the displacement has become a little more serious, compressing the nerves. Now the symptoms are almost weakness in the waist and knees, and numbness in both legs.

In addition to manual reduction, several massages are also required.

As soon as he saw Zheng Peilan's expression, Li Shengli knew the reason. The most appropriate word to describe a widow was a beauty with a bad fate. It fit the scene, so there was nothing he could do about it.

I feel that ten and a half days can almost make a huge improvement, but whether it can be cured depends on the curative effect. "

Women's lumbar spine problems are less serious than men's, but their treatment is much more complicated than men's because many are caused by gynecological diseases.

Doctors don't have any thoughts about their patients. They are either old or ugly. Very few of them can really bear it.

Conditions are not that good now. Colds after childbirth or frequent colds can indirectly cause lumbar spine problems.

Although it is currently taboo for patients to avoid medical treatment and for doctors to avoid treating patients, the pain is real. In order to avoid some embarrassment, Li Shengli could only briefly talk about his condition.

Neighbors say that if someone really wants to poison the food, the canteen will definitely blow up the camp first. This is not how underhanded tactics work.

Master, this is my mother, Zheng Peilan, who used to work in the Mechanical Research Institute. "

As for cold syndrome, in addition to taking medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion will also be performed. The location is a bit awkward.

When she met Li Shengli, a young man with deep eyes, she knew that walking around might lead to a dead end.

Not only did I have to get started, but I also had to use acupuncture, which I couldn’t do while wearing pants.

"Your disease, your lumbar spine problem, can't be cured even by one or two treatments, and I can't cure it even through clothes.

It is also nonsense to say that patients are just pieces of meat in the eyes of doctors.

Many things her daughter said were unclear. Zhou Yan's mother mistakenly thought that the Jin couple who originally treated her had thought of a way to cure the disease.

If all doctors were saints and could abide by medical ethics, the cost of medical treatment in future generations would not become higher and higher, and the value of equipment would not increase.

In addition, Zhou Yan said that her mother worked in the Mechanical Research Institute. Upon hearing this, she seemed to be quite knowledgeable even if she was not highly educated.

Li Shengli, a young man in his twenties, would have been embarrassed when a beautiful female patient took off her pants during treatment, and the patient would have been even more embarrassed.

The lumbar spine problem of Zhou Yan’s mother, Zheng Peilan, is not serious. It’s just that the intervertebral disc has shifted and compressed the nerves. It can be improved by manipulation.

But if you want to get rid of the root cause of the disease, even if it is a gynecological errand, it is still a little early for Li Shengli to be exposed to this department at his age.


Zhou Yan was a little excited when she heard that there was hope for a cure. If her mother was really cured, she would have gone away from a lot of heart problems.


Zhou Yan was so excited that she couldn't speak, but Zheng Peilan looked at Mr. Liu and raised questions, obviously not wanting to let the young doctor Li Shengli get involved.

"Don't look at me, I don't know anything about orthopedics or gynecology.

Neither Jie Guliang nor Liu Jinu can treat this disease. They don't know the skills of gynecology. You can look for it in Sijiucheng. There is no one with Dr. Li's skill.

Gynecology and orthopedics are not compatible, so where can you find someone who is proficient in these two fields?

This is a coincidence, it is both your fate and your destiny.

You're already an old woman. Why don't you let the doctor see what's wrong?

No one even dislikes you when he is young, but I do. "

Mr. Liu's reply was that doctors and patients had normal communication. The patients kept tabs on their illnesses and refused to treat them. The doctor's good words would be counterproductive. A few words of instruction would be enough.

"I'm sorry, I thought too much.

Yan'er, please go out first..."

Zheng Peilan's performance here is that he has read more and knows more about etiquette, justice and shame, and he has set himself up.

If Li Shengli said this to an old lady during a free clinic in Wali, he might even pull down his pants with a "swish" sound.

Li Shengli also encountered this problem when he was in Wali. Because he was afraid of being relied upon by the patients, he always took Zhao Caixia to the clinic.

Integrity is a matter of right and wrong, and it is even more wrong for patients to trust doctors unconditionally. Everyone has their own good and evil, and this is a matter of balance.

When the pain and suffering are too severe, there will be little left of human dignity. If there is no illness or disaster, dignity will be restored.

"Zhou Yan, don't go out yet. There is no need for acupuncture today. I may have something to do in the afternoon.

First, let me perform a simple repositioning technique on your mother so that you can have an impression of my technique. Let’s do it step by step.

When you're resetting, I'll have to hold your waist and give it a few clicks, don't be offended. "

With that said, Li Shengli walked out of the consultation table and led Zheng Peilan to lie down on the treatment bed. After trying it carefully, he did not hold it hard, but squeezed his hands into his big crotch.

"All right!"

Before exerting any force, Li Shengli said okay. When Zheng Peilan turned around in surprise, he put his thumb against the lumbar spine and gave her a squeeze with four fingers of both hands. After that, he gave her a simple massage.

Because it was so sudden, Zheng Peilan made a noise that she shouldn't have made. There was nothing she could do about it. I told her in advance that if she put too much force on her waist, her technique wouldn't work.

“It’s really good this time, let’s go for a walk.

Well, don't walk home as fast as you came, otherwise it will be hard for Zhou Yan to talk. "

After finishing the explanation, Li Shengli returned to the consulting table, sat down, and flipped through the medical books.

This is similar to Ding Lan back then. It may be said that it is courtesy, justice, dignity, or chastity, but it is just thinking too much.

Even if Li Shengli has any extra ideas, he can't just do whatever he thinks because of the many people with mixed vision. Besides not daring to do so, isn't it also illegal to do so?

It's nothing more than the messy thoughts in everyone's mind, and it is unavoidable.

It's just like having an ankle joint and having stinky feet. You just have to endure it if you can, and have your feet washed if you can't help it.

I was really nauseous and it was even worse at that time, but it would make the patient very embarrassed.

Some things are just a matter of letting things take their own course. If you say it or do it, everyone will be embarrassed.

If we follow the previous rules, those in the anorectal department who play with daddy and dig out feces will be in good luck. If you see one, you will have to take one in. This kind of business is guaranteed to make a lot of money.

People in rural areas don't pay much attention to this, but the difference between them and people in cities is one of living conditions. This is similar to the principle of practical etiquette in warehouses.

Most rural women work as laborers and livestock handlers. Let alone seeing a doctor, how many of them are topless when enjoying the cool weather in the summer?

When it comes to trouble, those who just take off their clothes will definitely be fine, but people like Zheng Peilan are prone to trouble.

The words "selflessness in the heart" means the universe is broad, and it is appropriate to say it at this time.

"Master Yan'er, I'm sorry, I was thinking too much just now."

Glancing at Zheng Peilan, who was in her forties and still retained some charm, Li Shengli shook his head and waved his hand. He didn't want to interact with her anymore and directly motioned to Zhou Yan to send her home.

"Sir, those who refuse to welcome you are also seducers. They are naturally charming. Whether they are seductive or not has little to do with age or appearance."

What Mr. Liu said was not very genuine. Li Shengli knew that this old man was not an upright person, so he ignored him and continued reading.

"Yan'er, if your master is interested in you, just obey him.

If someone gives you stability and wants to transfer your brother back to the city, you have to ask for something.

Instead of letting others take advantage, your master can at least be someone to rely on. "

Mr. Liu did not speak seriously to Li Shengli in the room, and Zheng Peilan did not speak seriously to his daughter Zhou Yan on the street outside the clinic.

It wasn't just once or twice that these two women were targeted. The men in the family had blocked their merit certificates several times before. This time Zhou Yan was targeted, and Zheng Peilan knew that she couldn't stop him.

Now that the pain on her body was gone for the time being, she lacked the perseverance she had when she was still hurt.

"Mom, my master doesn't seem to have that intention..."

She glanced at her mother shyly, and Zhou Yan's face became more shy.

"He doesn't mean anything, he's just waiting to make you interesting. People are like that.

Yan'er, our family's money is almost gone. Those people who cut off our relief before are just waiting for us to take the initiative.

Rather than taking advantage of those who don't know where they came from, it's better to take advantage of him. At least he's not evil. "

Zheng Peilan's compromise was not without reason. Nowadays, there are many ways to manipulate people. Those people dare not tamper with food rations, but they dare to tamper with relief funds.

It was said that they would get it right in the past, but it was hard to say how. Zheng Peilan relied on her original family resources to support herself, but now her family has lost its bottom line.

Only one injured patient, Zheng Peilan, was picked up one day, and Li Shengli felt a little helpless when he saw that it was already half afternoon and not a single patient came.

Playing ruthlessly in the storm is a trick. After the ruthlessness is over, Li Shengli can stand still without paying the price, but the reputation of the clinic will be ruined.

The reputation of Shengli Clinic has not been bad in the past two days. Ever since Li Shengli used a tank gun barrel to prop up the four characters "Shengli Clinic", this place has basically been kept away from strangers.

Even in the storm, neighbors still have this sensitivity. Although they may not necessarily speak ill of the clinic, it is also the way of life for the bottom to not provoke any trouble.

The huge iron signboard can be intimidating to people at first glance. There are more than one free clinic in Nanluo area, the Shengli Clinic. Some of them are approachable, and most people will not choose the signboard that overwhelms people.

"Master Liu, it's sad that no one comes to the clinic..."

After closing the TCM book, Li Shengli also started to complain. During the serious consultation, the matter between Zhou Yan's mother and Accountant Sun had violated the saying that doctors don't knock on the door.

It was enough for Li Wei to do this once or twice, and Li Shengli was not so stubborn about letting Shengli Clinic become the yamen gate for trial.

"My lord, your orthopedic surgery and gynecological skills are unique among those in the Four-Nine City. You will be famous for your skills..."

(End of this chapter)

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