The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 665: Separating the Family (Part )

Chapter 665: Separating the Family (Part )

After Feng Xia finished the phone call, he started cleaning the Shengli Clinic. Li Shengli didn't interfere with this. He and Mr. Liu couldn't keep cleaning the medicine cabinets and clinic tables every day, right?

Feng Xia's surveillance mission is destined to be leisurely.

Just like Li Shengli said about the self-training class, even if Wang Qianjin is not in charge of the self-training class, the person in charge must be the listener of the two uncles.

If you don't want to be a listener, then you are not being reasonable, but you are trying to differentiate between life and death.

If there are too many people dying, those sitting there will naturally obey what they say. This is the bottom line for Uncle Lang and his wife.

Otherwise, if we do things poorly in the self-training class, we will really risk our lives when things get tough in the future.

Just as Feng Xia's house cleaning started, Han Jinhua, the wife of the Li family, pushed the door open and broke into the clinic after a "ding, ding, ding, clang" sound of brakes.

Seeing that her eldest son was chatting and laughing with Old Man Liu, Han Jinhua suppressed her anxiety and rolled her eyes. Li Shengli got up obediently and walked over.

"Mom, I asked Li Huaide to call you back because I want you to vacate the house.

In this way, he can also prevent the Li family and his wife from interfering with his work rhythm. Living in the same courtyard and seeing each other every day may not be a good thing.

There are three floors above and below ground. There is no need for the Li family and his wife to vacate a house. The second floor facade, which is the same length as the courtyard house, can be used as a company's barracks.

But if I asked the residents living in large courtyards in Sijiucheng, if I had a choice, my grandson would not choose a private courtyard and live with a group of idiots.

"Mom, my dad's side..."

Once it was heard that it was a matter involving the good daughter-in-law Du Jiaoyang's family, Han Jinhua had more problems.

Mr. Liu and I have no place to live, so you and my dad can live somewhere else, right?

If you can't get used to the house provided by the factory, you can live in Yinghong's courtyard. "

At this time, there are many things you don’t dare to say, so don’t ask. "

Of course, there are some families who get along well with each other and are difficult to leave, but if you count them, you probably won’t be able to count them all.

Upon hearing this, Li Shengli couldn't deal with it casually. Ding Lan had never entered the Li family's house once.

If Li Shengli dared to call Yi Zhonghai, an old man with a big mouth, in front of Han Jinhua in the courtyard, the Li family would definitely reward him.

Let me tell you what to do..."

I have lived in the courtyard for ten years. Although I am polite, the dirty things of each family are always in front of my eyes every day.

"What's wrong?

This kind of relationship between husband and wife is normal now. Many young women who go to the countryside marry quietly in the countryside just to make a living.

Listening to the elder's explanation, the Li family woman glared at Feng Xia's back and stopped asking questions. Her meaning was very simple, that is, 'I understand the rules.'

Regardless of the seniority between co-workers or the seniority between neighbors, everyone must show respect on their faces. This is called unity.

Listening to his mother's worries, Li Shengli thought about it and said:

"Mom, how dare I do this?

Li Shengli estimated that Ding Lan was responsible for the chaotic relationship in the Wang family's old home, and Du Jiaoyang, who was more popular with the Li family, had to take the blame.

Li Shengli's explanation seemed perfunctory to him, but Li's wife took it seriously and asked:

"Isn't he the father-in-law in the back room?

If you lie to someone's face and you can tell a lie to someone's face, there will be no end to the conversation. Looking back at Mr. Liu and Feng Xia, Li Shengli whispered:

"Mom, it's not a big deal, so don't spread the word. It's always better to talk less at this time.

"Isn't it divorced?

How can it still involve you?

"Mom, there's something going on with my father-in-law, and I'm afraid it might involve me.

The yard is also in a mess, so why don't you take this opportunity to ask the factory director for a house again. Do you want you and dad to have some leisure time? "

Seeing his mother Mingbu, Li Shengli breathed a sigh of relief. This breath also made Han Jinhua increase his vigilance, and then he remained silent.

Nowadays, the Li family's property is not only for the young and old, not counting the front yard of the courtyard, there are dozens of rooms that can accommodate people on the second floor of the original livestock yard.

What Li Shengli said was quite helpful to Han Jinhua.

"Tell me first what the trouble is. You are a kid too. You are away from home all day long. When you come back, let us vacate the house.

Have you seen that tomboy? He is here to monitor me. If you talk nonsense, if someone else reports him to you, I will not be happy. "

What is this thing called?

Hearing this, the expression of Han Jinhua, the wife of the Li family, changed.

"The father-in-law of Qianwo Jiaoyang's family."

Han Jinhua came back first, riding in Li Huaide's jeep. The factory's settlement was similar to the factory's compound.

How nice is it to live in a small courtyard of your own home?

Your wings are so strong that the factory director dares to call you by your first name?

When you want to be clean, the street will be clean as soon as the gate is closed. When you want to be lively, as soon as the street gate is opened, the neighbors will gather together again, and those days will be the real time for ironing.

Is there no other way? "

If you need the house, we will give it to you, but you can't just say nothing. It makes us feel anxious, doesn't it? "

Li Shengli wanted the front yard of the Li family mainly because he wanted the Li family and his wife to get out of the troubled circle.

There is a little trouble outside. Recently, I have to have a consultation with Mr. Liu at the Shengli Clinic and I have no place to stay.

From now on, you don’t need to call me mom. How good will Han Jinhua be?

Forget about calling your dad dad..."

It's not enough to remain silent now. If we want to separate the family and make room for the house, we must first reach an agreement with the Li family's parents, otherwise the next steps will not be possible.

"It's good that I understand. You have to be careful when you are sitting here for a consultation. There is nothing wrong with Hu Qin.

Half of the big girls on the front street just picked up the wrong essay in front of the supply and marketing cooperative. Aren't they still out sweeping the streets?

Trouble comes from the mouth..."

Listening to my mother's words, Li Shengli shook his head gently. These are the years when misfortune comes from the mouth.

Just like how he dealt with Wang Weihong, Li Shengli now has the ability to blame someone for death. He is just referring to deer as horses and framing them. There is strength in numbers.


I understand, my dad and the others haven’t come back yet. This time our family is separated, do we need someone from the neighborhood committee to be a witness?

I want to avoid having too many houses and causing trouble for you and my dad. "

The real estate under Li Shengli's name now has several large boxes, and it's the kind that even lice can't bite if there are too many.

No one would dare to use the house to deal with him, because half of the house was obtained by Wang Qianjin’s godmother before the storm, and the other half was obtained through the leader’s office. There are both pros and cons, and the people involved too much.

Anyone who wants to use this to trick him has to go to Huangquan Road to fight in advance. There is nothing to question. It is a certain death choice. Otherwise, the whole family will die. "Okay, I'll go find Zhao Sanni."

With that said, Li's mother turned around and left the clinic. When she heard the name of the neighborhood committee director Zhao Sanni was still there, Li Shengli thought about it. Just because of this name, she was also a tough and fashionable person.

These days, the only people who dare to be tough are these simple people.

This is especially true in rural areas. No matter how patched up an old farmer is, he cannot be offended by young people on the street, nor can he be offended by people from the Revolutionary Committee.

If you let them beat you, it will really be in vain. They are not afraid of you. As long as there is nothing wrong with you, you can't deal with him.

Li Shengli also has this point. If he doesn't mention the real estate, he really won't be afraid of someone like Wang Weihong.

Over and over again, her identity as a child of Wang Weihong was her biggest weakness.

The Li family's wife went to the neighborhood committee. When she was little, people who worked in the steel rolling mill in the courtyard also came back in something like a commuter car.

It has a hand-held front end, a frame with two sleepers, a seat and chassis made of cotton locust strips, and there is no shed.

To say that this is not a gadget, it is similar to a golf tour bus, but to say that it is a car is a bit far-fetched.

Although it doesn't look like a car, the subjective mobility is still full. Being able to sit in this thing is more comfortable than the Eleven Road.

This vehicle can be regarded as a modified version of the Gongnong brand, and some have even become construction vehicles for digging holes.

Li Shengli also designed an earth-moving truck for Du Peng with engines at both ends. It was inconvenient to turn around in underground tunnels, and he didn't have the skills to move it backwards.

Talking about the most variants and modifications, it is the workers and peasants brand of the steel rolling mill. The ones in front of us, such as pulling people, pulling soil on the street, and long dry land trains, are just doing whatever they want, as long as they can run. car.

"First uncle, second uncle.

Dad, my mother has gone to the neighborhood committee. Come and take a look. "

To the people in the car, Li Shengli just said hello to the first uncle Yi Zhonghai and the second uncle Liu Haizhong. The others were their equals in terms of neighbors, so they nodded and settled the matter.

Instructing the Li family's father to follow the road to the neighborhood committee and find the Li family's mother to understand the situation, Li Shengli turned around and looked at the eldest uncle, Yi Zhonghai.

"Master, please come back to bear witness. I plan to stay here permanently at Shengli Clinic.

There is no place to live here. I plan to let my parents live outside for a while, while I live nearby in the courtyard.

According to the previous rules, the person who divided the house and settled the property needed his uncle to be a witness. In this new era, I will let you elders be the witnesses! "

Seeing that Father Li had gone to the neighborhood committee, Li Shengli didn't wait for Lao Yi and others to get off the commuter bus, and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Victory is back?

This time, you can't find me. Now the first uncle in the courtyard is Lao Liu, and the second uncle is Xu Damao. If you have anything to do, go to them.

My position as uncle was removed at a meeting two years ago.

The old man opposite your house, Lao Yan, is no longer the third uncle. Now these two have the final say. "

Seeing that Lao Yi started talking about the bad things in the courtyard, Li Shengli took a step back and did not continue. He gave them a notice in advance and asked them to be witnesses when the family was separated, sign a guarantor letter, and have their fingerprints pressed.

Li Shengli had no interest in getting involved in the messy happenings in the courtyard. When it came to the trivial nonsense in the courtyard, everyone who got off the bus was an expert.

"Master, you can't talk nonsense.

Ever since the old lady in the backyard left, haven't the three of you had the final say on digging holes and preparing for wasteland?

That's all for you, that's just old sesame and rotten millet. Although there is no meeting to reinstate you, aren't you still the one who holds power in the courtyard? "

When the commuter bus from the steel rolling mill left, Xu Damao picked up what Lao Yi was talking about.

He didn't know the details of Li Chenggong, but he knew that the current Li Chenggong was not something he could cause.

It was only a few days after Li Shengli came back that the Shengli Clinic was set up outside the courtyard, and there was a lot of fuss and fuss.

After that, around the Shengli Clinic, if there were children playing around, young people would come from nowhere and chase them away by giving each other a slap in the face.

In recent years, it is no exaggeration to say that the entrance to the courtyard is the most orderly place in the city.

Knowing that he couldn't be offended and not knowing the details, Xu Damao didn't approach Li Shengli.

First, he threw back the shit basin that Lao Yi had seized. Now the storm is not over yet. Who knows where the disaster will come from?

Li Shengli didn't care about things in the hospital, he just kept scanning the few people standing at the door of the clinic.

Lao Yi is almost the same as before, and Liu Haizhong, the second eldest child in the courtyard, looks a bit like a leader after putting on glasses.

Xu Damao and Xu Damao, whose eyes were darting around, made eye contact and nodded reservedly to each other.

Li Shengli took a look at Qin Huairu, who was wearing a thin Lenin suit and small leather shoes. Li Huaide was willing to spend money and knew how to conquer Sister Qin in the courtyard.

Judging from her smiling face, she must have been entrusted by Lao Li when she came back.

The last one is naturally Silly Zhu. Comparing Xu Damao's white shirt and then looking at Silly Zhu's oil-stained twist short-sleeved open collar, you know that this guy is still a big problem in the courtyard.

Listening to Xu Damao say, the deaf old lady in the backyard is gone.

Li Shengli shook his head gently. Next, it will be the years of birth, old age, illness and death, and the famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain have begun to wither.

When manpower was limited, even if Li Shengli used the ambergris secretly stored in the Qing Palace in Wali, the sixty-year-old wild ginseng in the Northeast, and the eight flavors of Zhejiang to use wild medicine and other authentic medicinal materials that are rare today. Even if they all work together, they can't defeat the Lord of Hell who holds the destiny.

More than a dozen of the longevity materials on the mountain have been used so far, and more than a dozen graves without tombstones have been erected near the Yaowang Temple ruins in the mountain.

Burial and tombstones are also out of date now. We can only bury stone carvings in front of the graves and wait for the monuments to be erected in the future.

Li Shengli also made a commitment to these famous old Chinese doctors who have passed away, and erecting monuments will establish their biographies.

Perhaps these old Chinese medicine doctors do not have the qualifications to write biographies, but for the great inheritance of Chinese medicine, they do!

For a return to the roots of medicine, they have it too!

Fortunately, these deceased famous old Chinese medicine doctors have left behind their inheritance, and the remaining disciples have also recognized their origins and inherited their mantle.

Coupled with the teachings of other famous old Chinese medicine doctors in the mountain village, maybe every tombstone near Yaowang Temple will be the source of a medical lineage in the future.

When Li Shengli heard that the deaf old lady had passed away, he felt a little sad, and his expression naturally didn't get better.

The few people who were arranged to come back by Director Li of the steel rolling mill also looked at him and did not bother Li Shengli. They just talked to themselves and asked about the ownership of the uncle of the hospital.

When the Li couple and Zhao Sanni, the director of the neighborhood committee in blue pants and green military uniform, arrived, the sound in front of the clinic disappeared.

Before coming, Director Zhao also took a call from Li Huaide. She was also considered a relative of Lao Li. When it was time to maintain things, Lao Li was unambiguous.

If she were to bring trouble to Li Shengli, the director of the sub-district office would have to be abolished...

(End of this chapter)

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