The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 662: The bird is gone and the bow is hidden (Part )

Chapter 662: The bird is gone and the bow is hidden (Part )


I am a lonely old man, what can I do?

Wherever you go, that's where you go.

But young master, we have worked so hard to build such a huge foundation in the self-training class, but with just one word, we will be kicked out.

The scary girl is still making a fool of herself in this video, bringing shame on us.

Isn’t that how the bird disappears and the bow hides? "

Being sent directly to the clinic on the street, it was impossible for Mr. Liu to have any objections. Thinking of the thousands of people in the two camps of the self-training class, the old man also began to cry out for his heir.

"Master Liu, this is a good thing, not a bad thing.

What I just acted in was all drama. Going back to Shengli Clinic is what I wanted so much! "

Seeing that Mr. Liu was really aggrieved, Li Shengli glanced at the streets and alleys, and then whispered his true thoughts to the old man.

Today, there are only a few people in the intensive training class, which is the core of Li Shengli, the successor of the Liu family.

I just feel sorry for my brother-in-law Wang Qianjin, who will take the blame for the self-training class. Although he can escape the death penalty, he can still bear the punishment of living punishment..."

Knowing that this was a good thing, Mr. Liu ignored the explanation just now and answered Li Shengli's previous question.

It was almost like what Li Shengli said. He and the Wang family had walked through flesh and blood all the way. If they were to settle accounts like this, those people who had been through would really have no way to redress their grievances.

But Li Shengli, his successor, could clearly see the cause and effect. I was afraid that when they met in Wali, the unlucky guy Wang Qianjin was destined to take the blame for today.

Even if you can walk to the valley, you won't be able to catch Li Shengli's eyes. Only when you reach the inheritance class on the mountain can you be considered to be in Li Shengli's eyes.

After hearing that his heir had made a fool of himself with the doctor's medical records, Mr. Liu finally knew why he stayed at the free clinic after arriving at the self-training class. If you really want to put it this way, there was nothing wrong with him.

After rubbing his newly grown white goatee, Mr. Liu didn't want to hear Li Shengli's comforting words.

The self-training class can be established, and my brother-in-law Wang Qianjin and I have done a lot of cleaning up the ugly things just now.

It’s not like you don’t know that we have done more things that are even more outrageous than this.

After listening to the accounts of his heir Li Shengli, Mr. Liu's inverted triangle eyes widened. If the accounts are all calculated in this way, what is the law of heaven?

"Master Liu, there is no need to worry about the house. I will give it up as soon as I say to the self-training class. The real estate, food, clothing, housing and transportation, they can't treat me badly.

In the next year or two, I am afraid that free clinics will really be held here, but free clinics are free clinics, and the priority is to study books and arts.

"Why can't you explain clearly?

After the two of us officially started free clinics at the Shengli Clinic, the past and the past became a thing of the past. They were the same to everyone, and there was nothing to mention.

Self-training classes, correspondence classes, and even inheritance classes are all used to select talents for mountain villages. Students in self-training classes go to the junior inheritance classes in Madianji, which is an alternative.

Now, when I stop at the Victory Clinic, the account book in front of me is closed, and the accounts for the self-training class are now calculated from scratch.

The chaos in the streets can only be temporary. When the chaos stops, someone will come out to settle the accounts.

As for the future, let’s talk about it in the future. As long as the people on the mountain are here, in the medical world, I am still the overlord of the medical world who can do whatever he says. "

"How the hell can this be a good thing?

Young Master, please don’t comfort me with lies. "

No one would spend four years in advance to record a medical record that proves their innocence. How many people can understand what is going on in front of them and behind them?

"Good idea!

"Old man, your eyes are still as bad as ever!

It's up to two people to decide whether they are hiding us or we are hiding them.

I can tell clearly whose order I received and which free clinic was held on which day, and there are also circumstantial witnesses on that day.

Since I went to Wali to go to the countryside, I have clearly remembered what I was doing every day.

"Master, can you explain clearly?"

Looking at Li Shengli with some disbelief, Mr. Liu felt that things were not so easy to explain clearly.

If we really follow this argument, as long as the mountain village does not change owners, ten or eight self-training classes will not count.

If you really care about me, I am a clean person!

Isn’t that what the doctor’s medical records are for?

We are serious heirs of the Liu family, whether it is free clinics, sit-in clinics, travel medicine or epidemic treatment, we all have medical records..."

Mr. Liu can tell this from the basic necessities of life. In mountain villages, people have enough to eat.

After listening to Mr. Liu's question, Li Shengli thought for a moment before replying:

"Who knows!

Look at the scenery outside.

I served it!

Young Master, since we are here at a free clinic, we must have a place to stay, right?

If we are arranged here, we won’t be able to wander around, right? "

Over on the mountain, we also need to clarify the properties of the medicine. With this free time, I just happened to give it a try and see if I can help? "

The self-training class can survive, but it costs many lives!

Now that the top management has changed hands, so has the self-training class. When I come down, the self-training class has nothing to do with me.

After listening to the clear accounts of his heir, Mr. Liu's resentment was wiped away.

Everything in the past has nothing to do with me. Talking about it in the world of martial arts means washing hands in a golden basin and cutting off cause and effect.

"Master, what will our future be like?

Will you settle down here, or will you stop here temporarily and then leave? "

Now between me and the self-training class, I have all my money and goods, and my accounts are clean. According to popular terms, I am now a good young man from a worker-peasant background who is attending a free clinic in the city.

Listening to his heir's pretense of grief over the death of a rabbit and a fox, Mr. Liu couldn't help but shudder. Compared with his medical skills, this young man's mind was extremely vicious.

In the past few years, I have been attending free clinics almost every day from Wali to Madianji. Where was I on that day and what patients did I meet?

After telling Mr. Liu about his recent goals, Li Shengli also glanced at the Shengli Clinic behind him.

He was aware of the change. When he said that women were unreasonable in front of his mother-in-law, Li Shengli knew that after Wang Qianjin's godmother came up, he would no longer let him take charge of the self-training class.

Wang Qianjin is the first choice to manage the self-training class. The previous medicines, goodwill, and some things he has in hand can also be used as chips to save his life.

Many things are the same in ancient and modern times. Being sent to the Shengli Clinic for free treatment by Wang Qianjin's godmother is similar to the earlier confinement. He can't be killed, and he has taboos about staying, so he can only be under residential surveillance.

It was precisely because Wang Jinjin's godmother was still undecided that Li Shengli dared to step on someone like Wang Weihong in the street. Wang Weihong, in Wang Qianjin's godmother's eyes, and Li Shengli's eyes were both the same thing, that is, they were just offal on the street.

No matter what status she or her family had before, they are now just a bastard on the street, a bastard who can be disposed of and cooked at will.

In the circle of disciples, it is a rule that when gods fight, little devils will suffer disaster. When Wang Weihong's words come out, it is not her fault alone.

There was no need for Li Shengli to control her, Wang Jinjin's godmother would take care of her and her family members as well. The reason was that this woman showed up at the scene of the fight between gods without blinking an eye.

Self-training classes and correspondence classes directly handle tens of thousands of people. After running a barefoot doctor training class, ten people in a class equals hundreds of thousands of people, and twenty or thirty people in a class equals millions of people.

In addition to the more than three million villages below, the self-training class is the only barefoot doctor correspondence class in the country, which can reach too many young people. This is the reason why Li Shengli had to leave the self-training class. Hidden Too much authority.

Similarly, the reason why Wang Qianjin's godmother would not attack him was because everything from barefoot doctors to self-training classes and correspondence classes were all created by Li Shengli, and they didn't know how prestigious Li Shengli was.

If something goes wrong and these young people below are provoked to take action, it can only be the beginning of disaster. No matter how stupid Wang Qianjin is, he will not tell his godmother about these things, because Li Shengli has already told him , the self-training class is the life-saving career of the two uncles.

"Master, don't forget to ask for medical books. This is the best time in history to collect medical books. Regardless of whether you are good or bad, we have the right opportunity."

Master Liu's reminder interrupted Li Shengli's train of thought. This matter was really different from what Master Liu said. The medical book was really unacceptable.

"Master Liu, this really won't work.

The medical books in Madianji were scraps from the paper mill and had no owner.

The medical books in their hands now are not their own, they are owned by their owners.

The purpose of our coming here is to close the previous accounts. We asked for the medical book, but we just renewed the previous accounts.

The medicinal materials don’t matter, they are the means of production.

The house is just like the medical book. You cannot ask for it as private property, you can only ask for it as the public property of your work unit.

From now on, the two of us at Shengli Clinic will no longer be able to ask for things of unknown origin.

If when the time comes to settle the accounts, there is someone who is responsible for the things we collected here, then it’s hard to tell.

The waste from the paper mill is different in nature. Even if there are victims, they have to settle the accounts with the paper mill first, and the other side of the paper mill is those bastards on the street.

This account is no longer an account to us. Even if they have a list, we still don't recognize it, and they don't do anything either. "

Many things need an explanation. Just like what Li Shengli said, according to Liu Ye's wishes, asking for medical books from the superiors seems to be a public allocation, but the public allocation is unreasonable and illegal before. Such an allocation is , the responsibility does not lie with the public, it is the responsibility of whoever has the things in their hands.

The nature of old books obtained from paper mills is different. First of all, they are waste materials from paper making and pulping. Even if the books are clearly marked with a private seal and say that so-and-so collects books, they are still waste materials from the paper mill.

As long as Li Shengli has the receipt from the paper mill, he can tell the truth that it is waste material, reasonable and legal. If he wants to clarify that it is not waste material, the paper mill will not agree in the first place. They will take the waste paper away from the city. That is a serious leader. Notice under the office.

What if I don't take him away?

Burn all the ground in the city into glass and let the whole city be filled with beacon smoke?

Therefore, even if they face-to-face in the future and Li Shengli places an old book with a private seal and the origin in front of them, all they can get is a destruction certificate from the paper mill, because no one can explain the truth. Things can only go as far as the paper mill.

"It's true, there are too many official circles, but you should understand..."

After giving the compliment, Mr. Liu no longer planned to take advantage of the opportunity. His successor, Li Shengli, had already taken advantage of him.

The rest of the advantages are nothing but traps. Taking advantage is only called taking advantage when no one else knows about it. Everyone knows it. That is not called taking advantage, but there is another way of saying it, which is called trapping.

"Master Liu, it doesn't matter if you eat, drink or have fun in the future. You don't have to take cards to eat or drink. We are a free clinic, and we have to pay attention to the patients' gratitude. You can accept food and drink, but you can't accept any other objects."

Anyone who dares to drop their things and leave will be taken to the neighborhood committee or the police station. People in these days are so shady!

Regardless of whether he has good intentions or ulterior motives, once the good-hearted person is confirmed by the police station, we will accept the things and send him a token of thanks.

As for those whose identities are unclear, the police station is the first level, and I have another level here.

We, the two of us, need to make it clear about these things, and don’t let others get hurt by being confused..."

Hearing that his heir was so cautious and the people on the street were so sinister, Mr. Liu was a little confused. It seemed that the world was getting harder and harder to get along. Are all people so sophisticated?

"Master, this world is no longer the one I'm familiar with. There are some things I say that you have to consider and listen to.

I originally thought that people nowadays are more honest and the world is simpler, but I never thought that the real world is as unpredictable as ever.

I used to be dissatisfied with old age, but after seeing your abilities in the past two years, I realize that I am already an old man.

Life is so weird. Before I met my young master, I thought I would just make do until I die. I would get older and older every year.

After I met you, the scene where I slept in the Bada Hutong often appeared in my dreams. This bad old man like me is getting younger and younger again.

After you gave me the Widow Zhang, there was someone sleeping next to me, and I felt that my energy had increased a lot.

Now that I hear you talk about the world you face, I feel old again..."

Li Shengli frowned when he heard Master Liu's emotion. What he heard was not what Master Liu said about his old age, but the old man's reverie when he was dreaming at night.

"Master Liu, please walk inside the room and let me check your pulse."

After scanning Mr. Liu up and down, who was getting stronger as he lived, Li Shengli felt that no matter how powerful the tiger and wolf medicine back then was, it was not as powerful as the human body's metabolism. Maybe the Liu family's descendants could continue to do so.

Master Liu's transformation from a shriveled and wretched old man to a strong life may have been the time for a reversal, but Li Shengli didn't think about it at that time.

"Master, what do you mean? I'm already this old, so please stop beating me..."

After listening to Li Shengli's words, Mr. Liu immediately thought of something. Although he felt that his world was getting old, Mr. Liu's roots were still there. What had aged was just his ideas. The old man's real experience in the world was profound!

"What nonsense?

We haven't talked to each other for a long time. If I had known that you dreamed about Bada Hutong every night, I would have checked your pulse.

In daily morning classes, we only check whether the pulse is smooth or not, and no one will check if there is anything wrong with the lower third circuit. You are just a bad old man, and you won't think about it, right? "

While chatting, he entered the room and sat down. After Li Shengli cut Master Liu's pulse on both sides, he said:

"One yang in Kan is innate, so I say that no matter how wonderful Chinese medicine is, it cannot make a person inoperable for the rest of his life with just a few strokes.

Although the original medicine greatly damaged Kan Zhongyang, people are also resistant to manipulation. You have been abstinent for forty years, and this little innate yang energy has slowly been cultivated.

Give it a try, maybe you can delay the marriage for the Liu family, but Widow Zhang may not be able to give you a child..."

After the pulse diagnosis, Mr. Liu's pulse condition was normal. Although recovery was possible, it may not be possible.

Li Shengli was afraid that if he died, he would really end the Liu family's heirs, so he used psychological techniques. The Liu family's continued heirs depended more on luck...

(End of this chapter)

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