The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 654: Taking root (Part )

Chapter 654: Taking root (Part )

Although Li Shengli's prediction of life and death in the next ten years is biased and dangerous, domestically, it is undoubtedly the best situation to relieve the pressure on the north.

If this game really comes true, if the experimental field of the third son of the Ding family can really produce results, the battle will be over in ten days, and a three-legged situation will inevitably be formed.

In ten years, the big bombs built were enough to deal with the threat from the north. For Mr. Du, this was a rising situation, and it would be a pity in life not to participate in it.

"You are very good at applying what you have learned, Victory, but you still need to change your biased and sinister temperament.

You are still young, and there is still a long way to go in life. There is no need to fight with others when encountering difficulties. Sometimes, retreating in order to advance may not be a wise move..."

Li Shengli readily accepted Father Du's life advice, and with the addition of the words "War in the Southwest," King Du Ding thanked the four families, and they could be tightly tied together.

The next thing is out of Li Shengli's control. His experience is enough for a master, but when it comes to actual work, his structure is not enough. Even if he is a small person, he is still good at bragging and spanking.

"Dad, actually I am also very helpless.

I am a Chinese medicine practitioner, and my skills are pretty good.

People say that with great ability comes greater responsibility. For me, with such medical skills, it is not easy to watch the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine wither.

In fact, the current situation is something I only came across occasionally when I was thinking about the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

For me, the development of traditional Chinese medicine is my career, and many things in the past were not initiated by me.

There are many people who prevent me from going out for free clinics and the development of traditional Chinese medicine. They refuse to listen to their good advice and cannot do enough good deeds. There is nothing I can do.

From the perspective of development, it is inevitable to go it alone. When I start going it alone, I will also transfer a large amount of funds from Jiaoyang to develop traditional Chinese medicine.

Therefore, you still have to support me in the cause of traditional Chinese medicine. "

Having said everything that should not be said, Li Shengli will naturally not forget what should be said about Chinese medicine.

Father Du's reminder is of no use to him. If gamblers don't go to the gambling table, they will naturally not be cheated; if investors don't enter the stock market, they will naturally not be cheated.

His opponents, if they do not slander or ban traditional Chinese medicine, will naturally not become Li Shengli's orthodox enemies; as for those who take to the streets, they are Jianghu. He will not be killed.

"Do as you say.

But as I just said, don’t be biased in your actions. This is not a foreign country. "

Not to mention the development of traditional Chinese medicine, Father Du has not been able to accept and understand what the wise son-in-law Li Shengli just said.

For Lao Du, Li Shengli's role is not small now. As long as he doesn't do the things that were rumored before, he will still be a good son-in-law of the Du family.

Because in this day and age, many things don’t require evidence or clues. A suspicion is enough.

"Dad, I know this.

Aren’t there no rules outside now?

After I have the rules, I am the one who obeys the rules the most.

I have now begun to teach my future staff the rules.

As long as the basic rules are there, even if I accidentally break them, I will accept the punishment.

But if there are no rules, you can’t use them to constrain me, right?

I shouldn’t say these words to you, but at this time, if you really follow the rules, your body will be exposed in the wilderness..."

When Li Shengli spoke, he was also talking about the price of asylum. Let alone asylum, the free clinic mission assigned by the leader's office had no means, let alone treating people. As a healer, could he go where he should? It’s hard to say where.

In many things, one cannot just look at the benefits without looking at the efforts. The four families of Prince Du Ding and Xie cannot just focus on the benefits. On the other hand, his methods are ruthless. In the future, each family will have to claim their own share of these causes and consequences.

These causes and effects should have been told to Lao Du by Lao Wang of Wang Qianjin's family. This is also the basis for the four families to reach a consensus. Putting aside selfish means and high-profile, this is not allowed.

Of course, Li Shengli also drew a line for Mr. Du. There are no rules in the wind and rain. Whatever rules there are after the wind stops and the rain stops, you must abide by the rules. There must be a separation between before and after.

Once you have primitive accumulation, you can no longer earn bloody money. This can be said to be both pawn and establishment.

After Li Shengli's words, the father-in-law and his son-in-law couldn't talk anymore. Father Du needed a long exam, and Li Shengli had to give him time.

As soon as the former son-in-law left the courtyard, Li Shengli's mother-in-law, Sister Fu, said with lingering fear:

"Lao Du, this young man Li Shengli is too dangerous. Our family must draw a clear line with him."

After hearing this, Lao Du glanced at the ignorant Sister Fu in front of him and said:

"Didn't you hear what your son-in-law said?

If one person leaves, there will be another one. Without the planning and protection of you, my son-in-law, what will happen to my successor and what will happen to our family.

This son-in-law is the son-in-law of the Du family for life. If there is no Ding Lan or Du Juan, you can have another one.

Now that you have heard what you should and shouldn't hear, think about how to maintain the relationship with your son-in-law in the future. "

Hearing what Lao Du said was a bit unbearable, the two couples were facing each other. Sister Fu didn't tolerate him and directly retorted:

"Lao Du, do you still have some consciousness?

Do you know what you two were talking about before?

Without the cuckoo, I will have another one, shameless! "

Listening to Sister Fu's scolding, Lao Du shook his head and asked warmly:

"Sister Fu, you only saw the ideas and means, why didn't you mention the results.

The current situation is like this. This kid Shengli speaks straight to his heart and tells you in circles, so he is a good person?

But do you understand?

I had to slowly understand many of the things he just said by comparing them with historical data. How could you possibly understand them?

Although Li Shengli's words are dark, the results are all good. Those people outside may say good things, but do you know what bad things they have done?

A woman's view!

Starting from today, you must also start to learn and live a peaceful life, so that your consciousness has reached below the horizontal line. Reflect on it!

Okay, don’t mess with my thoughts here, reflect on it yourself! "

After saying that, Lao Du got up, found paper and pen, and began to write something at his desk. This writing lasted all night.

After returning from Xiaowangzhuang to Madianji, Li Shengli also sat in the main hall of the Wang family's old house for a long time, and did not get up to go to sleep until late at night. Many things have come to a point where a showdown is necessary. Whether it is on the mountain, in Wali, in Madianji or in the self-training class, if the relationship with Lao Du is not finalized well, then everything will be castles in the air.

For a policy, all the painstaking efforts will end up adding up to the bottom line, and even adding up the bottom line to the bottom line is still good. If the time comes when people can cut it across the board, then all the efforts will be in vain.

Just like Niu Bijian from Hong Kong City, when he heard about Lao Du's reputation, he confirmed that he was a powerful figure, just like Li Shengli who finalized the cooperation.

Everything Li Shengli does must be supported by a strong person, and he must have unconditional support.

After confessing to Father Du today, as long as he can accept this, then Li Shengli will have the powerful person he needs.

The direct relationship with the Du Ding Wang Xie family, the indirect relationship through the free clinic shelter during the storm, and the academic relationship that Zou Jin is getting familiar with. With these, who wants to use his hard work in the name of the overall situation? No No.

But the knife will break directly, and the person and the knife will be replaced, and the person holding the knife will be cut off one by one.

Finalizing the relationship with Father Du means finalizing the early results. Next, it is time to prepare for future games.

The continuation and development of traditional Chinese medicine has never been a matter of medical skills, but only related to games. Although Shi Lao, Pu Lao and others have a heart for boxing, they have taken the wrong path.

It is impossible for them to find strong figures who unconditionally support traditional Chinese medicine by relying on medical skills alone. If they want to find backers, they can only use official methods. The continuation and development of traditional Chinese medicine has nothing to do with traditional Chinese medicine itself.

It involves the implementation of the early results, the establishment of Li Shengli, and the past few days that Mr. Du has been taking the exam.

Li Shengli was not in the mood to do anything. He just stayed in the Wang family's old house and sat alone, thinking aimlessly. When he thought of something useful, he picked up a pen and wrote a summary.

It wasn't until Wang Qianjin called the Madianji Village Department and said that Lao Du asked him to go to Xiaowangzhuang that Li Shengli breathed a long sigh of relief.

After receiving the notice, Zhang Ying was asked to do a haircut and Xu Xiaoya was given a haircut. Li Shengli put on the newly modified old placket, the same modified purple lambskin coat, a flocked hat and leather gloves, and then drove the car. Went to Xiaowangzhuang.

It's another cold winter, but Li Shengli's heart is full of passion. This time he goes to Xiaowangzhuang, it's time to really finalize the relationship.

The relationship between Du Ding, Wang Xie and the four families has been finalized, and the early results have been implemented. Then Li Shengli is a person who truly belongs to this era. As long as the early results are not obliterated, then he will leave a legacy of traditional Chinese medicine for the future. A bold stroke of color.

When they arrived at Xiaowangzhuang, Father Du looked a little haggard. It was obvious that he had spent a lot of energy in the past few days.

Sister Fu, the mother-in-law, who had a look of unfamiliarity in her eyes before, became more enthusiastic. She not only helped him get his coat, but also dusted him off with a towel.

"Comrade Shengli, happy cooperation!"

This time when I came here, not only did my mother-in-law improve Li Shengli's treatment, but Du's father was also very formal. He tried the grip strength of Du's palm and the width of his handshake. Li Shengli asked with a wry smile:

“Dad, is this over?

Should I call you dad from now on?

Or should I call you Comrade Lao Du?

Furthermore, I am very clear about some of my things, and I still cannot afford to call you a comrade. "

Although he shook hands passively, Li Shengli still had self-awareness. Some of his ideas, not only those of angry youth, were also the essence of the opinions of angry youth.

Although it sounds good, he doesn't have the real execution ability. These plans need to be adapted by Lao Du before they can be slowly implemented and realized. Whether they will go out of shape during the implementation process is something Li Shengli cannot predict. .

Furthermore, during the storm, he and Wang Qianjin did too many things that were not worthy of publicity. They talked about friendship in private, but when it came to a formal occasion, where comrades came and comrades went, Li Shengli thought to himself that he would not be able to handle it. , calling him Dr. Li is a very good title.

“Very good, there is still something to be proud of when you win, but it’s not good to be unable to accept defeat.

Calling you comrade is an affirmation of your previous plan. I heard Du Juan say that the two of you also wanted to make money outside and return home with honor, and you also asked me to pick you up at the airport. What a beautiful thought!

From now on, you will no longer be treated like this. You will still belong to Li Shengli, the son-in-law of my Du family.

Lao Wang has been here these days, and we exchanged opinions on some issues. Lao Wang, on behalf of the Ding and Xie families, has finalized a cooperative relationship with me. Now you should feel relieved, right?

In the past few days, I have also made some suggestions to the leaders on the development of small handicraft industry. So far, it seems that the acceptance is quite good.

Okay, sit down first..."

For Mr. Du, the leader's approval of his suggestions is a prelude to a big deal. The ideas proposed by his virtuous son-in-law not only hit the economic pain points, but also provided methods that are acceptable to all parties. of.

Acceptance by all parties is the key to making things happen now. Many methods are actually the same as Li Shengli's ideas. It is really unpleasant to say it clearly.

With the plan promising to succeed, Lao Du didn't mind giving his good son-in-law a reassurance first.

From the previous jokes, Father Du also heard Li Shengli's nervousness. This kind of behavior was appropriate, otherwise it would be unreasonable for a young man in his early twenties to be more sophisticated than him.

"Dad, Wang Qinjin's godmother's place..."

Many things nowadays have many more thresholds than usual. Wang Qianjin's godmother is undoubtedly such a threshold.

It's very good to cross it, but if you can't cross it, you will end up in a doomed situation. There is no way to save it.

"As you said, the leader will personally contact you.

Your suggestion is also very consistent with the leadership's situation.

All the heads are gone, leaving such a jumping up and down. If she doesn't give her something to do, everyone will be in trouble.

Do you know what the leader said after hearing my suggestion?

He has been too tired recently, this suggestion can give him a breather..."

Speaking of the things he didn't want to mention, Lao Du also felt depressed. Thinking about his leader's day and night, and the selfish plans he and his son-in-law had made, Lao Du's depression was also tinged with shame.

But the official career is like this, and one should do one's duty as one's master. In addition to his impure motives, Li Shengli's plan is of great benefit to the country. Lao Du thinks that he does not have the foresight of those who are smart, but he will use his strength to promote these things. Implementation of the plan.

"Dad, let Niu Bijian say hello to Jiaoyang and bring back the best American ginseng. I've seen the leader's complexion from a distance before. If I don't do supplements, I'm afraid something will go wrong.

Today's leader holds up an umbrella to protect too many people from wind and rain, and he is under too much pressure.

What we Chinese medicine practitioners are best at is not treating diseases, but recuperating and extending life. However, this type of medicine is of great value. You have to think about how to explain it to your leaders.

In terms of medical science, Mr. Pu has endorsed me, but in terms of drug prices, it is your responsibility..."

(End of this chapter)

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