The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 652: Taking root (Part )

Chapter 652: Taking root (Part )

With the report and plan in hand, Li Shengli still ran to Xiaowangzhuang the next evening.

Looking at the brochure of small handicraft products at hand, Mr. Du was also impressed by the liveliness of his virtuous son-in-law.

Straw sandals, straw mats, baskets, and baskets can be seen everywhere, and you can use them to exchange for foreign exchange. This makes the fine craftsmanship company feel a bit embarrassed.

The cost of dozens of dollars is exchanged for dozens of dollars, and the cost of a few dollars is exchanged for dozens of dollars. The difference is not only the multiple of benefits, but also the understanding of foreign living habits.

Father Du hadn't thought clearly about what he said last night, but the brochure of small handicraft products in front of him made him understand that his virtuous son-in-law knew the living habits of foreigners very well.

Not to mention anything else, let’s talk about how he used the Keswick family in Hong Kong City to sweep away the wealthy families in Europe and the United States.

Although this is not in line with the principles, the final result is something that many people in the country like to see, because many of the families that were exterminated had once lied on this land and eaten people and sucked blood.

Although Li Shengli's methods are not advisable, his desire to avenge himself is still remarkable. His methods are acceptable to Europe and the United States, but their root is the traditional blood feud. His virtuous son-in-law can be said to be the best in terms of mental skills. A true combination of Chinese and Western styles.

Many things seem to be familiar with foreign living habits, but many things inside also have inheritance origins. This is why Mr. Du does not doubt Li Shengli's identity.

What he does here involves too many of the gangster methods he used earlier. After Du Lao speculated about these methods, he naturally linked them to the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Although Mr. Du, who was born as a political worker, has never experienced Jianghu, he is still very familiar with Jianghu and some Jianghu methods. It is not a problem if he is not familiar with it. There is such a need at work.

"Shengli, isn't it a bit redundant to mix the promotion of small handicrafts in rural areas with barefoot doctors?

If both of them do their own thing, the risk is minimal. "

After briefly reading the report, Father Du also raised his own questions.

Barefoot doctors are very popular, but the small handicraft industry in rural areas is not so pure. According to some people, it is a small tail that needs to be cut off.

Before moving into Xiaowangzhuang, and after moving into Xiaowangzhuang, Dad Du's cognition also changed fundamentally.

Although he was born in the city, his foothold is in the countryside, but the current countryside is somewhat different from the previous ones.

Although Xiaowangzhuang is not a serious rural area, many of the farm's employees are former farmers.

In order to have more common language when communicating, Mr. Du was not idle during this period, and learned a lot about the situation in Xiaowangzhuang.

In the past, Father Du was also in charge of publicity. After seeing it on the spot, he realized that the current rural area was different from his previous impression, and the gap with the reports was even greater.

Many things are known at the slightest level. Dad Du had a brief chat with the employees of Xiaowangzhuang and heard the truth he needed.

If he had come down before, Father Du would not have been able to hear these truthful words. Now the employees at Xiaowangzhuang only think that Old Du has also fallen behind, so they just say the truth and complain casually.

If you want to understand the countryside, Lao Du's current identity is also the most suitable. The employees here in Xiaowangzhuang regard him as a middle-aged man who is a little older than him, and he is still the kind of person who falls behind. What can't he say?

Through the mouths of the farmers-turned-employees in Xiaowangzhuang, Mr. Du didn't have to go to the countryside to get a general idea of ​​the conditions in the countryside, and rural gossip could cover all aspects.

Feng Yu, who had not understood it before, compared it with these complaints, and Father Du got the result he deserved.

Although the storm affects a wide range of things, it is still necessary. The deterioration of many things starts from within, and the deterioration in complaints has almost spilled over to the surface.

Sheep are not allowed to be raised and pigs are raised as little as possible. This has been announced. Rural areas are short of fuel and cities are short of food. Raising these two kinds of livestock, one consumes fuel and the other consumes food, is not advisable.

However, poultry such as chickens, ducks, geese, and rabbits that do not eat much food must be raised in numbers, which is excessive.

Not to mention chickens, ducks and geese, some rabbit skins and fur are used for military purposes, so they are not allowed to be raised freely. They are purely used for farming and grain harvesting, which not only idles the rural labor force, but also limits the diversity of the countryside.

On the other hand, son-in-law Li Shengli did not start from breeding, but directly targeted small handicrafts in rural areas, and linked small handicraft products to foreign exchange. This move was considered to be the pinnacle of success by Father Du.

After this is done, someone is designated below to raise objections. Foreign exchange is just a stone that blocks your mouth. It doesn't matter if you open your mouth and complain a few words. If you really have a stubborn mouth, this stone can smash a mouth full of big teeth.

Although small handicraft products are linked to foreign exchange, there are still risks involved. Once there is a debate, this matter will not be clear, because there have been opinions on the small handicraft industry before.

Li Shengli linked this risk to barefoot doctors. Although it eliminated certain risks, there was also the risk of dragging barefoot doctors into the water.

“Dad, it’s hard for barefoot doctors to gain a foothold in the countryside just by relying on their medical skills, because their medical skills are really not good, and patients in rural areas are different from patients in cities.

Perseverance is reflected in all aspects. Rural people are also very tolerant of diseases. Barefoot doctors can only treat diseases, but they cannot make friends with everyone.

But if you can make people rich or fill their stomachs, you can make friends with most people.

In addition to the atlas of small handicraft products, I had printed some agricultural technology materials long ago and got them into the hands of barefoot doctors through correspondence.

My idea is that the barefoot doctors who go to the countryside should not only be able to treat diseases, but also be able to solve problems.

Not only can we solve problems for farmers, but we can also unite young people who go to the countryside to solve problems in the countryside and play the role they should play when they go to the countryside. "

In Mr. Du's opinion, Li Shengli's words were of a very high theoretical level, and just like some of the reports he published before going abroad, they were very relevant to the current situation.

Regardless of his purpose, such a barefoot doctor is what is needed below. In addition to blooming everywhere, his son-in-law is still planning to take root.

If it really promotes the small handicraft industry, as Li Shengli said, the barefoot doctor below can make friends with most people.

"Victory, we have just evacuated now, even if there is talk of preparing for war and preparing for famine.

But if the special train leaves the city in the first place and we focus on economic projects in the rear, will it undermine the overall situation?

The leadership office is already having a difficult time, and if we provoke people who come back to fight against each other, the leadership's idea of ​​resuming production will be in vain. "

A high theoretical level does not mean that the method is easy to use. Looking at the overall situation, whether it is a strategic fight or not, tactical defenses are still necessary.

Even though there is talk of preparing for war and famine, there is still a fundamental difference between investing in foreign exchange and reserving supplies. The development of small handicrafts is inherently inappropriate. Father Du is not only worried, but also worried.

"Dad, you are wrong.

What if we add production promotion after war preparation and famine preparation?

The large-scale production in Nanniwan back then may not be impossible now.

Exchanging small handicraft products for foreign exchange and foreign exchange for grain is also a preparation for famine.

Today's main premise is to prepare for war. As the old saying goes, go ahead with food and fodder before troops and horses are used to promote production. I think it can still be written before preparing for famine.

Adding the three words "promote production", preparation for war and famine means walking on two legs.

Only by walking on two legs can we go further in preparing for war and disaster.

In today's wartime situation, although the strength of the vast majority of people can be gathered together, once the war cannot be fought. The materials consumed to gather strength now are an overdraft of future production capacity.

Our economic structure is already weak, and once the consequences of overdraft occur, what happened in five or eight years may happen again.

I am afraid that the old man and the leaders are worried about this.

Dad, at this time, you mentioned the three words "promoting production", and the meaning is also transcendent.

Furthermore, when the veteran generals go down, they also follow the railway line. With these veteran generals watching over them and promoting production, it will be vigorous.

However, you can't bear this credit alone. You have to let the leader share part of it, and Wang Qianjin's godmother should share at least half.

Without such harmony, this road would not be easy..."

The first half of what Li Shengli said, or most of what he said, made Old Du very happy. But when he mentioned Wang Qianjin's godmother's day, Old Du's face darkened.

"Sheng Li, it's not easy to do things like this. If you do it, the principle will no longer exist."

Although Wang Qianjin's godmother secretly helped Prince Du Ding and thanked the four families, when they really came into contact with her, Du Lao's attitude was to avoid her.

"Dad, you don't need to do this.

You still have to let the leader speak, and you can only be a support at best.

It would be best if Wang Qianjin's godmother also sends the telegram to the old man. "

In Li Shengli's view, Du Lao wanted to get involved with Wang Qianjin's godmother, but he was not qualified now.

Only with the joint efforts of the leaders and Wang Qianjin's godmother can the small handicraft work be done with great success.

"Shengli, is there anything else involved in this matter?"

At this point, Father Du's harvest is already full. However, small handicraft products are not only related to domestic products. Next, what Father Du looks at is the pattern of a virtuous son-in-law.

"Dad, although we have cooperated with HSBC before, this is only a part of the profits from small handmade products, no more than 40% at most.

The remaining 60% is in the overseas sales link. In addition to terminal profits, another 10% or 20% is taken away, and the remaining 30% to 40% is in the wholesale link.

If Jiaoyang's investment abroad goes well, she may not be able to take half of the remaining 60% profit.

After eating half of it, Jiaoyang will give back half to buy suitable machinery and transport it back to the country.

Promoting production is also a cycle that is neither big nor small. In this cycle, there will be primary cooperatives in rural brigades and enterprises owned by village collectives.

If the demand for a single product is large, village collective enterprises and cooperatives can be integrated and further combined into township enterprises.

If the demand for products is still large, then it will be a county economy..."

From cooperatives to township enterprises to county economies, this is the blind spot in Du Lao's thinking. These are distinctive economies that cannot be summarized by future generations. Now they are called innovations.

"Good idea!

Can you tell me more in depth..."

Lao Du himself also had an impression of the previous promotion of production. Although he could not see the result of overdrafting the economic potential, he could still develop the small handicraft industry in rural areas if he was asked to plan it.

But like Li Shengli, who almost theorized the development of small handicraft industry, Du Lao thought that he could not do it.

“When it comes to the county economy, it will be linked to the light industry part you separated.

Demands vary from large to small. For large orders, light industry enterprises have their scale advantages, which can reduce costs and increase efficiency.

But if there are big orders, there will also be small orders. If a large enterprise makes small orders, it will not only increase the management costs, but also the actual production costs.

Large orders should be made by large enterprises, while small orders should be pushed from top to bottom. Small ships can easily turn around. While we require precision work, we must also increase the production efficiency below.

These cooperatives, township enterprises, and county economies can produce according to the size of the order.

Throughout the entire line, large enterprises are responsible for the design and development of technology and equipment; medium-sized enterprises are responsible for the promotion of technical equipment; small and micro enterprises are responsible for practical testing; as for cooperatives, they can make up for the shortcomings of the large scale of the upstream market.

With this entire line, we can eat the entire foreign trade line.

In general, everyone should bear their own responsibilities and perform their duties, and develop in a healthy, stable and orderly manner, and not create a market with vicious competition and let outsiders take advantage. "

After listening to the wise son-in-law Li Shengli's speech, Father Du admired his master, and even more admired his vision when choosing his son-in-law.

Now Mr. Du wishes that Du Peng was also a girl. The eldest girl is working hard outside, and the second girl is responsible for retaining such a good son-in-law.

From Du's point of view, what Li Shengli said that day to help him get the deputy position in the leadership office was really not empty talk. What he just said will be enough when it actually forms an industry.

In addition to the small handicraft industry, there is also a separate part of the light industry. When it comes to the development of technology and equipment, it also involves the industrial line.

Li Huaide and Du Peng are also involved in the automobile industry. This large industry, Du Lao now feels that he can't afford it by himself.

“Victory, wealth, and well-being are still young, but the years of peace and joy are not young.

We, the old couple, are now barely settled. Can we let Sister Fu bring us peace and joy? "

Although Du Peng was not a girl and Old Du did not have a second daughter, he still had five eldest nephews. The one Du Jiaoyang was carrying was also a boy, nicknamed Nianjia.

Nowadays, there is great peace and joy, and it is the age to please others. It is the same with the virtuous son-in-law in front of you, and it is the same with children.

"Dad, the boss is safe. He has asked me to be adopted by the Liu family."

There were some things that couldn't be covered up. Seeing that Father Du was in a good mood, Li Shengli simply told his eldest son Ping An's future whereabouts.

Lao Du's face doesn't seem to be a big deal here, but the face of his mother-in-law, Sister Fu, is as gloomy as water...

(End of this chapter)

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